Ten Piece Nuggets

It’s been a while and you’ve likely got a hankering.  Ten Piece Nuggets are served below for the same low low pre-Putin Biden inflation prices.  As a bonus, we’re going to take it easy (somewhat) on Cali today.

  1.  One of our favorite government workers, Rep Eric Swalwell tweeted prior to a possible Texas rolling brownout on July 10th, “Texas.  Where Republicans provide plenty of energy to control your body, but no energy to control your thermostat.”  Yesterday he tweeted, “It’s time to rally, Cali.  We all need to do our part to help avoid power outages this week.  Before 4 pm pre-cool your home, after avoid using major appliances and turn your thermostat to 78 degrees or higher.”  Perhaps his own energy is misguided.
  2.  Two weeks after Liz Cheney took a victory tour on several networks after getting slaughtered by a 2-1 margin in the Wyoming primary she has vaporized into the background.  What do she and Swalwell have in common?  Too much.
  3.  After getting panned coast to coast for two weeks for the student loan forgiveness trillion dollar bailout, Biden went on offense. And, as Carrie Bradshaw would say, “just like that,” the narrative was changed.  “All Republicans are a serious threat to our democracy.”  “MAGA Republicans are a threat to our democracy.”  Some Republicans are a threat to our democracy.”  Well, at least all of them or either fascists or semi-fascists.
  4. Do Americans even know what fascism means?  It means “a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.”
  5. Did America get that vibe from Biden himself, all clench-fisted, podium pounding, and draped in red and Marines last week?  If we weren’t so dumb we might be insulted.  Maybe a poll can enlighten us.
  6. Meanwhile, a Rasmussen Poll released yesterday shows us that 60% of Americans feel like Joe Biden and his family have peddled influence and greatly profited by his positions over time in government.  Maybe it finally dawned on us after Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook restricting a story about Joe Biden’s son during the 2020 election was based on FBI misinformation warnings.
  7. How strong is it when 60% of America agrees on something?  In the most lopsided election victory since 1936, Ronald Reagan was re-elected to the presidency with 59% of the popular vote versus Walter Mondale in 1984. Reagan carried every state except Mondale’s home state of Minnesota and the District of Columbia.  That’s how strong it is.
  8. Nine illegal immigrants drowned in separate incidents over the Labor Day weekend in south Texas.  Chicago was worse.  Fifty-five people were shot and 11 killed in the three-day span.  Thankfully, none were shot with one of those terrible assault rifles in the city in the state of Illinois that has strict gun control laws.
  9. As Covid seems to be fading into the backdrop like Liz Cheney, the White House senses that America is vaccine weary.  So the Biden Administration put forth a new selling point Tuesday.  “View it as a first annual shot, akin to the annual flu shot,” they said.  It just took us two years to admit it.
  10. That record warmth in the Gulf of Mexico might yet get climate change advocates in their La-Z-Boy’s to remotely change channels to Jim Cacciatore and the Weather Channel before the season tuckers out.  Earl became just the second named hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic season late Tuesday.  It won’t swim in the gulf though.  A gradual turn to the northeast is predicted for Thursday sending the weak system to a tragic overwater death in the northern Atlantic.  Tic toc goes the no American landfall 2022 hurricane clock.

It’s already Hump Day.  Back to the salt mines.

Hail to the Red Faced Commanders

Once upon a time, they were the Washington Redskins.  No more.  Once upon a time, they were the Washington Football Team.  No more.  Now they are known as the Washington Commanders.

Free speech was previously known as free speech.  No more.  Now it is known as either disinformation or expensive or both.

Commander’s defensive coordinator Jack Del Rio likely had no idea the dust-up he would cause when Del Rio called the 1/6/21 Capitol assault a “dust-up” at the team’s minicamp last Wednesday.

Head Coach Ron Rivera released a statement through the team’s official Twitter account. He called the events of Jan. 6, 2021 “an act of domestic terrorism.” Rivera said Del Rio’s comments were “extremely hurtful to our great community here in the DC area.”  Calling DC a great community might be disinformation unto itself, but we digress.

Del Rio also compared the Capitol insurrection to the sometimes violent protests (but labeled mostly peaceful by the left) of systemic and racial injustice in 2020.  “Our organization will not tolerate any equivalency between those who demanded justice in the wake of George Floyd’s murder and the actions of those on January 6 who sought to topple our government,” Rivera continued.

Those “who demanded justice” could also be read as “those who murdered, rioted, stole, assaulted, and set fires.”  Well, actually that was way back when free speech was free.

Del Rio was fined 100k and later apologized for his “transgression.”

Rivera said Del Rio has a right to voice his opinion, but added, “Words have consequences and his words hurt a lot of people in our community.”  In other words, free speech is expensive.

And, if some had their way, it would be even more expensive.

Those comments resulted in NAACP president Derrick Johnson calling for Del Rio to resign or be terminated. “You can’t coach a majority Black team while turning your back on the Black community. It’s time for you to pack up and step off the field,” said Johnson.  Could you coach a majority white team and turn your back?

Oh, the irony.

All of this stench emanates from a franchise that staunchly refused to change its “racist” Redskins nickname for decades on end.  The smart money will tell you that the name change only happened after the NFL launched an investigation into front office boy’s club multiple sexual harassment allegations, claims, and lawsuits.

Owner Daniel Snyder was and is front and center.  It was time to give a little to get a little so to speak.

Heck, as a further sign of goodwill, they even hired the first non-pale face in Redskins history in Rivera in 2020.

And, then late last year news broke that Snyder and company were possibly skimming(under-reporting) some local revenue before sharing it with the other 31 team owners and franchises.  A former VP publicly claims the practice has been in place for over a decade.

The House Oversight and Reform Committee in the “great community” of DC is investigating.

Or, should we say, “oh, the hypocrisy?”

Blame it on (Del) Rio!

The Swamp and its football team are made for one another.





Get Your Popcorn

Lights!  Camera!  Action!

That’s what is going down tonight up on the hill.  The curtains go up at 8 pm EST.  It’s a political play directed by James Goldston, a former president of ABC News.  Prime Time.

It’s not really very different than what happened on 1/6/2021- a day that will live in infamy according to some.  It’s been compared to Pearl Harbor, Watergate, and 9/11 as one of the darkest days in our country’s history.

The House convenes tonight for its committee hearing on Insurrection Day.

What happened on 1/6 was bad for America.  It was ugly, too.  But, insurrection?  Busting through the doors and windows of The Capitol Building was dumb and unlawful.  But, it wasn’t an insurrection.

Usually, malcontents bring guns to an insurrection.  You know the ones- weapons of war as the Democrats now collectively and harmoniously call an AR-15 and the like.  And, they usually put up more of a fight.  Often they try to stay longer.

Nonetheless, it was stupid when it crossed a line.  And, tonight’s hearings, led by the Dems and Dem wanna-be Liz Cheney will cross a line or two as well as they try to deliver a line that makes it to the evening news as a favored sound bite.

Grab the remote, relax in your favorite recliner, and pop some kernels.

Cameras will roll just like the body cameras on the police officers did during Paul Pelosi’s DUI arrest.  The difference is that you’ll see today’s video.

All of this has but one purpose.  It’s to take center stage and tell you how our democracy is at stake here and Donald J Trump is a bad guy.

Trump was a bad actor on that day as he could have done more to ensure that the crowd did less.  But, it was bad acting, nothing more and nothing less.

There will be more of that today-bad acting.

The further you suppress/impeach/impugn Trump and his followers the more likely you are to remain in power you see.  Dems fear people like Trump and DeSantis.  Why?  It’s because they actually appeal to what a lot of Americans want, not what the gullible are told what they want.

Dems embrace people like McConnell and Graham.  They’re really Dems acting like Republicans. They are necessary, good, obedient bit-part actors of a great production.

And they enjoy a good show.

Get your popcorn.