Ten Piece Nuggets-Life

Our overworked and underpaid staff needs a day off.  Unfortunately, or fortunately for news wonks, this world continues to deep fry Ten Piece Nuggets at a prodigious clip.  There is no nugget supply chain shortage.

  1.  We borrowed this line.  Ok, we stole it.   It’s too good not to.  It looks like the only person at CNN that can keep his hands to himself is Jeffery Toobin.
  2.   Jeff Zucker is out at CNN.  He’s just another in what is becoming a long line of, ahem, “exposed” frauds.  The lovely and talented Chris Cuomo helped in the dethroning.  CNN is an AT&T property that is merging to form the new and bigger Discovery Co.  What to do?
  3. We’ve said it before, we’ll say it again.  CNN should pivot (we hate that word) to the middle of the political spectrum.  They lose straight up in nearly every hour in the ratings to MSNBC for left-leaning viewers.  They get smashed by the juggernaut that FOX is.  In many hours measured MSNBC and CNN combined don’t reach what FOX does.  The middle lane is wide open for market share to be taken and we sense America is wide open for some middle-of-the-road thinking.
  4. If you’re just waking up know that ISIS leader Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi was killed in a “successful” U.S. Special Operations counterterrorism mission in northwest Syria Thursday, President Biden said.  The world is a safer place for it and Biden will tell us about it this morning.
  5. If you combine that with his nonsensical movement of 3k US troops nearer to the Ukraine/Russia mess he’s got the opportunity for a willing press to focus abroad v the mess we have here at home.  Color us jaded and a wee bit cynical.
  6.  What if you made it to the final round of Wheel of Fortune and picked “person” as your final category and the board lit up 39 blank squares that had ISIS leader Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi hidden behind them.  Pat, “Five consonants please.”  You, “B, H, Q, Y, and R.  Pat, “Really? And your vowel?” You, “I.”  Pat, “Wow.  Ok, Vanna, turn them around, and amazingly let’s see what we’ve got.”   Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.  Too soon?
  7. The three women that share the set on The View with Whoppi Goldberg unanimously decried her suspension two days after her non-race rant about the Holocaust.  They also did not address the matter on the show the day after the suspension.  They wouldn’t do the same for other “misinformation” (we hate what this word is now used for) rants like Joe Rogan, would they?
  8. Speaking of Joe Rogan, the Republicans should boldly announce that he has been asked to lead the first 2024 Republican Presidential Debate. It’s never too soon.  The best defense is a great offense.  Something like, “Keep Free Speech Free.”
  9. Miami Dolphins owner Stephen Ross vigorously denied former head coach Brian Flores claims about performance bonuses for losses. “I take great personal exception to these malicious attacks, and the truth must be known. His allegations are false, malicious, and defamatory.” Predictable.  Flores’ lawyers surely know that the NFL is a tight-knit group of deep pockets with great incentive to defend and plenty of in-house legal counsel to help do just that.
  10. Hue Jackson, former Cleveland Browns Head Coach publically stated yesterday that he was paid extra to dump games for the miserable Browns a few years back during his tenure. He says he has proof.  Maybe so.  If so, he definitely earned the incentive money.  The product on the field and his in-game management decisions were awful.  His press conferences, if possible, were worse.  He amassed a record of 3–36–1 during his tenure with the team including 0-20 on the road.
  11.  He is debating whether to join Flores’ lawsuit.  Why?  He had eight coaching stops in the NFL including two HC spots ( Oakland and Cleveland) and three Offensive Coordinator positions.  He was fired in Oakland by first-year GM Reggie McKenzie who is also black.  It sounds like great work over 18 NFL seasons if you could be so fortunate.

Ok, you were overserved.  It happens.

Making History This Month

One day after Whoppi Goldberg said that the Nazi Concentration Camps were not about race, Brian Flores filed a suit saying that the NFL is all about race.

So yesterday, 2/1/22, the first day of Black History Month, history was made all over again.

The NFL and its playoffs were flying high with the Super Bowl two weeks away.  The class-action lawsuit that Flores filed against the NFL sucked the air right out of that.  Its timing, the first day of Black History Month is purposeful.

Brian Flores was the head coach of the Miami Dolphins from 2019-to 2021.  Philosophical differences were cited by owner Stephen Ross and team management for his unexpected and abrupt firing two weeks ago.  Since then Flores has interviewed for the Denver Broncos, New York Giants, and Houston Texans HC jobs.

His class-action lawsuit against the NFL, the Giants, the Broncos, the Dolphins, and the other 29 teams alleges racial discriminatory hiring practices and abject prejudice against persons of color seeking or serving as coordinators and head coaches.

The suit goes in many directions, but the two loudest claims made by Flores are 1) that the NY Giants interviewed Flores for the HC position to be compliant with the Rooney Rule after the team had already decided to hire Brian Daboll, and 2) Dolphins owner S. Ross treated Flores with “disdain” and portrayed him as “someone who was non-compliant and difficult to work with” after Flores refused to purposely lose games to enhance their 2019 draft position.

Expectedly, the NFL and the three teams deny any wrongdoing.

A now published copy of the text exchange Flores had with Bill Belichick is the impetus for claim #1 above.  In it, Belichick texts “Sounds like you have landed-congrats!!”  Flores texts, “I interview on Thursday.”  Belichick back, ” Got it- I hear from Buffalo and NYG that you are their guy.”  Belichick thinks he’s texting Daboll (same first name Brian and same spelling).  Belichick, “Sorry I f’ed this up.  I think they are naming Daboll.  I’m sorry about that. BB”

The NY Giants claim that Flores was considered until the 11th hour.  They will also claim that what Belichick wrote is pure hearsay.  A court of law might decide on both.

The age-old argument for more minorities in the OC, DC, HC, and GM positions is “look at how many minorities are on the field and how few are in the front office.”  If one buys into “because one has plenty the other should as well,” then the question becomes “why would the same people who fill rosters with the most qualified to win, and are 70% plus minorities, not want the most qualified to coach or manage them regardless of color as well?”

In other words, is the NFL prejudiced off of the field but not on it?  And, if so, why would Ross hire Flores in the first place?

Flores interviewed for the still vacant Texans HC position last week.  The Texans fired David Culley, who is black, after one season.  Culley is 66 years old and was never an OC or DC prior to being named HC a year ago.  If they had hired a white HC who had never been an OC or DC prior would the outrage from the minority coaching community have been palpable?

Culley was terminated for multiple shortcomings (clock management, strategic management, etc.) and was paid his full buyout of $22 million for one year of work.  If you are a racist, do you hire a black guy to fire him a year later and cough up $22,000,000?

So, what is the appropriate amount or percentage of minorities that should occupy the aforementioned positions?  Is it the same as the overall population?  That would be 13% black.  Is it the same as on the field?  That would be north of 60% black.

Or should it be whoever is the most qualified?  Seventy-three percent of polled Americans would prefer Joe Biden pick whom he feels is the most qualified next SCOTUS Justice, not corner himself with a campaign promise of selecting a black female.  Even 54% of polled Democrats agree with this thinking.

Give Flores credit.  He chose principle over a lucrative livelihood in all likelihood while still considered a finalist for the Texans’ job and while meeting with the Saints’ brain trust LAST NIGHT for their vacant HC position.  Timing is everything.

He calls the Rooney Rule(teams must interview at least two minorities with every opening) a sham. And, it is.  And, it has been.  It’s kowtowing to a cause.  But, teams following the rule as it was intended prove nothing about racial discrimination.

Throw it away and just interview who you think is the most qualified for your team’s leadership needs.  The Steelers and Dan Rooney did just that when they hired Mike Tomlin 15 years ago and counting.

It is odd though that a 60-page class-action suit could be discussed, written, and filed in such a short period of time.  It’s almost like a 1k page House Bill that Nancy Pelosi pulls out of her top drawer.

Still, if he has an agenda that he believes in it’s his right to go forward with it whenever chooses.

Will Brian Flores ever work again in the NFL?  Doubtful.

Fifty percent of Americans think America is racist.  Fifty-plus percent of Americans is tired of 50% thinking it’s racist.

Will America ever work again?  Hopeful.

Will Flores’ action be looked back upon as historic?  For better, for worse, and for sure.