Ten Piece Nuggets- Random

It’s been a minute.

  1. Charles Barkley once said, “poor people have been voting Democrat for over 50 years and they’re still poor.”  Inflation hits all, but it hits the lower income tier hardest.  November midterms are about 100 days away.  It’s also said people vote with their wallets, or how they feel financially.   We will see.
  2. Speaking of the economy, some economists believe that we are already in a recession.   But what is a recession?  On WH.gov, the official White House website page it seems the traditional definition two consecutive quarters of falling real GDP) is getting a whitewash.  We quote, “That is neither the official definition nor the way economists evaluate the state of the business cycle.”  Changing times.  It goes on, “it is unlikely that the decline in the first quarter of 2022 if followed up by a second-quarter similar result indicates a recession.”  Is someone trying to move the goal posts?
  3. Dozens of incoming University of Michigan Medical School students walked out of a pro-life keynote speaker’s address, after a previous petition to get the speaker removed failed.  Students petitioned the school weeks prior to remove Dr. Kristin Collier as the keynote speaker over her support for the unborn.  Why did they show up to begin with?  Attention seekers?  How many want to become a Pediatrician?  Free speech anyone?
  4. If you travel to Mexico these days you need not wear a mask on the plane nor into the country throughout the airport including customs.  But when you depart when entering their version of TSA and until you board you do.  Makes sense?  But wait, there’s more.  Signs and announcements throughout the Aeropuerto remind you to socially distance by maintaining a space of five feet minimally.  We guess with inflation being so bad that five feet is the new six feet.
  5.  When you head through the security another difference or two becomes obvious.  The x-ray machines are the old ones, not the full-body scan ones.  Also, you need not remove your shoes.  Shoe bombs aren’t a threat exiting Mexico, just entering we guess.
  6.  Speaking of Covid, as you know fully vaxxed and fully boosted President Joe Biden tested positive late last week.  But, because tennis great Novak Djokovic isn’t vaccinated he cannot enter the US to defend his 2021 US Open title.  Last year no covid shot was necessary to compete.  This year it is.  Do the nuts have the keys to the insane asylum?
  7. Speaking of Covid, can we please, please, please stop calling the shots “vaccinations?”  Vaccinations provide immunity.  These shots that are making Pfizer and Moderna lots of money don’t provide immunity.  The only people that think that they do are the ones you see driving alone in their car with a mask on.
  8. The chief of the World Health Organization General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus isn’t monkeying around.  He said the expanding monkeypox outbreak in more than 70 countries is an “extraordinary” situation that now qualifies as a global emergency.  It’s a declaration that will spur further investment in treating the once-rare disease and worsen the scramble for scarce vaccines.   Pfizer’s ears just perked up.
  9.  Climate change became a national emergency last week Joe Biden told us.  Except, he didn’t officially declare it a national emergency.  Maybe someone can explain why.  NBC’s Meet the Depressed trotted out good old Al Gore yesterday to help the “climate activists” further scold the “climate deniers.”   Gore said that time is running out or may have already run out.  Which is it?  Hard to tell.  Of course, he said way back in the ’80s that the year 2000 was the turning point.  Is somebody trying to move the goalposts again?
  10. If you like baseball, you have to like the comeback from Tommy John surgery that Justin Verlander is having.  He’s 39 years old and hadn’t pitched in two full seasons.  He sports a gaudy 13-3 won/loss record with a razor-sharp 1.86 ERA this year.  In his last five starts, he’s 5-0 with a paltry 0.59 ERA.  And on Saturday in a high leverage seventh inning v the Mariners his 103rd and final pitch hit 100 mph to get out of a jam and secure the win.  He said that he wants to pitch until he’s 45.  Why not?

You’ve been served.


Ten Piece Nuggets-Sports, Guns, Rants

Ready?  Set?  Chew!

  1. When Seattle Seahawks head coach Pete Carroll spoke highly of quarterbacks Drew Lock and Geno Smith during this month’s mandatory minicamp, you knew it was on.  What’s that?  Let the Baker Mayfield to Seattle trade watch begin.
  2. Meanwhile, the speculation revolving around how long and when DeShaun Watson will be suspended intensifies.  Watson, through his attorney, has settled 20 of 24 civil suits.  Watson admits no wrongdoing.  He is shelling out about 100k per suit for each instance of doing nothing wrong.
  3. If, and it’s a big if, Watson got a year-long suspension it would be over two full years in 2023 since he put on pads for a real game.  Adam Schefter and Ian Rappoport both think the league will hit Watson with an all-of 2022 penalty.  Does Cleveland regret mortgaging their future for a guy without an immediate future?
  4.  Some years teams just have “it.”  The 2022 Yankees have “it.”  Sporting the best record by far in the major leagues, they overcame a 6-3 deficit last evening in the ninth to send the Houston Astros and their closer Ryan Pressley back to their Manhatten hotel as losers 7-6.  A late June game doesn’t mean much you say?  The Yankees thought otherwise.
  5. How hot are the Yankees?  They’re 52-18 for a 74.3 winning percentage.  That torrid pace extrapolates out to a 120-42 record.  What’s the record for the most regular-season wins in a year?  The 2001 Seattle Mariners won 116 and lost 46.
  6. Rob Gronkowski is retiring. Again.  “I will now be going back into my retirement home knowing I gave it everything I had, good or bad, every time I stepped out on the field,” Gronkowski wrote.  Tom Brady said the same about 6 months ago, then “unretired.”   “It would not surprise me if Tom Brady calls him during the season to come back and Rob answers the call,” Gronk’s agent Drew Rosenhaus told ESPN’s Adam Schefter.   Why sweat through training camp when the GOAT can drop a dime at any time during the cooler regular season?
  7.  There was a lot to keep up with on the gun ownership front yesterday.  The Senate passed a safety bill including red flag provisions and more extensive background checks.  Meanwhile, SCOTUS handed down a 6-3 opinion that New York’s regulations that made it difficult to obtain a license to carry a concealed handgun were unconstitutionally restrictive, and that it should be easier to obtain such a license.  So, it’s harder to get a gun, but it’s easier to open carry once you get one.
  8.  The SCOTUS ruling didn’t sit well with washed-up, bitter Keith Olbermann.  The far-left, ex-MSNBC host tweeted it has “become necessary to dissolve the Supreme Court of the United States. The first step is for a state the ‘court’ has now forced guns upon, to ignore this ruling. Great. You’re a court? Why and how do you think you can enforce your rulings? #IgnoreThe Court.”  Dissolve the Supreme Court?  Wasn’t the idea just months ago to pack it with more robes?
  9.  Once upon a time, the US was/is a rule of law country.  The rule of law is the political philosophy that all citizens and institutions within a country, state, or community are accountable to the same laws.  Olbermann’s immaturity at 63 years of age is not a good look.  If you don’t like stopping at stop signs, don’t.  Make sense?
  10.  Olbermann wasn’t flying solo. The ruling represents “a middle finger to New York,” Whoopi Goldberg said on ABC’s The View.  “Truly a disgraceful ruling,” Barbra Streisand tweeted.  Do you wonder if Whoppi and Barbara’s bodyguards are packing?  No need to wonder, you know they are.

Speaking of packing, get out of the heat and head north.  Bring your firearm if you wish.

Ten Piece Nuggets

Nuggets!  Git yer 10 Piece Nuggets right cheer!!  Hot off of the press or depressed if you prefer.

  1.  It’s important to be more open-minded these days than ever.  As you know with gender ID the country is struggling to define what a woman is.  It’s not having such problems with men though.  And, as you now know, men can get pregnant.  Keep up with the changing times, please.
  2. But, when it comes to proper identification, California, as always, is ahead of the pack.  In comes a fishy ruling from the Golden State.  A Cali court has ruled that bees can legally be considered fish.  The reversal of an earlier interpretation means bumblebees can now be eligible for listing under the California Endangered Species Act. The conservation win comes as bumblebees have faced a serious decline throughout the United States due to climate change.  How do we know that?  Well, we have heard of flying fish.
  3. Over the weekend a shootout in Tennessee and another in downtown Philadelphia left multiple people dead in both locations.  The two fracases involved multiple gunmen in each incident.  Are we as upset about this as we are when a lone deranged lunatic mows down folks in a supermarket or a movie theater?  We get the outrage in schools, but wonder why the indifference nationally on the other.
  4. Speaking of which, the Uvalde parents of the victims will apparently sue the gunmaker of the AR-15 used in the shooting.  The premise we presume is that the manufacturer puts out a product knowing it can cause death.  It seems like the landmark cases against tobacco companies in the seventies.  Can we also sue alcohol producers?  Car makers?  Plane manufacturers?
  5. We empathize with their grief certainly but wonder about this attempt.  While they have the lawyers’ attention they should sue the stand-down Uvalde police department.  We’re sure they will.  And, we’re sure that they’ll get a big settlement.
  6.  Does the country feel hopelessly split to you?  On migration, a May poll informed respondents, “By the year 2050, a majority of the population will be made up of people who are Black, Asian, Hispanic, and other racial minorities.”  Respondents were evenly split: 22% said the demographic change would be a “very” or a “somewhat” good thing,” while 20% said a “very” or a “somewhat” bad thing.
  7. How about along party lines?  Thirty percent of people who voted for Joe Biden in 2020 say it would be “a very good thing,”  Just 3% of President Trump’s voters said it would be a “very good thing.”  We ask again, does the country feel hopelessly split to you?
  8.  Do you know how lucky you are to have such low gas prices? Huh?   White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre responded to questions yesterday about high gas prices during the daily briefing by noting it was “really important” that people understood that prices were higher across the globe.  She noted that gas prices in the European Union were $8.15 a gallon, prices in Germany were $8.88 a gallon, and prices in Canada were $6.23 a gallon.  Lucky you.
  9. She repeated an earlier WH position that “everything was on the table” to deal with high gas prices but said that she did not have any information on actions the president would take to help lower gas prices.  “I don’t have anything to preview,” she said.  If we weren’t so dumb we’d be insulted.  It’s Putin’s fault anyway, isn’t it?
  10. As expected Phil Mickelson, he of foot in mouth disease, announced that he was joining the new LIV Golf series backed by the Saudi-Arabian government. It’s widely reported that Tiger Woods has turned down a low nine-figure offer to do the same.   Mickelson joins another big name, Dustin Johnson, in making the same move.  Will they still be big names in five years?  Apparently, they don’t care as big money talks and fame walks across the pond.

Enjoy the heat.

Ten Piece Nuggets-Random

Fresh and hot to hit the spot is a serving of Ten Piece Nuggets below.

  1.  Two old-school NCAA bluebloods duked (sorry Coach K) it out last night for the NCAA Basketball Championship.  Kansas overcame a 15 point halftime deficit to beat North Carolina and completed the biggest comeback in title-game history.  It was the fourth title for the storied Kansas team which is one less than the five Level I NCAA infraction allegations it is facing.
  2. Kansas isn’t too worried about them though as they gave Head Coach Bill Self a lifetime contract last April that pays him over $5 million per year.  LSU fired its head coach Will Wade last month for exactly the same- 5 Level I infraction allegations.
  3. The contract states Self cannot be fired with cause for violations that occurred before this new deal, meaning he can only be terminated without cause for whatever penalties are handed down to the program by the NCAA.  This makes us wonder.  If Kansas fires Self will the team then be considered selfless? Clearly, we’re asking for a friend.
  4. All of this brings us to a great quote about what the NCAA is and isn’t.  It was delivered many years ago but remains true to this day.  “The NCAA is so mad at Kentucky they’re going to give Cleveland State another year of probation,” said Jerry Tarkanian, then head coach of the Las Vegas Running Rebels.  Tark fought the law, and Tark won.  And it seems like Kansas, unlike LSU, is ready to do the same.
  5. This is the best time of the year for sports nuts and second isn’t close.  Last night was the NCAA basketball final.   Hockey and basketball are in the stretch run right before their playoffs begin.  MLB throws out its first pitch this week.  The Kentucky Derby is just around the far turn. The NFL Draft hype builds by the day.  This weekend in golf is the revered Masters.
  6. Will he or won’t he?  Fred Couples thinks he will.  Barring a setback over the next couple of days, Couples, one of Tiger Woods’ closest friends, believes Woods will play when the 86th Masters begins on Thursday.  “He’s kind of a tough guy,” Couples said.  They played a practice round together yesterday.  “He looked phenomenal,” Couples said. “What impressed me the most is he was bombing it.”  If Tiger tees it up The Masters will set a new viewership record for itself and second place won’t be close.
  7.  By now you’ve heard that Elon Musk owns 9.2% of Twitter.   The surge in its price since the announcement earned him a cool $386 million and counting.  That’s pocket change for Musk whose net worth is nearing $300 billion.  What’s the next shot in the billiard match?  Musk could a) ask for a seat or three on the Twitter Board of Directors, b) ask for policy changes (read as free speech), c) takeover the company altogether, or d) sell his shares and bank a tidy profit.
  8. Musk has 80 million-plus followers on Twitter.  Tesla spends nothing on advertising.  The Twitter platform would give the sly and wicked smart Musk a tremendous opportunity to tout whatever he chooses if he controlled its content, followers, and censorship.  Social media is maddening and fascinating at the same time.
  9.  U.S. Senator Mitt Romney should officially change parties.  Utah should vote to impeach him or vote him out of office this fall.  Why?  Because he’s a sheep in wolves’ clothing is why.
  10.  Real estate is expensive in Southern California. How expensive?  Black Lives Matter leadership allegedly purchased a $6 million luxury 6500 sq ft mansion with cash in SoCal using donation money, according to New York Magazine.  Why?  An April 1 internal BLM email states it is to “serve as housing and studio space for recipients of the Black Joy Creators Fellowship,” which “provides recording resources and dedicated space for Black creatives to launch content online and in real life focused on abolition, healing justice, urban agriculture and food justice, pop culture, activism, and politics.”  This makes the $30k per month that our government (you) is paying to rent a Malibu House to watch over Hunter Biden sound like a steal.  Could he find somewhere else to paint?  Could he find his laptop?

Remember to always keep your napkin in your lap!

Ten Piece Nuggets-Life

Our overworked and underpaid staff needs a day off.  Unfortunately, or fortunately for news wonks, this world continues to deep fry Ten Piece Nuggets at a prodigious clip.  There is no nugget supply chain shortage.

  1.  We borrowed this line.  Ok, we stole it.   It’s too good not to.  It looks like the only person at CNN that can keep his hands to himself is Jeffery Toobin.
  2.   Jeff Zucker is out at CNN.  He’s just another in what is becoming a long line of, ahem, “exposed” frauds.  The lovely and talented Chris Cuomo helped in the dethroning.  CNN is an AT&T property that is merging to form the new and bigger Discovery Co.  What to do?
  3. We’ve said it before, we’ll say it again.  CNN should pivot (we hate that word) to the middle of the political spectrum.  They lose straight up in nearly every hour in the ratings to MSNBC for left-leaning viewers.  They get smashed by the juggernaut that FOX is.  In many hours measured MSNBC and CNN combined don’t reach what FOX does.  The middle lane is wide open for market share to be taken and we sense America is wide open for some middle-of-the-road thinking.
  4. If you’re just waking up know that ISIS leader Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi was killed in a “successful” U.S. Special Operations counterterrorism mission in northwest Syria Thursday, President Biden said.  The world is a safer place for it and Biden will tell us about it this morning.
  5. If you combine that with his nonsensical movement of 3k US troops nearer to the Ukraine/Russia mess he’s got the opportunity for a willing press to focus abroad v the mess we have here at home.  Color us jaded and a wee bit cynical.
  6.  What if you made it to the final round of Wheel of Fortune and picked “person” as your final category and the board lit up 39 blank squares that had ISIS leader Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi hidden behind them.  Pat, “Five consonants please.”  You, “B, H, Q, Y, and R.  Pat, “Really? And your vowel?” You, “I.”  Pat, “Wow.  Ok, Vanna, turn them around, and amazingly let’s see what we’ve got.”   Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.  Too soon?
  7. The three women that share the set on The View with Whoppi Goldberg unanimously decried her suspension two days after her non-race rant about the Holocaust.  They also did not address the matter on the show the day after the suspension.  They wouldn’t do the same for other “misinformation” (we hate what this word is now used for) rants like Joe Rogan, would they?
  8. Speaking of Joe Rogan, the Republicans should boldly announce that he has been asked to lead the first 2024 Republican Presidential Debate. It’s never too soon.  The best defense is a great offense.  Something like, “Keep Free Speech Free.”
  9. Miami Dolphins owner Stephen Ross vigorously denied former head coach Brian Flores claims about performance bonuses for losses. “I take great personal exception to these malicious attacks, and the truth must be known. His allegations are false, malicious, and defamatory.” Predictable.  Flores’ lawyers surely know that the NFL is a tight-knit group of deep pockets with great incentive to defend and plenty of in-house legal counsel to help do just that.
  10. Hue Jackson, former Cleveland Browns Head Coach publically stated yesterday that he was paid extra to dump games for the miserable Browns a few years back during his tenure. He says he has proof.  Maybe so.  If so, he definitely earned the incentive money.  The product on the field and his in-game management decisions were awful.  His press conferences, if possible, were worse.  He amassed a record of 3–36–1 during his tenure with the team including 0-20 on the road.
  11.  He is debating whether to join Flores’ lawsuit.  Why?  He had eight coaching stops in the NFL including two HC spots ( Oakland and Cleveland) and three Offensive Coordinator positions.  He was fired in Oakland by first-year GM Reggie McKenzie who is also black.  It sounds like great work over 18 NFL seasons if you could be so fortunate.

Ok, you were overserved.  It happens.

Ten Piece Nuggets-Random

It’s February 1st, the middle of the winter.  You need some warmth and comfort.  What better way is there to get that than to digest some Ten Piece Nuggets?

They’re served one at a time and randomly below.

  1.  Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau says that he tested positive for Covid-19.  Is he hiding from the convoy of truckers in Ottawa who are opposed to the jab, while he is vaxxed, boosted, and positive all at once? The irony.  It says here that he tucked his tail and ran.   He blasted them via a taped message calling their actions “racist” amongst other lies about their cause.  It’s always a good day to play the race card.  Should Canada insist that he go get tested for conniving cowardness as well?
  2.  If Trudeau and California Governor Gavin Newsom switched jobs in the middle of the night how long would it take for anyone to notice?  Newsom was caught on camera multiple times during the Rams/49ers NFC Championship Game yet again thumbing his non-masked nose at Californians who are under his mandate to mask up while indoors at work, events, and school.   He denied doing so.  Cameras don’t lie, people do.
  3.  While Joe Rogan apologized for exercising his right to free speech yesterday, Whoppi Goldberg exercised hers on The View.  The longtime co-host claimed the Holocaust “isn’t about race,” adding, “it’s about man’s inhumanity to man.”  There was no joy in Joy Behar’s face.
  4. By afternoon she apologized.  “On today’s show, I said the Holocaust is not about race, but about man’s inhumanity to man. I should’ve said it is about both.  I’m sorry for the hurt I have caused.”  That’s how you cancel the Cancel Culture Cops.
  5. And, rather than trying to cancel Rogan, why not ask to appear on his podcast?  He goes in-depth is why.  Superficial answers get followed up.  Fauci should be the first guest.  Rand Paul would jump at the chance.
  6. It was a busy Monday at the White House as well.  President Biden took to the podium to tell the assembled press that his team was trying to “figure out” why so many illegal immigrants were crossing our southern border.  Could it be that there is no enforcement and upon entry you get a free plane ride to a state of Biden’s choosing?  Stand-up comedy is not dead after all.
  7. Unvaxxed truckers cannot enter, but unvaxxed illegal immigrants with no IDs can.   Maybe next week old Joe can try to “figure out” why our supply chain is failing.  Could it be partially due to so few trucks crossing our borders due to the vax mandate?
  8. At least there’s good news for parents on the vax front.  Pfizer and BioNTech plan to submit a request for emergency use authorization for their COVID-19 vaccine in children six months to 5 years old as soon as Tuesday.  It’s even better news for the under-two crowd.  Pfizer reports sufficient immune effectiveness with only two jabs.  But, if you’re three or more you’ll need three or more jabs.  Approval from the “lost its mind” FDA could come early next month.
  9.  Meanwhile, several countries seem to be regaining their senses.  Today Finland joins England, Ireland, and Denmark in ending all covid restrictions.  Remember when the US was known as the home of the free and the brave?  Maybe in two more weeks after we flatten the curve we can join the crowd.
  10.  Changing gears, can the NFL be any hotter?  Four unbelievable games two weekends ago gave way to two nail-biters this past weekend.  We’ve not seen the ratings but we’re old enough to remember when we were told that the NFL was going to suffer for its activism, etc.   Doubtful.  Very.  The “home” LA Rams have been instilled as an early four-point pick over the “visiting” Cincinnatti Bengals.  Joe B. has them right where he wants them.

Less Zoom, doom, and gloom are right around the corner.


Ten Piece Nuggets-Random

If you’re already done with the Keto diet New Year’s resolution, or if even if you never committed to it, a good serving of protein never goes out of style.  Our first 10 Piece Nuggets of 2022 are right below and right for you.  We start with the NFL, visit where the world turns, and end with the end of the college football season.

  1. Today in NFL circles is known as Black Monday, the day coaches are terminated.  GM’s are exempt either. But the clock has accelerated.  Urban Meyer and Jon Gruden beat their brethren to the punch.  One got a little handsy in his bar, the other got a little wordy in his emails.
  2. Urban’s former Jacksonville team shocked, and we mean shocked,  the NFL “experts.”  And, with that, the Indianapolis Colts got bounced right out of the playoffs.  The Colts stunk up the joint yesterday, losing 26-11 in a game that was 26-3 till late in the fourth.  WWFICJMHS?  What would former Indy Coach Jim Mora have said?  Playoffs?   It never gets old.
  3. Meanwhile, well west of there, Indy’s loss was The Las Vegas Raiders gain.  They beat the LA Chargers as the OT clock struck zero and backdoored their way into said playoffs. Interim head coach Rich Bisaccia is making the go-forward decision for Raiders owner Mark Davis harder by the week.  The game got very squirrelly at the end as a tie could have put both teams in.  Is that a squirrel on Mark Davis’ head?  We digress.
  4.  The Denver Broncos ousted Vic Fangio on Sunday.  Will the Minnesota Vikings push Mike Zimmer out into the northwest winter today? It’s very likely.   And, expect one or two surprises as always today or tomorrow.
  5. Who?  Bears Coach Matt Nagy would not be a surprise.  Pete Carroll would be a mild surprise.  How about Matt Rhule of Carolina?  He sacrificed Joe Brady, his OC, six weeks ago, but he’s done little to turn the Panthers around. Nothing that the Texans would do would surprise anyone.  The rudderless franchise ousted Bill O’Brien a year ago.  Is first-year coach David Culley safe?   Probably.  He’s cheap labor and the Texans aren’t going anywhere next year even if they had Nick Saban at the helm.
  6.  What were the chances that the San Franciso 49ers would make the playoffs after punting to the Rams while trailing by seven with 1:57 remaining in the game?  To win they needed to force a three and out, prevent the Rams from scoring in regulation, score a TD with no timeouts left, and win in OT.  Next Gen Stats, the authority on such matters, pinned the chance at 0.4 percent.  To state the stat differently, the chances were 1 in 250.  Bingo!  And, just like that the playoff air in New Orleans went poof!
  7. Changing gears, Dr. Scott Gottlieb, a board member for Pfizer, agreed with Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel’s prediction that people will likely need a fourth shot of vaccine after the initial two doses and a booster. Gottlieb told Barron’s that Covid-19 vaccines will likely become an annual shot people get every year going forward in the fall.  Money, money, money, goes the Abba song.
  8.  Why as more and more double vaxxed and boosted folks test positive do government officials get angrier at the unvaxxed, even threatening them with economic harm?  Also, why are asymptomatic peeps standing or driving in long lines in the cold to get tested?
  9. Will we have a mandate that holds up?  We’re guessing that Supreme Court Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor thinks so.  Friday she claimed that over 100,000 children were “in serious condition” because of Covid -19.  The CDC has a slightly lower count at 4,132.
  10.  And, it seems like Alec Baldwin is out there just like Orenthal James Simpson once was looking for the real killer.  Baldwin is publically blaming right-wing zealots(reasons unclear)  and “cooperating” with the investigation of the Rust filming death by refusing to turn over his cell phone.  Both are accomplished actors, for sure.
  11.  And, a little lagniappe as we call it in the biz, Georgia is favored by 3 in Indy this evening over Alabama for the FBS Championship.  How can you bet against Nick Saban?  Vegas is telling you something.  Are you listening?  Georgia 30, Bama 24.

Bundle up.

Ten Piece Nuggets-Random

Ten days removed from the Thanksgiving holiday, we offer the Ten Nuggets deep-fried.  They’re deep with thought and might fry your mind.

  1.  The Cuomo brothers hit the unemployment line within weeks of one another and deservedly so.  They have a right to unemployment benefits, and apparently, they’re taking the Grate (on you) State of New York up on the opportunity per CNN.  They’ll need 24 feet to socially distance while in line.  First one brother, then six feet back is his ego, then the other brother and six feet back is his ego.
  2. CNN did a two-segment, 15-minute dive into what went wrong with Chris Cuomo and his waning days at CNN on Sunday.  It’s a self-aggrandizing network covering its self-aggrandizing show host’s downfall. Serial lier.  And, now comes another sexual misconduct complaint claim against him.  You’ve heard of like father, like son?  This one is like brother, like brother.  Our staff member that covered it is out 15 minutes of his life that he can’t get back.
  3. Jussie Smollett and Ghislaine Maxwell are on trial for two very different crimes.  Both are quite guilty and will be found so.  Smollett’s fake attack/bungled plan is laughable.  It was his worst acting job and he’s had a few.   And, it’s quite sad that he attempted to further divide a city and country with fake race allegations.  He’ll probably get a couple of years probation.  He should be made to pay back the city of Chicago every dime that they spent investigating this trash.
  4. Maxwell’s case has nothing funny about it.  You have to feel sad for the numerous young victims.  Kudos to four of them for having the courage to testify.  Adults taking advantage of the young is the lowest of the low.  She’ll get to serve some hard time that Jeffery Epstein was too much of a coward to face.
  5. Speaking with the Washington Times last week, Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez dismissed the recent smash and grab allegations of “organized retail theft” as a hoax with not much evidence to back it up. “National retail groups last month estimated the annual losses to being in the tens of billions of dollars,” reported the AP.  “Respectfully, the Congresswoman has no idea what she is talking about. Both the data and stack of video evidence makes fairly clear that this is a growing problem in need of solutions,” said Jason Brewer, Retail Industry Leaders Association Senior VP.  In 2020 she was reelected with nearly 72% of the votes cast in the 14th district of the still Grate State of New York.  Let that sink in.
  6. You heard it here first.  Omicron will be the catalyst to turn the United States back into people who think rationally about the never-ending covid quagmire.  The hysteria has peaked and alternatives are beginning to emerge.  There’s way more to this than to line up like sheep and get a jab and think that’s the answer.  More coming this week.
  7. In the sports world, four is the number.  The NCAA playoff committee seeded Alabama, Michigan, Georgia, and Cincinnatti one through four, for a chance to win it all.  With all of the yearly fuss about who could and should get in, the results from the season and conference championship games usually work their way out.  Georgia is a surprisingly high eight-point favorite over Michigan, while Alabama opened as a 14 point choice over Cincinnati in the semi-finals.
  8. Since 2014 Nick Saban has led his Crimson Tide onto the playing field as an underdog a mere three times!  In each of these contests Bama won the game by 17 points or more.  Saban owns Kirby Smart too.  He’s 4- 0 vs. his former assistant.  Smart called Saturday’s 41-24 beatdown a “wake-up call.”
  9. Four is the number of losses that all four division leaders in the AFC have as the season reaches the 2/3rds mark.  This makes for some interesting games down the stretch starting tonight when Buffalo (7-4) tries to take the East Division lead back from New England(8-4).
  10. In the NFC North and South, the Packers and Bucs lead their divisions by a whopping four games already.  In the West, the Cardinals lead by two over the four-loss Rams who figure prominently in the wild card at a minimum.  In the East, the Cowboys have four losses and lead the division.  They play the suddenly hot Washington Football Team twice in the next three weeks.   A sweep would put the Pokes four games up.

Get back to work now.



Ten Piece Nuggets-Random

Start your shortened work week off with a Ten Piece Nuggets serving.    We air-fried them to save calories for Thursday.

Unfortunately, be forewarned, nuggets one and two don’t taste too well.

  1.  Waukesha, WI is a nice, easy-going, do for others, slice of America.  It’s a 75k citizen suburb due west of Milwaukee.  But unfortunately, this AM it’s a major crime scene and an international story.  We’ll spare the details as everyone with a TV is aware of “what” happened.  It seems like the “who” part of the event is already in custody.  The “why” part is unknown.  BBR hopes that all of the 40 or so injured make a full recovery.  Wisconsin is one of only 12 states that does not have the death penalty if you were wondering or hoping.
  2. Waukesha is about a 50-mile drive from Kenosha.  Does last night’s rage have anything at all to do with the Rittenhouse trial outcome/unrest?  Our guess at this moment is that they are unrelated based on the “person of interest’s” recent individual scrapes with the law.  But, for Wisconsin, a go-along to get along state, it’s far too much bad press in far too short of a time window.  One minute you’re watching a fun festive holiday parade, the next…………    Sometimes words fall far short in their ability to describe true feelings.
  3. Reece Witherspoon following the lead of other Hollywood folks expressed her outrage about the Rittenhouse verdict.  She tweeted yesterday, “No one should be able to purchase a semi-automatic weapon, cross state lines and kill 2 people, wound another, and go free. In what world is this safe … for any of us?”  He didn’t purchase it.  He didn’t cross state lines with it.  Kenosha is about 5 miles from Illinois, but we digress.  In this world a jury of his peers voted on it.  Facts matter, but never ever let that get in the way of a good narrative.
  4. You can like Tucker Carlson on Fox or not.  You can like the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict or not.  And, you can hear Kyle’s story in his own words this evening at 7 pm CST on Tucker Carlson Tonight on Fox.  The show regularly gets very high Nielsen Ratings.  Tonight, they’ll soar higher.  What a scoop!
  5.  Some fine folks in San Francisco decided to loot (pick clean) the Louis Vuitton store in Union Square in SF Saturday night.  Nordstroms and two other high-end stores were targeted as well.  What a fine city SF once was.  What a cesspool it now is.  We’d cite the very left, liberal thinking officials that run the place as the main reason for its downfall, but that would be too easy and too accurate.  The only job in America harder than selling neckties these days would be the head of tourism for SF.
  6. Turning to sports, Dan Mullen, the Florida Gators head football coach was sacked yesterday.  The Gators lost to Missouri 24-23 in OT a week after Samford (that’s Samford, not Stanford) scored 52 on his D.  He could have and should have been let go last week, but the loss made it all the more unbearable.  If you look up the word quirky in the dictionary Mullen’s picture will be next to the definition.
  7. Suddenly there are several big-time NCAA football coaching jobs open.  With new TV contracts and teams jumping to form super conferences, money is flush.  How else can you explain Mel Tucker getting 10 years and $95 million to coach Michigan State?  He hasn’t won his division within the conference, and won’t this year, much less won the conference.  Ohio St worked the Spartans over Saturday.  It was 49-0 at the half.  It finished 56-7.  It’s great work if you can get it.  Tucker got it.  Texas A&M was the first college to jump the shark with three loss Jimbo.  Others will follow shortly.
  8. With a week of the season left to play, Texas, LSU, Florida St., Florida, USC, Virginia Tech, TCU, and Nebraska all have losing records.  It’s been a while for all eight of those to have down seasons at the same time.  All have (or had-TCU) job openings in 2021 except Texas and Nebraska.  Texas wouldn’t pull the plug on Sarkesian in his first year, would they?  Frost is a coin flip to stay at Nebraska after the season ends Saturday.
  9. The very successful Seattle Seahawks coach Pete Carroll might be burning out after nearly 12 years with his team.  “I’m just not any good at this,” Carroll said of handling this level of losing. “I’m not prepared for this. I’m struggling to do a good job of coaching when you’re getting your butt kicked week in and week out.”  Minutes later he walked out of the news conference in mid-question.  He’s a young-looking 70 years old.  Time will tell.   It always does.
  10.  So, who is the best team in the NFL?  Wait a week and the answer will change.  It’s exactly what the brand wants-most everyone thinks they can get hot and get to the playoffs, and then to the biggest stage of all.  Don’t look now but the New England Patriots have won five in a row.

Baked, smoked, or deep-fried?

Ten Piece Nuggets-Random

Give a three-year-old a blank piece of paper and a box of crayons and off he/she (pronouns undecided) goes wild.  Give a staff writer the green light on the word “random” and they/us (pronouns known) go wild.

  1.  If you had Tampa Bay (v Saints and Football Team) and the LA Rams (v Titans and the 49ers) both losing two in a row, Peyton and Eli might invite you on the show next Monday night.
  2. The Bucs’ Bruce Arians pulls no punches.  He put a good bit of the blame right at Tom Brady’s feet.  The Rams added OBJ for a good reason.  They’ve only scored 26 points total in those last two losing efforts.  In the NFL you’re only as good as your next game.
  3. Kenosha is bracing for the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict.  Could widespread rioting occur?  The National Guard is at the ready.  Where were they the first time?
  4. How did the Kenosha DA’s office do in the eyes of America?  “The performance of Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger was especially pathetic,” wrote the NY Post.  The final low might have been the lowest.  He pointed an AR15 at the jury box with his finger on the trigger during closing arguments.  His case was shot well before that, however.  Yesterday the judge threw the weapons charges out.  In poker terms, it was a tell of how the bigger charges might play out.
  5. How is it in America that some think 18 is too young to possess a gun but 16 is old enough to vote?  And, a 14-year-old can get an abortion without parental consent, and a four-year-old is mature enough to decide their gender?  Regardless of party preference some critical thinking is strongly advised.
  6. While Elon Musk is dumping 10s of billions of dollars of Telsa stock, the American investor is buying 10s of billions of EV truck maker Rivian.  Rivian went public under the ticker “RIVN” on Nov. 10, 2021 at an initial offering price of $78.  It closed yesterday at $149 and is premarket trading this AM at $166.  Its market value yesterday was greater than General Motors.  Is it the next Tesla?  Maybe Elon is buying a share or three?
  7. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases head Dr. Anthony Faucisaid on “CBS Sunday Morning” that former President Donald Trump’s “misplaced perception” about people’s individual rights hurt public safety during the coronavirus pandemic.  Ted Koppel was the host.  Ole Ted missed a great opportunity.  He could have asked what Fauci would he would do differently from day one as well.  But, Ted stayed dutifully on the CBS script.
  8. Covid levels are spiking in countries abroad as well as in two handfuls of states here all over again.  Why did the US Government remove international to US travel restrictions two weeks ago?  And, does Fauci have an answer for this spike, or should he blame Trump?
  9. And, here comes Trump.  A very recent poll (the name escapes us, but its credibility does not) showed that of likely Republican voters in the first primary state of Iowa former President Donald J Trump leads all other Republican possible challengers by nearly 20 percentage points.  It says here that the only way the GOP loses the White House in 2024 is to nominate Trump.  There’s a very long road to 2024 of course, but the first fork is a wrong turn.
  10.  Trump used to love to say, “you’re fired” in a previous life.  In football head coaches are hired to be fired.  Justin Fuente, who had a 43-31 record in six seasons at Virginia Tech, is out as the Hokies’ football coach, athletic director Whit Babcock announced Tuesday.  Virginia Tech joins USC, Washington, Washington State, and LSU as Power 5 job openings. Who’s next?  The University of Miami, FL fired AD, Blake James yesterday.  That paves the way for a new AD to let Manny Diaz go.  A 6-4 record in year four isn’t good enough, and a loss to Florida St isn’t acceptable.  Steve Sarkesian anyone?  The Texas Longhorn faithful are an impatient group, a very impatient group.  Stranger things have happened.