
Our readers always write.  And, as always, they are right.  BBR has been a bit light.

Words written in the virtual world are down as government stimulus checks are up.  Did Al Gore envision it this way?  Work at home in your pj’s, or better yet don’t work at home and stay in your pj’s.

As the old normal replaces the new normal that replaced the old normal previously, BBR is short-staffed.  Hence fewer articles recently.  We don’t mask our problems so to speak.

Staff decisions we’ve made a few.

One of those was to dispatch or not to dispatch our lead political writer to Geneva to cover the G-7 Summit.  We pondered this knowing that our staff isn’t on Biden’s staff’s shortlist of media to be called upon when he holds what his team calls “press conferences.”

But, funny thing.  There hasn’t been much to cover outside of the occasional times when Biden walks off of the stage in the wrong direction, or when he is scolded by Dr. Jill for not paying attention, etc.  One way to play offense is by playing defense.  Take the air out of the ball and run out the clock when #46 is exposed.

No one in the press is pressing Biden.  The same media that scolded Trump for not having daily press briefings, yet he was ever-present (too often) arm wrestling with the “fake news” fine folks, is ever so patient as Biden has called on them in a prearranged manner.

Trump never met a tough question that his ego told him that he couldn’t or shouldn’t answer, or put a reporter in his/her place.  Biden never meets a tough question.

Have you ever seen a U.S. President more closely guarded and scripted? He even announces out loud, as if he is ashamed of it. “Well, I better stick to the list of names I am supposed to call on, or I’ll get in trouble with my staff.”  Jeez.  There’s no freedom of speech or to choose available even in the highest office in the land.

Lapdog CNN personality Brian Stelter “interviewed” Biden Press Secretary Jen Psaki last week.   The interview was mocked by critics on both sides of the political aisle after the CNN host asked her what the media gets wrong when covering the Biden administration while largely avoiding tough questions.

How rare is it in today’s political climate when both sides of the aisle agree on anything?

If Biden and Putin would have held a joint press conference it would have been one hot ticket.  Our working title for the article to follow was “Cringeworthy.”

For now, Biden’s solo post-summit presser, which he began by saying he had just met with Russian President Trump, will have to do.  The ever-doting press quickly pointed out that Biden quickly corrected himself.  We don’t need to change the title after all, thereby saving a virtual tree.  It’s all cringeworthy.

Of course, we’ll need someone to get out of bed to write it, which is another story altogether.