Ten Piece Nuggets-Sports, Guns, Rants

Ready?  Set?  Chew!

  1. When Seattle Seahawks head coach Pete Carroll spoke highly of quarterbacks Drew Lock and Geno Smith during this month’s mandatory minicamp, you knew it was on.  What’s that?  Let the Baker Mayfield to Seattle trade watch begin.
  2. Meanwhile, the speculation revolving around how long and when DeShaun Watson will be suspended intensifies.  Watson, through his attorney, has settled 20 of 24 civil suits.  Watson admits no wrongdoing.  He is shelling out about 100k per suit for each instance of doing nothing wrong.
  3. If, and it’s a big if, Watson got a year-long suspension it would be over two full years in 2023 since he put on pads for a real game.  Adam Schefter and Ian Rappoport both think the league will hit Watson with an all-of 2022 penalty.  Does Cleveland regret mortgaging their future for a guy without an immediate future?
  4.  Some years teams just have “it.”  The 2022 Yankees have “it.”  Sporting the best record by far in the major leagues, they overcame a 6-3 deficit last evening in the ninth to send the Houston Astros and their closer Ryan Pressley back to their Manhatten hotel as losers 7-6.  A late June game doesn’t mean much you say?  The Yankees thought otherwise.
  5. How hot are the Yankees?  They’re 52-18 for a 74.3 winning percentage.  That torrid pace extrapolates out to a 120-42 record.  What’s the record for the most regular-season wins in a year?  The 2001 Seattle Mariners won 116 and lost 46.
  6. Rob Gronkowski is retiring. Again.  “I will now be going back into my retirement home knowing I gave it everything I had, good or bad, every time I stepped out on the field,” Gronkowski wrote.  Tom Brady said the same about 6 months ago, then “unretired.”   “It would not surprise me if Tom Brady calls him during the season to come back and Rob answers the call,” Gronk’s agent Drew Rosenhaus told ESPN’s Adam Schefter.   Why sweat through training camp when the GOAT can drop a dime at any time during the cooler regular season?
  7.  There was a lot to keep up with on the gun ownership front yesterday.  The Senate passed a safety bill including red flag provisions and more extensive background checks.  Meanwhile, SCOTUS handed down a 6-3 opinion that New York’s regulations that made it difficult to obtain a license to carry a concealed handgun were unconstitutionally restrictive, and that it should be easier to obtain such a license.  So, it’s harder to get a gun, but it’s easier to open carry once you get one.
  8.  The SCOTUS ruling didn’t sit well with washed-up, bitter Keith Olbermann.  The far-left, ex-MSNBC host tweeted it has “become necessary to dissolve the Supreme Court of the United States. The first step is for a state the ‘court’ has now forced guns upon, to ignore this ruling. Great. You’re a court? Why and how do you think you can enforce your rulings? #IgnoreThe Court.”  Dissolve the Supreme Court?  Wasn’t the idea just months ago to pack it with more robes?
  9.  Once upon a time, the US was/is a rule of law country.  The rule of law is the political philosophy that all citizens and institutions within a country, state, or community are accountable to the same laws.  Olbermann’s immaturity at 63 years of age is not a good look.  If you don’t like stopping at stop signs, don’t.  Make sense?
  10.  Olbermann wasn’t flying solo. The ruling represents “a middle finger to New York,” Whoopi Goldberg said on ABC’s The View.  “Truly a disgraceful ruling,” Barbra Streisand tweeted.  Do you wonder if Whoppi and Barbara’s bodyguards are packing?  No need to wonder, you know they are.

Speaking of packing, get out of the heat and head north.  Bring your firearm if you wish.

Just Stand There!

Don’t do something!  Just stand there!

We admit it.  We borrowed this line from an avid reader who borrowed this line from Jack Bogle.  Bogle is a sage old-school investor and founder of Vanguard Investments.

A lot has happened in the last week after Uvalde.  Nothing has happened in the last week after Uvalde.

A few examples of the diligence and inertia follow.

President Biden and the First Lady flew to Uvalde and said something like this can never happen again.  Then they flew back to Delaware to enjoy some fine BBQ and a day on the beach.

Second Amendment proponents hid behind the Second Amendment and like Puxatawny Phil seems content to stay underground for six more weeks while the rancor subsides.  Should an 18-year-old be allowed to buy a gun?  The argument that we send them to war with guns doesn’t justify individual ownership unto itself.  Eighteen-year-old sane males don’t make good decisions daily.

The Uvalde police were exposed.  The very ones with the guns that are supposed to protect the ones without failed miserably ever so slowly.  And, they lied about it as well.  Protect and serve they did not.

America actually has bigger murder number problems than mass shootings on school grounds.  They stem from too much domestic violence, drug-fueled violence, armed robbery, mental health issues, and on and on.

Frankly, as a society, we’ve failed miserably in addressing all of those issues.  The War on Drugs is a multidecade loser.  We spent two years yelling in city council meetings to defund the police. Three years ago we ended the three strikes and you’re out punishment for serial criminals.  Homelessness is near or at an all-time high.  Locking people out of their daily routines for two Covid-19 years has put more than one flying over the cuckoo’s nest.

But, one that we could address is the in-school one like Uvalde.

But, our leader Joe Biden has put forth no plan to help ensure “that nothing like this ever happens again.”  How about at the least forming a blue ribbon, bloated government committee to examine the cause and effect, and suggest a remedy or three?

Yesterday through his press secretary, the Biden administration shot down (bad pun) any desire to “harden” our schools.  What does that mean?  It means that he doesn’t support arming anyone on school grounds as a means to prevent anyone from coming onto school grounds armed.

Apparently, gun control is the problem, not controlling the behaviors of people who are armed.  He dove deeper yesterday.  He wants to ban “high caliber” 9mm handguns. “There’s simply no rational basis for it in terms of self-protection.”  Somebody should tell him that it is the gun of choice for the Secret Service.

Last week we wrote comparing the changes in the airline industry post 9/11 to make it safer vs. the “just stand there” mentality of the on school grounds problem.  There are some layups to be had.  America just has to take the shot (damn, again).

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is doing something.  Yesterday, he announced the introduction of a bill that would place a national freeze on handgun ownership across Canada.  Way up in our nation’s attic he’s riding on the tragic coattails of Uvalde. And, he’s after the handguns, not the long guns.

Trudeau subscribes to the “never let a good crisis go to waste” mantra.

To summarize: bad people have guns, police don’t use theirs when needed, good people rightfully aren’t letting go of theirs, Canadians are screwed, and Biden has no plan.

Don’t do something!  Just stand there!




Two Worn Out Boxers

Mass murder.  Senseless.  Horrific.

It happened again.  And, it will happen again.

The terrifying truth of the matter is that it can’t be stopped.  But, it could be reduced in frequency and severity if significant, important, and immediate steps were taken.

The most important step might be the first one.  We need new, better, and different dialogue about its root cause and possible preventative measures.

In Uvalde 19 innocent young children and two school teachers trying to protect them are dead.  So is the killer.

But, predictably, law enforcement officials had barely pulled the sweaty palms of the deranged gunman off of his weapon(s) of choice and the blame game began. To the airwaves and virtual airwaves they went.

Texas Senator Ted Cruz(R) tweeted that he and his wife were praying for the victims and their families.  Arizona Rep. Ruben Gallego(D) tweeted, “Just to be clear f— you @tedcruz you f—ing baby killer.”

Cruz also said that he was “closely monitoring the situation.”  Worthless words.

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, a Democrat whose city is notorious for its high violence rates commented, “Now more than ever, we must push our legislators to pass sweeping and effective gun control measures. Our children’s lives depend on it.”  The right quickly swept in to defend the Second Amendment.

In 2021 Texas was second only to California in new gun purchases.  CNN showed Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott’s year-old tweet in retort.  It read “come on Texas, we can do better than that.”  A retort to the retort exclaimed, “don’t ever forget where Abbott stands on guns!”  “We must elect Beto and defeat Abbott.”  Abbott didn’t pull the trigger yesterday.

How odd that California, of all places, outgunned Texas.   How odd that Californians by the thousands are moving to Texas monthly.  How odd that four weeks ago the mass murder of the week took place in California.

Sadly, it’s like two old boxers emerging from their corners.  They possess passionate energy for a round or two, tire soon, and limp away.  It’s another draw.

Speaking of old, the nation turned to President Joe Biden’s address on the tragedy early last evening.  We were hoping that he could seize the moment and offer a new course.  We were hoping the Great Unifier would unify.

He shuffled out to the podium wearing a mask while the First Lady followed without one to stand behind him.

About two minutes in he angrily asked, “When are we going to stand up to the gun lobby?”  Check another talking point box.  Later, he told the nation that the victims, their families, and the city of Uvalde were going to need a LOT of help.

After a “God Bless,” he shuffled off this time mask in hand while Dr. Jill somehow found hers and walked off with one on.

It was a short play.  It was bad theater.  It was a rerun, actually.

The Unifier visited Buffalo and talked about white supremacy, racism, and gun control.  Will he visit Uvalde?

What should we do?  The answer lies in large part to stop doing what we’re doing.  A full-on examination by open-minded thinkers is past due.

Before you board a plane, you pass the “no-fly list” test.  Then you head to the lone public entrance to the terminal.  You’re identified.  You take your shoes off.  You empty electronic contents from your belongings.  You are body scanned.  You, or your bags, might be randomly checked further.  You might have a dog or two sniffing around. Police are overtly present.

Once onboard you are more often than not accompanied by an armed US Air Marshall.

All of this is done in the interest of public (your) safety.  It’s not easy getting on a plane.  It’s not fun.  A lot has changed in 20 years.

Compare that to school.  How do unwanted outsiders get into a school?  They walk in their choice of multiple doors.  It’s that easy.  Not a lot has changed in 20 years.

The plane/school comparison is just one small part of the much bigger aforementioned examination.  And, it does little when murderers enter grocery stores and movie theaters.  But, is it better than standing still?

Mental health issues might be the biggest need to tackle somehow.  Identifying, tracking, and denying access to weapons for dangerous folks is yet another.  Does 18 seem young to be able to buy a gun?  There are others.

It’s true, guns kill people.  But they only kill people when people pull triggers.  It’s true, cars kill people.  But, it’s only true when lunatics run over innocent people waiting for a Christmas parade.

It happened again.  And, it will happen again.

Widely known are the words from Albert Einstein: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”.




Basic Common Sense

A make-believe President Andrew Sheppard (actor Michael Douglas) interrupted a press conference in the movie An American President filmed in 1995 and said, “You cannot address crime prevention without getting rid of assault weapons and handguns. I consider them a threat to national security, and I will go door to door if I have to, but I’m gonna convince Americans that I’m right, and I’m gonna get the guns.”

“Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47,” shrieked Beto O’Rourke to roaring applause from a crowd at Texas Southern University during a Democratic Debate for a want-to-be President in 2015. “We’re not going to allow it to be used against our fellow Americans anymore.”

Yesterday, our real president, though some would argue in title only, Joe Biden told us that he wants to rein in the use of untraceable firearms known as ghost guns that turn up frequently at crime scenes.  This attempt targets privately made firearms that can be assembled from purchased do-it-yourself kits.  The weapons lack serial numbers, which makes it difficult to trace the owner.

Commercial manufacturers of the kits will have to be licensed and must add serial numbers on the kits’ frame or receiver.  Commercial sellers of the kits will have to become licensed and will be required to run background checks on potential buyers.  It makes some sense as conventional retailers must do the same.  It just won’t stop anyone who wants a gun to find a way to get one.

“These guns are weapons of choice for many criminals,” Biden said in a Rose Garden ceremony attended by victims and families of gun violence. “We are going to do everything we can to deprive them of that choice and, when we find them, put them in jail for a long, long time.”  Sounds like we’re not as interested in defunding the police as we were pre election.

Biden called the not call to arms “basic common sense.”  Except, it’s not.  Or, at least it’s not enough.

Well, it makes as much sense as Twitter employees who worry that Elon Musk, now Twitter’s largest shareholder, may turn their free speech platform into a platform that actually allows free speech, but we digress.

All together now- guns don’t kill people.  People kill people.

Adding serial numbers to parts will make illegal gun owners take a bit longer to file down the additional numbers to make them untraceable.  Also, stolen guns are stolen guns regardless of who cleared a background check originally.

There are over 330 million guns in this country that we can count. It’s the second amendment right.  If you don’t make another one, or file down another serial number, that’s enough for every man, woman, and child, regardless of their choice of pronouns, to pack heat.

Illinois and New York have the strictest gun control laws in the nation.  Ask the residents of Chicago’s south side or the Bronx how much that helps.

Criminal behavior starts way before someone puts a gun in their hand.  Once Veep Kamala figures out the root cause of illegal immigration maybe she can turn her attention to the root cause of criminal behavior.

Until then we can continue paying lip service to the problem as we do with China, Russia, inflation, debt, and the border.


Just Say No to Guns

When President Ronald Reagan took office in 1981, he vowed to crack down on substance abuse and reprioritize the War on Drugs, which was originally initiated by President Richard Nixon in the early 1970s.

President Reagan’s wife, Nancy Reagan, launched the “Just Say No” campaign as a part of the war, which encouraged children to reject experimenting with or using drugs by simply saying the word “no.”

In 1985, the percentage of Americans who saw drug abuse as the nation’s “number one problem,” was six percent. In 1989, that number jumped to 64 percent.

Now that we were all aware of it, how well have we succeeded in our efforts?  The word “poorly” is being kind.

Drugs today are as readily available, used, and abused as they were in the ’70s, ’80s, ’90s, ’00s, and ’10s.  If you want to get high you simply make the buy.

On March 30, 1981, President Ronald Reagan was shot and wounded by John Hinckley Jr. in Washington, D.C. as he was returning to his limousine.  He also severely wounded White House Press Secretary James Brady.

Rather than a Just Say No to Guns campaign, The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act was enacted on November 30, 1993.  Often referred to as the Brady Bill, it is an act of the US Congress that mandated federal background checks on firearm purchasers in the United States.  It imposed a five-day waiting period on purchases, until the National Instant Criminal Background Check System was implemented in 1998.

The bill was introduced by none other than Representative Charles E. “Chuck” Schumer back then.  He’s still doing the people’s business and carrying Nancy’s (Pelosi, not Reagan) water 28 years later.

And then there was the terrible Boulder, CO mass shooting that left ten dead Monday.  It’s the lastest of notoriety in a long line of gun killings before, during, and after the Brady Bill and other gun control “measures” taken to control the violence.

President Joe Biden is urging the Senate to take action on H.R. 8 and H.R. 1446, the former of which would create universal background checks and the latter of which would expand the length of time a background check can last.  Sound similar to the Brady Bill?   Also, Colorado adopted universal background checks in 2013.  Hmmm.

Biden also called for an “assault weapons” ban following Monday’s shooting attack at the Boulder, Colorado grocery store.

“I don’t need to wait another minute to take common-sense steps that will save lives in the future and urge my colleagues in the House and Senate to act. We can ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines in this country once again.”

“I got that done when I was a senator. It passed. It was the law for the longest time. And it brought down these mass killings. We should do it again,” Biden remarked.  The Department of Justice released a report following the 1994-2004 “assault weapons” ban and noted that no real reduction in crime could be credited to the ban.  So maybe we should “Just Do It” again.  It sure sounds good.  It always does.

Ban everything new if you want to deny the Second Amendment Right and you would still have 375 million on the streets.

Guns today are as readily available, used, and abused as they were in the ’70s, ’80s, ’90s, ’00s, and ’10s.  If you can’t get want one through conventional means you simply make the buy in the streets.

Or, we could just point fingers, not guns.

Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) pointed one Tuesday on CNN saying Republican lawmakers were “complicit” in all the mass shootings that take place in the United States, given their opposition to gun legislation.  Old Blumey must feel like people don’t kill people, guns kill people.

In turn, Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) pointed another and questioned the wisdom of a push by congressional Democrats to enact legislation in the immediate aftermath.

“Look, these killings were terrible,” he said. But.  “We’re free, and one of the prices we pay for that freedom is that you’re always going to have some people who abuse it.  Freedom is a risk.  You’re not going to stop the killings until you stop the killers.  “In my judgment, we do not need more gun control,” Kennedy continued. “We need more idiot control.”  Old Johnny must feel like guns don’t kill people, people kill people.

“We regulate gun ownership in America. If you are convicted of certain crimes, if you have a tendency to violence, if you are mentally ill, and you want to buy a gun, your name has to run through a database. The problem is that the database has huge holes in it.”

“Republican Senators Grassley and Cruz had a bill to strengthen our national database.”  “Do you know why the bill didn’t pass?” he added. “Many of my Democratic colleagues filibustered it.”

Sounds like the Democrats just say no to what the Republicans say, and the Republicans just say no to what the Democrats say.

Meanwhile, relative to so many other enormously funded initiatives, this country still fails to vigorously tackle mental health issues. Ever talk to a homeless person?

It’s almost as taboo of a subject today as being openly gay was just a decade or two ago.  While we’re printing money maybe we could toss some at the need to control the “idiots” as Kennedy directly called them.

Or, we could once more Just Say No.

How’s that working out so far?






Today we wonder why.

The head of the NRA warned the Trump administration yesterday that suggesting that more stringent and universal background checks for gun owners would not be “welcomed” by a great number of his supporters.  Why not have a thorough check?  If you want future citizens/immigrants thoroughly checked why not a future gun owner?

Donald Trump always says that he never attacks people until provoked.  He states that he only counter punches and does so twice as hard as when he is first attacked.  If that is entirely true, and we doubt it, why not put the jabs aside yesterday on his two city (Dayton and El Paso) tour?  Those that protested his arrival and talked about him after he departed the two cities couldn’t put their attacks aside which is shameful.  But,  President Trump could have and should have risen above the fray on the one day that rising above the polarization was warranted.  Two wrongs don’t make a right.

Meanwhile, about a dozen outspoken Democrats have called for Mitch McConnell to recall the Senate to either approve pending gun legislation or create new gun law.  Why wasn’t this urgent need an urgent need prior to the past two weekend’s shootings?  It’s as reactionary as the TSA making you take off you shoes after they figured out you could actually put explosives in your shoes and walk straight through those reactionary security screening machines designed to detect those explosives.

Why did they go home for six weeks in the first place? Isn’t there infrastructure, prescription costs, healthcare, and a ballooning deficit to attend to?  Why don’t they mandate six week vacations for all?  Think of how many tropical drinks you could suck down through ocean saving paper straws in 42 consecutive days off.

When the Democrats held the House and the Senate in the first two years of the Obama Administration why didn’t they pass stricter gun control measures?  When the Republicans held the House and the Senate in the first two years of the Trump Administration why didn’t they pass stricter gun control measures?

Why couldn’t New York Mayor Bill De Blasio, appearing on The Sean Hannity Show last evening, affirm that he supported gun ownership for citizens who passed background checks, were deemed mentally stable, and who had not been convicted of a felony?   He was asked every which way and declined each time.  Thankfully he is polling at less than one percent in his run for the Democratic Party’s 2020 presidential nomination.

It’s positions like his from the left that slow or stifle any real meaningful dialogue.  If you are from the right you have every right to worry about giving an inch and having people try to take a yard.  If you are a proponent of the Second Amendment why would you want to give an inch when someone in a big government (De Blasio) position, running for the biggest government position of all, is protected by guns doesn’t feel like you should have that same right?  Didn’t some of his running mates publicly state that they would go door to door confiscating guns?  Good luck with that.

Why does it feel like the national narrative has changed from Russia, Russia, Russia to racist, racist, racist?

Why don’t we impeach Trump? Isn’t being a racist, a white nationalist, a white supremacist, or having white privilege an impeachable offense?  Clearly those heinous beliefs combined with collusion and obstruction can get it done.

Then we can blame someone else the next time a mentally ill person decides to “go off” on a group of innocent people in any town in any moment for any reason.  Then, after a week of lip service we can go back to our daily routines until it happens yet again.  And, then we can look around the halls of Congress and find someone else to blame.  Well, we can if they are in session.

Gun Control Is a Mind Game.

Saturday 20 people lost their lives in an El Paso, Texas mass shooting inside of a crowded Walmart store.  Dozens more were injured.   Early yesterday morning nine people lost their lives (including the sister of the shooter) in a crowded downtown entertainment area mass shooting in Dayton, Ohio.  Dozens more were injured as well.   And in California just last Sunday yet another mass shooting took place during a harmless outdoor festival.

Everyone agrees that all three incidents were terrible.   And everyone feels that all three incidents were avoidable.  But, were they?

Alexjandro Bedoya thinks so.   He told the crowd at the MLS game in Washington DC, right after he scored a goal, as much.  He wants Congress to do something to end gun violence. You can see the short clip here.

Elizabeth Warren and Don Lemon think that they have the answers too.  They blame Trump for fanning the flames of white nationalism.  We didn’t attach the clips because we feel like you have heard their cries before.  However, there is no concrete nor credible evidence that the Cali nor Ohio shootings follow that narrative.  The El Paso one does seem like a hate/racist crime at this point but attaching it to Trump is only a matter of opinion.

A few years ago a few mass shootings were blamed by many on radical Muslims that President Obama wouldn’t label as such.  And, there was the awful Sandy Hook elementary school killing when a deranged 20 year old who killed his school teaching mom, six adults, and 20 school aged children.

In June of 2017 during a practice session for the annual Congressional Baseball Game for Charity in Alexandria, Virginia, James Hodgkinson shot U.S. House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, U.S. Capitol Police officer Crystal Griner, congressional aide Zack Barth, and lobbyist Matt Mika.  The Virginia Attorney General concluded Hodgkinson’s attack was “an act of terrorism fueled by rage against Republican legislators”.

In a tweet just minutes ago, Trump said: “We cannot let those killed in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, die in vain.”

“Republicans and Democrats must come together and get strong background checks, perhaps marrying this legislation with desperately needed immigration reform,” Trump continued. “We must have something good, if not GREAT, come out of these two tragic events!”

How long do you think it will be before the Democrats chastise Trump for trying to tie immigration reform to strong background checks?  Will it be by the time you read this?  Sooner?

So, it seems, this past week like in past years everyone has an opinion on why someone opened fire on innocent people.  But, it seems like the reasons actually vary wildly.  And, the pleas for gun control, gun legislation, background checks, banning assault rifles, bump stocks, semi automatics, and automatics pour out loud into the national conversation/debate.

Gun control.  How do you “gun control?”  Or, how do you control guns?  The Second Amendment gives Americans the right to bear arms.  There are 330 million of them in the possession of Americans the fifty states over.  All of the above debate doesn’t control and can’t control those already available.  And you can strengthen or lengthen background checks.  The Brady Bill mandates five days.  Does waiting, say, ten days vs five make any difference?  Bump stocks?  We banned them.  That mattered not this past week.

Weekly, one or two at a time, hundreds die across the US due to gun violence.  Some shootings are justified, while many, many are not.  But mass shootings get our attention because of their randomness and so many innocent lives lost in one fell swoop.

What all of the above doesn’t address is mental illness, pure and simple.  If someone is diagnosed as mentally ill and has easy access to a gun, they shouldn’t have.  But, we submit, that ANYONE who opens fire on innocent people anywhere is mentally ill whether they are clinically diagnosed as such or not.  Why?  Shooters choose to shoot.  Consciously they make a decision to load a gun, drive to a location, and open fire over any alternative available to them to do otherwise.  And they do so for any many different reasons.   Any of those “easy out” reasons makes them choose to shoot.  And, that makes them in our eyes mentally ill.

You can’t “control” the human mind.  You can’t “legislate” it either.  You can only attempt to make it feel loved.  You can only attempt to educate it.

It makes us very uneasy when we can’t diagnose a root cause of a problem and put guard rails in to minimize or prevent it from occurring again.  Even in this very divided nation, strong minds would find an answer if there was an answer.  And, we would implement it.

But, so far, strong minds have no solution for broken minds.