
Friends Despite more encouraging news on the vaccine front, stocks were struggling through the early part of the trading session. But, as the day wore on, the bulls got a little more interested and by the close stocks had posted decent gains. The big move was in the big growth names which had been left behind last week. Back on […]


Our summer of discontent rolls along as the year 2020 continues to disappoint.  We’ve got some nuggets to get you through the start of the workweek.  Redskins owner Daniel Snyder is a little red in the face.  A few days after announcing that the Redskins nickname and logo were gone, he announced that three of …


It’s over! A Quinnipiac Poll released Wednesday showed Joe Biden leading President Trump nationally by double-digits, widening his lead over the last month. The former vice president leads Trump 52 percent to 37 percent.  That’s up from the eight-point lead he saw in the June 18 poll. And, it gets worse for Trump when you …


Tomatoe, Tomato.  Potatoe, Potata.  Boycott, Buycott. Saturday Raul Reyes, a member of the USA Today board of contributors (whatever that means), wrote an op-ed piece for CNN Business.  It began with “Adios Goya!”  Why?  Surely you have heard by now.  Goya Foods CEO Robert Unanue praised President Trump at a White House ceremony on Thursday afternoon. …


Sources tell BBR that the Washington Redskins will officially announce today that they are dropping their 87-year-old nickname.  While no new nickname will be announced, gone is the name “Redskins.”  We have a few questions about this decision. Did you know that Washington’s logo of an American Indian chief had been designed by a Native …


Schools out for summer.  Schools out forever.  So sang Alice Cooper. We always got the summer part.  We never understood the forever part. Perhaps, now we do.  During these (are you ready?) new normal, COVID-19 pandemic, #aparttogether, together apart, times are changing.  Unprecedented is the time we are told repeatedly. And with it, our …


Two wrongs don’t make a right. CNN’s Don Lemon called for former President Barrack Obama’s chiseled likeness to be added to Mount Rushmore last evening.  “I think, listen … if they are going to put someone on Mount Rushmore, considering the history of the country, the first black president should be front and center,”  he …


To play or not to play fall sports? That is the question that college and pro teams in all sports across this fruited plain are pondering as July rolls along. Some face even a tougher long term question.  That is, do we erase our history and change our nickname?  The Movement beckons.  Below we examine …


With hot dogs, apple pie, prohibited fireworks, and tearing down statues, America celebrated it’s 245th Fourth of July.   It’s life in the year 2020.  Oh, and there is this coronavirus problem, too.  So below, it’s life served up one nugget at a time, and ten in all.  Pass the BBQ sauce and dig in.  Portland, …


We’re back, but only for a brief few words.  Last week and into this week the BBR staff had its annual off-campus mid-year reviews and celebrity golf tournament. Orlando was the destination.  We shut the outside world down and are glad we did. It looks like we missed nothing.  Sports are still on ice and …