The 2024 Crystal Ball

Two thousand and twenty-three is all but out of the door.  It’s time for our fearless prognostications for 2024.


Shortly after the New Year’s Eve ball falls so do the Washington Huskies and the Alabama Crimson Tide.  Joe Biden holds a presser on The Capitol steps on Jan 6 calling the “Resurrection of 2021 a darker day in history than a solar elliptical.”  Steve Sarkisian calls Jim Harbaugh the best I Spy game player that he can ever remember, but admits to having a few years that he cannot remember.  Michigan runs the ball 52 times and beats Texas 30-21 for the BCS Championship.


NY Governor Eric Adams converts Central Park into a homeless illegal migrant camp.  Joe Biden excitedly endorses the idea by saying he “was the youngest Eagle Scout leader ever at age seven and loves camping.” Super Bowl LVIII in Vegas is all Baltimore as the Ravens bounce the Cinderella Rams 33-17.  California is hit by a climate change-driven mega bomb cyclone event.  But, the “toilet to tap” water regulation previously approved makes boiling the water unnecessary as it already tastes like $hit.


Dylan Mulvaney is hit with a paternity suit.  Vivek Ramswany ends his Republican Presidential nominee campaign and inks a Fox News radio show deal.   The latest COVID-19 variant named 34j.5-maskthis/ 01 hospitalizes four people nationwide, a 100% increase from February.  Purdue cruises to an 87-73 victory over Tennessee and cuts down the Final Four nets.  Karine Jean Claude Pepe Pierre steps down.


Biden appoints VP Kamala Harris as Central Park Czar.   LIV golfer Patrick Reed wins his second Masters.  Jim Harbaugh is his caddie.  Harvard President Claudine Gay is fired after accusations fly that her book, Fifty Shades of Black, is rife with plagiarism.  She sues claiming racism is the real cause. Los Angeles Dodger Shohei Otani tears his ACL in game three of the season and is lost for the year.  Pete Buttigieg is not hit with a paternity suit.


Hunter Biden puts in an unsolicited bid to buy Epstein Island.  Hunter will own 90% of it, while an unnamed associate will own the other 10%.  First Ukraine Bank will finance the deal.  The first named storm of the year, Anastasia, crashes into Hilton Head Island, SC with sustained winds of 22 miles per hour.  Damages are estimated in the hundreds.  The Texas Rangers and the Houston Astros throw brushback pitch after pitch, then bedlam ensues. The fight is dubbed “The brawl that was worse than them all.”


In an announcement that shocks no one, President Biden announces, “I will not see reelection to, um, to, as the Senator.  What am I saying?  To the Vice Presidency. You know what I mean.”  Amtrak sends Joe a replica engineer’s hat.  Gavin Newsom rejects NIL money from Pepsodent Toothpaste and now is running for the office of President.  The New York Yankees fire Aaron Boone and Brian Cashman.   Donald Trump picks Tulsi Gabbard as his VP running mate.  Karine Jean-Pierre, three months removed as the first black lesbian female WH press secretary, signs on as a spokesperson for Clearasil.  The tagline is “I want to be very clear here.”

To check out how our 2023 first six months predictions fared, click here.

Later this week we tackle July through December 2024.





Wu Whoo! What a Party!

The NFL New England Patriots are so bad this year that they spend little to no time in the end zone from game to game.

It’s unfortunate for a couple of reasons.  One, it’s why they stink.  But, more importantly, two, they rarely get a chance to read their own “writing” at the back of the end zone.

“END RACISM” is the message and it’s screamed in all caps to ensure you get it loud and clear.

They didn’t listen to Morgan Freeman many years ago.  He proclaimed that if you want to stop racism, stop talking about it.

Joe Biden didn’t listen.  He promised and delivered on a campaign promise to nominate the first black woman justice to the Supreme Court if he were elected.  He made sure you heard it loud and clear.  Keep telling the people they’re being held back, but you’re the solution.

Boston Mayor Michelle Wu must not have Patriots season tickets.  She drew criticism Wednesday after her aide sent a holiday party invite to all members of the Boston City Council for an “Electeds of Color Holiday Party,” even though seven of the officials are white.

“We had individual conversations with everyone so people understand that it was truly just an honest mistake that went out in typing the email field,” Wu claimed.  What’s amazing is she isn’t apologizing for being exclusive, she’s apologizing that you were mistakenly invited to an event that you weren’t invited to.

“It is my intention that we can, again, be a city that lives our values and create space for all kinds of communities to come together,” she added.  There’s nothing like a noninclusive event to create space for all kinds of communities to come together.

They must have had a lot of word salad at the event.  Per Freeman, when will it not be all kinds of communities, but one community of Americans?

Why do we seemingly talk about racism as it applies to blacks disproportionately?  Never forget, Black Lives Matter.  Is it because the other races get Freeman’s message and don’t want to talk about it?

Black City Councilor Brian Worrell held a different opinion and defended the invitation, suggesting the holiday party was merely a way to represent “all kinds of special groups” in the Boston government.

Most kinds maybe.  Some kinds for sure.  But all kinds?  Nope.

“I don’t get offended too easily,” outgoing Councilman Frank Baker, a white Democrat, told the Boston Herald. “To offend me, you’re going to have to do much more than not invite me to a party.”

Outgoing Baker wants us to stop talking about it, it seems.  Would a similar sentiment exist if the dinner tables were turned?

We wonder if Wu promised to nominate someone to replace him(assuming Frank identifies as such) with the first half-black, half-brown, illegal, disabled, binary, or nonbinary Ukrainian alien.






Costly Free Speech

It all started when Paul Reviere took a midnight ride in 1775.

Thirteen colonies severed their political connections with Great Britain in 1776 declaring independence.  They were unhappy with laws that collected taxes but did not give them a say in government.  It was expensive to not be heard.

Later, George Washington and his troops crossed the Delaware River and it was on.

But, it was later, much later on September 25, 1789, the First Congress of the United States proposed 12 amendments to the Constitution.  The first one protected freedom of speech and expression.

The fight for the right to speak freely allowed the winners to do just that.  And, it seems that we have been fighting amongst ourselves to determine what is free to be spoken about or expressed and what is not ever since.

What we have decided so far is that you cannot scream “fire” in a crowded theater when there is no fire.  But you can burn the very flag that Betsy Ross either did or did not sew to celebrate our freedom.  We also revise history daily, but we digress.

Fast forward nearly two hundred and fifty years and now we have what is known as “hate speech.”

Most define “hate speech” as offensive discourse targeting a group or an individual based on inherent characteristics (such as race, religion, or gender) that may threaten social peace.
It’s a delicate balance.  Absolutists would say all speech is free speech.  The flower children of today find almost everything offensive.
Now Harvard, that great bastion of education, finds itself front and center on the latest free speech debate stage.  Ingrates on campus decided to shout out what amounts to “death to all Jews.”
Congress called Harvard School President Claudine Gay to testify about this vulgar behavior.  Repeatedly she refused to condemn the protesters while testifying.  The outrage and backlash from alumni, donors, and federal government school policymakers was immediate and rightfully intense.
In a nutshell, she refused to speak out freely against people speaking freely.  But, isn’t it her right to do so?  We suppose that it depends on when you think free speech ends and hate speech begins if it even technically exists.
It’s also Harvard’s right to terminate her for cause.  Didn’t she fail to provide for the safety of Jewish students and faculty members?  You bet.
The Harvard Board met Tuesday and issued the following statement.  “Our extensive deliberations affirm our confidence that President Gay is the right leader to help our community heal and to address the very serious societal issues we are facing.”
Penn’s President Liz Magill had enough sense to resign after a similarly dreadful same-day appearance before Congress.  It’s a simple way to avoid being fired.
You should know, if you don’t, that Gay is black.  Would Harvard’s Board feel the same if, say, Gay was white and refused to agree that, oh, black lives matter?  It’s a fair question, and the First Amendment provides the opportunity to ask it, doesn’t it?

Former Georgia state Rep. Vernon Jones also blasted the school for allegedly valuing its diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts over its support of Jewish students.  “@Harvard decided not to fire Claudine Gray for the same reason they decided to hire Claudine Gay because she’s Black,” Jones wrote. “Had they hired her for the right reason, they could have fired her for the right reason.”

Strong words.

In case you care, Jones is also black.

Maybe the founding fathers could have added an addendum to old Amendment number 1.

Speech is free, but dumb can cost lives.


Is It True?

Now it’s time to play BBR readers’ favorite game, Is It True?

Is it true that in a classified briefing in the House yesterday Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said that if we don’t appropriate more money for Zelensky, “we’ll send your uncles, cousins, and sons to fight Russia?”

Is it true that Zelensky has eliminated 11 opposition parties, consolidated all media to one state-run one, and is asking us to believe that Ukraine is some bastion of democracy?

Is it true that if Donald Trump’s name was on the Epstein client list it would have already been released by now?

Is it true that Melania Trump is pushing for Tucker Carlson to be Donald’s VP pick for the 2024 election?

Is it true that Trump/Tucker has a nice ring to it?

Is it true that Karine Jean-Pierre Von Dame Pepe Le Stink said yesterday that “it’s stunning that Republicans are demanding a secure border in exchange for more funding for Ukraine?”

Is it true that she went on to say “that history will judge them harshly?”

Is it true that the number one recruited offensive tackle and Colorado verbal commitment Jordan Seaton said “You claim you a dog, why you not coming to Colorado?  Why you not helping somebody who looks like you?”

Is it true that if we are to “end racism” as the NFL stupidly stencils into the end zone back line weekly, we must not see people as somebody that looks like you?

Is it true that Penn, Cornell, Harvard, and other libtard colleges would embrace such nonsense?

Is it true that Jordan Seaton might need to begin his college academic pursuits with a helpful remedial English course or two?

Is it true that if a white kid said that his scholarship offer would be revoked in about three minutes?

Is it true that Hunter Biden’s long, sordid, and sad history is finally catching up to the big guy who cannot construct his own sentences?

Is it true that the big guy, aka Joe Biden, might be fibbing a tad about his business relationship with his son and multiple complicit, corrupt countries abroad?

Is it true that the answer to all of these questions is YES?

Yes, it is.




An Eye for an Eye

Did it all start with God creating Adam and Eve?  Or, did humans naturally evolve over the course of millions of years?  Do you believe in a superior being or do you believe in the Big Bang Theory?

Regardless of your beliefs, do you believe that the beginning of mankind was(somehow) a singular event? You would be hard-pressed to explain it otherwise.

Therefore, weren’t the first and by extension aren’t all humans created equal?  The authors of this nation’s Declaration of Independence thought so.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”

There it is. It’s the preamble to the declaration.  By definition, it is the very basis for what follows.

Abraham Lincoln called it “a rebuke and a stumbling block to tyranny and oppression.”

If you’re on board so far, this leads to a fundamental question.  Who on this earth has any right whatsoever to take the life of another?

Isn’t the answer absolutely no one?  No.  It isn’t.  But, it’s close.

The right to defend yourself, your family, your home, or your country when there is a very real threat to your existence is justified.

Some say this is where it gets a bit grey.  Maybe it is an ever so tiny, tiny, bit grey.  But that is painting with a tiny, tiny brush.  The broad strokes are very clear.

al Qaeda flew planes into the Twin Towers, and the Pentagon, and wanted to hit the White House.  There is ISIS.  The Taliban.  Hamas was formed in 1987 and has been murdering ever since.  Terrorist groups all.

There are(were) many other groups, unfortunately as well.

Nazis.  Mafia.  KKK.  Street gangs.  Drug Cartels.

There are individuals.

Serial Killers.  Vigilanties.  Domestic abusers.  Armed robbers.  Rapists.  Road Ragers.  Jilted lovers.

Ending another’s life without justifiable provocation has gone on since life began.  The human mind can be a very dark and weak space.  You would think that mentally pulling the trigger would be far tougher than physically doing so.  You would hope.

There is a very fine line between civility and incivility.

But, you have no right to take another’s most basic right.  That’s the right to live.

If you believe in an eye for an eye, the punishment for crossing the line should be swift and severe.

If you don’t what is the solution?

We’ve been searching for it since the beginning of mankind.


The Next Act

The first bad actor in the latest play on the world stage was Russia.

Their yearlong and counting Act One has been expensive to watch (120 billion or so and counting as well).  You don’t even get to see it anymore, you just hear about it.

Enter Hamas(spelled I.r.a.n.).  Their brutal sneak attack on Israel reset the low bar.  Act Two now, and rightfully so, has Israelis participating by air and by land.

Is China far behind?  Aren’t they looking for an entry point?  There are others(North Korea notable among them), but mostly they have smaller roles.

The world theater seems conducive to more heinous misbehavior.   Is there a perceived weakness abroad about us at home?  Maybe.

But, while we watch from across one pond and maybe soon two ponds, should we be looking elsewhere?

Elsewhere as in-home and specifically to the south.

It was noisy and deadly with radicalized jihad-type folks after 9/11/01 till around 2015 in the United States.  Then it became quite quiet.

But with millions pouring in unabated from dozens of foreign lands through Mexico into the US, should we feel safe here at home?

Fear-mongering you say?  Maybe drop the mongering part as it’s just fear from learned experience.  Those who don’t learn from the past are doomed to repeat it someone once or twice has said.

Dozens of books chronicled our multiple government agencies’ inability to work together to connect the warning dots that enabled 9/11.

What’s changed?  What’s changed is nothing and plenty.

Does it feel like we are more cohesive today than we were back then?  Do we know what we don’t know?

The Department of Defense is ready. Or not.

“The planet’s changing climate has a significant effect on Defense Department missions, plans, and installations. DOD is elevating climate change as a national security priority, integrating climate considerations into policies, strategies, and partner engagements.”  That’s straight from their website.

The Department of Homeland Security is ready, too.

“Addressing the climate emergency is a priority for DHS as sea-level rise, extreme weather events, workforce health, and other direct and indirect impacts of climate change will affect the Nation’s preparedness and national security over the long term.”  Yep, that’s straight from their website.

Maybe we can bomb the next “weather bomb cyclone” before it strikes the mainland.  But can we unearth cells that may have taken root right in our own backyard?  Did they walk right in and sit right down?

When you pull back the curtains how can you like what you see on the big screen?

The US is watching.

And, now the world is acting.






If you want to see who should win the Darwin Award for long-term strategic planning, look south to the Texas Border.  Last evening United States Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas cited the “immediate need” to waive regulations and build a border wall in Texas as immigration surges.  What a forward-thinking planner he and the Biden administration is.

If they were able to count all of the illegal aliens that have entered since Biden and his two biting dogs entered the White House, they might think they’ve brought in enough to turn the voting in Texas from red to at least purple in coming elections.  That wasn’t part of the open border policy, was it?

If you have one dog in the White House that bites everybody that’s one thing.  Replace it.  If you have two, what does that say about you?

If liberal Chicago is miffed about the illegals getting preferential treatment over their own, you best take a look at the polls.

If Texas knew all it took was New York Mayor Eric Adams to fly down there 18 months after Kamala Harris was named Border Czar, they’d have paid for a first-class ticket long ago.

If Rodney Dangerfield were alive today he would take one look at Congress and heartily exclaim, “No respect, no respect at all!”

If the reason why Lauren Boebert voted to retain McCarthy is that he bought her off with 40k from his PAC to help her 2024 reelection she should get primaried.  It’s the first step to RINOism, and from that there is no turning back.

If Donald Trump were to become the next Speaker of the House, the world would be officially whacko.  Can you see it though?  It would be must-watch TV.  He has a few legal hurdles in front of him and a presidential campaign to run though.

If Steve Scalise or Jim Jordan were to ascend to the Speakership in the next week or so life would go on as if McCarthy’s ouster never happened.  What?  Think back to the 16 or so votes it took to put McCarthy in.  It seems like the hysterically trumped-up turmoil wasn’t that tumultuous after all was it?

If the word “chaos” is used just once more to describe the House, it’ll be an even 1000 times.  It’s not chaos.  It is change.  And, considering what took place, it was fairly orderly.

If you held a tech conference for women and a bunch of men showed up claiming to be non-binary is that a bad thing? The Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC) welcomes all genders but reported a massive inundation of men who took opportunities from them on the weekend.   An organizer said some unwelcome guests falsely claimed to be “non-binary” to make it in.  How would he/she know if he/she was lying?  What/who determines that?

If you held a tech conference for women only, is that inclusive? Diverse?

If there was one thing the organizer could do it would be to apologize.  “In the past, it has always felt safe and loving and embracing. And this year I must admit I didn’t feel this way,” Advisory President Young Lee said. Many of you are feeling unsafe physically and psychologically. I want you to know that we’re taking this so personally.”   Unsafe?  This isn’t a Walgreens at dark in downtown San Fran getting looted by a flash mob.

If we could only turn back time.

It’s (Still) On.

Ok, Ok.  BBR is back.

When one of our faithful readers labels you as Buttercup, it’s time to self-reflect.

When age turns to experience and experience turns to wisdom, it’s both an opportunity and an obligation to share.  The goal from here on is to do just that but we’ll need your help.  More on that in a minute.

So, the fight goes on.  And, one of the very core reasons follows.

You’re being lied to by people in authoritative roles daily.  The goal is power and control.  When power and control are the goals the benefit is the gold.  And the approach has been incessant, yet refined over the years.  And, it is quite dangerous.

Let’s try to separate conspiracies, facts, fiction, and logic, unlike the sheep that they wish to herd.

Do you think Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone shooting JFK?  Well, in accomplishing the very act, it’s likely.  How did it get to that point?  Ask the Mafia, the CIA, and the Cubans.  It’s all there to connect the dots.  Except it isn’t.  Your government, the one you pay for, refused to release the last 10% or so of the documents after burying them for 50 years and promising to do so.

America doesn’t have a tax “revenue” problem.  It has a serious spending problem.   Now thirty-two trillion in debt and counting and they label a green new deal giveaway as the Inflation Reduction Act.  Sounds good.  Except, the trillion in the giveaway actually puts more upward pressure on inflation.

And, our President thinks you’re dumb enough to think your life is somehow better because of it.  He puts his name on it and calls it Bidenomics in an effort to improve his low polling on the economy.  Maybe he’s right, not about the economy, but about the IQs walking around town.

“The rich should pay their fair share.”  And, the crowd at the Bernie rally goes wild.  The facts are that the top one percent of American earners pay 42% of the tax money collected, and the top 10% pay 74%.  Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren should be ashamed for banging the drum that she took from her teepee on this issue as well.

Jeffery Epstein committed suicide.  That’s doubtful without a lot of “help.”  It’s weird how his guards fell asleep that evening and the surveillance cameras weren’t working either.  He knew too much about too many.  Release the evidence.  We have a right to know that Bill Gates is actually even weirder than he seems and that’s saying something.  How about Slick Willie?  What an apropos nickname that is.

Where did the flu disappear to whilst we fought the invisible giant Covid for two years?  Flu shots are optional.  Covid “vaccines” damn near weren’t.  Oh, and they weren’t vaccines.  Even Fauci knows that.  And, he knows a lot more.  Dr. Rand Paul is one of the few good ones in Congress.  And, the good doc is going to expose this.  If you’ll line up for a shot without knowing its contents and side effects, surely you’ll line up to get sheared every other month.

Don’t call it the China flu or the Wuhan flu either.  That’s insensitive.  What’s insensitive is that the research that you funded escaped from a lab over there.  You just don’t need to know that.

Cocaine in the White House?  The FBI says there’s no way to figure out who carried it in and why.  No cameras, no guards.  Maybe Epstein brought it in?  Nothing to see here.  Move along.

Men can be women now.  And women can be men.  Don’t argue.  It’s insensitive as well.  The current population of the World in 2023 is 8,045,311,447.  And 8,045,311,447 of them were birthed by a woman.  Zero was birthed by a man.

Ronald Reagan once eloquently said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. The only way they can inherit the freedom we have known is if we fight for it, protect it, defend it, and then hand it to them with the well-fought lessons of how they in their lifetime must do the same.”

So as mentioned, we need your help.  This forum needs to educate those around us.  Most that read(not all which is cool) BBR are of like mind.  Sitting around in a virtual circle all nodding affirmative heads won’t help too much.  That’s nice, but we need to spread the word.  Please pass it on daily to others and ask them to do the same.

Mark Twain once eloquently said, “Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.”

Buttercup, eh?






You Might Live…

This morning we examine some things old, versus some things new.  We borrowed the below and it has us feeling a bit blue.

You’ve heard the Jeff Foxworthy diatribe about “You know you’re a redneck if….”  Well, enjoy or cry at his similar take on “you might live in a nation (state) that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots” below.

If plastic water bottles are okay, but plastic bags are banned, you might live in a nation (state) that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

If you can get arrested for hunting or fishing without a license, but not for entering and remaining in the country illegally, you might live in a nation…

If you have to get your parent’s permission to go on a field trip or to take an aspirin in school, but not to get an abortion, or change your gender, you might live…

If you must show your identification to board an airplane, cash a check, buy liquor, or check out a library book and rent a video, but not to vote for who runs the government, you might live…

If the government wants to prevent stable, law-abiding citizens from owning gun magazines that hold more than ten rounds but gives twenty F-16 fighter jets to the crazy new leaders in Egypt, you might live…

If, in the nation’s largest city, you can buy two 16-ounce sodas, but not one 24-ounce soda, because 24 ounces of a sugary drink might make you fat — you might live…

If an 80-year-old woman who is confined to a wheelchair or a three-year-old girl can be strip-searched by the TSA at the airport, but a woman in a burka or a hijab is only subject to having her neck and head searched, you might live…

If your government believes that the best way to eradicate trillions of dollars of debt is to spend trillions more, you might live…

If a seven-year-old boy can be thrown out of school for saying his teacher is “cute” but hosting a sexual exploration class in grade school is perfectly acceptable, you might live…

If hard work and success are met with higher taxes and more government regulation and intrusion while not working is rewarded with SNAP cards, Medicaid benefits, subsidized housing, and free cell phones, you might live…

If you pay your mortgage faithfully, denying yourself the newest big-screen TV, while your neighbor buys iPhones, timeshares, a wall-sized TV, and new cars, and the government forgives his debt when he defaults on his mortgage, you might live…

It was quite lazy of us to blatantly cut and paste this.  We wonder if America is getting lazy as well.

At the very least is America paying attention yet?



Good Evening! And Welcome to….

A visionary is someone who can see further down the road or higher in the sky than the next.

An example of the road analogy is Tesla.  When you combine an environmentally friendly great ride with soon-to-be driverless-ready capability fostered by a huge helping of cash from your government you’ve got an industry changer.

An example of the sky analogy is SpaceX.  Its stated goal is reducing space transportation costs to enable the colonization of Mars and eventually other planets.  Last month a forty-story-high rocket flew beyond the company’s expectations.  That’s not huge that’s YUGE.

Can Elon Musk go three for three?  He bought Twitter to ensure that there was at least one platform where free speech was indeed free.  Noble.  But, it’s doubtful that he bought it for just that or to lose money.

You’ve heard it uttered before.  “He’s playing chess while everyone else is playing checkers.”

Once upon a time, people gathered around a radio in their living rooms to hear their news, sports, and entertainment.

The television changed that. Three black-and-white networks became three colorful ones.

Cable changed that.  Three networks became hundreds of channels and even some premium ones like HBO.

Satellites changed that.  And soon the choices were too many to choose from.

Enter Al Gore’s internet and streaming started.  Now you can stream any platform on many platforms.

Watch what you want, when you want, how you want, and on whatever you want.  Jump into your La-Z-Boy and click on an app, any app, or many apps.

There’s vision and there’s television.

And then there is Twitter and Elon.

After cutting dead-weight employees and charging for blue check marks, the next shoe is dropping.  Enter Tucker Carlson.  And, with that, we enter yet another new era.

Will it be called a podcast?  A live stream?  Premium content? Pay-per-view?  It matters not.

Can you imagine Twitter on TV?  Of course you can, it’s already there.  You can watch live programming from Twitter on Amazon Fire TV and Apple TV. Xbox and Android TV users can enjoy Twitter by launching their web browser and going to

So, is Twitter TV, or is TV Twitter?  Yes and yes.  Or for that matter call it whatever you want.  There is content and there is distribution.  And there is a vacuum when it comes to unfiltered content.  The free market gets to decide what misinformation and disinformation is.

The “networks” will soon remind you of the pay phone.  Once upon a time, you could make a long-distance call on a pay phone thanks to long-distance providers.  ABC, NBC, and CBS soon will have much in common with Sprint, Cingular, and MCI.

Twitter has the distribution, subscribers, tweeters, followers, and advertisers, and now has its first piece of serious content worth taking from the old world.  It won’t be its last.

It must have promise.  CNN wrote yesterday, “Who will fact-check Tucker now that he is on Twitter?”  AOC tweeted (oh the irony), “Twitter, brought to you by MyPillow.”

Wait till Don Lemon signs on with Elon.

Checkmate?  Not yet.

But content is king.

And, soon Elon will be wearing a crown.