Hanging Around

Do you remember Chad?  Unknown prior, he hung around in the year 2000 from Election Day till December 13th.

Democratic nominee Al Gore, who had already invented the internet, insisted that he remain on the final stage until then as the presidential election results were in deep dispute deep in the state of Florida.

It was his right.  And, for a while, it was the right thing to do.  It’s better to wait and get it right than to rush and get it wrong.

George Bush waited in the wings.

Twenty years later President Trump has the very same rights.  Some recounts are available to him due to the close results in that particular state.  Some he’ll need to prove the need by providing lower, then higher, courts of law substantive evidence that Biden’s folks have been hiding ballots of his or stuffing ballots of their like.

Joe Biden is waiting in the wings.

It’s highly likely that at some time in the future the fighter that never quits will hear the final bell ring and realize that the gloves need to be cut off of his bruised hands.

When exactly will the right thing to do outweigh his right to dispute the results?  Time will tell.   It always does.  You see Time’s father, named Father Time is undefeated.

Donald J Trump was elected to be the anti-Washington DC President.   He filled that part of his role admirably.  And, Lord knows he did it his way.

He burned bridges on the way in, and he’s going to burn them on the way out.  We loved him lighting the fire on the way in.  We may or may not like it as much on the way out.

Hell hath no fury like an orange-faced President scorned.

Trump never loses.  Ask him.  We’re going to win, win, win he said over, and over, and over again.  He tweeted out Saturday that he got more popular votes (71 million and still counting) in 2020 than any other standing President.  He even wins in his mind when he loses.  It’s a character trait that is admirable until it isn’t.

Chad had no dog in the fight.  Chad was the dog in the fight.  He hung around for a while by a paper-thin thread until he didn’t.

Trump, too, is the dog in the fight.  And, there is a lot of fight left in the dog.

You hired him because of that.  And, he’s still doing his job he thinks.

Meanwhile, China is laughing all the way to the bank.

Till then.

Abby Takes Down Vegas, Year 3, Week 7

The SEC, ACC, and BIG 12 football schedules are half done, the BIG 10 is in week two, while the PAC-12 is just getting started.  This reminds us of the state by state vote count, but we digress.

Abby, however, remains very focused.  Week six was another winner for her.  That brings the season-long total to 17 wins, 13 losses, and one tie.   She’s brought home a sterling 29 bones while leaving 18 behind.  Her hunch bet tried to shoot the moon that she normally howls at with a three-team parlay that came up one team short.  Her hunch remains out to lunch at 1-4.

  1.  Miami Fla at North Carolina St +10 1/2–  They’re still counting in NC. When it’s all done Miami wins, NC St covers, and Trump sues.  Two bones.
  2.  Pitt at Florida St -2 – They’re still counting in Pittsburgh, PA.  They’re done in Florida.  Florida St is done as a football team too, but rises from the ashes this weekend.  Is the wrong team favored here?  Abby likes to zig when others zag.  One bone.
  3. Washington St at Oregon St. -2 –  It’ll take sixty minutes to declare Oregon St. a winner in this game.  In politics, it took sixty seconds after the polls closed for Washington and Oregon to go into the Biden win column.  Is the wrong team favored here as well?  One bone.
  4. Michigan St at Iowa -6 – They got tired in Michigan and quit at 10:30 pm counting ballots on Tuesday night.  Iowa will make Mich St. quit in the fourth quarter of this one.  Two bones.
  5.  Texas A&M at South Carolina + 10 1/2 and Tennessee -2 at Arkansas –  The Donald carried all of the SEC states except Georgia which is pending.  This is our SEC two-team parlay special.  If Abby loses this one (or two) she’ll demand a recount.  One bone to win three bones.
  6.  Florida v Georgia under 53 and 1/2 –  There is nothing pending about Georgia’s D.  It’s good.  It’ll slow down Florida’s O a bit.  There’s nothing pending about Georgia’s O.  It’s average at best.  Florida’s D is as well, but it will be good enough to get a stop or two.  Two bones.

Abby’s hunch bet nearly got put in the dog house again this week.  She likes UGA the dog so much (as a friend of course), but she likes the Florida Gators + 3 1/2 as a live dog this weekend.


Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, and Friday

A funny thing happened on Election Day.  No one got elected.

And a presidential race precedent or two was set.  We take a stab at those and give other random observations below in our Lucky 13..

  1. Has there ever been a contest so hotly contested that five or six states are too close to call getting on to 12 hours after the polls have closed?
  2. Has there ever been more lax voting procedures and subsequent vote-counting in our country’s history?
  3. Allowing ballots to be postmarked by midnight of the election night and counted in the several days and even into the next week is a dumb idea.  We repeat it’s a dumb idea.  It’s the further softening of America unfortunately.  Take your time, we’ll wait.  Deadlines are so yesterday.
  4. A few states haven’t fully counted early balloting yet, hence the hesitancy of the networks to call the state for one or the other candidates.  Does it make sense to count early balloting earlier than late balloting?  Asking for a friend.
  5. One state (we cannot remember which as this writer fell asleep on the job) stopped counting at 10:30 last evening.  They’ll be back at it this morning.  Hopefully they took their union-mandated coffee breaks along the way yesterday.  Um, come to think of it, why drink coffee if you don’t want to work late?  Pennsylvannia said they’ll pick it back up on Friday.  Friday!  Punxsatawney Pete must have seen its shadow again.
  6. What happened in Arizona?  Long a red state bastion, it skipped over purple and used a dark blue crayon at the ballot box.  The Senate seat flipped too.  Cindy McCain didn’t help the Republicans cause dragging Trump through the desert.  Trump didn’t help himself dragging John McCain’s legacy down either.  Trivia question- How many Californian transplants can move one state due east in four years?  Plenty.
  7. It took almost thirty seconds after the polls closed in the Pacific Time Zone for every cable outlet to project California, Oregon, and Washington for Joe Biden.  What took them so long?  At least there’s no mystery of early votes, lost votes, or absentee votes on the left voting left coast.
  8.  The countrywide popular vote counted thus far is 6 million more than the final tally in 2016 and we’re still counting, and counting.  It looks like both parties got their vote out.
  9. It looks like the House of Representatives will see a few (maybe six) more Republicans but not near enough to take the majority.  Madame Speaker Pelosi can continue her magical broom ride.
  10. The Senate seems safe for the Republicans.  A few races are yet to be determined, but the Elephants lead in enough of them.  The seats were 53-47 going in and might be 52-48 coming out.
  11. Why did Wall St rally yesterday and why are the futures up today?  Did they smell a split government- Biden wins and the Senate stays red? Maybe.  Why did the social media, internet heavy NASDAQ futures head up last evening?  Does the smart money think that Biden and the Democrats give them cover to continue their unabated monopolistic and censorship ways?  Is a repeal of the China tariffs in the offing for the country that gave us the China virus?  Will you miss Trump saying “Chii nah” if the outcome boots him from the White House?
  12. As we go to Al Gore’s virtual digital press, Biden leads by the slightest of margins in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Nevada. Let’s assume Trump wins Georgia, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania as he leads each by a bit.   It’s a fluid situation to say the least, but if that holds up Joe Biden is President of the United States.  Someone once told us to “expect the unexpected.”
  13. Will Donald J. Trump take his fight all the way to the Supreme Court citing voter fraud, irregularities, and the like if he is deemed the loser?  Yes, he will.  It’s his right.  Would we expect anything less in this unprecedented, new normal, Covid pandemic, year of the never-ending Zoom meeting?

Can anyone find a tent big enough to cover this circus?



Today either marks the end of the wildest and whackiest four years in Washington D.C. or it begins the second and final four years of likely the same.  We have a few observations and a few points to ponder.

  1.  No one outworks The Donald.  His campaign stops (rallies) in the last 10 days have been far, wide, and far too numerous to count.  At the age of 73, he ended his last one last evening in Grand Rapids, MI at about 11:45 pm.  After an Air Force One ride back to D.C. he tucked himself into bed at 4:00 AM.  He’s already yapping this AM on Fox and Friends.
  2. The Biden campaign, or more accurately the strategy to minimize it, is the oddest in this writer’s 60-year memory.  And, second place isn’t close.  Trump in 2016 was unconventional.  Biden in 2020 was unseen.  Having a few cars show up while you pontificate into a microphone on a stage is, well, weird.  When he asks them to blow their horns if they agree is, well, very weird.  Could the contrast between the Trump rallies and the Biden hornblowers be more overt?
  3. Crystal clearly the DNC’s strategy has been to minimize Biden’s gaffes/weaknesses all the while consistently pounding on Trump.  It was the plan since the day he took office.  It will be written about for years to come.  And, it may very well succeed.  Trump’s words, more than his actions, around the COVID pandemic played right into the DNC playbook.
  4. Do people really understand that if Biden is elected, Harris could be President in the very near future?  All jokes Biden jokes aside, it’s a very real possibility, isn’t it?  Maybe that’s ok with the “get Trump out at all costs,” or “anyone is better than what we have” crowd.
  5. Polls can tell you almost any story you want to hear if you dig deep enough into the numbers behind the numbers.  No matter the side you favor, the results will be fascinating.  How many of the “silent majority” chose only to be heard today?  How many first time voters were there?
  6. It would be a major surprise if Trump won the popular vote.  He lost it by 3 million four years ago.  But, elections are determined by electoral college votes.  And that sets up major announcements tonight as state by state results roll in.
  7. It seems that Pennsylvania is the lynchpin.  Both camps have spent a lot of time there recently.  The path or paths to victory are for either side tighten dramatically with a loss there.  It’s not for his health that Biden is stopping in Scranton and Philly today on Election Day.
  8. Put California, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Oregon, and Washington in the Biden win column.  They are done deals and won’t be close.  That means Trump needs the obvious three of Texas, Florida, and Ohio.  If any of those three go blue Trump goes home to Mar-a-Lago, not Pennsylvania Ave.
  9.  Trump could win without Penn, but it’s very uphill.  He’d need the entire rust belt to fall his way.  And, Arizona, Nevada, and North Carolina are toss ups to boot.
  10.  Businesses in many major cities are boarding up then closing up early today for fear of civil unrest (read that as peaceful protests) in the streets this evening.  The White House is getting a scale proof fence surrounding it finished up early this AM.  Is anyone concerned what the populous might do if Biden wins?  Of course not.  It’s all about the hate for Donald J. Trump.  It has been since day one.

Get your popcorn ready.

And, buckle up.  It’s going to be a wild ride.


Lefty and Shorty Tackle the World’s Issues

If Lefty and Shorty were still with us last evening might have unfolded like this.

Lefty and Shorty sat quietly in the cool but nice fall air.  It was 10:30 PM, and cars were nowhere to be found.  Lefty- Why do we even stay open this late?  Shorty- I guess so that we can discuss this crazy world that we live in today.

Lefty sat to the left of Shorty.  Imagine that.  Shorty sat on the shorter of the two “halves” of the 55-gallon drum. Imagine that.  Each was cut down to size and retrofitted with a soft cushion top.

Lefty- What about Iran?  Shorty- How far?  Lefty- Iran, the country.  Shorty- I knew you were quite the runner in high school, but cross country at your age?  Lefty- Stay with me.  Iran, the country, was identified by the FBI as interfering in our election.  They sent threatening emails to Democratic-leaning voters saying they would be harmed if they didn’t vote for Trump.  Shorty-  Good idea, wrong candidate if you ask me.  Iran must lean to the left, Lefty.  Lefty- Russia is at it again, too, they said.  Shorty- Seems like they get blamed for everything.

Lefty decided a long pause might reset the dialogue.

Lefty- At least China isn’t accused.  Shorty- They already did more than Iran and Russia combined.  Lefty- How so?  Shorty-  They gave us the China virus.  That’s the most divisive topic across our country today. Lefty- The China virus?  Shorty- That’s what Trump calls it.

Lefty- Let’s change gears shall we?  Shorty-  It’s too late.  That car can wait till the morning.  Lefty-Ummmm.  I meant let’s talk about something else.  Shorty- Ok.

Lefty- What do you think about Hunter?  Shorty- As long as people eat what they kill I think it’s fine.  Lefty- Don’t put ideas in my head.  Shorty- Huh?  Lefty-  I’M TALKING ABOUT HUNTER BIDEN.  Shorty-  Ah, I guess China gave us the virus and gave Hunter 10 million or so.   Bad for our country, but good for him.   Lefty- Where’s the proof of that?  Shorty- In a big safe in daddy Joe Biden’s basement I’d guess.  Why else would he spend so much time down there?

Lefty- Amy Coney Barrett is going to get voted through to the full Senate today.  Shorty- To replace Ruth Bader Ginsberg.  Lefty- Yes.  Shorty- Why do all Supreme Court justices always get referred to by their full names?

Lefty took the deepest of deep breaths.

Lefty- Are you going to watch the debate tomorrow night?  Shorty- No, I won’t.

Lefty- I’m going to refill the soft drink machine.  Shorty- I’ll help.  Lefty- No, you won’t.



Mormon? Moron? Senator? President? Where? Who?

Were you already working yesterday at 9 AM EST and missed the Amy Coney Barrett(ACB) Supreme Court Justice initial nomination proceedings?  Understandable.

That’s why BBR is here for you.  We watched and are pleased to bring to you a quick recap below summarizing what took place.

Nothing.  That right, absolutely nothing.

ACB (no relation whatsoever to AOC) sat prim and proper, mask perfectly in place, and listened to Senate committee members bloviate for five minutes at a time.

Each Republican extolled her credentials, and that list is long and unopposed on the merits.

Each Democrat talked about how the world is ending due to Trump, COVID-19, his poor response to COVID-19, how great the Affordable Care Act(ACA) is/was, and how “Trump the Terrible” was going to take it away along with your chance at surviving this pandemic much less even a common cold.

We give the Democrats credit again.  Even when they have an empty hand they press on as if they have pocket aces.

They know at least four things.  One, ACB is a shoo-in.  Her credentials are impeccable.  Two, the Republicans have the votes to confirm her no matter what they say or do.  Three, therefore, when you have “free” air time use it to you and your party’s advantage.  And four, the road to the White House is paved by running over Trump and then backing up over him again and again.

They’ve been driving that bus since the days before he took office in 2016.  It’s accelerated when they realized Joe Biden is nothing more than a 77-year-old who wears Aviator sunglasses and stumbles through one teleprompter aided speech after the other in his quest to become Senator.

Senator?  Well, that’s what he said yesterday.  He also called Mitt Romney  “that Senator who is a Mormon.”  Well, that beats getting called “that Senator who is a moron,” which, while appropriate, might be insensitive in today’s word, but we digress.  He also tweeted out that he was campaigning in Pennsylvania while he was in Ohio.  And, finally, he directed folks at a “rally”(all 15 of them in person) to a website that doesn’t exist.

It’s all in a day’s work for the assumed frontrunner for President (not Senate) of the United States.

It’s no wonder that the Democrats are putting in extra work to tear Trump down while ACB gets appointed to the highest court in the land.

That former Senator from New Hampshire, um, Delaware, um somewhere, Joe Biden might win election to the highest office in the land.  He’s just not sure where that is, nor what it is.



Debating the Winners and Losers

So, who won the debate last night you ask?  We’d like to ask the question differently.  Who lost?  America.

So, you persist.  Who won the debate, you ask again.  We are at least willing to narrow it down to two people.  We have some obvious clues.

We think the winner was an old white angry male who hurled insults, lies, and zingers before, during, and after his allotted time.  The question is, was it the some of the time “interrupter” or the all of the time “interrupter?”

Spanish speaking broadcaster Telemundo asked it’s viewers an hour after the debate.  Those that hadn’t turned off the TV midway through the donnybrook, nor after it mercifully ended, nor took Pepto Bismal actually selected Trump by a wide 66-34% margin.

The score has little practical meaning, partly because Telemundo’s respondents were not a scientific sample and may have been organized themselves to skew the results.

In 2016, for example, “Hillary Clinton was deemed the winner of Monday night’s debate by 62% of voters who tuned in to watch, while just 27% said they thought Donald Trump had the better night,” according to a CNN poll of voters who watched the debate.  All that proved was who watches CNN.

In 2020, that same instant poll last evening has Joe Biden the winner by a 60-28% margin.  All that proved was who still watches CNN.

Moderator Chris Wallace had to feel like he was herding cats.  But, that stopped neither side’s supporters from criticizing him.

At one point the sometimes interrupter Biden exclaimed, “What was the question? I can’t remember because of all his rambling.”   Wallace retorted, “I’m having some trouble myself.”  And the left screamed that Wallace needed to regain control.

A bit earlier the incessant interrupter Trump spared with Wallace when questioned over the lack of a health care plan.   “First of all, I guess I’m debating you, not him, but that’s okay, I’m not surprised.”  And the right tweeted all night that Wallace was very left minded in his 90-minute task.

That task must have felt like trying to put the toothpaste back in the tube.

So how is a debate winner actually determined?  Ultimately, it’s by how many undecided voters or opponents voters they swayed with their performance.

What was said took a back seat to how it was said for the most part.  Policy, principle, and vision took a back seat to uppercuts, sucker punches, and low blows.

Because of that, we strongly doubt that any MAGA’s or never Trumpers were so moved.

How about the undecided?  Who, in this unraveled, strongly divided country, is undecided?

Our call?  Wallace lost. He had no chance.  Trump didn’t convert anyone.  He missed a chance.  Biden held serve.  He needs to stay upright twice more.

And, America took it on the chin yet again in 2020.


The Gamble

It was way back in 1978 when Kenny Rogers was singing and Democrat Jimmy Carter was President.

Rogers song, The Gambler, advised us to know when to hold ’em, and know when to fold ’em.   Carter advised us to raise our thermostats to 78 degrees to help overcome the global oil supply shortage caused for the most part by the Iranian Revolution.

Carter misread his hand and the American people as well.  America wanted a solution to the problem, not a bandaid.  Ronald Reagan steamrolled Carter in the 1980 election.

And now we wonder if the Democrats are overplaying their hand in their effort to remind us of all that is wrong with America today, and blame it all on wretched Donald Trump.

If you believe the polls, it’s working.  Biden is leading Trump in the overall likely popular vote and in several key electoral college swing states.  If you believed the polls in 2016 Hillary Rodham Clinton was doing the same.

But if you believe the recent polling data on a few key issues, you might wonder if they are doubling down on the wrong hands.

The first was the “defund the police” cries from the citizens and woke mayors going along with city budgets aimed at doing the same.  Polls told the Dems that this was a no-no and even Joe Biden realized that he needed to get out of the basement to speak against it.  But, some damage surely was done.  Police unions nationwide agree.

The more recent was Jerry Nadler speaking out loud about what the Dems should do if the Senate Republicans approve Amy Coney Barrett and then the Dems reclaimed the Senate in November.  Nadler’s handlers tweeted under his name, “Filling the SCOTUS vacancy during a lame-duck session is undemocratic and a clear violation of the public trust in elected officials. Congress would have to act and expanding the court would be the right place to start.”  If you don’t like the game, then change the rules.

Pack the court he screams.  But a proposed “Keep Nine” amendment popped up last week.  It’s objective is in its name.   A survey, conducted by McLaughlin and Associates from Sept 23 – 27 among 1,000 registered, likely voters, found that 62 percent favor the amendment, as opposed to the 18 percent who do not.  Oops!

And, lastly, a mom of seven with a sterling bench record, a strong constitutionalist view, and an even stronger belief in her Catholic faith is about to get grilled by Senate Dems over those very beliefs.  But a Scott Rasmussen poll might give them pause.  The poll found that 37 percent of voters favor Barrett’s confirmation by the United States Senate, while 30 percent oppose her confirmation, for a net approval of plus seven for confirmation. Thirty-three percent were undecided.

It should give them pause, but it won’t.  The grilling will be bigger than a Nadler barbeque.

Polls, polls, polls.

The only one that ultimately matters is the November 3rd election day polling booth.  Well, actually you can mail it in before, during, and after as well, but we digress.

Are the Dems reading the cards right?  How loud will the so-called “silent majority” sing?

“You gotta know when to walk away, and know when to run.”


Ten Piece Nuggets-Life

We debated.

Usually, Mondays in the fall are dedicated to a rundown of the top 25 in NCAA football.  But, only half of the country is playing football right now.

And during our debate, we wondered how we could ignore the fact that the most anticipated debate, you know the one, is but 36 hours away.  So, the crossover between sports and politics these days has us doing the same.   While unfortunate, it’s reality.   Therefore, we chose to bring you a serving of Ten Piece Nuggets randomly chosen from all that is fit to virtually print.

  1.  One of the two BCS Playoff semifinal games in 2019 pitted LSU v. Oklahoma.  Before we hit October both teams are all but eliminated from the 2020 playoff conversation.  LSU debuted a new QB, Myles Brennan.  It mostly looked like his first game.  But he did manage to throw for 345 yards.  DC Bo Pelini’s new, more aggressive defense debuted as well.  It has miles to go.  Miss St. shredded the overmatched secondary for an SEC record 623 passing yards.
  2. Oklahoma managed to lose from ahead.  Leading 17-7 after one quarter, they trailed 24-23 by halftime.  Then their defense, which has always had miles to go, slept through quarter no. 3 and for a minute in the fourth as well.  Unranked Kansas St roared to a 48-23 insurmountable advantage and held on at the end for a 48-41 victory in Norman, OK.  Everything on defense is not OK in OK nor BR.
  3. What’s the main reason that we opted out (that’s a popular phrase these days) of a top 25 rundown? The Big 10 and PAC 12 will not kick off until late October at the earliest, but the AP decided all FBS teams planning to play in the fall would be eligible for inclusion (that’s a popular word these days) in the Top 25.  Most voters put the most highly regarded teams from those late-arriving conferences back into their rankings, but not all did.   That’s so 2020.
  4. Is there any truth to the rumor that if you Google search “PAC 12 football” the word “follower” pops up?
  5. On the football COVID front,  Georgia State didn’t need to postpone its game on Saturday at Charlotte after all.  On Sunday, the school announced that the postponement was the result of COVID-19 tests that were read incorrectly.  The incorrect results showed four positive individuals and contact tracing identified 17 others, including one coach, who would require quarantining.  According to Georgia State AD Charlie Cobb, those in question were retested on Friday, and that night all their results came back negative. Thursday’s swabs were retested and came back negative as well.
  6. We ask out of ignorance, “how do you get four tests of four different individuals all wrong all at the same time all independent of one another?  We ask out of further ignorance, “how do you retest the same four and get four negatives the next day?  People stand in line to get a Q Tip roto rootered three-quarters of the way to their cranium for this?
  7. Illinois State offensive coordinator Kurt Beathard quit his job Wednesday, over his apparent dislike for the Black Lives Matter movement’s intrusion into the locker room.  On his way out, Beathard admittedly left a note on his office door reading “All Lives Matter to Our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ.”  From his comments, it seems that Beathard, the son of four-time Super Bowl Champion Bobby Beathard, may have become a suspect for tearing down a BLM sign in the locker room.  “That locker room crap is wrong. I took the sign down somebody put on my door,” Beathard told the paper. “I didn’t take anything off that wasn’t put on my door.”  Cancel culture works in mysterious ways.  He walked before it worked on him, we speculate.

  8. The New York Times published details Sunday of what it claimed were President Donald Trump’s tax returns to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), going back more than two decades, showing “chronic losses and years of tax avoidance,” it said.  And?  We ask a simple question.  Did he and his cadre of CPA’s do anything illegal?  And, the paper added that no evidence of any Russian collusion was uncovered.  Shocker.
  9. “Donald J. Trump paid $750 in federal income taxes the year he won the presidency. In his first year in the White House, he paid another $750,” the story continues.  And, Hollywood roared at the reveal.  Bette Midler was succinct, “that son of a bitch!”   Jane Lynch, whoever she is tweeted, “a clown living on credit.”  And Rob Reiner had the hottest take, “President Donald Capone.”  We ask again. Did he or his cadre of CPA’s do anything illegal?  Does anyone in Hollywood purposely pay more in taxes than they owe?

  10.  Mybookie.ag has the very latest presidential odds.  Joe Biden is favored.  He’s a $13 to win $10 bet.  President Trump is even money.  You bet $10 to win $10.  Want a long shot?  Kamala (remember pronounced “comma la”)  Harris returns $500 on a $10 plunk down.  Has anyone seen her since she was nominated for VP?  She’s been a scarce as Joe.  Does it matter?

That’s all folks!

Peek a Boo

Driving over 3000 miles in four days gave us plenty of windshield time to see it more clearly.  But, to see it more clearly you need to close your eyes.  No peaking.  Ready?

Pretend that you had absolutely no idea who Joe Biden was running against for the highest office in the land, and therefore, in the world.  Would you vote for him?  Eliminate your emotions of the moment.  You’ve had it with COVID-19.  You’ve had it with Trump you say?  You just cheated.  Remember, you have to play along and pretend that you have no idea who the current President is.

Try once more.  And, when you do honestly ask yourself if you can mail in, write in, pull the lever for a man that his own party is hiding.  Can you vote for a man who actually cannot even read from a teleprompter without messing it up and then telling you he is reading his lines?

Further, he’s a career-long politician telling you what’s wrong with government and that he’ll fix it.  He’s been at it for almost a half a century.  How long does it take? America cast aside Bush, Rubio, Graham, Romney, and Sanders before it pushed Hillary out of the door four years ago.  Do you want to go back to the future?

What is Biden running on?  Besides fumes, it’s “here’s what’s wrong with Trump.”  It’s not what’s right with him.  He’s flip-flopped more times in his political career that Jimmy Buffet has worn a pair.

If you still say yes we think you cheated again in our pretend test.

It must be because you hate Trump.  It has to be.  Don’t feel bad, he gives you plenty of reasons to hate him.  His demeanor and loose tongue are but two.  And, he was/is lost at times trying to guide the country through the ongoing pandemic.  Although given the medical community’s ever-changing advice, maybe we all were/are lost.

But what if?  What if you judged him on his accomplishments?  Do actions speak louder than words?

If they do, he’s done a bunch of good all the while having the other side of the aisle impede his every step, or impeach him altogether.  Pre COVID-19 was the economy great?  Was the lowest unemployment regardless of your gender or race since post-WW II good?  How many manufacturing jobs did we add?  Were his new trade agreements good for America?

Is his continual push to get China straight the right thing?  When he signed the “Three Strikes” program out of law was it a good step?  How quiet is Kim Jong Un?  He’s withdrawn tens of thousands of American troops from foreign soil.  ISIS, who?  And, now with his son in law running point, he’s forged agreements in the middle east the likes of which are previously unheard of.

Did you think he spent too much before the China virus sprung loose?  We did too.  Bush I, Bush 2, and Obama did too.  But, now is not the time to tighten.

Next Tuesday is the debate that will be heard (and watched) around the world.  Trump can’t wait to get into the ring.  The Democrats hope Biden can walk and not be carried out after 90 minutes.  That unto itself is telling.

It’s hard to hate Biden. You almost feel sorry for him.  It’s hard to like Trump.  He’s an acquired taste at best.

We asked above for you to pretend for a minute.  Is Biden capable of leading the U.S now, much less for the next four years?  What is the logical answer to the previous question?  It’s beyond obvious.

You can stop now.  Open your eyes.  Please.