
Long before Kamala Harris was named Border in Chief she ran quite poorly for Commander in Chief.   Prior to that she was a Senator, and prior to that she was the Attorney General for the State of California. As AG her number one job was to prosecute individuals that the state felt were guilty of …


Last evening Lefty and Shorty were all but ready to close the Gulf Station.   Rain was falling from the heavens at an accelerating pace, the fog was rolling in and cars were not.  Shorty- Why do we stay open until midnight?  Lefty- So that you and I can discuss the life and times of Jussie …


Do you consider yourself to be open-minded?  Our guess is that 90% plus of our faithful readers just said “yes” to themselves. That is a good thing.  Because for some it’s going to take an open mind to watch the embedded video and watch it to its conclusion. It’s also going to take time, plenty …


Ten days removed from the Thanksgiving holiday, we offer the Ten Nuggets deep-fried.  They’re deep with thought and might fry your mind.  The Cuomo brothers hit the unemployment line within weeks of one another and deservedly so.  They have a right to unemployment benefits, and apparently, they’re taking the Grate (on you) State of New …


Why ask why?  Someone has to now more than ever. Why is Biden imposing a travel ban from foreign countries today when the Omicron variant is already here and previous variants never left? Why is Biden leaving the southern border open while closing down air travel to help prevent the spread? Why aren’t we wearing …


In the game of musical chairs when the music stops there is always one chair too few.  In the college football coaching version where the music never stops there is always one chair too many. When a school’s AD tosses a contestant out (coach) he opens his chair. This year it started as it always …


The last thing you need after four days of overindulgence is more.  We’re air frying the nuggets again today to keep them light.  Black Friday really was.  The world learned of yet another unwelcomed foe.  Omicron.  It’s been said that it’s anywhere from 2x to 10x times more contagious. Maybe it has different symptoms.  And, …


NCAA football, we hardly knew you.  Time flys. This Saturday wraps up another college football regular season.  Abby might weigh in on a bowl or playoff game or two, but she makes her money in the regular season. A breakeven week last week (one more won than lost, but Vegas collected the juice) puts her …


Start your shortened work week off with a Ten Piece Nuggets serving.    We air-fried them to save calories for Thursday. Unfortunately, be forewarned, nuggets one and two don’t taste too well.  Waukesha, WI is a nice, easy-going, do for others, slice of America.  It’s a 75k citizen suburb due west of Milwaukee.  But unfortunately, …


It’s that time of the year.  Some great NCAA head coaching opportunities have opened making the coaching carousel go around faster and faster. Website prognostication opportunities are much the same.  If you’re the top dog, you get paid the top dollar. Accordingly, Abby released the following statement. “Woof.  Woof.  It’s been a good year.  There …