Do Not Pass Go

“Other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the rest of the play?”

The fallout continues from the storming of the Capitol Building last Thursday.  And it accelerates.  The siege didn’t last very long, but the damage in so many ways was done.

And, the door to reshaping America has blown more wide open than the courtesy shown by the Capitol Police to the not so peaceful of the mostly peaceful protesters.

Cancel culture is evolving like a revolving door that lost power.  Have you ever been in one when it came to a complete stop?  You try not to smash your face against the suddenly stationary glass.  Good luck.

Do you remember the decibel level of the media when an Oregon baker refused to make a cake for a same-sex couple wedding?  That was when the media deemed it so wrong for a private business to selectively not serve a willing paying customer.

Chick-Fil-a still doesn’t open on Sundays, but it takes some damn fine chicken to survive the cancel attempts of the culture of today.

Parler might be in the deep fry, however.   Surely you heard of them?  They are (or were) trying to build a Twitter-like platform for the right.   Amazon, Google, and Apple collectively pulled the virtual rug out from under Parler.

Every vendor for texting and email services and even their lawyers ditched them.  Poof!  It can be awfully dark on Al Gore’s internet in so many ways.

If you have no server, no app, and no search engine result, you have no social media business.  It’s pretty simple.  And, it should be pretty scary to all.

The PGA has had it with Trump too.   They exercised their right to cancel their agreement to play the 2022 PGA Championship at Trump Bedminister, one of his courses.  It’s their right after all.

Major corporations are running, not walking away, from members of Congress who voted against ratifying the electoral college results.  Some have stopped political contributions altogether.  And, altogether that might not be a bad idea.

BBR has long supported a business’s right to refuse service for any reason(s) including religious beliefs but not on prejudices.

Hate Trump all you want.  Hate the right all you want.  Hell, impeach him for a second time if you want.  But, we better start pointing some vitriol and arrows at big tech and now.

The monopolies that they have and the power that they wield should scare us all.   Try working your way down the fourth side of the Monopoly Board.  Pacific, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Park, and Boardwalk are all very expensive if you land on any one of them.

The war on free speech makes the storming of the Capitol look like a bunch of misguided, misfit amateurs, oogled on by a sore loser, which it was.  And both should scare all.

The right to burn the American flag has long been ruled as guaranteed freedom of expression.

You don’t have to like it.  You just need to respect it.

The same should go for freedom of speech.



The roads that lead to the corner of civility and incivility are but a few steps apart from one another.

Was yesterday’s mostly peaceful protest march that started just steps from the White House and ended up the steps of the Capitol Building a new low? Not at all.  The First Amendment guarantees it.  But.

Was the lowest of lows reached when a subset of the group invaded the hallowed halls of the Congress by breaking windows, brandishing a few guns, and carrying out artifacts from their conquest?  We can hope.  Or, we can do more than hope.

Trump was elected as the ultimate outsider and built his momentum by condemning all that Washington is (drain the swamp) and all that reported favorably on it (the fake news folks).  His base loved(loves) the idea.  His fringe zealots crossed a line that heretofore may have never been crossed before.  And, where the hell was the police?

We all had to feel violated.  The White House and the Capitol Building are more than architectural masterpieces.  They’re our home and our workplace.  They are uniquely Americas to cherish.   They are the envy of the world for what they symbolize or did symbolize.  Freedom.

But maybe, just maybe we’ve taken these freedoms a bit too far.  And, like it or not that goes for both sides.  We’d rather argue and stand our ground on every item of our agendas no matter how big or small.  “Leaders” would rather tear up a speech behind the President’s back than meet with him face to face to try to advance the quality of the American way of life.

If you protest longer, yell louder, destroy more, burn hotter, and loot till you can’t carry anymore loot maybe you’ll be heard.  Or, maybe you’ll be ignored and despised. Kill a few cops while you’re at it too.  Feed your base and your fringe will carry your water.

If you claim repeatedly, and petulantly, and incorrectly that the election that you lost was really one that you won in a landslide somebody will believe you and you can still sit in the wooden chair in the Oval Office.  Feed your base and your fringe will carry your water.

Yesterday the Boston Celtics and the Miami Heat issued a joint statement prior to their game.  “2021 is a new year, but some things have not changed,” the statement read. “We play tonight’s game with a heavy heart after yesterday’s decision in Kenosha, and knowing that protesters in our nation’s capital are treated differently by political leaders depending on what side of certain issues they are on. The drastic difference between the way protesters this past spring and summer were treated and the encouragement given to today’s protestors who acted illegally just shows how much more work we have to do.

You might have missed the news(understandably) that no Kenosha officers were charged in the Jacob Blake shooting that left him paralyzed.   They weren’t charged because eyewitness and video accounts showed the repeat offender of the law carrying an open knife disobeying the lawmen who feared for their lives.    Why would you have a heavy heart about that?  Nevermind that Kenosha was burned down as it doesn’t fit the narrative.

The Celtics and the Heat then knelt together pregame protesting the Washington protest.

What’s next?  Could some group protest a protest of a protest?

What Trump said to his supporters was wrong.  What they did inside of the Capitol Building was criminal.

When the peaceful protesters in the summer of love burned down the Minneapolis Police Precinct Three Station it was wrong and it was criminal as well.

Two wrongs don’t make a right.  And ten wrongs don’t make five rights.

Yesterday wasn’t a civil war, but it was far from civil.  But, if we keep justifying lower lows of uncivil behavior we’ll get there.

In less than two weeks President-Elect Joe Biden will take the oath of office on the same steps that the protesters occupied for hours yesterday.

Donald Trump issued a statement last night saying that the transition would be orderly.  He’s a funny guy.

Joe Biden said he was running for office because “the soul of the nation was at stake.”

It sure seems so.



Tic Toc Goes the Clock

In 2009 newly elected and inaugurated President Barrack Obama told Republican Congressional leadership that “elections have consequences.”  And, indeed they do.

In 2017 newly elected and inaugurated President Donald Trump told America that “we are going to win, win, win.  We’re going to win so much that you’re going to get tired of winning.”  And, apparently, indeed America did tire.

With one seat still undecided in Georgia this AM, the Democrats are so close to their own win, win, win.  They have a slim majority in the House, they won (stole say some who remain in denial) the Presidency, and they are on the doorstep of the slimmest of margins in the Senate.

In 2009 when the Democrats last controlled all three, Obamacare was born. It turned healthcare into a right, not a need, for all practical purposes.

But remember, “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.”  Well, not really, but we digress.

So, assuming Georgia delivers two peaches to the Senate from yesterday’s runoffs, what “consequence” or “consequences” will they deliver? The world is their oyster thanks to the presumptive peaches.

Well, what’s on the menu?  Is Washington DC headed for statehood?  Are higher corporate taxes on the way?  Surely there is some further social and justice reform coming.

How about more black robes for more black Supreme Court justices.  Nine is such an odd number anyway.  How about a lucky 13?

And, it’s cold (too cold) outside now, but it’ll soon be warm (too warm) this spring.  Climate change needs to change.  And, all of those windmills that you’ll soon see won’t cool us down enough.   The car battery business is very good, and it just got better.

And, finally, Twitter’s “disputed claims” department can reassign a few workers.

Or, will the Democrats have trouble group ordering from the menu?  Can’t decide?  It’s happened before.  Can’t share?  It’s happened before.   It happened in 2009.  Indigestion and heartburn aren’t ever far away if one gets gluttonous.

Two years seems so far away.  But, in two years could the Republicans recover from so much winning and whining and take back the House?  The Senate?  Both?

Sure they can.  The pendulum always swings.  At least it always has.  Obama found out the hard way in late 2010 just as Reagan did back in 1982.

Stacking on two more Senators by granting statehood to DC would make the Senate tough.  But, don’t forget that politics is always local, and the “on the ground” House seats that the elephants gained in November is a modest but significant move countrywide that could make landfall in the Capital as early as 2022.

As for the now?  One of our staff members fielded a question from his soon to be 32-year-old son this AM.  “Now what do we do, dad?” the young businessman asked.  “Go to work, son,” came the reply we’re told.

While two years seems like an eternity to reshape America, it’s but a New York minute in our history.

And, the clock never stops ticking.


5593 Pages and $2000

The ride to the $2000 per family stimulus signed into law by President Trump had a few twists, turns, bumps, and bruises.  But, in the end, is or isn’t it all worth it?

The answer reminds us of a quote from a famous president of our yesteryear.  “It depends on what your definition of is, is.”

The house bill called the Consolidated Appropriations Act 2021, funded both the government to do its usual fine job and the citizens who don’t have a fine job.

Actually, it did that and then some.  And, some.  It’s a measly $2.3 trillion spend.

That it took a while might have had to do with that pesky election in November.  You see, multiple attempts were made to line your pockets with bread crumb money in the fall.   But, a few Dems said no and no and no for one reason or another or another.  Till now.

Senator Marsha Blackburn may have summed it up best when she said, “One of the things that is so frustrating about this is that you could have had a lot more money than $2,000 in the pocket of hard-working Americans if, back in July or September or twice in October or in November, they had voted to increase unemployment by $300 per week.

Nevermind that, take a look at what’s inside this 5593 page beautifully wrapped Christmas present if you have time.  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, or AOC if you’re short on time, just a few days ago complained that she didn’t.  Maybe she was out doing some last-minute shopping of her own.

The novel War and Peace was just 1225 pages.

USA Today had some time.  They feel like if you are a concerned citizen on climate change you got everything you ever wanted.  If you think climate change is a bunch of malarky it looks like you got a lump of coal in your stocking.  See what we did there?

USA Today reported that environmental activists “are touting the $2.3 trillion bill as a potential game-changer thanks to tax breaks for renewable energy sources, initiatives to promote carbon capture storage, and a significant phasedown of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) that are a key culprit to the planet’s warming.”

Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY) supported the bill and likes the incentive features.  “Free-market innovation is the key to addressing a changing climate,” Barrasso said. “This bipartisan legislation proves we can protect our environment without punishing our economy.”  Can you hear the laughter all of the way from China?

The law also includes expanding the federal bureaucracy across federal agencies, including creating the Office of Fossil Energy, the Office of Science, and the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.

That’s lots of new offices at a time when the commercial real estate biz is tough because that Covid thing keeps getting in the way.  DC must be the place to relocate if you are a commercial realtor.  Perhaps a lease-to-own arrangement is best for you Uncle Sam?

The Direct Air Capture Technology Advisory Board also would be put in place.  I guess if we want to know what it is we should heed the advice of Nancy Pelosi of years gone by when Obamacare was passed.  She uttered, “if you want to know what’s in the bill you can read it after we pass it.”

Still, we wondered what the hell direct air capture was.  A quick Google search turned up a page that had a popup request that we donate to the World Resources Institute (WRI).

The WRI sounds mighty important, almost as important as the $2000 you’ve been waiting on for four months.




What Changed?

Helping America get back on its collective feet is a noble cause of our invaluable government.  In fact, there is a report from Politico this AM that a $900 billion stimulus package (the second of its kind in the year of our Covid) is expected to be announced today.

Yesterday’s stock market rally foreshadowed as much.  When you pump money into consumers’ and businesses’ hands it eventually lands on corporate bottom lines.  When bottom lines go up, stocks go up.

You might question why $900 billion and why today?  Perhaps you should question $900 billion and why today.  President Trump countered and countered Pelosi’s pork-filled relief bill in September and October.  She wanted a robust $2.2 trillion.  Spendthrift Trump only wanted about $1.8 trillion.  Pelosi tore into the miser at every turn.  In fact, she ripped up the pages (not really but to revisit the visual is worth the reach) of the Trump counter saying it wasn’t near enough back then.

What changed?   An election is what changed.  Why help Trump and the peasants before the election when you can delay, anger the peasants, blame it on Trump, and have them vote your way?  Now that the dealing is done, open the cash spigot a bit and make it rain all be it far less than the president was willing to do to help.

Speaking of peasants, the black lives matter movement spearheaded by the BLM organization is now impatiently waiting for a meeting with the Biden/Harris team that they peacefully protested for in many cities to ignite those same peasants to vote them in.  It’s been 32 days and counting they say.  Enough already.  Where is our seat at the table they ask?  Don’t they know that the Biden/Harris transition team is very busy?  At the sound of the tone leave a voice mail, please.

Extra busy and awfully quiet is Kamala Harris.  Remember BLM to enunciate it as “Comma Lah” when leaving the voice mail, but we digress.  In six months’ time, she accused Biden of racism and her campaign soon fell on its face.  She got up four months later, answered Biden’s call, and was nominated as the first black woman to run as VP.  Depending on from which direction the wind blows she claims to be either African American or identifies as a Black American.  What changed?  “Only in America” Don King once said.

And that isn’t the only busy signal that BLM calls have received.  Yesterday Biden announced his choice for Secretary of Transportation.  It’s none other than Mayor Pete Buttigieg.  When last we heard a peep from Pete he was dropping out of the Democratic Presidential race and holding raised hands with Biden on a stage announcing that the future was bright.  Heck, he didn’t even wait till Super Tuesday.  What changed?  A backroom back scratch for his obvious sway with the Gay Community is what changed.

Could it be more ironic that in South Bend, IN, where the honorable Buttigieg reigns, the roads are said to have some of the worst potholes of any city in America?  As Secretary of Transportation maybe Pete can grab a bit of the above-mentioned $900 billion for some asphalt?

In addition, Buttigieg faced opposition from the local black community and the local BLM organization after he demoted the city’s first black police chief, and after a white police officer shot and killed a black man named Eric Logan. Black Lives Matter activists followed Buttigieg on the campaign trail and protested him repeatedly.

Hmm.  BLM denounced his nomination loudly yesterday.  After all, isn’t that at the very core of the BLM movement?

The number that you have called is either disconnected or no longer listed.  Please hang up and try again.

What changed?  You know what changed.

The saying “politics makes strange bedfellows” need not change.

It always answers the call.

Undebatable Facts

Six or so years ago then-President Barrack Obama delivered one of his many eloquent speeches.  In it, he emphatically stated that “Climate change is no longer a debate, it’s a scientific fact.”  He added one of his dramatic pauses for the cause.  And, so it was.

It is indeed a fact that the climate has been changing since the earth was created, and actually even before, so he has a point.

In the last 18 months or so we’ve been told over and over that black lives matter by the Black Lives Matter organization, many civic leaders, elected government officials, and many politicians trying to earn your vote.  Heck, if you believe that all of us deserve equality you would agree that black lives matter as you obviously believe that all lives matter.

It’s stated overtly in the second paragraph of the United States Declaration of Independence as follows: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.”

And, so it is.

But, on the road to ensuring this equality, a few potholes have made the ride rough.

One such pothole is in the far northwest.   The Oregon state legislature’s Emergency Board created the Oregon Cares Fund this summer — with nightly Black Lives Matter riots raging in Portland — to allocate $62 million (or 31% of the total) in funds from the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act to black residents (out of $200 million in total funds).  This fund is meant to provide the Black community with the resources it needs to weather the global health pandemic and consequent recession. The most recent census shows that just under 2% of Oregonians identify as African Americans or black.

Does the community need 15 times the average of fellow Oregonians?  You bet.  Oregon Gov. Kate Brown (D) and AG Ellen Rosenblum said as much last month: “The data show that Black Oregonians are experiencing disproportionate harm from COVID-19.  We must not allow pernicious and ideologically-motivated lawsuits to impede our efforts to deliver critical resources to Oregonians amid a devastating pandemic.”  Two lawsuits citing inequitable distribution of federal funds, a direct violation of the Fourteenth Amendment, are pending.

Meanwhile, two time zones and almost 2000 miles due east, Madison, WI has some road repair to do as well.

According to a report, the University of Wisconsin, Madison, has come under fire this week over the pay disparity between two recent keynote speakers. Robin DiAngelo, the author of the best-selling White Fragility, was paid substantially more than the second keynote speaker, black female author Austin Channing Brown. DiAngelo was paid nearly $13,000 for speaking at the event, while Channing received just $7,500.

Now, the university is facing criticism over its failure to live up to its own standards on “diversity and inclusion.”  Ethelene Whitmire, chair of the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Department of Afro-American Studies, refused to comment on the pay disparity when questioned.

“The department has not discussed this topic,” Whitmire said.  Like climate change, it must be another fact with no need for debate.

Perhaps Barrack Obama could use his considerable powers and discuss this topic. Even in these pandemic times he probably could deliver a Zoom speech from his home office.   His standard speaking fee is a mere $400,000.  Maybe both authors were under-compensated?

Are government and capitalism blocking the way on this drive to equality heaven?

Or, perhaps some things aren’t as black and white as they seem.


Diversify or Get Delisted!

While one eye was looking at CNBC early this morning the other was fixated on the coffee being brewed to get it fully open.  And suddenly there it was.  Breaking news delivered to you by none other than Andrew Ross Sorkin.    The news was enough to get the other eye open even without the much-needed caffeine.

In bold font, it rolled.  Nasdaq will require boards to have at least one woman and one director who self-identifies as an underrepresented minority or L.G.B.T.Q.

Sorkin read on, “Companies that don’t disclose diversity information face potential delisting, while those that report their data but don’t meet the standards will have to publicly explain why.”  Cancel culture?

And he read on, “Nasdaq lobbied the S.E.C. to make diversity disclosure a rule for all companies. “The ideal outcome would be for the S.E.C. to take a role here,” said Adena Friedman, Nasdaq’s C.E.O.  Or,  she could have said, “let’s get big brother to make it so!”

“Nasdaq cites research showing the benefits of board diversity, from higher-quality financial disclosures to the lower likelihood of audit problems.”  In other words, men cheat, but when women or minorities are present they are less inclined to do so.

This was all quoted from this morning’s New York Times.

Do you know who was the lead writer recognized in the byline for the story?  Andrew Ross Sorkin.

So, to recap, an avowed liberal writer of a left-leaning paper, delivered breaking news on a left-leaning CNBC and quoted his own story in doing so.

And, to further recap, a public company that profits from every trade

that the public makes on its exchange of listed public companies wants to dictate how their boards are constructed.

Does it at all smell like another public company named Twitter deciding what is right for the public to read or not to read?  Well, it doesn’t smell like the freshly brewed coffee that is still sitting there as we type.

Is it a coincidence that this breaks just less than a month after the Biden election?  Much like the “let’s impeach Trump”  bellows less than a month after his election, the left is on offense yet again.  They always are.

And, to quote many a late-night infomercial, “but wait, there’s more!”

Not only would it be the first time a major stock exchange demanded more disclosure than the law requires, which Ms. Friedman described as “an unusual step.” It raises questions about whether exchanges could use their listing rules to force action on other hot-button issues, like climate change.

And there it is!

In the selling world you can always ask for two “orders” hoping to get one.

Make no mistake about it the left is always selling.  They’re quite good at it.

And more than ever before they have major organizations in the media, and now in the previously free marketplace, carrying their PowerPoint presentation and samples for them.

My oh my, how the business climate has indeed changed.


Hanging Around

Do you remember Chad?  Unknown prior, he hung around in the year 2000 from Election Day till December 13th.

Democratic nominee Al Gore, who had already invented the internet, insisted that he remain on the final stage until then as the presidential election results were in deep dispute deep in the state of Florida.

It was his right.  And, for a while, it was the right thing to do.  It’s better to wait and get it right than to rush and get it wrong.

George Bush waited in the wings.

Twenty years later President Trump has the very same rights.  Some recounts are available to him due to the close results in that particular state.  Some he’ll need to prove the need by providing lower, then higher, courts of law substantive evidence that Biden’s folks have been hiding ballots of his or stuffing ballots of their like.

Joe Biden is waiting in the wings.

It’s highly likely that at some time in the future the fighter that never quits will hear the final bell ring and realize that the gloves need to be cut off of his bruised hands.

When exactly will the right thing to do outweigh his right to dispute the results?  Time will tell.   It always does.  You see Time’s father, named Father Time is undefeated.

Donald J Trump was elected to be the anti-Washington DC President.   He filled that part of his role admirably.  And, Lord knows he did it his way.

He burned bridges on the way in, and he’s going to burn them on the way out.  We loved him lighting the fire on the way in.  We may or may not like it as much on the way out.

Hell hath no fury like an orange-faced President scorned.

Trump never loses.  Ask him.  We’re going to win, win, win he said over, and over, and over again.  He tweeted out Saturday that he got more popular votes (71 million and still counting) in 2020 than any other standing President.  He even wins in his mind when he loses.  It’s a character trait that is admirable until it isn’t.

Chad had no dog in the fight.  Chad was the dog in the fight.  He hung around for a while by a paper-thin thread until he didn’t.

Trump, too, is the dog in the fight.  And, there is a lot of fight left in the dog.

You hired him because of that.  And, he’s still doing his job he thinks.

Meanwhile, China is laughing all the way to the bank.

Till then.

Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, and Friday

A funny thing happened on Election Day.  No one got elected.

And a presidential race precedent or two was set.  We take a stab at those and give other random observations below in our Lucky 13..

  1. Has there ever been a contest so hotly contested that five or six states are too close to call getting on to 12 hours after the polls have closed?
  2. Has there ever been more lax voting procedures and subsequent vote-counting in our country’s history?
  3. Allowing ballots to be postmarked by midnight of the election night and counted in the several days and even into the next week is a dumb idea.  We repeat it’s a dumb idea.  It’s the further softening of America unfortunately.  Take your time, we’ll wait.  Deadlines are so yesterday.
  4. A few states haven’t fully counted early balloting yet, hence the hesitancy of the networks to call the state for one or the other candidates.  Does it make sense to count early balloting earlier than late balloting?  Asking for a friend.
  5. One state (we cannot remember which as this writer fell asleep on the job) stopped counting at 10:30 last evening.  They’ll be back at it this morning.  Hopefully they took their union-mandated coffee breaks along the way yesterday.  Um, come to think of it, why drink coffee if you don’t want to work late?  Pennsylvannia said they’ll pick it back up on Friday.  Friday!  Punxsatawney Pete must have seen its shadow again.
  6. What happened in Arizona?  Long a red state bastion, it skipped over purple and used a dark blue crayon at the ballot box.  The Senate seat flipped too.  Cindy McCain didn’t help the Republicans cause dragging Trump through the desert.  Trump didn’t help himself dragging John McCain’s legacy down either.  Trivia question- How many Californian transplants can move one state due east in four years?  Plenty.
  7. It took almost thirty seconds after the polls closed in the Pacific Time Zone for every cable outlet to project California, Oregon, and Washington for Joe Biden.  What took them so long?  At least there’s no mystery of early votes, lost votes, or absentee votes on the left voting left coast.
  8.  The countrywide popular vote counted thus far is 6 million more than the final tally in 2016 and we’re still counting, and counting.  It looks like both parties got their vote out.
  9. It looks like the House of Representatives will see a few (maybe six) more Republicans but not near enough to take the majority.  Madame Speaker Pelosi can continue her magical broom ride.
  10. The Senate seems safe for the Republicans.  A few races are yet to be determined, but the Elephants lead in enough of them.  The seats were 53-47 going in and might be 52-48 coming out.
  11. Why did Wall St rally yesterday and why are the futures up today?  Did they smell a split government- Biden wins and the Senate stays red? Maybe.  Why did the social media, internet heavy NASDAQ futures head up last evening?  Does the smart money think that Biden and the Democrats give them cover to continue their unabated monopolistic and censorship ways?  Is a repeal of the China tariffs in the offing for the country that gave us the China virus?  Will you miss Trump saying “Chii nah” if the outcome boots him from the White House?
  12. As we go to Al Gore’s virtual digital press, Biden leads by the slightest of margins in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Nevada. Let’s assume Trump wins Georgia, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania as he leads each by a bit.   It’s a fluid situation to say the least, but if that holds up Joe Biden is President of the United States.  Someone once told us to “expect the unexpected.”
  13. Will Donald J. Trump take his fight all the way to the Supreme Court citing voter fraud, irregularities, and the like if he is deemed the loser?  Yes, he will.  It’s his right.  Would we expect anything less in this unprecedented, new normal, Covid pandemic, year of the never-ending Zoom meeting?

Can anyone find a tent big enough to cover this circus?



Today either marks the end of the wildest and whackiest four years in Washington D.C. or it begins the second and final four years of likely the same.  We have a few observations and a few points to ponder.

  1.  No one outworks The Donald.  His campaign stops (rallies) in the last 10 days have been far, wide, and far too numerous to count.  At the age of 73, he ended his last one last evening in Grand Rapids, MI at about 11:45 pm.  After an Air Force One ride back to D.C. he tucked himself into bed at 4:00 AM.  He’s already yapping this AM on Fox and Friends.
  2. The Biden campaign, or more accurately the strategy to minimize it, is the oddest in this writer’s 60-year memory.  And, second place isn’t close.  Trump in 2016 was unconventional.  Biden in 2020 was unseen.  Having a few cars show up while you pontificate into a microphone on a stage is, well, weird.  When he asks them to blow their horns if they agree is, well, very weird.  Could the contrast between the Trump rallies and the Biden hornblowers be more overt?
  3. Crystal clearly the DNC’s strategy has been to minimize Biden’s gaffes/weaknesses all the while consistently pounding on Trump.  It was the plan since the day he took office.  It will be written about for years to come.  And, it may very well succeed.  Trump’s words, more than his actions, around the COVID pandemic played right into the DNC playbook.
  4. Do people really understand that if Biden is elected, Harris could be President in the very near future?  All jokes Biden jokes aside, it’s a very real possibility, isn’t it?  Maybe that’s ok with the “get Trump out at all costs,” or “anyone is better than what we have” crowd.
  5. Polls can tell you almost any story you want to hear if you dig deep enough into the numbers behind the numbers.  No matter the side you favor, the results will be fascinating.  How many of the “silent majority” chose only to be heard today?  How many first time voters were there?
  6. It would be a major surprise if Trump won the popular vote.  He lost it by 3 million four years ago.  But, elections are determined by electoral college votes.  And that sets up major announcements tonight as state by state results roll in.
  7. It seems that Pennsylvania is the lynchpin.  Both camps have spent a lot of time there recently.  The path or paths to victory are for either side tighten dramatically with a loss there.  It’s not for his health that Biden is stopping in Scranton and Philly today on Election Day.
  8. Put California, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Oregon, and Washington in the Biden win column.  They are done deals and won’t be close.  That means Trump needs the obvious three of Texas, Florida, and Ohio.  If any of those three go blue Trump goes home to Mar-a-Lago, not Pennsylvania Ave.
  9.  Trump could win without Penn, but it’s very uphill.  He’d need the entire rust belt to fall his way.  And, Arizona, Nevada, and North Carolina are toss ups to boot.
  10.  Businesses in many major cities are boarding up then closing up early today for fear of civil unrest (read that as peaceful protests) in the streets this evening.  The White House is getting a scale proof fence surrounding it finished up early this AM.  Is anyone concerned what the populous might do if Biden wins?  Of course not.  It’s all about the hate for Donald J. Trump.  It has been since day one.

Get your popcorn ready.

And, buckle up.  It’s going to be a wild ride.
