Ten Piece Nuggets

It’s been a minute.  Time to satisfy your cravings.

  1. Yesterday FBI Director Christopher Wray told  FOX Anchor Bret Baier, “The FBI has for quite some time now assessed that the origins of the pandemic are most likely a potential lab incident in Wuhan.”  Potential?  It’s already past tense, isn’t it?  Incident?  Did someone accidentally leave the front door open too long?
  2. The Energy Department said as much last week.  What does the Energy Department have to do with viruses?  We have no idea. Before you know it the big lie will complete its big reveal.   The Big Guy, aka Joe Biden, will take center stage and say, “Folks, no joke, I’m serious.  The ca ca ccoronabile virus m m emanated from Iraq, excuse me, I meant you know, Whoo Hans.”
  3. Is Fauci hiding under a rock?  He needs to be.  His day is coming.  Rand Paul lies in wait.
  4. Joe’s getting a lot of air time recently.  Monday he celebrated Black History Month in a WH speech to about 400 assembled.  Pandering to the crowd as always, he said, “I’m a white boy, but I ain’t stupid.”   Some might say that he’s approximately half right.
  5. The Supreme Court heard two cases against President Joe Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan on Tuesday.  The conservative-leaning court’s questions centered around “why isn’t Congress involved in this?”  Seems like they should be.  We have a three-branch government, not a king.  Of course, Ukraine disagrees with the prior sentence.  PS.  If your loan is a private one you get no relief.  If your loan is paid off you get no refund.  Do the right thing and get a stick in the eye.
  6. Speaking of kings, Volodymyr Zelensky admonished those in the US who oppose giving him and his country more money.  He said in effect, that either you continue to give or your sons and daughters will be shedding blood in the cause.
  7. Hopefully, the first ones to volunteer will be those that are proudly flying the Ukraine flag here daily.  We wouldn’t hold our breath on that.  We’d guess a fair number of them were also moving to Canada if Trump got elected.
  8. Speaking of queens, Mayor Lori Lightfoot of Chicago has one foot out of the door as her bid for reelection went up in flames last evening.  The burn was as bright as when Mrs. O’Leary’s cow kicked over the lantern.  Finishing third with no one achieving 50% eliminates her from the runoff.
  9. Lightfoot garnered a paltry 16% of the vote.  Stated differently, a whopping 84% of Chicagoans voted against her.  It takes great indifference and incompetence to be that bad.  She excelled at both.
  10. The torch for the worst mayor in the US now passes to Latoya Cantrell in NOLA.  A petition to recall her has sufficient signatures.  She was just reelected, but may not get to finish her second term.  One can hope.
  11. Extra, Extra!  What do Lightfoot and Cantrell’s tenures have in common? People are moving out due to runaway overall crime, record murder numbers, and a steep decline in the number of police on the force.   Crime pays.  It cost one and soon maybe the other their jobs.  Sometimes the pendulum swings take time.