That Pesky Swamp Thing

Have you ever heard anyone say, “OMG, why would anyone ever have voted for Donald J. Trump?”  We thought so.

Why?  “Why” was on full display yesterday in Washington DC, otherwise known as The Swamp.

Current president in name only Joe Biden addressed a few important issues.  On one, inflation, he was asked what his plan was to combat this runaway train.  His answer was that it’s 1) covid’s fault, and 2) Putin’s fault.

He went on and asked what the GOP plan to fight inflation was. “How about spending less?” Ted Cruz tweeted back later.

Finally, Biden went for the kill shot.  His teleprompter prompted him to exclaim that his spending policies help lower inflation not make prices go higher.

In short, assign blame elsewhere, make it political, ignore the problem, and spend more money.

Meanwhile down the street another pesky Swamp Thing, Mitch McConnell, took the podium in the Capitol Rotunda.  He proudly stated that he contacted the President directly last week and told him that in order to get more aid for Ukraine, they should rush a bill through that had nothing extraneous attached to it.  Let’s get $40 billion directly to Ukraine ASAP.

He went on to say that he thought all of us could agree that the war in Ukraine was the most important issue facing Americans today.  Out of touch, much?

This is the same Senate minority leader who helped usher in Obamacare after the Democrats greased his old sweaty palm with $2 billion inside of that “affordable healthcare act” earmarked for infrastructure spending in his great home state-Kentucky.  If you like your interstate you can expand your interstate.

This is the same Senate minority leader who said last month that if the Republicans regained control of the Senate that he would indeed be the majority leader all over again.

This is the same Senate that has 50 Republicans that didn’t offer one scintilla of objection to his power grab before the Republicans possibly grab the power again.

Meanwhile, down at the virtual ink press, The Washington Post ran a story titled George Washington University Needs to Change Its Name.  Do you notice any similarities in the two bolded words in the previous sentence?

That’s journalism 101?  What’s important now?

Meh.  What’s $40 billion anyway?

  1. A LOT of money.
  2. The same amount that a citizen is paying for Twitter when everyone flipped their non free speech lid.  It’s his money. He can do what he wants.
  3. This $40 billion is your money. Washington thinks they can do what they want.
  4. Except, it’s money that you don’t have.
  5. As a matter of fact, you don’t have the $30 trillion that you (the U.S.) owe to creditors and counting.

Is the $40 billion a part of a NATO aid package?  Doubtful.  How much combined have the other NATO nations provided.  Our guess is that it’s in the very few millions with an “M.”

Can Volodymyr Zelenskyy turn the $40 billion into tanks, bullets, or guns anytime soon?  We’ve heard of Carvana, but not Tankvana.

Have you ever heard anyone, or everyone, at a Trump rally chant harmoniously “Drain the Swamp, Drain the Swamp?”

We thought so. We hope so.  Like a bankruptcy sale, everyone must go.

Maybe The Washington Post should change its name to The Swamp Post.

It should.