No Debate

Remember the good old days when you went back to school and your second-grade teacher had you write about what you learned on your family vacation?   Didn’t you at least once want to write a single word, “Nothing,” and turn it in?

Remember the good old days when presidential debates actually meant something?  If you watched last night’s Republican Debate didn’t you at least once think this was a whole lot about “nothing,” and turn it off?

Of course, they have more substance than the Democrat’s debates, for there aren’t any.  Although there seems to be considerable debate within the party of Joe Biden’s mental and physical health to run the country for four more years.

There’s actually a debate in some circles about whether he’s running the country now.  But, we digress.

Five fine folks took the stage last evening named DeSantis, Haley, Ramaswamy, Christie, and Scott.  They all trail former President Trump in the polls by roughly 40 gazillion percentage points.

There is no debate in the Trump camp about his need to debate.  He was actually campaigning outside of Miami.

Also absent last evening was his former VP, Mike Pence.  He said last week that “now wasn’t his time.”  The polling to get on the stage wholeheartedly agreed with him.  If not now Mike, when?  A strong guess would be never.

As the crowd dwindles, former NJ Governor Chris Christie now occupies the far left podium and position.  Sometimes his detractors wonder if he is “far left” with his incessant attacks on Trump.

He won’t make the next cut down and will soon vanish like Pence.  At least he can fall back on his day job as a NY bus driver.  Wait, we are being told that is actually Ralph Kramden, not Kris Kreme Christie.

Tim Scott will drop like a dead tree in a forest.  If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, is it sound?

Vivek Ramaswamy was interesting for five minutes.  But, that was five weeks ago.  He talks too fast.  He’s like a petulant child that won’t go quietly into the night.

That’ll leave two, DeSantis and Haley.   Can all of the “never-Trumpers” and supporters of the last one standing actually give Trump a run for his money?  Never say never.

Well, we’re assuming Trump has money left after paying for 20 lawyers in the four states that are trying to convict him of what most still aren’t sure.

Vegas must have Haley as the shortest odds to be the next VP.  Would she want to stand next to The Donald?  She’d obliterate Harris in a VP debate.

Eventually, there will be one standing, and there’ll be one or two debates against the Democratic nominee.  That assumes that Fauci’s lab bats don’t escape and COVID-24 keeps us all indoors wearing masks.

If that were to occur we could watch Biden campaign in front of parked cars, horns blowing in unison agreeing with everything the octogenarian mumbles and stumbles through.

That assumes he actually runs.

America is in good hands.  Maybe.

We just don’t know whose hands.  Definitely.

The next 365 days will be interesting, of that there is no debate.  Absolutely.