Ten Piece Nuggets-Random.

You want them, we have them.  Ten delivered to your virtual door this AM.

  1.  Paging Dr. Anthony Fauci.  Dr. Fauci, please call your exchange.  Wouldn’t right now be a great time for a thorough review of the data (comorbidities, race, age, gender, vaxxed v not, etc.) that led to the science?  With covid either paused or past, it sure would.  Questions we have a few.  We’d like to know more about that science we followed.
  2. Paging NY Mayor Eric Adams.  Mr. Adams, please call your exchange.  How does Kyrie Irving get to sit in the stands maskless but can’t play in his NBA game for the hometown Nets yesterday?  It must be that elusive data that led to the science.  Kevin Durant differs.  “It’s ridiculous,” Durant said of Irving’s situation. “I don’t get it. It just feels like at this point now somebody’s trying to make a statement or a point to flex their authority.”  Durant is quite accurate shooting from three-point land and calling out fantasy land.
  3. And how about flying?  The federal mask mandate that was supposed to end on 3/18 has been pushed back to 4/18.  Why? Maybe the WH press secretary knows? When asked why airports and airlines should maintain mask mandates even if the cities in which they’re located have abandoned them, White House press secretary Jen Psaki answered that air travelers aren’t “static,” meaning lacking in movement.  Ah.  Sounds like a bunch of static, meaning crackling or hissing noises on a telecommunications system, if you ask us.  The only one lacking in movement is the CDC, behind the curve like it’s been for two years.
  4. Speaking of the CDC, this year’s flu shot hit your arm but missed the mark in prevention.  When you guess strains nine months out, you win some and you lose some.  A CDC spokesperson over the weekend opined that the shot might have lessened the severity of this year’s flu if you got it, but wasn’t sure if it did.  Does any of this sound familiar?
  5.  Saturday, March 12 was Detransition Awareness Day.  People who quit the trans ideology recognize that they cannot “transition” to the opposite sex, and so they “detransition” from the ideology.  This comes smack in the middle of Women’s History Month which might confuse just about everybody involved we suppose.
  6.  Doesn’t it seem like every time you hear that Ukraine and Russia are entering talks another city is bombed?  Putin isn’t at peace when he hears the words “ceasefire.”  And about these biological labs?   
  7. Jen Psaki proudly announced from her pulpit Friday that we are wrecking the Russian economy.  One wise guy on Twitter stated the opinion, ” That’s two economies wrecked in 12 months.”   Short.  True.  Brilliant.  Sad.
  8. Republicans from sea to shining sea are ripe with optimism that a red wave is coming to both houses of Congress this fall.  Then Mitch Mcconnell threw water on the party.  He stated last week that if the GOP regains control of the Senate that he would be the majority leader all over again.  Two things.  One, McConnell isn’t a leader.  Two, a wise man wrote us and said that every Republican running for Senate this fall should have to go on record if they would vote for McConnell if they gained office.
  9. What’s to celebrate if it’s more of the same?  The number one problem facing Republicans is that they fail to realize that their party isn’t any happier with most of them and their actions as they are with the Dems.  Sad state of affairs.
  10. And finally, Jussie Smollett’s sister, actress Jurnee Smollett, is calling for Cook County to “#FreeJussie” following her brother’s sentencing of 150 days of incarceration on Thursday, telling her followers they should advocate for his release because of disparate incarceration between black and white Americans even if they believe he is guilty.  Jurnee is quite a trip, almost like a journey.

  11. Lagniappe.  Isn’t it odd that the inflation we once called transitory is now blamed on Putin?  Point the finger at Russia, Russia, Russia.  People always buy it.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 If you’re on Spring Break enjoy.  If you’re not, get to work.  And remember today, 3/14, is pi day.  That’s roughly 3.14159265359 if you’re counting.