Good Night Everyone

John Fetterman stumbled and bumbled through his debate last evening with Dr. Oz for the Pennsylvania Senate seat.  At least he has an excuse.  If his family, friends, and for that matter the DNC had a conscience, they would follow the science.

Speaking of doctors and following the science, Joe Biden, the CDC, and the NIH seem to be stumbling and bumbling with this pesky covid 19 pandemic.

It started about a year ago right now when the President, who stumbles and bumbles a bit himself, said, “For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm.”  Looking back that seems overstated.

By June of this year, he was promoting a safe vaccine for children ages five and under.

The President then pivoted in a 60 Minutes interview in early September. “We still have a problem with Covid. We’re still doing a lotta work on it. But the pandemic is over. If you notice, no one’s wearing masks. Everybody seems to be in pretty good shape.”

And, yesterday, in remarks on Covid, before he rolled up his sleeve for yet another booster he said, ” Americans have a choice as to how bad COVID-19 could be this winter.”  He also warned, yet again, that more people are likely to die.    Maybe we aren’t in pretty good shape?

Giving a boost to the booster effort he continued, “It’s incredibly effective, but the truth is, not enough people are getting it,” Biden said.  “Now we need a shot just once a year.

Noticeably absent was CDC Director Rochelle Walensky from the group gathered to support Biden and his remarks.   Last Friday night the good Dr. Walensky tested positive for COVID-19.  She is up to date with her vaccines.  Consistent with CDC guidelines, she is isolated at home.

Remember, it’s incredibly effective.

Dr. Anthony Fauci was behind the President and smiling from ear to ear.  He misses the spotlight ever so much.  With Cuomo and Lemon off of CNN at night and Rachael Maddow seldom seen on MSNBC most evenings now, his path to a live camera to tell us “I am the science” is tougher.

Will Dr. Oz defeat Fetterman in two weeks?  If he does, the Senate is one big step closer to Republican control.

And, if they get that control, another good doctor will find a path to a live camera.  Dr. Rand Paul promises a full Senate investigation by the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions into the origin, treatment, payouts, and results of the last three years of the virus and the subsequent billions of jabs to save us all.

Susequently, that will get Dr. Fauci plenty of the live air time he covets whether he wants it then, or not.

“Goodnight everyone,” Fetterman said as the debate began last evening.

Kudos to him for stumbling into correctly reading the exhausted American psyche.

We’re all looking for a few good nights right about now.



Boom Boom’s Life Lessons #7.

By request from not one, but two readers, we share the previously published article again for your perusal.  It must be sales meeting time for some.  We hope you’ll enjoy it.


One of the many gifts that Boom Boom gave us was the torrent of quips about how one leads one’s life.   He could say so much by saying so little.   A statement at just the right moment resonated in my young, eager eardrums.  How I interpreted or applied it was up to me.  No more words were spoken because no more words were needed.

Boom Boom bought a new car when, and only when, the need arose.  He bought American.  And, he bought Oldsmobiles.  Mom would get the new car and hand Boom Boom the keys to the old one.   He included me in the conversations with the car salesmen and management from a very young age.

In the mid-sixties an on and off again negotiation with the local dealership involved us walking out twice and resuming the deal-making the next day and then the day after.  Finally, exhaustively, the terms were agreed to on a new Jetstar 88.  “We’ll clean it up for you and you can pick it up tomorrow Mr. Johnston,” said the exasperated car salesman.

After his work and our dinner the next evening we drove in the old trade-in Olds to pick up the new Olds.  After the final paperwork was signed we joyfully opened the doors to get into the new shiny ride.  One problem.  There were no floor mats.  “Where are the floor mats,” Boom Boom inquired.  “Mr. Johnston, there were none in the car as it was offered to you.  Floor mats will be an extra $36, said the soon-to-be more exasperated car salesman.”  “Keep the car,”  Boom Boom evenly retorted.   “Let’s go,” he said to mom and I.   Silence abounded.  And, off we drove in the old Jetstar 88 back home.  The silence was still plentiful well into the evening.

The next evening our phone rang.  Boom Boom answered.  Boom Boom listened.  Then, Boom Boom spoke.   We could only hear his side of the conversation.   “So, now you want to include the floor mats?”  Pause.  “Ok, well, tell your manager that I now need another $150 off of the car for my inconvenience in addition to the floor mats.”  Long pause.  “Tell him thank you.”

“Let’s get the car,” he said.  Mom decided to drop him and me off and head back home.  She may have had a wee bit of buyer’s fatigue.  As dad and I waited for them to bring the car around to the front he looked at me(all of six or seven years old) and said, “Never be afraid to walk away from a negotiation.  Never.”

The new car smell filled my nostrils on the ride home.  The lesson learned fills my mind to this day.


From Demo to Dino

There is the old adage, “the only thing constant is change.”  There is the new adage, “change is coming at you faster than ever.”

The old adage is proven correct daily.  The new adage remains debatable.

Tulsi Gabbard changed, at least she changed officially.  She formally announced Monday that given the mad shift to the far left in her party, she would no longer be a part of the Democratic Party.   Her beliefs aren’t contained in a neat box, but her core values seem mostly right of center.

She didn’t declare herself a Republican though. She did not yet, and maybe not ever.  For now, she’s independent.

This has been brewing for some time.  The announcement only formalized it.   The United States Army Reserve officer and political commentator served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii’s 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021.  She attempted to gain the Democratic nomination for President in 2020.

Why is she still news?  It says here that she would make one fine VP candidate to go along with Ron DeSantis in 2024.  Imagine a conservative Republican picking an Independent as his running mate.  Now that would be a vote for the new adage ringing true.

Hawaii is a vote for the old adage.  It’s been brewing for some time as well.

Approximately 40 to 70 million years ago, the 137 islands of Hawaii began to form. Every island originated from multiple underwater volcanic eruptions. Magma burst from underneath the seafloor until it reached the ocean’s surface.

And, guess what.  It’s still forming as active volcanos still shape and reshape some of the newer islands in the chain.

Around the same time, give or take a mere 10 million years, about 66 million years ago a massive solar system body now known as the Chicxulub asteroid collided with Earth, excavating a massive 110-mile-wide impact crater in what would later become the Yucatan Peninsula.

This collision triggered a chain of cataclysmic events which, when combined with the devastation caused by the initial strike, wiped out 75 percent of all life on Earth.

Research that analyzed geological records from this traumatic period in our planet’s history, has revealed that the devastating impact may have triggered a “mega-earthquake” that lasted for weeks, or even months before subsiding.

That’s what you would call real climate change.  If you don’t believe us ask the next dinosaur you see walking around the face of the earth.

The Republican party actually reminds us of the fossils a bit.  Merriam-Webster’s first synonym explanation of the word is “one that has passed the peak of effectiveness or popularity.”

Take off Mitch McConnell’s glasses and what do you see?  Maybe you see words related to dinosaurs?  Dodo, fogy, old-timer, fuddy-duddy, mossback, stick in the mud, and stodge comes to mind.

Maybe change needs to come to the Republican Party faster than ever.  A return to conservative principles is in order and the presentation needs a makeover.

Gabbard as a running mate would not be a mega earthquake nor a MAGA earthquake, but it would be a fine start.



Dems Sell Well

“This is a direct threat to our very democracy.”

Have you heard that before and again and again?  How could you have not heard that over-hyperventilated accusation?

Our civil servant friends from the left have perfected its delivery with the tone, tenor, and repetitiveness that they are very skilled at doing in marketing their message.

Have you ever wondered aloud what exactly this vague and veiled threat to our democracy is?  Maybe it comes down to what your definition of “is” is.

Is it avowed socialists like Bernie Sanders wanting control? Is it three or five avowed socialists running for office this midterm? Is it China or Ukraine or both compromising the Biden family?  Is it America turning away from oil and gas to make us weaker and weaker before it’s time to do so?  Is it an open border that welcomes good people and bad people and fentanyl?  Is it spending trillions that we don’t have which turned into wicked inflation?

Is it none of the above?  Maybe it’s none of the above when it comes to the November 8th midterms.

For now, it’s the constant war on Trump, trumped-up charges or not(in our best Kamala voice).  After all, he would not allow for a peaceful transfer of power.  And it’s voting rights whether you’re a citizen or not and have a voter ID or not.

And, heaven forbid we forget, it’s also climate change which also doubles as the greatest existential threat as well.

It’s MAGA.  It’s more Trump.  Trump.  TRUMP.

Why is it the above?  It’s because the Dems said it so and the media trumpets (we had to) it over and again.  Dems sell, sell, sell.

But, don’t take our word for it.  The American Association of Retired People (AARP) just released the results of its new poll of America’s 50+ crowd.  And they honed it down further to 50 years and older women.

What’s on their minds?  The top three concerns for them with five weeks to decide who to vote for are 1) voting rights, 2) threats to democracy, and 3) inflation.

Voting rights?  This group has been voting freely for 32 years or more.

And, “threats to democracy” finished ahead of the worst “inflation” in 40 years.  Perception is reality.

They were also asked what would benefit them the most.  The number one answer, you ask.  They are looking for protection from Social Security cuts.  Social Security has been borrowed and stolen from repeatedly.  But, it hasn’t been cut, ever.  Ever.  This year’s cost of living increase to SS checks will be the biggest percentage-wise since 1978.  Worry not, or worry a lot apparently.

The AARP “She’s the Difference” poll finds that 51 percent of likely women voters age 50 and older have not made up their minds for whom they will cast their ballots in November.

How many voters is that altogether?  Americans over 50 represented 1/3rd of voters in 2018 and 2020.  Half or more are women.  So, it’s about 1/6th of all voters or 17% of the nation’s total.  That is Yuge as one used to say.

So, if you’re expecting a red wave this November, maybe not.  If you’re expecting to hold on to the House as Nancy Pelosi droned on about Sunday, maybe not.

But, if you’re over 50 and identify as a female one party sent you an invitation.

The other is a bunch of old fuddy-duddies.



That Little Clown Car is Full

The November midterm elections are barreling down on us faster than Ian went through Florida (too soon?).  And the circus has all three rings full of actions.

Send in the clowns.  Where are the clowns?  They’re all piling out of the little car at once.

In the hotly contested Georgia Senate race that has major national implications, Herschel Walker hopped out with a big red fake nose on.

He’s running as an anti-abortion candidate and he ran to Hannity for cover.  Asked if he indeed suggested that a woman whose unborn child he may have been a part of creating received money from him for an abortion he said no.

Asked if he sent her money he said he gives money away all of the time.  There is also the allegation that he sent her a signed get well soon card.  Coincidence?

He also recently admitted to having four children.  For a long time, he acknowledged but one.  It’s easy to forget about the other three with the way kids act these days.

The Dems fresh off of a 1/2 a trillion student loan debt forgiveness giveaway to buy the 20 to 30-year-old vote selectively struck again.

Kamala Harris told a reporter over the weekend when discussing the hurricanes that hit Puerto Rico and Florida, and we exactly quote, “On the point that you made about disparities: You know back when I was District Attorney of San Francisco  I started one of the first environmental justice units of any DA’s office in the country focused on this issue. And in particular on the disparities, as you have described rightly, which is that it is our lowest income communities and our communities of color that are most impacted by these extreme conditions and impacted by issues that are not of their own making.”

The word windbag comes to mind.  May we recommend a little environmental justice to top off your word salad?

Boil it down and she is saying we need to give more money to climate change needs and direct that money to the minority communities.  Those are daily double Dem talking points.

It was a busy week for the VP.  Earlier standing 50 yards from and looking through binoculars at North Korea from South Korea she took to the podium.  And, she exclaimed that the U.S. shares an alliance with North Korea that is strong and enduring.”

Does the border czar know the difference between North and South Korea?  She was looking down at her notes while talking.  It’s hard to read “north” when seeing the written word “south,” isn’t it?  Or, is it vice versa?

Does Joe Biden know that the late Rep. Jackie Walorski is dead?  Where’s Jackie?  Is she here?

Does a bear……….?

Maybe Czar Kamala was hoping for a few Koreans to cross a border, any border, and gain the right to vote this November via absentee ballot.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on Monday that she believes Democrats will keep control of the House after the November midterm elections as polls show the nation is relatively split on which political party it wants in the majority.  Or, maybe America wants neither party?

If she is right, the most experienced clowns of all, Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell, and McCarthy can keep driving the little funny car right over the cliff.

Send in the clowns.






She Must Not be Here

As it has been told, Joe Biden sought former President Barrack Obama’s council prior to deciding to run for the Democratic nomination for President in 2020.  As has also been told, Obama reportedly said, “You don’t have to do this Joe, you know?”

Was that a polite way of saying “don’t run?”  If the response confused Biden in any way, it ultimately did not stop him from running and winning.

Speaking of confusion, President Biden was looking around at his WH announcement yesterday and uttered, “Jackie, are you here?  Where’s Jackie? She must not be here.”

The president wondered aloud if Jackie Walorski, who died last month, was present during a conference on hunger, nutrition, and health on Wednesday.  Walorski was killed in a car crash on Aug. 3. She had been a champion of a bill that established the White House Hunger Conference Biden was addressing on Wednesday.

Predictably, NBC News called the attempt to find Jackie a “gaffe.”  No matter where you stand politically, isn’t it time we called this and other cringeworthy moments what they are?  After all, we are talking about the highest office in the world.

What they are are old age and dementia at the barest of minimums.  Biden turns 80 in two months.  Yesterday, Dr. Jill had to tell him where to walk after he finished his remarks in another ceremony.

They hid him quite well in his basement during the covid 2020 campaign.  They’ve sent him to Delaware nearly every weekend while he has held the office and many of them have been three-day weekends.  They restrict the number of his appearances before the press, designate who calls on him when he has a rare one, and script his answers to the degree they can keep him on point.

But, the decline is on the rise.

If he runs in 2024 he’ll be doing this country, his party, his family, and himself a disservice.  If his family allows him to run, shame on them.  If the DNC allows him to run double shame on them.

The press demanded that Trump take a cognitive ability test. He passed and of course, he bragged about it.

Isn’t it time they do the same for old Joe?  It would be great if he passed and even if he bragged about it.

Meanwhile, isn’t it time for the Biden camp to admit that Father Time remains undefeated?  Wall St impatiently awaits.

Don’t bet against Gavin Newsom.  He knows where Jackie is.  He knows where Kamala stands.

And, he knows where Pennsylvania Ave is as well.



It Doesn’t Feel Like the First Time

The seventies hit rock band Foreigner had many hits back in the day.  One was Hot Blooded, another was As Cold as Ice.

Fast forward to 2022 and the parties keep rocking.

One band of many, The Jack Asses, are hot blooded on the campaign trail.  They’re peddling a lot of T and A.  That’s right, Trump and Abortion.

The other band of many, The Elephants, are as cold as ice.  They’re singing I.C.E.  That’s right, immigration, crime, and the economy.

Who will ascend to the top of the popular charts?  Well, we’ll need to listen to the tunes over and over again until early November to find out.

The Democrats are on their third rendition of Trump just this year.  First, it was the January 6th hearing, which was really more like a staged theatrical musical.  Then, they broke out or broke into a Mar a Lago diddy.  And, yesterday, one of the band members went solo with a head-banging $250 million civil suit against Trump, his family, his dogs, and his goldfish.

Letitia James, NY Attorney General, fulfilled a campaign promise of two years ago by filing suit for the State of NY v. Trump.  She called her melody The Art of the Steal.  How crafty?  For Trump, the hits keep coming.

For the Dems, the more Trump hate the more the base turns out to vote.  Trump was so 2020, but never let an oldie but goodie die.

Joe Biden promised in the early summer that the SCOTUS ruling that put abortion back in the state’s hands would put Roe v. Wade on the ballot in November.  He was right.

I Am Woman hear me roar.  Will the numbers be too big to ignore?

The Republicans sing at a lower key, but the tour stop at Martha’s Vineyard for the illegals was a smash hit.  What it did in one weekend was more than what 2,000,000 Tejano border bands of brothers could belt out in two years.

It is said that people vote based on how safe they feel and how their pocketbook feels.

Crime statistics and defunding the police in key cities across America are on the main stage.  That Starbucks is closing about two dozen “high incident” stores all urban, and all in Democratic-run cities isn’t lost on coffee lovers from seas to shining sea.  For the many that are done with word salad, “high incident” isn’t lost on them either.

And, then there is the economy that Joe calls the best recovery ever.  He’s singing the wrong tune and everyone knows it.  Inflation is eating a hole in wallets.  Inventory on basic items across many industries is wanting.  The prices at the pump and the grocery store remind us of that every week.

Real wages are down as the cost of living increases aren’t keeping up with the cost of living.

The astute economic advisor knows that this spiral up is not caused by ABBA singing Money, Money, Money.  It’s caused by the government printing money, money, money and giving it to one and all, Ukraine and art appreciation students included.

If you haven’t checked your 401k recently, don’t.  You’ll be singing the blues.

So, which is it for America?

Hot Blooded, check it and see.

Or are you As Cold as Ice, willing to sacrifice?

Either way, Americans are no foreigners to mess we are in as it doesn’t feel like the very first time.








The Germans Bombed Pearl Harbor

President Joe Biden and CBS’ 60 Minutes got together for an interview (we use that term loosely these days) that aired Sunday night.  We believe his performance landed somewhere in between two other great theatrical performances.

On the high side, it landed just below John Belushi playing Bluto in the 1980 hit Animal House.

Bluto: “What? Over? Did you say ‘over’? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!”

Biden:  “The pandemic is over.”  We still have a problem with Covid.   But people aren’t wearing masks anymore.  People are in pretty good shape.”

On Monday the White House was power walking that utterance back.  CNN, “the most trusted name in news,” reported yesterday that the White House says that its Covid-19 policy is unchanged despite Biden’s comments that the pandemic is over.

In interviews, six administration officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to comment said the president’s statement would probably make it harder to persuade people to get shots or secure new money from Congress, noting those efforts have already lagged behind their goals.

Maybe those in the military who didn’t get the jab or four can get back to defending the country?  Maybe we can stop suspending loan payments? Another round of noninflationary covid-19 stimulus checks anyone?  Etc.

In other words, it’s hard to keep giving away money and telling the same lie if the leader doesn’t go along with it. Maybe the White House can’t handle the truth?

So, on the low side, it landed just above Jack Nicholson playing Colonel Jessup in the 1992 drama A Few Good Men.

Colonel Jessup: “You can’t handle the truth.”

Interviewer: “The stock market dove 1300 points.  People are shocked by their grocery bills.  What can you do better and faster?”  Biden: “Let’s put this in perspective.  The inflation rate month to month is up hardly at all.  It was 8.2. or 8.2 before.  You’re making it sound like it went to 8.2 all of a sudden.  It hasn’t spiked in the last several months.  It’s been just barely, um, it’s been basically even.”

It’s scary to even ask this, but “how many people in America think that if inflation hovers around 8.2% annualized month to month that it’s barely going up?”

Does Biden and the White House actually believe the math salad that they are serving the country?  Or, do they believe America is too dumb to understand, so they buy this BS line just like they’ll stand in line to pay more for groceries?

Your physical health is way better, they just don’t want you to think so.  Your financial health is way worse, they just don’t want you to think so.  The 2022 midterms loom.

When Bluto ran out of the frat house no one followed him.  Today, far too many would.

Do the history books today teach us that it was indeed the Germans who bombed Pearl Harbor?  Today, we can’t handle the truth.




The War on Democracy

If you think that the Capitol Building on 1/6/2021 was half full of citizens trying to overthrow the government, you point to one phrase in particular as you argue that Trump incited those present to march down Pennsylvania Avenue toward the Capitol.

“We fight like hell. And if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore,” he said.

If you think that the Capitol Building was half empty of citizens not trying to overthrow the government, you point to a different passage, in which Trump said, “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”

So, what is the simplest definition of insurrection?  It’s a violent uprising against an authority or government.

Was the 1/6 in the Capitol Building event violent, then?  Or, was it mostly peaceful and patriotic?  That it was dumb is not in question.

It comes down to how you see it, doesn’t it?

Think back to all of the riots in the streets the world over when George Floyd’s arresting police officer was accused of and convicted of killing him.  Many in the media labeled the looting, burning, and killings in the streets as mostly peaceful and necessary.  The local governments even told us that masks and social distancing could be and would be suspended so that America could have its say.

To shop owners and business owners, it didn’t seem peaceful.  To policemen and citizens killed in them, it didn’t seem too patriotic.  To all of them, it seemed more like a violent uprising against authority.


And, now one impeachment trial later, after President Trump left office, we sit 18 months removed from 1/6/21.  How far forward have we moved?

Well, according to some the war on our very democracy is very alive, not well, and on the ballot in the fast-approaching midterms this November.

An issue isn’t an issue until it’s an issue we presume.

Isn’t the very right to vote, count votes, protest illegal ballot harvesting, support voter ID laws, and demand a recount when our elections laws deem it reasonable at the very heart of democracy?

Did, as Trump claimed after he offered, Nancy Pelosi ignore his offer to station the National Guard around the Capitol Building?  If so, did she aid in a violent (or mostly peaceful) uprising?

Did the FBI infiltrate the MAGA men and women to further the chaos?  They redact every memo ever written under the guise of the nation’s security, so we may never know.

Did city officials from Portland to Oakland to Minnesota, to DC ensure that police stood down as the city burned down?  You know they did.  They told you so.

So, where does this leave us in this “war on our democracy?”

It leaves us at the ballot box to determine the winners and losers in this war.

Isn’t that where it all started?

It’s the same place in 2000 where Al Gore took time off from inventing the internet to insist that we count hanging chads, where Hillary had trouble accepting defeat in 2016, where Stacey Abrams did the same in 2018, and where Trump threw a temper tantrum in 2020.

It is where it all started, and it’s about to start all over again.

Now if we could just get the media slants and big techs to stay away.

Let’s hope this war on democracy, or just plain old democracy never ends.



Ten Piece Nuggets

It’s been a week.  Here’s a fresh ten to chew on.

  1. The 2022 United States mid-term elections will be held on Tuesday, November 8.  And, it’s a big day.  All 435 House seats and 34 of the 100 Senate seats are on the ballot. Additionally, 36 out of 50 states will elect governors.
  2. That’s 84 days or 12 weeks from today.  America will decide if it likes the course it is on, or if it wants to turn back a tad or two to the red/right.  The Senate is stymied at 50/50 while the House is 220-211, with Democrats holding that slim majority.  Divided we stand.
  3. The Twitterverse is full of copycats, but kudos to whoever was the first one last week to post, “If we have zero inflation (as our president said), then why do we need the Inflation Reduction Act?”
  4.  Democrat Rep Jamie Raskin(Maryland’s 8th Congressional District) had no answer to the question.  He was asked yesterday, “What parts of the bill do you think will be put to work on lowering inflation specifically?” He hesitated, then uttered “Next question.”   Here’s a question.  Has anyone ever heard of Raskin outside of Maryland?
  5. Where’s Joe?  The “need to know basis” and “obligatory” press only understand that he is vacationing at an undisclosed location.  Not to worry, it’s well earned.  The President has had a tough run recently.  A bike fall started it.  Then he caught covid, recovered (or not), then caught covid again.  All of that is after four puncture wounds to the left arm (2 vax, 2 boosts) in the last year as well.
  6.  Former President Trump won’t be vacationing out of the country any time soon.  The FBI saw to that.  Trump said the FBI seized three of his passports during its raid on Mar-a-Lago last week, calling the unprecedented search an “assault.”  The FBI at first denied the transgression, then admitted it along with the DOJ last evening.
  7. Norah O’Donnell, host of “CBS Evening News,” suggested the Department of Justice did not have Trump’s passports, tweeting, “According to a DOJ official, the FBI is NOT in possession of former President Trump’s passports.”  It was a hot take until it wasn’t a hot take.  Double check your sources, and always have two a wise journalism professor once said.
  8.  The Dems have a few things working in their favor as 11/8 approaches.  They’ve handed out three trillion dollars in under 21 months to continue to create dependence.  They’ve put a lot of greenbacks in the green companies’ hands so that they can give that money back to them for campaigns.  They have an abortion, er, women’s reproductive rights hailstorm.  And, for the uneducated, they can claim credit for inflation reduction in an economy that isn’t in a recession as recessions are now redefined.
  9. They need a big trump card in their hand to play the once every two-year race card though.  Surely we’ll have one bad shooting amongst the thousands weekly between now and 11/8.  Then, the peaceful protests will start anew.
  10.  There’s a race card being played in Minnesota right now.  It won’t fit the narrative though.  An agreement between the Minneapolis Federation of Teachers union and the school district states that white teachers will be laid off before teachers of color, regardless of their seniority. “Students need educators who look like them and who they can relate to,” the document says.   Crayons aside, we thought we were teaching kids to not see color.

Get back to work now.