Ten Piece Nuggets-Random

With news coming at us from all angles and sports news scarce, we chose the Ten Piece Nuggets route this AM.   Below are as random of a collection of thoughts on a wide range of subjects as you can get.  A lot of time on our hands means that a lot enters and exits the mind these days.  The delivery matches the country’s mindset we think.  Look at it this way- at least you don’t have to tip for this delivery.

  1.  Are you still surprised that Tom Brady is a Tampa Bay Buccaneer?  Stuff happens, especially in 2020.  Jerry Rice, Brett Farve, Joe Montana, and Marcus Allen all starred for one team for a long time.  They all won Super Bowls.  They all are in the HOF.  And, they all finished their careers with a different team.  Nonetheless, it will still look strange when (should we say if?) Brady trots out from under the pirate’s ship this fall.
  2. OJ Simpson is yet another.  The longtime Buffalo Bill finished his career in a different uniform too.  He became a 49er for a stint.  Of course, he also wore a different uniform for two other stints as well.  One was for a year in the LA County uni.  And, he made yet another comeback with about an eight-year run (Run OJ, run) just outside of Vegas.  But we digress.
  3.  Speaking of drama in Vegas, predictably the NFL show must go on.  The draft is later this month, but won’t be held in the middle of the Bellagio Fountain as planned.  It will be done virtually like it was many, many years ago.  An in-studio set and a network of computers will replace a smoke-filled room and 30 phone lines.  We predict record numbers will watch and watch.
  4. Why record numbers?  If America couldn’t turn its eyes away from Tiger King, the Netflix documentary smash hit, it’s a Vegas sure tell that we are all looking for something to get our minds off of the silent enemy.
  5. While on the Tiger King subject, we wonder.  Is the only one in jail, Joe Exotic, the most “normal” person of all of the actors/characters/people in the seven-part series?  And, isn’t there another documentary screaming at Netflix emanating out of this one?  How did Carole Baskin’s first husband just disappear?  No one just disappears.
  6. And, since we are all bored out of our minds, BBR recommends Succession to you.  The characters are filthy rich, awkward, weird, and out of their minds, too.  The staff wrapped up watching season one last night.  You could do worse.
  7. Adam Schiff, who thankfully we were able to forget for two months, is back at it.  He wants his House Intelligence(we have our doubts) Committee to investigate what we the government did wrong as this pandemic raced to us and through us.  Too soon? It’s never too soon to grab the narrative.
  8. Speaking of investigations, should someone look a bit deeper into the $25 million given to the JFK Performing Arts Center?  The ink isn’t dry yet on the money that the Feds should not print, but will.   It was announced, and BBR is looking deeper into the facts, that the Center made a $5 million donation to the Democratic National Committee late last week.   We don’t know the exact definition of money laundering.  But, this looks like it could use a second rinse cycle to get the tough stains out.
  9.  At a time when nearly all hospitals have canceled elective surgeries for the foreseeable future, Planned Parenthood is requesting donations of personal protective equipment (PPE) for its staff as the group demands elective abortions continue during the coronavirus crisis in the United States.  Meanwhile, Planned Parenthood’s fighting the restrictions of our current state of shutdown.  The group is suing the state of Texas for banning services after declaring abortion “non-essential.”  This one is getting interesting.
  10.  And, finally, here is a BBR staff plea.  Tell everyone you see or talk to who is not practicing social distancing to please do so whenever possible.  Does it help or not is not the question.   It’s not the question because it would be better to do it and find out it doesn’t help than to not do it and find out that it would have.  It’s not very hard either.

Time to run.  Joe Exotic called while we were penning this.  He says that he knows where Hoffa is buried too.



Ironing, Washing, and Exercise

Super Bowl viewing isn’t for everyone.   In today’s world alternative suggestions to occupy your time while others soak up every minute are plentiful.  Likewise, the State of the Union (SOTU) addresses aren’t for everyone either.  Several alternatives were suggested before and during the speech last evening.  Rather than recap the SOTU, let’s look at the alternatives suggested, acted upon, and even some others that could have been.

Hillary Clinton suggested that you spend the hour ensuring that your voter registration was up to date and ask two others to do the same.  Patriotic!  She also could have rifled through a ton of old emails and filed the keepers and tossed the rest.  Wait, BBR is being told that she’s up to date.  Well, maybe she could have caught up on some ironing.  You know, so many pantsuits, so little time.

Hillary’s Pinterest friend Monica Lewinsky skipped the address as well.  She decided to catch up on some wash, she said.   Hillary had a suggestion.  Shout®. has the stain-fighting ingredients to break up and remove tough stains—so you can live in the moment, and clean up later.

Alexandria Octavio Cortez had a great seat but boycotted the event.  She said, “None of this is normal and I will not legitimize it.”  Dramatic.  That’s the way to drop the hammer AOC.  AOC suggested that M.C. Hammer had it all wrong many moons ago when he sang “Too Legit. Too Legit to Quit.

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D) from Michigan walked out midway through the speech.  She tweeted, “…the shameless bragging about taking away food stamps that people depend on to live-it was all beneath the dignity of the office he occupies.”  She walked straight to her favorite restaurant in such disgust that she could barely sit through the entire meal.  One suggestion going forward is to call food stamps by their proper name.  SNAP, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, is the program formerly known as food stamps.  Saying “food stamps” is beneath the dignity of the office she occupies.

Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.) on Tuesday night brought a Ukrainian flag with him to the address to show that Democrats stood with an “ally he tried to extort.”  During the speech he walked out saying “I can’t stand a liar.”  Perhaps the 83-year-old Pascrell, who no one has ever heard of, should have stayed.  Everyone is famous for 15 minutes.  Why shortchange yourself?

A small group of Dems didn’t stand (Ilhan Omar among them) while all others did three separate times to honor 100-year-old Tuskegee Airman Charles McGee.  Even McGee at 100 stood all three times, and they were honoring him!  Maybe some need to hit the U.S. government provided gym for some much-needed exercise rather than sit in those comfy leather chairs all evening.  Up. Down.

Adam Schiff sat through the entire evening right next to Jerry Nadler.  Kudos to him.  Schiff, eyes bulging, looked like he could barely breathe though.  Understandable.  One suggestion to him might be- don’t sit next to Nadler next time.

Congressman Tim Ryan (D) from Ohio also walked out.  He tweeted, “I’ve had enough.  It’s like watching professional wrestling.  It’s all fake.”  We hope Ryan soldiered on and watched the balance of the address on CNN.

President Trump reaffirmed that America is going to participate in the Trillion Tree Initiative “an ambitious effort to bring together government and the private sector to plant new trees in America and all around the world.”  That’s a good thing for the environment and the paper industry.

Paper will be so plentiful it’ll be growing in trees.   Paper is what kept Nancy Pelosi in her seat shuffling hers until the very end.  She seemed torn though.

May we suggest a House led investigation into possible Russian interference in the Iowa Democratic Primary to get her mind off of all of that pesky paperwork?






Party On

Did you get your invite?  Don’t fret if you haven’t.  Some parties are better than others.  And some parties when two parties are throwing the party can be real duds.

As Henny Youngman might say, “Take this Senate Trial, please!”

So who did get invited?  Cameras aren’t permitted to focus on those in attendance, but rather only on the current chosen one who is addressing those in attendance.  There must be a drone there somewhere capturing this though.  Wait, BBR is being told that the drone is actually Adam Schiff droning on and on in a monotone voice only his mother would love.

Each Senator may invite one guest to sit in the balcony to watch.  Rand Paul overheard President Trump saying that he might like to attend what the President called a “partisan charade.”  He tweeted, “I heard @realDonaldTrump would like to attend the impeachment trial. Mr. President, would love to have you as my guest during this partisan charade.”  Apparently Paul will be voting against the two articles.

Hunter Biden might get an invite too.  Although he might not attend due to other travel plans.  Seems like Biden is defying a court order to disclose his financial information as part of a child support fight in Arkansas while renting a $3.8 million designer home in Hollywood Hills, Los Angeles, with his new wife Melissa Cohen for $12,000 per month.  They married six days after they met.

Lawyers for 28-year-old Lunden Alexis Roberts who was a stripper at a Washington, DC, club Biden once frequented — said he failed to submit a slew of discovery materials.  DNA tests proved Biden fathered a child with Roberts.  A court order has been issued in Arkansas for his appearance.   “No comment” has been the word from his first wife Kathleen Biden, with whom he currently is expecting his fifth child.

Hunter desperately needs a few more board of director gigs like the one that might compel him in the Senate to testify to keep up with the child support.

No one from Russia is in attendance as far as anyone can tell.  Adam Schiff mentioned the country literally 30 times in his sermon yesterday.  Somewhat like Field of Dreams though, maybe if you say it enough they will come.

Former National Security Advisor John Bolton might yet get an invite as well.

If Trump doesn’t use the Rand Paul ticket maybe Bolton can invite his own mustache as his guest.  Surely it can fill a seat all to its own.

One hundred Senators were invited and all are in attendance for the six day a week marathon.  No electronic devices are allowed in the proceedings.  One hundred Senators regret that they could not send their regrets back after the formal invite.

What about you?  You’re invited to watch at least.  The number of TV’s, desktops, laptops, Surfaces, IPads, and mobile devices turning to other interests by the hour must be staggering.  Not to worry though.  All of the news channels and talk shows are watching and listening for you.  If you think Trump is guilty turn to CNN or MSNBC and you’ll be proven right.  Speaking of the right, if you think he is innocent, turn to Fox News and you’ll be proven right about his innocence.

What if you threw a party and no one came?




Mr. Magoo and the Haymakers

Emboldened by what he called “total vindication,” President Trump took a victory lap after the knockout to Grand Rapids, MI. and back for one of his feel good pep rallies of his base.  The Mueller Investigation findings, though not yet totally released, proves, he says, what he told us all along.  That is, no Russian Collusion.

Some Democrats, like a dog on a bone, won’t yet let go.  One such bow-wow, from the great state of California, Adam Schiff continued his diatribe into the weekend that he knows Trump is guilty and he has proof.  When he became Chair of the House Intelligence Committee in 2019, Schiff made it his personal mission to investigate Trump’s connections to Russia, separate from the investigation by the Special Counsel.  Schiff came under significant fire when asked if he would accept it if the Special Counsel’s investigation concluded that Donald Trump did not collude with Russia.  He stated that he has great confidence in Mueller but that “there may be, for example, evidence of collusion or conspiracy that is clear and convincing, but not proof beyond a reasonable doubt,” as is needed for a criminal conviction.

So, President Trump, once the star of the hit show The Apprentice, took his show on the road.  No apprentice at assigning nicknames to friend or foe, “The Donald” offered a new one in describing the House Intelligence Chairperson.  It played quite well in Grand Rapids, and we suspect it’ll play quite well in red states coast to coast.  Of course there aren’t many red states on any coast really unless you include the Gulf Coast.

So, since he has such an affinity for nicknames, BBR decided to countdown our thoughts on his best (if you are from the right) or his worst (if you are from the left).  The hit list is the same either way.

Many honorable mentions are possible.  We chose four that follow.

Little Marco – Then candidate Trump went from stage left to center stage after just one Republican debate.  He bullied several believed to be serious candidates right down podium row.  Marco Rubio, of diminutive size, took a shot to his ribs, lost his composure more than once, and never recovered.

Crazy Bernie- Bernie Sanders pushed Hillary Clinton much further left than she wished to gain the Democratic nomination in 2016.  The now Prez relabeled “free college tuition” Bernie as Crazy Bernie.  Bernie’s glasses and uncoiffed grey hair could, given a lab white lab coat, come across as a bit out there to anyone to his right.  And we think many are to his right.

Lyin’ Ted- Ted Cruz stayed above it all for much of the Republican campaigning and debating.  As also ran’s ran out of support or money or both, Ted stayed firmly in the race.  Mr. Trump took exception to a few of Ted’s characterizations of him and labeled him Lyin’ Ted Cruz.  Trump trumped Ted in the debates by pulling out the nickname early and often is his rebuttals of Ted’s shots across the bow.  Ted eventually bowed out.

Mr. Magoo- President Trump appointed Congressman Jeff Sessions as his first Attorney General of the United States.  Alabamian Sessions was an early, avid, and outspoken advocate of candidate Trump.  Trump spoke glowingly of Sessions.  He did at least until Sessions recused himself in the beginning stages of the Russian Investigation that led to the appointment of Special Prosecutor Mueller.    Sessions decided to not participate.  He concluded “I should not be involved in investigating a campaign I had a role in.”  Trump denies that he ever called AG Sessions “Mr. Magoo.” Of course he denies any Stormy relationship that turned stormy for him as well.   We think the nickname is too good for Trump to not take credit.  So, we included it here, authorship be damned.

Remember, President Trump says that he never starts a fight, he just counter punches until he ends one.  Maybe.  But, there is no doubt that he’s a heavyweight champion of nicknames.  The one he put on Schiff is a punch straight to his manhood.

Tomorrow we count down his top five haymakers.

They all hit like Mike Tyson.