Don’t Worry, Be Happy

Have you noticed a change in the demeanor of President Trump in the last week?  We have, and it’s been remarkable.

Put simply, he seems happier.  He seems more upbeat.  He seems to have more bounce in his step.

If our perception is correct, the obvious question is “why the change?”  We speculate on the answer, or really the answers below.  Maybe it has to do with a doctor, or really a bevy of doctors.

The first doctor that might have stepped forward to help was the RNC spin doctor.  The diagnosis of Trump had to be bleak.  Even the best spin doctor could not have delivered a positive test result on his first debate performance against Joe Biden.

Trump’s egotistical.  He’s narcissistic.  He’s hard-headed.  But did someone in his camp finally breakthrough, at least in the short run, and tell him that the nastiness and combativeness weren’t playing well through the TV back in Peoria?

The second doctor told him that he had bad news and good news.  The bad news was that he was COVID-19 positive.  The good news was that if he took all of the cocktail mix of drugs available to him that he would make a quick recovery.  He did and he did.  Was Trump reflective at 73 about his health and had a moment that said, life is good in spite of all of the jackasses in the party that uses a jackass for its logo constantly getting in his way?

Did the third doctor, maybe an accomplished doctor in one of the business disciplines, tell him to not worry about the polls showing Biden with a double-digit lead?  Maybe the polls are doctored the way they were four years ago almost to the day?

Did the fourth doctor (she’s not a doctor, but is so smart that she could be a great one) provide in front of an amazed America and a befuddled Senate committee the exact elixir to run, not walk, onto the Supreme Court?  Amy Coney Barrett has far exceeded Trump’s high hopes for a smooth sail onto the highest court in the land.

Was the tie in with Hunter, China, Burisma, and Slow Joe by the suddenly uncovered emails (how long do you think Rudy Guliani has been sitting on them?) linking the “pay to play” just what the doctor ordered?

Maybe, just maybe, it was a combo of all five of the above.

Two nights ago, at a campaign stop in Florida, he danced a step or four to the closing YMCA song.  Last night he unknotted one of his signature red satin silk ties and tossed it into the crowd.  Are happy days here again?

Did he and his troupe decide that the campaign was too focused on all that is wrong with America?  Did he fall too far down the rabbit hole that the Dems have drug him down time and again with their unrelenting and effective attacks?

And, now, with time running out in the fourth quarter does he want to remind you that America is brave, strong, free, and will survive then thrive again?

Is the stark contrast of an old, ashen colored, masked Biden holding a rally with no one there versus Trump energetically bogeying to the Village People going to help the undecided decide in favor of the flawed incumbent?

Or, does he know something that we don’t?

Don’t worry, be happy.



Peek a Boo

Driving over 3000 miles in four days gave us plenty of windshield time to see it more clearly.  But, to see it more clearly you need to close your eyes.  No peaking.  Ready?

Pretend that you had absolutely no idea who Joe Biden was running against for the highest office in the land, and therefore, in the world.  Would you vote for him?  Eliminate your emotions of the moment.  You’ve had it with COVID-19.  You’ve had it with Trump you say?  You just cheated.  Remember, you have to play along and pretend that you have no idea who the current President is.

Try once more.  And, when you do honestly ask yourself if you can mail in, write in, pull the lever for a man that his own party is hiding.  Can you vote for a man who actually cannot even read from a teleprompter without messing it up and then telling you he is reading his lines?

Further, he’s a career-long politician telling you what’s wrong with government and that he’ll fix it.  He’s been at it for almost a half a century.  How long does it take? America cast aside Bush, Rubio, Graham, Romney, and Sanders before it pushed Hillary out of the door four years ago.  Do you want to go back to the future?

What is Biden running on?  Besides fumes, it’s “here’s what’s wrong with Trump.”  It’s not what’s right with him.  He’s flip-flopped more times in his political career that Jimmy Buffet has worn a pair.

If you still say yes we think you cheated again in our pretend test.

It must be because you hate Trump.  It has to be.  Don’t feel bad, he gives you plenty of reasons to hate him.  His demeanor and loose tongue are but two.  And, he was/is lost at times trying to guide the country through the ongoing pandemic.  Although given the medical community’s ever-changing advice, maybe we all were/are lost.

But what if?  What if you judged him on his accomplishments?  Do actions speak louder than words?

If they do, he’s done a bunch of good all the while having the other side of the aisle impede his every step, or impeach him altogether.  Pre COVID-19 was the economy great?  Was the lowest unemployment regardless of your gender or race since post-WW II good?  How many manufacturing jobs did we add?  Were his new trade agreements good for America?

Is his continual push to get China straight the right thing?  When he signed the “Three Strikes” program out of law was it a good step?  How quiet is Kim Jong Un?  He’s withdrawn tens of thousands of American troops from foreign soil.  ISIS, who?  And, now with his son in law running point, he’s forged agreements in the middle east the likes of which are previously unheard of.

Did you think he spent too much before the China virus sprung loose?  We did too.  Bush I, Bush 2, and Obama did too.  But, now is not the time to tighten.

Next Tuesday is the debate that will be heard (and watched) around the world.  Trump can’t wait to get into the ring.  The Democrats hope Biden can walk and not be carried out after 90 minutes.  That unto itself is telling.

It’s hard to hate Biden. You almost feel sorry for him.  It’s hard to like Trump.  He’s an acquired taste at best.

We asked above for you to pretend for a minute.  Is Biden capable of leading the U.S now, much less for the next four years?  What is the logical answer to the previous question?  It’s beyond obvious.

You can stop now.  Open your eyes.  Please.


Ten Piece Nuggets-Sports and Politics

“Two Ten Piece Nuggets in one week?” you ask.   “Yes,” we affirm.

And why not?  BBR wants to do its part to end world hunger.  And, in 2020 the sports and political world gives us far too many nuggets to not share.  Enjoy them randomly below.

  1.  Thomas Sowell tweeted yesterday, “If not a single policeman killed a single black individual anywhere in the United States for this entire year, that would not reduce the number of black homicide victims by one percent.”  Police reform, not defunding, sounds good.  But, since the Movement wants change isn’t it time we add to the dialogue to address the 99% as well.  Sowell did, and good for him.
  2. Clay Travis tweeted yesterday, “So in the state of Iowa it is safe to play football for the Iowa State Cyclones this fall, but not safe for the Iowa Hawkeyes to play football.  Big Ten should be ashamed & Iowa football fans should be irate.”  If the Big 12 folds late as the Big 10 did early, then the point is moot.  But, for now, it’s logic is, well, illogical.
  3. Speaking of the Big 10 and the Big 12, way back when there was the Big 8.  Nebraska was perenially competing for its championship as well as the then mythical National Championship.  The Big 8 went poof and so did Nebraska’s vaunted wishbone attack.  Nebraska joined the Big 10 (which has 14 teams so its name makes no sense) and hoped for greener pastures.  They’ve been average on the field at best.  Now, they’ve been told that there will be no chance this fall to be average.   Off of the field, strong rumors are floating around the NCAA world that Nebraska’s AD is shopping his team to other conferences.
  4. You knew it would only take a bit of time for Trump and his team to mockingly nickname Kamala Harris, Biden’s VP pick.  Well, that didn’t take long.  “Phoney Kamala” it is.  And, as an added bonus, he’s added to his arsenal for Joe Biden.  “Slow Joe” has joined “Creepy Joe” and “Sleepy Joe.”  Frank Sinatra sang, “I Did It My Way.”   Trump must love the song.
  5. But why stop with the name-calling there?  Trump tweeted this AM “very poor TV ratings for MSDNC’s Morning Joe, headed by a complete Psycho named Joe Scarborough and his ditzy airhead wife, Mika, and also @CNN, headed by complete unknowns.”  It must be election time.  The gloves have come off, way off.
  6. But what’s in a name anyway?   For Kamala Harris, it’s the mispronunciation of it.  We were reminded, and some were scorned, by the press repeatedly yesterday that it’s pronounced “comma la.” Then yesterday afternoon Slow Joe (what’s in a name anyway?)  took the podium to formally announce his running mate.  He pronounced it “Ka mal ah.”  Somebody put up a tent over this circus, please.
  7. And then there is the raging controversy over whether “Comma La” is African American or not.  It’s always important to know your roots and times five these days if it helps with the narrative.   Her father is of Jamaican descent.  Her mother is Southern Asian, or Indian if you prefer.  So, there is no African origin it seems.   Is she black?  Yes, 50% black.  But, if we aren’t supposed to see color anymore, why do we argue over our color?
  8. Never let a national or international crisis peter out without political gain.  That’s what savvy and greasy politicians say and do.  And, some get funded by George Soros.  He agrees.  In an interview with La Repubblica, an Italian daily newspaper, the Hungarian-born Soros denounced Trump as a “transitory phenomenon” and expressed hope that the COVID-19 crisis has opened up politics in a radical direction.  He’s nothing if not consistent.
  9. Yesterday was three years to the day since the Unite the Right rally brought thousands of white nationalists to historic Charlottesville, Virginia. James Alex Fields, Jr. purposely drove his car into a group of counter-protesters, killing one and injuring many.   Joe Biden went on the attack yesterday telling whoever was listening that Trump talked about how there were good people there too.  Does Biden remember that he attended former US Senator, friend, and close colleague of his Robert Byrd’s funeral ten years ago when Biden was VP of the land?  Byrd was an active and known KKK member for many, many years.  There are no more glasshouses, only stones.
  10.  Guess who is leading the MLB NL East Division?  It’s the Miami Covids.  Er, it’s the Miami Marlins who had an outbreak of COVID-19 just a week into the season.  Upwards of 15 players and five staff members were quarantined and their season was put on hold.  They stand atop the East with an 8-4 record.  But, they’ll need to make up quite a few games as most teams have played 18-20 games by now.  Can their arms on the hill hold up having to play so many in so few days?  It’s unlikely.  But it is 2020.

Deep breaths.

Friday is near.