
Whether you only watch CNN in airports while waiting for a DEI-piloted plane, or if you watch them daily, most can agree that the network leans left.

So, when they presented their latest polling data five months before the Nov 2024 elections you can understand the apoplexy.

What was already known is that Biden is fatigued.  But what was discovered is that the Black Community might be increasingly fatigued with Biden.

If we aren’t supposed to see color why do we still recognize communities by color of skin?  We digress.

The CNN poll shows Biden with a 70% to 21% lead over Trump in 2024 with “likely Black voters” currently.  Sounds pretty good for the Dems?

Not so fast.  At the same time in 2020, Biden held an 86% to 7% margin.

If the 70-21 margin held on the actual ballots cast this fall it would be a six-decade low of African Americans supporting the Democratic candidate.  CNN Senior Data Reporter Harry Enten called it “a historic performance in the making” that “leaves me speechless.”

But he went on talking anyway.

When you look at Blacks 50 and older Biden holds an 74 point advantage over Trump down from 83 points in 2020.

But the under-50-year-old lead in 2024 plummets.  The advantage for this age group shrivels from +80 to +37.  In other words, only one-half as many “young uns” favor Biden four years later.  That’s a yuge change as one would say.

Harry shrieked, “The Blacks are leaving Biden in droves.”

The age-old political line is, “Ask yourself if you are better off than you were four years ago.”

For blacks should it be, “Ask yourself if you are better off than 60 years ago?”  While the answer is likely yes, is that gap still far too wide in their minds?

Trump asked Blacks in 2016 to vote for him.  He even uttered, “You’ve been voting one way forever, what have you got to lose?”  Political pundits panned the pandering labeling it racist.  Don’t they always?

But, perhaps unlike the glove the shoe might fit.

Does Biden need to go to the black church of his choice more often?  Maybe student debt forgiveness isn’t enough to buy a vote.  Ten thousand to first-time homeowners isn’t either.

How about a half-black female VP?  Maybe a black female Supreme Court Justice isn’t.

Maybe the historic first black female lesbian Press Secretary won’t get it.  You’ve seen Karine Jean Claude Pepe Le Phew Van Dame Pierre wax eloquently from the podium, haven’t you?

Maybe if we stopped calling “them” the Black Community and realized that interest rates, crime, inflation, wild spending, and illegal immigration impact us all negatively we’d progress.

Maybe CNN is fair and balanced after all.


What have we got to lose?




Lapdogs and Laptops

The sound caused by the gavel bang still resonating in the Delaware courtroom was just slightly louder than the words still ringing in the ears of those present after the jury foreperson spoke yesterday.

Guilty! Guilty!  Guilty!

Three felonious convictions were the verdicts for Hunter Biden on the illegal purchase and ownership of a handgun while addicted to drugs.

That’s impressive in a bad way but falls far short of 34 guilty verdicts for Donald Trump several days ago for what no one knows.

Hunter stood tall and took his medicine like a man the lapdog media said.  Trump, on the other hand, acted like a petulant child crying wee, wee, wee all the way back to Mar-a-Lago.

We’re in rarified air this election cycle.  If you’re scoring at home we have a convicted former president running for office against a sitting president whose son is now a convicted felon as well.

And, you have credible allegations that the sitting one and his family profited greatly by the son’s “job” of extracting foreign money for peddling the influence of one Joseph Biden, aka “the big guy.”

Many folks say there is plenty of evidence of that and other crimes on the infamous Hunter Biden laptop dropped off for repair but never picked up.  Others, 51 in all from various intel agencies that you pay for, signed an official US document that the Hunter laptop was Russian disinformation.

The wheels of justice grind slowly especially when the DOJ is in play.

Never mind that Joe Biden’s daughter, and Hunter’s sister, wrote in her diary that she remembers her father taking inappropriate showers with her when she was 10 years old.  “She must be believed!” went out of style when #metoo boomeranged.

If Trump wins the possibility that he goes scorched earth in DC and brings down the long arm of the law or “lawfare” on many hiding in the swamp is very real.  He’s playing with house money in term two.  And, he may utter, “You’re fired,” a time or 50.

If incumbent Biden wins the probability of him pardoning his son Hunter is great. He’s playing with house money in term two.  If Biden loses, he could issue the pardon on his way out of the White House door.

And maybe he should.  After all, in a 2019 interview with CNN, Biden said about his son, “He’s the most honorable and decent person I know.”

Joe, the black church-going Irishman must hang out with a tough crowd, though likely not as tough as the one that ate his uncle.

Can’t everyone grow up?  Well, that’s a problem too.

Biden is 81 and too often acts like he’s 95.

Trump is 77 and too often acts like he’s 5.

The choice is yours………………….. unless Fulton County gets involved again.




Five Months Out

Today the race for the White House hits the five-month out marker.  Both campaigns are revving up their political engines.  The tactics from the incumbent side seem to be evolving.

The fellow that many would like to see convicted seems more interested in attacking the “convicted felon” than he is running on his record.  Is that because he hasn’t accomplished enough, or because polling data suggests that the American people think he hasn’t?  Or, is it both?

About this time last year, the Biden campaign rolled out “Bidenomics” like a new car intro.  POTUS and VPOTUS touted job growth, wage expansion, GDP, and falling inflation.  America wasn’t buying it.  Even a lapdog media couldn’t sell this Edsel.

Undeterred, they pivoted to “it’s there,” but it takes time to “feel it,” they said.  The problem for them is that America does feel it and it’s a negative feeling.

The cumulative effect of three years of high inflation is felt at the grocery cash register, the gas pump, and the mortgage loan office.  Wages are up but aren’t keeping up.

Bidenomics is a buzzword that went south.

Speaking of going south, for three years we’ve heard that the border was under control as best as it could be because of the mess he inherited from Trump.

Then this past winter Biden wanted to forge ahead with a deal that he pulled out of the top drawer with Congress to “control” the border. That’s known as a flip-flop.  A bipartisan agreement is the only way to fix it he said.  The bill was a one-sided con to legalize illegal crossings.

Yesterday, he signed an executive action to do what he said he needed Republicans to come along to get done.  But it doesn’t get anything done except pave the road for 1.8 million illegals to continue to cross yearly.

The border is a sieve.

They tried but failed to pin the border mess on the Republicans.

What are the most important issues per polling for Americans this fall?  The economy is one and immigration is two.  Rut roh.

The list continues with crime, abortion, debt, medical care costs, etc.

Only on abortion does Biden’s position outpoll Trump’s. But make no mistake, it is an important one and one that Trump should tackle head-on for clarity of his position.  It only polls somewhat low because women place it way higher than men.  Women are half of the total votes cast.

Looks like it’s time to ramp up the “it’s a fight for our very democracy” battle cry.  This comes from an administration that has weaponized the DOJ to take down opposing views.

Then comes a good dose of racist claims.  The Dems can pander like no other.

Sprinkle in “convicted felon” at each mile marker.  Do you want a “convicted felon” in the White House?

The race to the bottom heats up faster than climate change this time of the year.

Oh, it’s summer?





The Show Goes On and On

In 1980 Robert De Niro starred in the box office hit and critically acclaimed Raging Bull.  In 1998 the film critic website Rotten Tomatoes reviewed the movie.

The review’s first sentence proclaims “The film is a complex portrait of a man consumed by his rage, jealousy, and paranoia.”

The film grossed 23.4 million box office bucks.  That’s roughly the same cost of taking a family to the cinema today, but we digress.

It’s odd that a movie is reviewed 18 years after it debuted.   It’s also odd that the now 80-year-old actor took his unfettered rage, perhaps jealousy, and certain paranoia to the streets of New York yesterday.

He arrived wearing an N95 mask, but quickly dispatched it as he must have sensed everyone within social distance guidelines was as healthy as he is.  We digress again.

With the cameras rolling across the street from the latest Trump trial, De Niro stuck to his script until he didn’t.

The Raging Bull Himself

After calling Trump a clown, he bellowed, “I love this city. I don’t want to destroy it. Donald Trump wants to destroy not only the city but the country, and eventually he can destroy the world.”

“I don’t mean to scare you. No, no, wait — maybe I do mean to scare you,” De Niro continued. “If Trump returns to the White House, you can kiss these freedoms goodbye that we all take for granted. And elections — forget about it. That’s over; that’s done. If he gets in, I can tell you right now, he will never leave.”

Sounds ominous.

This was a planned event by the Biden campaign who previously ensured that they were keeping their distance from Trump’s trials to avoid the appearance that they were in any way politically motivated.

This ended that.

A top Biden adviser said they weren’t there to talk about the trial but rather to exploit the large media focus on the legal proceedings.

Isn’t the omnipresent media available for any president to “exploit?”  All Biden needs to do is call for a presser anytime and anywhere and the exploitation can begin.

“We’re not here today because of what’s going on over there,” Biden campaign communication director Michael Tyler told reporters, gesturing toward the courthouse. “We’re here today because you all are here.”

Truer words were always spoken.

Trump may be a clown, but the Biden/De Niro move was a circus outside a court filled with jesters.

And the Trump campaign shot back.  Karoline Leavitt, the Trump campaign’s press secretary, called the Biden campaign “desperate and failing” and “pathetic” and said its event outside the trial was “a full-blown concession that this trial is a witch hunt that comes from the top.”

This “witch hunt” trial goes to the jury deliberation phase today.  Can Trump “the Clown” avert a verdict that will stop the show before the next three rings are placed under the tent? That one is the Mar A Lago classified documents case.  Or, will Fani and her lover boy try to get the tour to stop back in Atlanta?

A guilty verdict could put the man with orange hair in an orange jumpsuit.

It could also ensure his return to the White House.

If that happens De Niro said he was moving to Mars.

That’s better than Uranus.



Amtrak Conductor Cures COVID in Detroit in 2017

As Donald Trump tries to stay out of jail, Prez Biden is burning up the campaign trail.

Monday, the White House issued nine corrections to his speech to the NAACP delivered Sunday.  This was only a day after he lit up like Sherman and nearly burned down Atlanta while speaking at HBCU Morehouse College.

“When I was vice president, things were kind of bad during the pandemic and what happened was, Barack said to me, ‘Go to Detroit! Help fix it,’” Biden said in the first minute he was at the podium.

We have questions. Did someone write this for him?  Doubtful.  Did he decide to ad-lib this?  Probable.

We have more questions.  Does he believe what he said?  Does he know what he said?  If you asked him today, would he remember what he said?

There was no COVID until years after Biden left the VP position.  And, Barack didn’t ask him to go to Detroit to fix COVID, though the way Biden spit out the two consecutive sentences you could infer that.

In the middle of COVID Biden would have been teaching at the University of Pennsylvania.  Or, at least he would tell you that he was.

He was likely bragging about a trip there to address the struggling auto industry way back when.

Speaking of way back when, are you old enough to remember when the fair and balanced press referred to Biden’s consistent foot-in-the-mouth problems as an “occasional gaffe?”

These lies are now coming faster than the climate crisis.  So is everything else for that matter, but we digress.

Whether Joe is in charge or is a prop isn’t worth the debate.  And, with the way they’re watered down the Presidential Debate makes it not worth it either.  But, you can see why they will as this circus now performs daily.


Yesterday, Biden asked for bids on 100 million barrels of US strategic oil by May 28 to be released by June 15th.  It’s time to hold down the price of July 4th car travel.  Capitalism meets government manipulation.  Buying a few votes never hurts.

Also yesterday we learned that the US will spend 9k this year per illegal alien to house, transport, and feed him.  This is the same that the US spends per Medicare patient per year from your previously taxed income.  From your pocket to theirs, national debt be dammed.   Buying a few future votes never hurts.

Only Biden’s doctor knows how doctored up he will be to continue this farce.

Close your eyes and picture Biden’s mental and physical health in, say 2027.

Trump should be finished with his court cases by then.







Oops! He Did It Again!

Back then the hits kept on coming for Brittney Spears.  One of her smashes was “Oops! I Did it Again!”

Back then plagiarism turned lies kept on coming for Joe Biden.  One of his smashes was when told us he conducted an Amtrak train on numerous trips.  Oops!

Brittney stopped making new music years ago.  Biden continues to cook up one whopper after another.  You’d think he works for 20$ minimum wage at Burger King.

But Wednesday’s falsehood has to be his Billboard no. 1 greatest hit.

On the campaign trail in Pittsburgh across the state from Scranton where he grew up in an Irish, Italian, Puerto Rican neighborhood and attended black churches, Biden addressed some more staged enthusiasts.

“And my uncle, they called him – Ambrose, they called him Bosie… and he became an Army Air Corps before the Air Force came along, he flew those single-engine planes as reconnaissance over war zones,” Biden remarked.  “And he got shot down in New Guinea, and they never found the body because there used to be a lot of cannibals – for real – in that part of the New Guinea.”

They call his “for real” squeal a tell at the poker table.   I have nothing in my hand.

US official investigations concluded old Ambrose, er, Bosie was shot down well out in the ocean.

Karine Pepe Jean Claude Le Pew Van Dame Eiffel Pierre, the first ever female black lesbian press secretary, tried to deflect on Thursday.  She said Biden “simply expressed how ‘incredibly proud’ he was of his uncle’s service in uniform.”

We wonder if he was equally proud of his service out of uniform.  We digress.

Do cannibals eat at Burger King?  No one else does.  We digress again.

There’s a bit of humor in all of this.

There’s more than a bit of sadness too.

And, most of all, this 81-year-old serial liar is our President.  And, he might be again.

It’s would hard to watch Brittney warbling her golden oldies in some smoke-filled room near the slot machines in a Minot, ND casino when she’s 81.

One is reminded of Jeb Bush’s request, “Please clap.”





Make It All Make Sense

President Biden was multitasking yesterday.

That unto itself is a rarity.   After all, there’s only so much time in his four-day workweek.

He was taking a victory lap on student debt loan forgiveness that he calls cancellation.  At the same time, he was stumping in Wisconsin for votes in the critical 2024 swing state.

He likes to personalize things.  While addressing debt and college, Biden said, “I, like an awful lot of people in this audience, was the first in my family to go to college, and watch my dad struggle to help me get there.”

Let’s unpack this pack of falsehoods.

First student loan debt isn’t cancelled.  Its obligation for repayment is transferred from the borrower who agreed to repay(the student) to the citizens of the US who now have to repay.    Instead of cancellation, we should call it more of the same- another pile of debt to stack on top of a mounting debt obligation.

Also, Biden wasn’t the first in his family to attend college.  How do we know?   One of the reasons we know it’s a lie is because Biden has bragged several times in the recent past about how his grandfather played college football.

Another reason why we know is because he told the same fib way back in 1987.   That is when The New York Times caught Biden making the same two contrary claims.

He was making his first run for president that year.  Yes, the “big guy” first ran for the big job nearly 40 years ago.   The NYT employed actual journalists back then.

The nearly 40-year-old article stated, “Mr. Biden had said he was the ‘first in his family ever to go to university.’ Mr. Biden said today, ‘There are Finnegans, my mother’s family, that went to college.’”  It goes on to intimate that several falsehoods drove him out of that failed campaign.

You know that old saying, “If, at first, you don’t succeed, lie, lie again.”

How about when the supposed youthful Amtrack conductor aged to the point of reminding us, “We’ve reduced the deficit by 40 million, trillion, 80 billion, pick a number, come on man, you know, no joke.”

It is a joke, except it isn’t funny.

The oldest President has at least a 50/50 chance of adding to his age record with a second term as President.

And, with yesterday’s CPI number, is it safe to assume inflation isn’t under control?  And, therefore, is it safe to assume that interest rates aren’t coming down anytime soon?  Bidenomics.

That leads us to sharply increased borrowing costs, which leads us deeper into debt.  Bidenomics.

What would George Washington have said through his wooden teeth about all of this?  It might have started with “Father, I cannot tell a lie…”

Maybe we should ask Biden what Washington said.

Surely met George during the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

No joke.



EV Anyone? Everyone?

Are you still driving that big gas-guzzling, fossil fuel-emitting vehicle?   Shame on you, Joe Biden says.

Even if you were not one of the early pacers (not the car itself), didn’t you take advantage of the 10k incentive provided by your government to convert to an EV? No?

Well, if the obvious benefit of clean air and the financial incentive didn’t work, the Biden Administration has come up with another conversation starter.

Never mind that over the weekend the Hertz Car Rental CEO lost his job making a too-big bet on EVs.  Never mind that multiple (Audi, Ford, Mercedes, etc) car manufacturers reported disappointing earnings, high EV inventories, and factory cutbacks on production.

This week, the Biden administration is expected to finalize highly anticipated regulations targeting gas-powered vehicle tailpipe emissions, considered the tip of the spear in its efforts to electrify the transportation sector.

The Environmental Protection Agency is slated to issue the final rulemaking — which officials have boasted will incentivize greater adoption of electric vehicles, but which opponents have criticized as a de facto mandate.

We tried to sell you, incentivize you, and now we’ll force you.

“It certainly won’t do anything to improve human health. It won’t do anything to reduce pollution,” American Energy Institute president and CEO Jason Isaac, who has researched the EV market, said in a Sunday interview. “We’ve proven in this country that we’re already a world leader in clean air.”

“All it’s going to continue to do is push the costs of electric vehicles on to purchasers of internal combustion engine vehicles.”  Ah, there it is.

Mind or not, over 75% of the global emissions come from India and China combined.

But, but, BUT!  We have to do our part.  Others will follow.  Surely they will.   Won’t they?

Does this have anything to do with election season being upon us like smoke emanating from an exhaust pipe at a red light on Wilshire Blvd?

“This is purely being done for campaign reasons — to appease the leftist large donor base that are the climate alarmists that are driving this movement towards really what is a forced energy transition,” Isaac added.

“This policy is bad for consumers, the economy, and national security. It will sacrifice our hard-won U.S. energy strength for even greater dependence on China and the EV battery and mineral supply chain China controls,” opined American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers president and CEO Chet Thompson.

So who is right?  Father Biden and our government know best.  Remember how well they nailed that COVID thing?  Boosters and batteries are good for you.

Regardless, we have a ways to go.  According to the Alliance for Automotive Innovation, an industry group representing major automakers, 9.3% of total car purchases in the U.S. last year were electric or plug-in hybrid, up from 7% in 2022.  Most of those were in LA or similar urban areas with short-range driving needs.

EVs remain far more expensive than traditional gas-powered cars. Even factoring in generous federal and state subsidies, the average cost of an EV is about 52k while the average subcompact car costs 24k.

Well, in a Bidenomics sort of way at least they are affordable.

Maybe after we tackle shrinkflation we could tackle EV costs.

Maybe not.


Last Man Standing

The question is a simple one.  The answer is not.

Can the 45th President, Donald J. Trump, become the 47th President of the United States?

In 2016 it helped that he wore down a tired, old opponent who represented the swamp.  In 2020 an old, tired opponent who represents the swamp beat him. Now The Donald needs to unseat the man who unseated him.

And, Trump doesn’t like to lose.  In his mind, he never has.

The polls had it wrong in 2016.  The silent majority favored the outsider.  In 2024, the polls that constantly enter your medium of choice seem to favor Trump again.

And, the ones that examine the sitting President Biden conclude that he is an unpopular President that a majority feel is too old or unfit, or both to serve again.  And, boy does he sit a lot, especially when he visits the Delaware beaches each frequent three day weekend.  But, we digress.

Fox News, which used to be fair and balanced, trots out poll after poll showing Biden’s age a factor, the border is the biggest issue, inflation is a close second, his approval rating is lower than Jimmy Carter’s, the world is on fire, etc., and ad nauseam.

It’s over.  It’s a Trump landslide.  Except it isn’t.  It isn’t over, and it won’t be a landslide.

As an example of the hyperbole, more Michigan folks voted for Trump last evening in the Republican primary than all of the Democratic choices (Biden, some tool, and undecided) combined.

In Dearborn, where Biden hasn’t exactly endeared himself to the large Arab American and Muslim communities with his support of Israel, “undecided” beat Biden by 56 to 40 percent.  But, that doesn’t mean that they will show up in 8 months and vote for Trump, does it?

Remember, every vote counts.

A deeper dive will tell you that every vote doesn’t count.   Forty-something states are already decided barring something big changing the voting landscape.

And, when it gets down to the two, the DNC and Biden will launch a multifaceted negative campaign bigger than the daily one they preach now.  In November you have to count the folks that will never vote for Trump.  Are they the 2024 silent majority?

No current poll can accurately predict how many will hold their nose and vote for Biden because they can’t hold their nose and vote for Trump.

Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, Arizona, and maybe Colorado will decide the race.  And it will be a small subset of the voters therein.

Forty-something percent of the voters in those states will vote for Trump.  Forty-something percent of the voters in those states will vote for Biden.  That will leave about 12 percent of the citizens who vote in a handful of states to decide the final electoral college tally.

Trump didn’t want to turn in his bike at the end of the rental term.  Biden falls off of his regularly.

Trump took his classified documents and went home.  Biden already had his.

Trump is headed to the border tomorrow.  Biden is headed to the border tomorrow.

This could get interesting if it wasn’t already.




Q and A Today

Thanks to Al Gore and Bluehost, our beloved website is running again after a nine-day buzz-killing journey into the IT NeverAgainLands.

To catch up we offer a much-needed Q and A.

Q.  Why is 97% of all gun violence in the blue counties and 97% of all gun ownership in the red counties?

A.  You know why.  The government knows why.

Q. Why was Ghislane Maxwell sentenced to jail for 20 years for sex trafficking minors to apparently no one?

A.  See the answer just above.

Q.  How did the “harsh” sanctions that the US imposed on Russia right after the Ukraine invasion harm them?

A.  They didn’t.  Biden promised a harsher round today.  Putin must be shaking in his Russian snow boots right about now.

Q. Why is it a crime when Trump takes out a loan and pays it back with interest it’s a crime, but when students don’t it isn’t.

A.  It buys votes.  It is a transfer of obligation from the student to the government.  That means you pay.  No biggie, just add 138 bil to 35 tril.

Q.  Why does Biden and a willing press call the student debt handout a “cancel of a loan?”

A.  See the answer just above.

Q.  Why does Senator Chuck Schumer say “Ted Cruz is the one who wants to do nothing on the border?”

A. It’s the blame game at its finest.  I blame you for what I do.  Many “low information voters,” as Rush used to call them, know no better.

Q.  Why does the IRS have paragraphs on its website that remind people that if they have income from stolen property or illegal activities they must report its FMV?

A. It’s the IRS.

Q.  Why don’t we have term limits for Congress?

Short A.  It takes away their power trip and money train.

Long A.  It must be approved by two-thirds of the members of both the House and Senate, and if ratified by three-fourths of the States, will limit United States Senators to two full, consecutive terms (12 years) and Members of the House of Representatives to six full, consecutive terms (12 years).  Can you see 2/3rds of those fine folks voting to limit themselves?

Q.  Per Biden, “Two million Americans live without running water, and tens of millions lack access to safe water.”  How can a man who has been a Senator since 1972, a VP for eight, and a Prez for three say that with a clear conscience?

A.  Have you seen him try to walk up stairs lately?

Q.  What do you say when you run out of questions?

A.  Have a good weekend.


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