The $99,000 Question

Many, many moons (Bang!  Zoom!) ago Ralph Kramden had a chance to win big, big bucks as a contestant on the $99,000 Answer Game Show.  He chose music as his category of expertise.

He convinced his buddy Ed Norton to quit his job working in the NY sewer system to help him prepare in the week prior.  Norton, as Ralph called him, was an accomplished pianist.  In the Bensonhurst apartment, he played song after song, and Ralph would know the name, the singer, and the year of everyone.

But, prior to each song, Norton would play a little bar or two of a jingle, then get to the actual song.  Norton described the need like a pitcher warming up in the bullpen.  This angered Ralph so. But, it was a small price to pay for very cheap labor.

A week passed and it was time for the big show.  The bus driver strode onto the stage with a wide girth and a wide grin, confident that he was going all of the way to the top ($99,000 in a geometric progressing fashion).

The MC asked for the first song from his show band.  And, wouldn’t you know it, it was the Norton warm-up jingle.  “Humanah, humanah,” Ralph muttered.  He also broke out into an immediate sweat.  He had no clue.  He had heard it two hundred times in the last seven days, but.

The buzzer sounded and ended Ralph’s run to fame and fortune before it started.  “Swanee River,” said the MC.  “That’s Swanee River,” Ralph stammered.

So too went the President Joe Biden national address yesterday.

He told us that the international travel testing window he instituted gave us a look at what the virus would do in the foreign lands before it got here.  He then told us that Omicron came upon us so fast that no one would have predicted that.  Odd.  “That’s Omicron,” he muttered.

Humanah, humanah!

Unlike Ralph, he said we are prepared though.  While you’ve been shopping his team has been stockpiling hospital gowns, masks, ventilators, and the like. No reporter asked if that would stop or slow the spread.

“And get vaccinated, NOW!  And get your booster, NOW!,” he urged in between coughs of his own.  No reporter asked if either would help in short order given 73% of all new cases are Omicron in the US, and the totals are doubling every three days, NOW.

Also, note, that the Director of NIL Immunization publicly stated yesterday, as Biden was lecturing, that he thought vaccines should be administered every three months from here on out.

The day before, the good Doctor Anthony Fauci said publicly that we will very likely NEVER be able to ride in an airplane again without a mask.  This was a day or two after American Airlines and Delta questioned if masks on planes were any deterrent.

He’s sending relief to hard-hit areas where testing lines are long with more tests, in-home tests, and more testers.  He sounded testy telling us that.  No reporter asked if by the time our government got to those currently higher infected areas if the virus would already be ramping up elsewhere.  “Skate to where the puck is going,” Dr. Wayne Gretzky once brilliantly stated.

“You can still work, but even if vaxxed, wear a mask inside,” he implored us.  Norton wore a mask in the sewer for his job.  It was definitely needed.  No one asked why we have never defined what a good mask is from, say, a thong.  No one asked if any studies showed the effectiveness of masking.

You can still enjoy the holidays if vaxxed and boosted said Jolly St. Joe.  You’re in for a dark winter of death if you’re unvaccinated said Joe Grinch.  No one asked why the vaxxed are getting and spreading the virus.

What about deploying the floating hospital ships, the USNS Mercy, and the USNS Comfort?  He didn’t offer and no one asked.  Hopefully, he didn’t go executive order rogue and is trying to send them unannounced to Colorado and Nevada.  Drydocks both.

What about therapeutics? He offered nothing and no one asked.

Schools can and should stay open.  We can test every day if we need to starting in mid-January.  Surely the virus won’t replicate much in three weeks.  Surely the band won’t play Swanee River.

Luckily, vaxxed or not, Norton got his job back in the sewer.  Ralph went back to driving his bus.  Normalcy at last.

But here is the $99,000 question.

What is lunacy?

The answer?  Doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results.

That’s Swanee River?

To the moon Alice, to the moon.  Has the virus reached there?




Open Minded? Have Time?

Do you consider yourself to be open-minded?  Our guess is that 90% plus of our faithful readers just said “yes” to themselves.

That is a good thing.  Because for some it’s going to take an open mind to watch the embedded video and watch it to its conclusion.

It’s also going to take time, plenty of time.  It’s an hour and 23 minutes from start to finish to be exact.

Rare is the day that one of BBR’s staff members stands on his bald head and HIGHLY recommends a must-see video much less one that is as long as a movie.

Obviously, we think it is worth it.  Hell, dare we say that it might even save a life?

We hinted Monday in Ten Piece Nuggets that we would have more on the tide turning to sanity looking for better answers than we currently collectively have to fight the now nearly two-year-old battle with Covid-19 and its handful of identified variants.

If you find the first five minutes a bit boring, so did we.  Stick with it.  The good doctor eventually factually and scientifically identifies what he feels that we are doing wrong in our treatment and what we should be doing.  Along the way, he questions everything which is a breath of fresh air versus the medical community’s approach thus far.

Some of the facts presented are a combination of jaw-dropping and mind-blowing.  It’s a deep dive.  You could even stop and start it a few times if that helps to digest the presentation.

If you have time and you’re open-minded, you won’t regret watching and thinking along the way with Dr. Peter McCullough.


Why Not Ask Why?

Why ask why?  Someone has to now more than ever.

Why is Biden imposing a travel ban from foreign countries today when the Omicron variant is already here and previous variants never left?

Why is Biden leaving the southern border open while closing down air travel to help prevent the spread?

Why aren’t we wearing two masks everywhere we go as some Einsteins (de Blasio) suggested many months ago?

Why can’t someone, anyone, in the medical community tell us how the body’s own immune system is fairing vs the jabs?

Why should we stop at a booster to a booster?  Why not five after four?

Why is Pfizer stock doing so well?

Why do we fire head coaches left and right when they have a losing record and  Anthony Fauci is still in a position of power?

Why is every government vaccine mandate getting turned down by courts of law at every level?

Why doesn’t Biden get the blame for all of these covid deaths under his watch as Trump did?

Why blame presidents for covid deaths in the first place when the virus is going to do the virus thing?

Why did the administration call the worst inflation “transitory,” for months on end, reappoint Fed Chairman Powell, and he tells Wall St that it’s time to remove the word “transitory” from our inflation discussions?

Why do most of the mainstream media describe the tragedy in Waukesha as “an SUV” that ran into the people at the parade and not a “deranged, murderous driver”?

Why do three different independent polls in the last week have Biden’s approval rating at 38, 41, and 43% just a year after 81 million voted for him?

Why would Jen Psaki have a lower job approval rating than Biden if such a poll was taken?

Why did it take so long for CNN to “indefinitely” suspend Chris Cuomo?  Why did they only suspend him?

Why did Jeffery Toobin only get indefinitely suspended?  Why did they bring him back?

Why do we need to spend a trillion to improve our roads and airports if we can’t drive or fly anywhere due to the previous or next covid wave?

Why is there an inheritance tax after the deceased has already paid income tax, capital gains tax, and sales tax on the money earned or spent?

Why did Nancy Pelosi buy a $25 million beachfront mansion in Florida if she fears that the ocean is about to swallow the land due to that pesky climate change problem?

Why will Beto O’Rourke run for Governor of Texas after losing to Ted Cruz for the Senate years ago and failing miserably in his Democratic nominee for President run?

Why will the press ask him if he’s running for President after he loses in the gubernatorial attempt?

Why are members of VP Kamala Harris’ administrative/support staff leaving in droves?

Why not ask why?  Someone needs to more than ever.