Hurricane DC

If you’re still driving around wearing a mask have we got good news for you?

The White House on Friday launched the Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy, half a year after Congress instructed the administration to set up a new arm in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.

It is a now-permanent installment in Washington and will first be led by retired Major General Paul Friedrichs, a longtime biosecurity official. It comes roughly two months after the Covid-19 public health emergency ended and weeks after Covid-19 response coordinator Ashish Jha stepped down, reflecting an overall wind-down of the administration’s coronavirus efforts.

Just in time!

Pandemics are like hurricanes.  You know another one is coming.  Best be prepared.  You don’t know exactly where and when it will hit.  And, they both get named by the government.

There was Alpha and our favorite Delta AY.4.2 amongst many other COVID-19 variants that caused us to run to CVS for a booster or three.  Hurricanes Katrina, Ike, and Sandy needed no boosters, strong on their own accord.

Permanent installments in DC grow like hurricanes as well.  They start small, grow into an unstoppable fury, and leave a mess behind time and again.

After 9/11 the Transportation Security Administration was created.  It’s now a permanent installment as well.

As of the fiscal year 2020, the TSA operated on a budget of approximately $7.7 billion and employed over 47,000 Transportation Security Officers, Behavior Detection Officers, Transportation Security Specialists, Federal Air Marshals, and other security personnel.  The FY 2023 Budget is 34% higher at $10.3B and manned(or womanned) by 60,652 positions or 29% more fine government workers.

That’s Bidenomics!  Grow the government from the bottom up and the middle out.

Don’t you feel safer?  Remember to take off your shoes before going through the airport gauntlet, please.

You’d think that the combo of WHO, NIH, FDA, and the CDC would be able to handle the next time some Chinese bats take flight.  Or did it escape from the lab Anthony?

But, no.  It is time, or past time really, for another arm to be added to the many in DC there to serve you.

Thank goodness Biden and Kamala are urging the wealthy to pay their fair share.  As they remind us, there is still work to do.

Maybe the government is the virus, after all, it spreads just like a pandemic does.

Unfortunately, like COVID, there does not seem to be an effective vaccine to eliminate its growth.




2021-Part II

We asked yesterday.  Who could have predicted that 2020 would bring us so many 12 to 6 curve balls and 95 MPH knee-high outside corner strikes?  No one could actually.

Who could know what 2021 could possibly have in store for us in the sports and news world?  Well, BBR of course.

And we delivered our foresight on the first six months.  Today take a look at the second half of the 12-month journey below.

You’ll be glad you did and then let the champagne flow.

July-  Jimmy Fallon celebrates the Fourth by drinking a fifth on The Tonight Show.  NBC fires him on the sixth.  Courtside, Hunter Biden watches the NBA Finals held in China for the first time ever.  LeBron is named MVP of the series, retires, and is named US Diplomat to China.  Joe Biden calls and jubilantly  congratulates “LeBron and his Cleveland 49ers on the championship.”

August-  Trump’s Agent Orange TV show is canceled due to low ratings.  Trump calls it fake news and demands a recount of the viewership.  The dog days of summer roll on with record highs in the California desert reaching 127 degrees.  Gavin Newsom, poolside from his villa in Cabo, issues a mandate for all Californians to stay indoors till 2022.  President Biden announces that he and Dr. Jill are headed to “Margaret’s Vineyard” for a well-earned summer getaway.   Mark Zuckerberg creates a Facebook spinoff soon to IPO called Shitfacedbook aimed at the inebriated crowd.

September-  President Biden is hospitalized briefly after his ninth Covid vaccination.  He forgot about getting the first eight.  A lasting side effect seems to be that his face has turned pale green.  AOC proposes that the 95 trillion dollar Green New Deal be renamed in Biden’s honor.  The Senate sends a bill to Biden recommending that Labor Day no longer be recognized as it’s prejudicial against the unemployed.  The NFL kicks off another season with no kickoffs now a rule-safety first.

October- Dr. Fauci declares that the NFL face mask screwed on the helmet might help prevent the spread of Covid or might not.  Jacksonville QB Trevor Lawrence throws for 345 yards as the Jaguars beat the KC Chiefs in London 37-17.  The hit TV series Yellowstone passes the 200th killing mark in one year in a very rural community milestone.  Nancy Pelosi’s fifth facelift is free thanks to the “buy four, get one free” promo at Dr. 90210.

November- The Smithsonian gets the very last necktie ever for sale at Macy’s.  It’s put on display on a male mannequin in a phone booth smoking a Camel.  Tesla’s stock price hits $3000 a share, up a paltry 500% from 2020.  Scientists warn that Apple watches can cause cancer (and break legs) in lab rats when worn for over 12 hours a day.   The Dog Pound in Cleveland is rabid as the Browns head to December 12-0.

December- The Army beats Navy 28-3 to complete a 12-0 season but is left out of the FBS playoffs.   Hunter Biden is rushed to the emergency room after attempting to snort a hot marshmallow around the campfire at Camp David.  Joe Biden thanks Doc Martens for the successful extraction and reiterates to the press how proud he and his wife “Dr. Jane” are of their son.     Tampa Bay finishes 7-9 and cites Tom Brady’s time away from the team filming AARP commercials in season as a distraction.  Covid is no more, but Santa is pulled over and cited for not wearing a mask while flying over Cuomo’s New York.

2020 is no more.  2021 will soar.

Thanks for being a part of BBR.

Happy New Year!!!