Ten(+5) Piece Nuggets

Happy MLK Day.  There are 15 nuggets on your plate this AM.

  1. We wonder what Martin Luther King would say about the latest statue unveiled yesterday in Boston in his honor.  “I had a dream that all statutes aren’t created equally!”  Well, it’s art.
  2. Little did we know that during the 2020 election cycle, Joe Biden was maybe hiding more than himself in his posh Wilmington house’s basement.
  3. He claims to have no idea of the content of the documents.  Possible?  With him, yes it is.  One who would know, Barrack Obama is said to have once said, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f… things up.”
  4. Is there a chain of command for these Top Secret documents?  We would hope.  If so, let’s see it.
  5. Do you remember those dumb weird car rallies he held in the midst of the Covid hysteria?  Would they have not been better if he rode up in the Corvette that he’s so proud of and honked back? Maybe the Corvette was unavailable helping to provide cover for the documents in the “locked” garage.
  6. Does it make any difference if the garage was locked or not?  No.  Does it make it any less of a mess because “he’s fully cooperating with the National Archives peeps?”  He’ll say yes, but the answer is no.
  7. How in the world does the search for all(or more) get to be conducted by his lawyers?  Aren’t the documents, classified as Top Secret, also off limits to personal lawyers?
  8. WH Press Secretary Karine Jean Claude Van Damme Pepe Le Pew Pierre told a feisty group of journalists Friday that all of the documents were now safe and sound.  On Saturday Biden’s lawyers found another batch.  As she often laments, “I’ll need to circle back with you.”
  9. Should Biden have “vacationed” this past weekend in the very house where a few troves of said documents were found and in the process of being found?  The optics are worse than his Ray Bans on a cloudy day.
  10. How much time did Hunter Biden spend at Wilmington home where the classified documents were kept?  He provides that address and also claims he owns it on a background screening app in 2018. On that same questionnaire, he claims to be paying $49,910 a month in rent.  Which is it?
  11. There’s no way that the $49,910 rent is connected to the “10% for the big guy” reference on the email he exchanged with a few of his Ukraine-based Burisma business associates, is there?
  12. That laptop was labeled a non-story by most major media outlets for years.  Maybe it’s a story now?
  13.  MLK had a dream that “all men were created equal.”  Biden gave a speech at King’s historic Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta Sunday on what would have been the slain civil rights icon’s 94th birthday.  “Let’s lay one thing to rest. I may be a practicing Catholic(except for his stance on abortion we assume), but [I] used to go to 7:30 Mass every morning in high school and then in college before I went to the Black church,” Biden said. “Not a joke!”
  14. And, there you have it.  Biden and his family are just like all of us.  “Not a joke!”  Praise the Lord!
  15. Speaking of all of us, NY Mayor Eric Adams says that his city has no more room for migrants.  Old School: We are a sanctuary city.  New school: Don’t come here!

Some nuggets are harder to digest than others at times.

Dream a Little

On a day that we pay tribute to civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  many still dream like the good Doctor once did.  Different people dream for different reasons.  We wonder who is dreaming today and what they are dreaming about.

Is the NBA dreaming for higher ratings than they have had ytd?  Yep.  Today they’ll play from morning till night on national broadcasts in hopes of recapturing some lost ratings.   It’s weird that the two top teams in the west play in the largest city in the west, yet ratings are down.

Is Donald J. Trump dreaming that tomorrow’s beginning of the impeachment trial in the Senate is the beginning of the end of this ‘witch hunt” or “hoax” as he calls it?  Sure.  Although, the showman likes microphones, drama, and name calling, so he might enjoy a little testimony from a few folks.  He dreams of getting Hunter Biden and Adam Schiff under oath, does he not?

Is Patrick Mahomes dreaming of his first Super Bowl win.  You bet.  And you might.  The early line has his KC team installed as a 1 1/2 point favorite over the San Francisco 49ers. Mahomes is the best QB in the league these days.  Anyone who sees it differently is dreaming.  He is a defensive matchup nightmare.

Is Jennifer Aniston dreaming of a reunion with one time hubby Brad Pitt?  Who knows?  Does anyone really care?  Really care?   It makes TMZ, People, and the like dream of high ratings.

Is Elizabeth Warren dreaming that people will forget her falsehoods when she asked out loud on the stump Saturday, “How could the American people want someone who lies to them?”  The Massachusetts Democrat spoke to reporters in Iowa on Sunday when asked if it is disqualifying for a presidential candidate to lie about anything.  She didn’t call anyone by name leaving it open to whether she was talking about Bernie Sanders, Donald J, or, perhaps, herself?

If you have the day off, dream a bit if you wish.  It’s not doctor’s orders, but it’s good tonic.

If you don’t, stop daydreaming and get back to work please.