It’s (Still) On.

Ok, Ok.  BBR is back.

When one of our faithful readers labels you as Buttercup, it’s time to self-reflect.

When age turns to experience and experience turns to wisdom, it’s both an opportunity and an obligation to share.  The goal from here on is to do just that but we’ll need your help.  More on that in a minute.

So, the fight goes on.  And, one of the very core reasons follows.

You’re being lied to by people in authoritative roles daily.  The goal is power and control.  When power and control are the goals the benefit is the gold.  And the approach has been incessant, yet refined over the years.  And, it is quite dangerous.

Let’s try to separate conspiracies, facts, fiction, and logic, unlike the sheep that they wish to herd.

Do you think Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone shooting JFK?  Well, in accomplishing the very act, it’s likely.  How did it get to that point?  Ask the Mafia, the CIA, and the Cubans.  It’s all there to connect the dots.  Except it isn’t.  Your government, the one you pay for, refused to release the last 10% or so of the documents after burying them for 50 years and promising to do so.

America doesn’t have a tax “revenue” problem.  It has a serious spending problem.   Now thirty-two trillion in debt and counting and they label a green new deal giveaway as the Inflation Reduction Act.  Sounds good.  Except, the trillion in the giveaway actually puts more upward pressure on inflation.

And, our President thinks you’re dumb enough to think your life is somehow better because of it.  He puts his name on it and calls it Bidenomics in an effort to improve his low polling on the economy.  Maybe he’s right, not about the economy, but about the IQs walking around town.

“The rich should pay their fair share.”  And, the crowd at the Bernie rally goes wild.  The facts are that the top one percent of American earners pay 42% of the tax money collected, and the top 10% pay 74%.  Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren should be ashamed for banging the drum that she took from her teepee on this issue as well.

Jeffery Epstein committed suicide.  That’s doubtful without a lot of “help.”  It’s weird how his guards fell asleep that evening and the surveillance cameras weren’t working either.  He knew too much about too many.  Release the evidence.  We have a right to know that Bill Gates is actually even weirder than he seems and that’s saying something.  How about Slick Willie?  What an apropos nickname that is.

Where did the flu disappear to whilst we fought the invisible giant Covid for two years?  Flu shots are optional.  Covid “vaccines” damn near weren’t.  Oh, and they weren’t vaccines.  Even Fauci knows that.  And, he knows a lot more.  Dr. Rand Paul is one of the few good ones in Congress.  And, the good doc is going to expose this.  If you’ll line up for a shot without knowing its contents and side effects, surely you’ll line up to get sheared every other month.

Don’t call it the China flu or the Wuhan flu either.  That’s insensitive.  What’s insensitive is that the research that you funded escaped from a lab over there.  You just don’t need to know that.

Cocaine in the White House?  The FBI says there’s no way to figure out who carried it in and why.  No cameras, no guards.  Maybe Epstein brought it in?  Nothing to see here.  Move along.

Men can be women now.  And women can be men.  Don’t argue.  It’s insensitive as well.  The current population of the World in 2023 is 8,045,311,447.  And 8,045,311,447 of them were birthed by a woman.  Zero was birthed by a man.

Ronald Reagan once eloquently said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. The only way they can inherit the freedom we have known is if we fight for it, protect it, defend it, and then hand it to them with the well-fought lessons of how they in their lifetime must do the same.”

So as mentioned, we need your help.  This forum needs to educate those around us.  Most that read(not all which is cool) BBR are of like mind.  Sitting around in a virtual circle all nodding affirmative heads won’t help too much.  That’s nice, but we need to spread the word.  Please pass it on daily to others and ask them to do the same.

Mark Twain once eloquently said, “Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.”

Buttercup, eh?






The Best Medicine

Way back when before everyone became a victim of some terrible social injustice or, even worse, inequality, there was comedy.  We used to poke fun at ourselves.

Way back when we also cut down trees to staple paper together into magazines.  One monthly that came to America’s door was The Reader’s Digest.  It had many regular features.   One of them was called Laughter, The Best Medicine.  That’s so right.

Way back in 1984, Ronald Reagan asked Don Rickles to perform at his inauguration.  Rickles job?  His job was to cut down Reagan, First Lady Nancy, and his cabinet members right in front of them.

He did.   How insensitive was it? They howled. The more the better was how insensitive it was.

Could Henny Youngman, Rodney Dangerfield, George Carlin, and Don Rickles even perform today?  God, we hope so.  And God, while we are at it, we could really use a line or two.

Henny, you’re up!

I said to my wife, ‘Where do you want to go for our anniversary?’ She said, ‘I want to go somewhere I’ve never been before.’ I said, ‘Try the kitchen.’

I’m offended by political jokes. Too often they get elected.

While playing golf today, I hit two good balls. I stepped on a rake.

It’s not true that married men live longer than single men. It only seems longer.

Rodney, try to get some respect!

I asked my old man if I could go ice-skating on the lake. He told me, “Wait till it gets warmer.”

My mother had morning sickness after I was born.

A hooker once told me she had a headache.

I met the surgeon general. He offered me a cigarette.

When I was born the doctor took one look at my face, turned me over, and said, “Look, twins!”

George Carlin takes center stage.

“As it stands right now, I lead Richard Pryor in heart attacks, two to one. However, Richard still leads me, one to nothing, in burning yourself up.”

“Have you ever noticed that you never get laid on Thanksgiving? I think it’s because all the coats are on the bed.”

“Isn’t it a bit unnerving that doctors call what they do ‘practice’?”

“How is it possible to have a civil war?”

And, last, but not least, Don Rickles!

[to Robin Williams, upon seeing his forearms] “I’ve never met an ape.”

“Orson Welles, this great man was married to a great many women. They’re all flat now.”

“Is that your wife, sir? Jesus… what was it, a train?”

“Bob Hope couldn’t be here tonight, he’s looking for a war.”

In summary, perhaps Rickles said it best, “You know, every night when I go out on stage, there’s always one nagging fear in the back of my mind. I’m always afraid that somewhere out there, there is one person in the audience that I’m not going to offend!”





Peace Through Strength

The year was 1980.  The month was November.  The day was the 4th.  That evening Ronald Wilson Reagan defeated sitting president James “Jimmy” Earl Carter to become the 40th President of the United States.  Reagan actually won in an electoral and popular vote landslide.

Some things have changed quite a bit in the last 40 years.  Other things have stayed the same.

Reagan was a Hollywood actor and former union leader turned Republican.  He served the great state of California as a Republican Governor for two terms that ended in 1975.  Carter was a peanut farmer, Georgia Governor, then as the Democratic nominee was elected as the 39th President in 1976.

Can you imagine a Californian Republican Governor today?  Arnold “the Govenator” Schwarzenegger aside there hasn’t been one in 24 years.  Can you imagine a Georgia Democratic Governor today?  There hasn’t been one in 20 years.

Carter was viewed as incompetent and weak in the year leading up to the election.  Fifty-two American diplomats and citizens were held hostage for 444 days from November 4, 1979, to January 20, 1981, after a group of Iranian college students who supported the Iranian Revolution, took over the U.S. Embassy in Tehran.  During a daring helicopter rescue effort one of the helicopters crashed into another leaving eight Americans dead.  The attempt failed from the go.

Reagan took office on that same January 20th day of 1981 that the hostages were freed.  Coincidence?  Sam Donaldson, ABC White House reporter, famously stuck his microphone between Marines holding their swords high to create the “roof” along the red carpet as the new President and First Lady strode back to the Capitol Building.  “Mr. President, Mr. President, there is a report that the hostages have been freed.   Do you care to comment?”  Reagan cocked his head as he was often want to do and uttered, “Well, God Bless America.”

Perhaps the Iranians knew there was a new sheriff in town.  He often acted in Hollywood movies as the sheriff who corralled the bad guys.  Maybe they wanted no part in a real life documentary with the same script.   Reagan later coined the phrase “Peace Through Strength.”

And, 40 years later Donald Trump the 45th President, and another actor, warned Iran that any loss of American lives would result in appropriate retaliation.  They decided to cross over The Apprentice’s line drawn in the desert sand.  And Trump didn’t say “you’re fired,” rather, he fired.  Soleimani was dead.  Iran was incensed, or so they said.  Just a few days later they retaliated sending several missiles at American bases in Iraq.  Word is they gave advance warning of the missile strikes and the strikes all but missed their targets.  No lives were lost, but inside of Iran face was saved.

Trump addressed America yesterday and all but said that now was a time to strongly consider peace rather than escalation.  He all but said that as if he read the diplomatic tea leaves that Iran wants no more.  He crowed about the 2.5 trillion spent to bolster the U.S. Military.  Peace Through Strength all over again?

Cali won’t vote for Trump in 2020 like they did for Reagan in 1980.  Georgia won’t vote for the Democratic nominee in 2020 like they did for Carter in 1980.  But Iran, 40 years later, understands that when lines drawn in the sand are in ink, not pencil, that it’s time to stand down.