Tic Toc Goes the Clock

In 2009 newly elected and inaugurated President Barrack Obama told Republican Congressional leadership that “elections have consequences.”  And, indeed they do.

In 2017 newly elected and inaugurated President Donald Trump told America that “we are going to win, win, win.  We’re going to win so much that you’re going to get tired of winning.”  And, apparently, indeed America did tire.

With one seat still undecided in Georgia this AM, the Democrats are so close to their own win, win, win.  They have a slim majority in the House, they won (stole say some who remain in denial) the Presidency, and they are on the doorstep of the slimmest of margins in the Senate.

In 2009 when the Democrats last controlled all three, Obamacare was born. It turned healthcare into a right, not a need, for all practical purposes.

But remember, “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.”  Well, not really, but we digress.

So, assuming Georgia delivers two peaches to the Senate from yesterday’s runoffs, what “consequence” or “consequences” will they deliver? The world is their oyster thanks to the presumptive peaches.

Well, what’s on the menu?  Is Washington DC headed for statehood?  Are higher corporate taxes on the way?  Surely there is some further social and justice reform coming.

How about more black robes for more black Supreme Court justices.  Nine is such an odd number anyway.  How about a lucky 13?

And, it’s cold (too cold) outside now, but it’ll soon be warm (too warm) this spring.  Climate change needs to change.  And, all of those windmills that you’ll soon see won’t cool us down enough.   The car battery business is very good, and it just got better.

And, finally, Twitter’s “disputed claims” department can reassign a few workers.

Or, will the Democrats have trouble group ordering from the menu?  Can’t decide?  It’s happened before.  Can’t share?  It’s happened before.   It happened in 2009.  Indigestion and heartburn aren’t ever far away if one gets gluttonous.

Two years seems so far away.  But, in two years could the Republicans recover from so much winning and whining and take back the House?  The Senate?  Both?

Sure they can.  The pendulum always swings.  At least it always has.  Obama found out the hard way in late 2010 just as Reagan did back in 1982.

Stacking on two more Senators by granting statehood to DC would make the Senate tough.  But, don’t forget that politics is always local, and the “on the ground” House seats that the elephants gained in November is a modest but significant move countrywide that could make landfall in the Capital as early as 2022.

As for the now?  One of our staff members fielded a question from his soon to be 32-year-old son this AM.  “Now what do we do, dad?” the young businessman asked.  “Go to work, son,” came the reply we’re told.

While two years seems like an eternity to reshape America, it’s but a New York minute in our history.

And, the clock never stops ticking.