Don’t Worry, Be Happy

Have you noticed a change in the demeanor of President Trump in the last week?  We have, and it’s been remarkable.

Put simply, he seems happier.  He seems more upbeat.  He seems to have more bounce in his step.

If our perception is correct, the obvious question is “why the change?”  We speculate on the answer, or really the answers below.  Maybe it has to do with a doctor, or really a bevy of doctors.

The first doctor that might have stepped forward to help was the RNC spin doctor.  The diagnosis of Trump had to be bleak.  Even the best spin doctor could not have delivered a positive test result on his first debate performance against Joe Biden.

Trump’s egotistical.  He’s narcissistic.  He’s hard-headed.  But did someone in his camp finally breakthrough, at least in the short run, and tell him that the nastiness and combativeness weren’t playing well through the TV back in Peoria?

The second doctor told him that he had bad news and good news.  The bad news was that he was COVID-19 positive.  The good news was that if he took all of the cocktail mix of drugs available to him that he would make a quick recovery.  He did and he did.  Was Trump reflective at 73 about his health and had a moment that said, life is good in spite of all of the jackasses in the party that uses a jackass for its logo constantly getting in his way?

Did the third doctor, maybe an accomplished doctor in one of the business disciplines, tell him to not worry about the polls showing Biden with a double-digit lead?  Maybe the polls are doctored the way they were four years ago almost to the day?

Did the fourth doctor (she’s not a doctor, but is so smart that she could be a great one) provide in front of an amazed America and a befuddled Senate committee the exact elixir to run, not walk, onto the Supreme Court?  Amy Coney Barrett has far exceeded Trump’s high hopes for a smooth sail onto the highest court in the land.

Was the tie in with Hunter, China, Burisma, and Slow Joe by the suddenly uncovered emails (how long do you think Rudy Guliani has been sitting on them?) linking the “pay to play” just what the doctor ordered?

Maybe, just maybe, it was a combo of all five of the above.

Two nights ago, at a campaign stop in Florida, he danced a step or four to the closing YMCA song.  Last night he unknotted one of his signature red satin silk ties and tossed it into the crowd.  Are happy days here again?

Did he and his troupe decide that the campaign was too focused on all that is wrong with America?  Did he fall too far down the rabbit hole that the Dems have drug him down time and again with their unrelenting and effective attacks?

And, now, with time running out in the fourth quarter does he want to remind you that America is brave, strong, free, and will survive then thrive again?

Is the stark contrast of an old, ashen colored, masked Biden holding a rally with no one there versus Trump energetically bogeying to the Village People going to help the undecided decide in favor of the flawed incumbent?

Or, does he know something that we don’t?

Don’t worry, be happy.