Remember to Say Thank You!

Did you just get an other ugly sweater?  Gift cards are so in, yet so thoughtless.  Could the mashed potatoes be served any colder?  Who invited him?  Alexa, enough already.

Yep, ’tis the season.  Perhaps some simple advice would serve us all well today.  Say ‘thank you.’  That’s it.  It’s simple.  Just say ‘thank you,’ and tomorrow morning you can wake up and realize that you don’t need to go through this for another 364 days.

Need inspiration do you?  Take a look at this 42 second video.  In it Coach Orgeron shows us all how to be nice when choosing otherwise is foremost on our minds.  Just say ‘thank you.’

Coach is so nice he says it twice!

Oh, and, Merry Christmas!

Father Time is Undefeated. Don’t Help Him.

Texting while driving can be deadly.  Texting while walking isn’t much better.  You’ve seen the videos.  Unfortunately people do dumb things while fixated on their smart phones.  People walk into anything, anywhere, anytime when distracted.  But, walking into traffic or crossing a street illegally is a bird brain thing to do.  If a cop in a bad mood observes this you might get ticketed for “jaywalking.”  How did this irresponsible behavior’s name take flight?  Its meaning and origin follows.

Meaning: One who crosses the street in a reckless or illegal manner
History: Jay birds that traveled outside of the forest into urban areas often became confused and unaware of the potential dangers in the city – like traffic. Amused by their erratic behavior, people began using the term “Jaywalker” to describe someone who crossed the street irresponsibly.

Nothing good comes of jaywalking.  You could cause an accident, be in an accident, or worse case you could die in an accident.  What a way to go.  Imagine your loved ones explaining that jaywalking caused you to die, or “kick the bucket.”   How “kicking the bucket” became a phrase to describe death isn’t pleasant and is described below..  You’ve been warned.

Meaning: To die
History: When a cow was killed at a slaughterhouse, a bucket was placed under it while it was positioned on a pulley. Sometimes the animal’s legs would kick during the adjustment of the rope and it would literally kick the bucket before being killed.

Father Time is undefeated.  There is no need to help him by mindlessly walking into traffic and possibly kicking the bucket.