
In 1980 as newly inaugurated President Ronald Reagan strode into the Oval Office the American economy was a mess.  Interest rates reached double digits, unemployment was nearing the same, and inflation was rampant. One of his economic team’s solution bets was to dramatically reduce the higher and eliminate the highest federal tax rates on the …


Timing, they say, is everything.   The NFL wishes the enemy that we cannot see would go away as all of the rest of civilization does.  But, if it had to happen, could it have happened at a better time in a year for the league? Shortly after the regular season was capped by Pat Mahomes …


As America reopens we don’t seem so open with what we are willing to put into our bodies. Is a vaccine around the corner?  Probably not, but a recent survey of Americans stated almost 50% would not want it injected into their bodies for fear of side effects.   Another reason cited was the concern that …


Yesterday we offered a couple of proposition bets on the NCAA playing or not this fall.  Today we offer a prop bet on the 11/3/20 election. As #hidenbiden trends on Twitter, we have “Sleepy Joe” at plus $180 to actually NOT be the Democratic Pary’s nominee for President.  You bet $100 to win $180 that …


Although it’s never really the offseason anymore, the NCAA football programs usually enter the offseason filled with questions that need answers.  This offseason was no different on the questions part. Schools are out for summer and plenty of the questions remain.  A few that were answered are subject to change.  That is life in 2020 …


One unlucky BBR staffer was assigned a project that wound up lasting well into the evening.  The loser of the coin flip had to research the states’ stay at home orders, easing of same, and restrictions imposed on both. The project mercifully was called off around 11:30 pm.  Why?  It’s because there are nearly 50 …


Have you seen the selective edit of Bill Barr’s interview used by Chuck Todd on Sunday’s Meet the Press?  Yesterday, it was all of the (out)rage on conservative talk radio as well as on the Fox News Network. And that, unfortunately, is exactly the point.  It’s already yesterday’s news. As the Russian Collusion, Mueller …


Friends It was a pretty quiet trading day with mixed results. Nasdaq keeps pushing towards previous highs led by the likes of Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Google, Netflix and Facebook, but many other areas of the market are struggling. The Dow traded down a couple of hundred points at the open, but recovered by midday, only to drift lower by the […]


On June 12, 1987, United States President Ronald Reagan delivered a speech in West Berlin.  He was less than 100 yards from the Berlin Wall.   Reagan called for the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev, to open the Berlin Wall, which had separated West and East Berlin since 1961. …


You’re returning to work.  Your appetite is naturally increasing.  We’re here to help.  Our supply chain, unlike Wendy’s, never runs short.  We’re here to serve.  Nuggets follow.  Jailed Dallas hair salon owner Shelley Luther is free at last.   One day after a judge sentenced her to 7 days in jail and 7k out of her …