Pick and Choose

There are some things that you can pick and choose, some that you can’t, and some that you shouldn’t.

For example, you can pick your friends, but you can’t choose your neighbors.

When you go to the movie you can choose your seat, but you shouldn’t pick the seat of your pants.

You can choose a red apple over a Granny Smith green one.  But you can’t pick your granny much less your mom and dad.

Therefore, you cannot pick your genealogy, race, or gender.

But, in the world we live in today, lo and behold, it seems that you can pick your gender even after your gender finalized its identity at the end of two strings of 23 chromosomes each.

Transgender is the T in the LGBTQIA2S+ and seems to be all of the rage and outrage of the day.  At the appropriate age, hopefully at least 18, we suppose if you wish to identify as another sex it is your right to do so.

It’s your life to live, so live it in a way that makes you happy.  Wear a dress if you wish, or stop wearing one if you don’t want to do so.  But when you cross(no pun intended) into gender reassignment surgery after taking medicines made to suppress your normal hormonal development it truly is a different world.

One can only hope that much thought and consideration has been given to the outcome before the outcome is final.  This leads the conversation to who has the right to do what, when, and to whom.

It has long been thought by this writer that the most heinous crimes committed are those that cause children great harm.  They look to parents, teachers, family, community, and government(unfortunately) for leadership.

To indoctrinate youngsters through the education system, put them in the same restrooms, purposely expose them to drag queens, and so on is wrong.  Children are very impressionable.

If a dad throws a baseball to his young son his son wants to grow up to be a baseball player. If a dad dresses a boy like a girl he grows up wanting to be a girl.  On one level it really is that simple.  Who you are is at least half determined by how you are raised.

A child doesn’t have enough common sense or education to drive, vote, etc. but they can choose their gender?  Help us all.

When parents agree to drugs and eventual surgery for an adolescent they have crossed a very serious line.  It might take the dense ones in the crowd 10-15 years to realize the atrocity being committed today.

Thankfully some 19 states now have laws banning various treatments for minors.  It should be 50 and it should be 50 right now.

Some states are banning men from women’s sports.  As an aside, why aren’t women trying to compete in men’s sports?   Why not go to genderless sports?  You know why.

Arkansas enacted a bill yesterday banning transgender students from using the bathroom of their choice in public schools.  It’s a step, but it’s not enough.

For the 14 people who still read USA Today, yesterday they named a transgender lawmaker from Minnesota their “Woman of the Year” alongside Michelle Obama.  Really?

As another aside, what did either do to earn the distinction?  Who cares?  No one is who.

Why even call it a Woman of the Year award if you can be a biological man and be recognized for something that you are not?  Just eliminate the gender part to make sense of this nonsense.

Keep up with the stupidity.  There are plenty of stupid prizes for stupid people.

Don’t blame a clown for acting like a clown.  Blame yourself for going to the circus.

Kids used to love the circus.  Now, it would be way better if they didn’t see it or get asked/told to be in one of the three rings.

Keep your pronouns(which actually serve as adjectives) to yourself.

And, most of all leave the children out of it.