Ten Piece Nuggets

It has been a minute and a half since we dropped 10 in the grease.  Without further delay your order is below.

  1.  Michigan is a major battleground state in November.  Polls have it as a dead heat at this moment.  Who can get out the vote?  Michigan has a sizeable pro-Palestinian population.   One by one the chameleon Dems are turning their backs on Benjamin Netanyahu.  Yesterday it was teflon Nancy Pelosi who said he should step down.
  2. But, help is on the way.  The Senate quickly approved the bill that the House approved last week.  The foreign aid package consists of $61 billion in aid for Ukraine, roughly $26 billion in military assistance to Israel, $9 billion for humanitarian efforts in Gaza, and $8 billion to Taiwan and efforts to counter China’s threat in the Indo-Pacific.  None of that 9 bil for the Gaza area will fall into the hands of Hamas, will it?
  3. Former Speaker Paul Ryan praised Mike Johnson for collapsing and giving the Dems and Biden everything they asked.  Deep state work at its finest.  Do you know what time it is when former Speaker Ryan praises a current speaker?  It’s time to get a new speaker.
  4.  The University of Michigan, Columbia, and NYU(overrun with protests) are three universities that have put more time, effort, and money into creating a DEI community.  What the heck is going on?  The results suggest there is much more work to be done.  Or, not.
  5. The 2024 tuition for a full year at Columbia is 98k.  Yes, $98,000.  Yesterday they announced that, with all of the unrest, classes will be taught remotely until further notice.  In Bidenomics times the old dollar doesn’t stretch as far as it used to.
  6. If you are scoring at home five of eight Ivy League and 12 of 18 (as of this fall) Big Ten schools are listed by the Dept of Education as under investigation for antisemitism.  The old backwoods, prejudicial, racist, homophobic, misogynistic SEC schools come in last at 0 out of 16.
  7.  If this makes you feel unsafe(r) in NY leave the gun at home.  “Do not bring the Second Amendment into this courtroom.  It doesn’t exist here.  So you can’t argue the Second Amendment.  This is NY.”  So said Judge Abena Arkeh, NY Criminal Courts, to a citizen who was arrested for assembling guns from legally purchased parts.  Justice is not blind.
  8.  Yesterday, Joe Biden hit another two out of the park.   Reading from teleprompter in an address Biden asked, “How many times does Trump have to prove that we can’t be trusted?”  The funniest part of it all is that the crowd of few roared.  Then, the man with thin hair stepped away and tried to shake hands with thin air.
  9.  Biden went to another whistle stop in Tampa, and claimed “I used to drive an 18-wheeler.”
  10.  And on a lighter but louder note, trillions of evolution’s bizarro wonders, red-eyed periodical cicadas that have pumps in their heads are about to emerge in numbers not seen in decades and possibly centuries.  Call it cicada-geddon.  Get some earplugs South Carolina.

Happy Hump Day.

Ten Hot Nuggets on a Cold Day

It may be a tad cold outside, but here in the BBR think kitchen we’ve cooked up ten warm nuggets.

  1. Donald Trump on the eve of the Iowa Republican Caucus has the highest polling share data ever recorded.  He stands at 48%.  Meet The Depressed(credit to Rush L.-GOAT) on NBC shared the news yesterday.
  2. You can change party affiliation in Iowa as often as you wish.  Go figure.  “Many” democrats are planning on doing just that and voting for Nikki Haley today.
  3. Go figure.  Did someone forget to tell them that Haley polls significantly better vs. Joseph Biden than Donald J. does?  Or, is it all part of a plan?
  4. Roger Stone suggested that Donald Trump should pick Tulsi Gabbard as his VP pick for 2024.  We agree and have recommended this and predicted the same a time or two.
  5. Most of us can agree that illegal immigration at our southern border is a wee bit of a problem.  Not Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson.  He called it an international problem repeatedly when CBS 2 reporter Sabrina Franza tried to ask him if he would raise taxes to pay for the illegals that Texas is busing up there.
  6. Johnson isn’t dumb.  Probably.  He knows if he blames Biden that the DNC will cut off his air supply politically.  But, it’s the horns of a dilemma because Chicago proudly identifies as a “sanctuary city” and Illinois Governor JB Pritzker signed state legislation making it the most welcoming state to migrants.
  7. Fulton County Georgia DA Fani Willis isn’t dumb either.  Probably. She spoke in church(why not) yesterday after allegations surfaced that she paid her lover and third-party lawyer nearly a million bucks to prosecute Trump on 16 charges including violations of Georgia’s Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, or RICO.  She said, “You cannot expect black women to be perfect. We need to be allowed to stumble.  We need grace.”
  8.  That leads to so many questions.  We’ll stay on higher ground and skip them all, except one.  Did Fani just play the race card?
  9.  Boeing had its doors blown off last week, literally.  Worry not though.  Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun assured nervous flyers last week that all 737 aircraft are built to the highest diversity standards.   Credit is given to where it’s due- The Babylon Bee.
  10. On a lighter note.  Did you think that the next wave of NFL QB high achievers included Trevor Lawrence, Josh Allen, and Justin Herbert?  They might need to step aside as 2nd-year vet Jordan Love and rookie CJ Stroud wowed fans this weekend.  Stroud threw for 2 more yards than Love, 274-272.  Each had three TDs, no picks, was 16 for 21, had an identical passer rating of 157.2, and led their teams into the next playoff round in upset blowout wins.  For you geeks a 158.3 rating is considered perfect.

Stay warm.

The First 10 in 2024

The first Ten Piece Nuggets serving of 2024 awaits your consumption below.

  1.  Let’s not obfuscate facts.  Claudine Gay got in hot water when she stubbornly refused before Congress to denounce antisemitic speech at Harvard.   Her plagiarism problem has been lurking in the halls of Harvard for years.
  2. While she has been removed from the office of president, let’s also realize that she keeps her 900k a year professorship there.  Only in America can plagiarism be ok at the professorship level but not at the President’s level.   Wait till we rename plagiarism.  How about “work share?”  “Cooperative wording?” 
  3. The tired and incorrect finger-pointing to racism at the root of this is so predictable.  Victims. Did we already forget that the president of the University of Pennsylvania, M. Elizabeth Magill, resigned four days after she appeared before Congress and evaded the question of whether students who called for the genocide of Jews should be punished? Did we forget that Magill is white?
  4.  Has the pendulum reached its penultimate height and begun a slight descent in the opposite direction with this fiasco?  One can hope.  Diversity, Inclusion, and Equality (the acronym is DIE, not DEI, here at BBR) is a direct assault on what made America great, meritocracy.
  5.  Of course, white privilege and other word-salad nonsense will spew from this.  What if someone said black privilege is at play here?  Egads!  When do education, communication skills, honesty, and hard work make their way back into the national narrative?  There are two ways to go up.  One has a trap door, the other is sustainable.
  6.  Moving along, the hold your breath for its release of the dozens of Epstein’s court documents yesterday was pretty close to a big fat nothing burger.  Names that were already leaked predictably showed up.
  7. Of course, this was only 40 of the supposed 250 documents in all.  The still withheld documents should be released in the coming days and weeks.
  8.  Isn’t it beyond odd that the FBI raided Epstein’s Island after he died in jail?  Isn’t it odd that he died in jail?  No, and no.  The coverup, including a few redacted names yesterday, smells awful.
  9.  President Joe Biden returned to the White House on Tuesday evening after nearly three straight weeks of vacation.  He was asked, “Are you going to do something about the southern border?”  His answer?  “Well, we gotta do something.”   Sometimes simplicity is brilliance.  Sometimes it isn’t.
  10.   While you were enjoying fireworks and a hangover the national debt crossed $34 trillion.  Nancy Pelosi was carrying Biden’s water on MSNBC last evening touting his “debt reduction act.”  A beaming Chris Hayes nodded affirmatively so many times that he was mistaken for a 1970s bobblehead which is insulting to the 70s.

You might need a Tums or two.

Ten Piece Nuggets

The Texas drought (insert climate change sarcasm) caused a three-month nugget supply chain issue.  Then the rains came 72 hours ago.  Let’s get to them.

  1. Do you listen to #iheartradio?   They have more COVID scare commercials than J&J and Pfizer combined.  Last night they lit up the Empire State Building in blue to bring awareness to themselves and the coming next threat certainly in that order.  It should make you see red.
  2. Three years ago America was scared of COVID and mostly welcomed the “free” vaccination to vax the nation that wasn’t a vaccination nor free.  Three years later they’re going to cost about $100 a jab and we predict that the open arms with rolled-up sleeves will be few and far between.
  3. Speaking of commercials, surely and unfortunately you’ve seen the one touting the pharmaceutical prescription issued Jardiance?  It’s approved to lower blood sugar.  It has to be, we repeat has to be, the worst commercial ever.  It’s just an opinion, but it’s a strong one.
  4. The US Military is asking for the public’s help in locating a missing $80 million dollar F-35 stealth fighter in South Carolina.  Officials reported last evening that there was no concrete evidence of it crashing.  The pilot ejected along the way.  We should take better care of our toys.  Of course, $80 million isn’t what it used to be, just ask Ukraine.
  5. Speaking of lost, we can’t find any video of Epstein’s cell or from the White House that got a little whiter when some cocaine was left behind.  But, if you want to see Rep Lauren Boebert get chummy with her beau in a theater in the dark, we’ve got TMZ-level coverage.
  6. The Senate officially changed its rules so that Senators no longer have to dress decently to appear on the Senate floor.  Call it the Fetterman Rule.  How low can we go?  It’s yet another example of reducing standards or laws in the country.  Lower the bar low enough and everyone passes the test.  Thank you Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.
  7. Hunter Biden’s attorneys filed a lawsuit against the IRS on Monday, alleging that agents have “targeted and sought to embarrass” the president’s son. Biden’s lawsuit seeks for the court to declare that the IRS “willfully, knowingly, and/or by gross negligence, unlawfully disclosed Mr. Biden’s confidential tax information.”  Hasn’t he cost America enough already?  Rules for thee, but not for me.

  8. “Nancy Pelosi was in charge of security. She turned down 10,000 soldiers. If she didn’t turn down the soldiers, you wouldn’t have had Jan. 6,” former President Donald Trump told NBC’s “Meet the Press” host Kristen Welker during a recent sit-down interview aired yesterday.  He’s persistent.  But is he right?  If so, it sheds a different light on the dark day.  Will we ever know?
  9. Pelosi retorted yesterday as well. “There is a sickness here that has to be an intervention. That intervention has to be the election, which we have to win. That’s one of the reasons why I am running again, to fight for our democracy. Which is at stake, if he’s on the ballot.”  Seems like our democracy is always at stake.
  10. Deion Sanders and the transfer portal, not in that order, have changed the college football game.  It’s not that he’s 3-0.  It’s that he’s brought an incalculable amount of free press to a university that hasn’t been relevant in the sport for 20 years.  Last night it was 60 Minutes that cozied up.


Happy Monday!





Ten Piece Nuggets

It’s past time to drop ten more at the virtual door.  Plus one.  They’re as random as random gets.

  1. Many many years ago Ronald Reagan exclaimed, “The nearest thing to eternal life we will ever see on this earth is a government program.”  As the two parties squabble down to the deadline to extend the debt limit, ALL involved should ask themselves if there might be anything at all in the government that we could cut back or eliminate.
  2. William Buckley said many years ago, “I would rather be governed by the first 2000 people in the Manhattan phone book than the entire faculty of Harvard.”  You have to be old enough to know what a phone book is to fully enjoy that one.
  3. It seems like Joe Biden has been in government for nearly 2000 years.  Twelve years ago in 2011, Biden said those with a “my way or the highway” position on the debt limit will “learn that they have to compromise” because “you can’t govern that way.”  Times are changing.
  4. Karine Jean Claude Van Damme Pepe Le Pew Pierre slammed any bans on trans treatment for minors yesterday, “These are our kids, they belong to all of us.”  Incorrect.  She’s the worst Press Secretary ever.  Second place is as far behind as the horse that trailed Secretariat in the Belmont 50 years ago this June. She’s a parrot.  And, unfortunately, the press lets her babble on to Babylon and back.  Shameful.
  5. In Portland, Oregon, a 15-year-old can elect to have their genitalia removed and/or a mastectomy without or against their parent’s wishes but thankfully minors are protected from getting a tattoo until they are 21.  Makes sense.
  6. Jordan Neely, the NY subway mentally deranged rider who unfortunately died after a good samaritan tried to protect those who he threatened, has been arrested 44 times in his life. You read that right.  Forty-four.  One arrest was for kidnapping a seven-year-old, and another was for beating a 67-year-old woman.  Do you know who killed Jordan?  Jordan killed Jordan.  Stop with the white killed a black narrative.
  7. Heads up for the ever-changing way that we classify peeps.  A few progressive media folks called Neely unhoused.  You read that right as well.  Unhoused.  Once bums, hobos, homeless, underserved, and now unhoused.   Maybe that means being released from jail?  Doubtful.
  8. Riley Gaines, a former NCAA swim star who has turned into an activist to keep women’s sports fair and equal, and Rep. Nancy Mace, R-S.C., were among those Wednesday who took issue with the male model advertising a woman’s Adidas swimsuit as part of the company’s pride collection.  You have to admire her willingness to take a stand.  America needs more women like her.
  9. We’re anxiously awaiting the first female model in a male swimming suit.  Meanwhile, move over Dylan Mulvaney.  The adidas male model could certainly work for the UNTUCKit Company if called upon.
  10.  We took a deep dive into the Latin dictionary.  Turns out that Fetterman is an old-world term meaning Young Frankenstein, er, Young Feinstein.  If you haven’t seen his interaction on the Senate Finance Committee here it very painfully is.  pic.twitter.com/XGuGQtDEpe
  11.  Adam Schiff should be thrown in jail.  His cellmate should be Eric Swalwell.  And, Barrack Obama was apprised of the entire operation.

As Joe Biden would say.  That’s all folks.  No, I’m serious.  I signed the Declaration of Independence.  Give me a break.  Come on man.  My mom was part Irish, African American, French, Jewish, and Mexican.  I slept with wolves when I was a boy.  No joke.

Ten Piece Nuggets

Spring is in the air.  It reminds us of spring chickens.  Spring chickens remind us of nuggets.  Ten are waiting for you below.

  1.  Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calls for regulating conservative news.   She opined on Sunday’s MSNBC, “When you look at what Tucker Carlson and some of these other folks on Fox do, it is very, very clearly incitement of violence. Very clearly.”  Free speech and the First Amendment say otherwise.
  2. Say what you want about Ted Cruz, but every January when the new Senate convenes he puts forth a bill calling for strict term limits.  And every January it finds the round file in the corner of the room.  AOC on one end and Mitch McConnell on the other are two prime examples of why term limits would help us all.
  3. It won’t happen until the American public demands it though.  You can’t get 60% of Congress to agree on anything much less eliminate their job(cash cow).
  4. A poll revealed on NBC”s Meet the Depressed that voters are depressed having Uncle Joe in the White House four days a week and in Delaware three.  53% of Biden’s 2020 voters say he shouldn’t run again in 2024, and a whopping 75% of Biden voters under 35 think likewise. Will Joe Biden be the weakest incumbent president running for re-election in any of our lives?
  5. “Stunning he didn’t get a major primary challenger,” says Clay Travis.  Or, is it?  “Stunning that he got 81 million votes” is more like it.  Not stunning is that he and his handlers will do anything to minimize his exposure to questions, debates, news conferences, etc.  The basement awaits.  Time to order up another pandemic if you are a conspiracy theorist.
  6. Travis was on a roll on the weekend.  Another tweet,  “DC public schools are requiring all students and staff to provide a negative covid test in order to return to school after spring break. These people are batshit insane. Covid broke whatever functional brains they had.”
  7. That tweet reminded us of watching Morning Joe about three years ago.  They interviewed visionary Bill DeBlasio in the middle of the covid paranoia.  He suggested that we all wear two masks. He really did.  Maybe he was educated at the aforementioned DC public schools?
  8. “Today proves yet again that you can’t buy class but you can buy a blue check mark,” said Dan Rather.  We wonder if Dan knows that his salary was paid by those watching him by watching ads every five minutes.  Multiple sites believe that Rather’s net worth is north of 70 million.  You’d think he could afford the $8 bucks a month.  Or maybe he could just stop complaining while you’re still tweeting without it.
  9. Alyssa Milano wonders with the blue check removal, “Does that mean Twitter and @elonmusk are liable for defamation or identity theft or fraud?”  The DC public schools must have been very crowded.
  10. Exxon Mobil isn’t going all in on green just yet.  Near the Gulf Coast just east of Texas’ oil-rich Permian Basin, nearly 2,000 ExxonMobil contractors are making sure the company’s latest project – which includes 26 miles of piping, 35 miles of electrical wiring, and 875 tons of steel is pumping oil at full capacity.  Fill er up.

And we hope that you are filled up after the nuggets.

Ten(+5) Piece Nuggets

Happy MLK Day.  There are 15 nuggets on your plate this AM.

  1. We wonder what Martin Luther King would say about the latest statue unveiled yesterday in Boston in his honor.  “I had a dream that all statutes aren’t created equally!”  Well, it’s art.
  2. Little did we know that during the 2020 election cycle, Joe Biden was maybe hiding more than himself in his posh Wilmington house’s basement.
  3. He claims to have no idea of the content of the documents.  Possible?  With him, yes it is.  One who would know, Barrack Obama is said to have once said, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f… things up.”
  4. Is there a chain of command for these Top Secret documents?  We would hope.  If so, let’s see it.
  5. Do you remember those dumb weird car rallies he held in the midst of the Covid hysteria?  Would they have not been better if he rode up in the Corvette that he’s so proud of and honked back? Maybe the Corvette was unavailable helping to provide cover for the documents in the “locked” garage.
  6. Does it make any difference if the garage was locked or not?  No.  Does it make it any less of a mess because “he’s fully cooperating with the National Archives peeps?”  He’ll say yes, but the answer is no.
  7. How in the world does the search for all(or more) get to be conducted by his lawyers?  Aren’t the documents, classified as Top Secret, also off limits to personal lawyers?
  8. WH Press Secretary Karine Jean Claude Van Damme Pepe Le Pew Pierre told a feisty group of journalists Friday that all of the documents were now safe and sound.  On Saturday Biden’s lawyers found another batch.  As she often laments, “I’ll need to circle back with you.”
  9. Should Biden have “vacationed” this past weekend in the very house where a few troves of said documents were found and in the process of being found?  The optics are worse than his Ray Bans on a cloudy day.
  10. How much time did Hunter Biden spend at Wilmington home where the classified documents were kept?  He provides that address and also claims he owns it on a background screening app in 2018. On that same questionnaire, he claims to be paying $49,910 a month in rent.  Which is it?
  11. There’s no way that the $49,910 rent is connected to the “10% for the big guy” reference on the email he exchanged with a few of his Ukraine-based Burisma business associates, is there?
  12. That laptop was labeled a non-story by most major media outlets for years.  Maybe it’s a story now?
  13.  MLK had a dream that “all men were created equal.”  Biden gave a speech at King’s historic Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta Sunday on what would have been the slain civil rights icon’s 94th birthday.  “Let’s lay one thing to rest. I may be a practicing Catholic(except for his stance on abortion we assume), but [I] used to go to 7:30 Mass every morning in high school and then in college before I went to the Black church,” Biden said. “Not a joke!”
  14. And, there you have it.  Biden and his family are just like all of us.  “Not a joke!”  Praise the Lord!
  15. Speaking of all of us, NY Mayor Eric Adams says that his city has no more room for migrants.  Old School: We are a sanctuary city.  New school: Don’t come here!

Some nuggets are harder to digest than others at times.

Ten Piece Nuggets

It’s been a while, but the recipe never changes and the spice is quite right.

  1.  Paul Pelosi did the right thing.  Six months after going out and getting hammered and stopped for a DUI, he had sense enough this time to stay home and get hammered.  Too soon?
  2. His wife Nancy Pelosi forgot to call the National Guard on January 6th back in 2021 for protection.  Apparently, she forgot to call Paul to set the ADT alarm at home.  Next time, Better Call Paul.  Still, too soon?
  3. Or did a silent alarm go off and she ignored it thinking it was false like her eyelashes, teeth, and mammary glands?  This has to be an eyebrow-raising experience for her, like many of her facelifts.  Definitely, too soon.
  4. You can expect a torrent of narrative that spews that the Republican’s call to arms, aggressive behavior, assault on our democracy, and fill-in-the-blank caused this break-in. There is no way this was just a homeless, deranged individual who descended on San Francisco due to their way too tolerant position towards abhorrent behavior is there?  Tis the midterm season.
  5.  Are the rats jumping ship?  There are less than two weeks till the aforementioned midterm exams elections. Democratic Ohio Senate candidate Rep. Tim Ryan, who is trailing in the polls to Republican rival JD Vance, called for the next generation of leadership to take hold of the party when asked if he thought Biden should run for a second term in 2024.  Ouch.  In Ohio, some of the latest polls show just 37% of voters approving of his job performance as president.    Ryan hasn’t invited Biden to join him on the campaign trail.  Ryan has no coattails to run on as the Emporer has no clothes.
  6. Speaking of no clothes, is there any truth to the rumor that Paul Pelosi and the alleged assailant were both only clad in their underwear when police arrived?? Doubtful?  Salacious?    Blame Trump?
  7. Madonna found inspiration from the Paul and alleged assailant’s scantily clad rumors.  The 64-year-old Material Girl wants so desperately to remain relevant that she decided to post a series of topless pictures on her Instagram account.  We’re not here to judge, but a free consultation from Nancy’s plastic surgeon wouldn’t hurt.  The scalpel recommended might, however.  Her impressive 18.5 million followers can’t unsee it.
  8.  Skin, skin, skin.  The next thing you know taxpayer money will be funding drag queen shows at public middle schools.  Wait.
  9.  If you don’t recognize the name Kari Lake, you soon will.  She’s the hard-charging Republican candidate for Governor of Arizona.  She is at ease in front of cameras, well-spoken, effectively acerbic, and unafraid to spar.  A Liz Chaney-led PAC sent $500k to her Democratic opponent to run ads against Ms. Lake.  Lake sent Chaney a letter.  It begins, “Thank you for your generous in-kind contribution to my campaign. Your recent television ad urging Arizonans not to vote for me is doing just the opposite. Our campaign donations are skyrocketing and our website nearly crashed from traffic after the attack ads.”
  10.  Elon Musk spent $44 billion to return Twitter to a free speech vessel.  He would like to thank everyone who bought an electric car from his Tesla company which received billions and billions “free” from many of the same car-owning taxpayers to get started.  It sounds like a win-win-win for him.    Some Twitter employees don’t feel the same way about themselves.
  11. (Lagniappe) There is no truth to the rumor that Musk offered to buy the FBI from Zuckerberg but was emphatically turned down.


Ten Piece Nuggets

You’ve waited far too long.  Nuggets, all ten, are spiced just right for your consumption below.

  1. During a portion of an interview with CBS News aired on Monday’s edition of “Red and Blue,” Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) warned that while abortion is an important issue, Democrats “have got to do more” on the economy.  How much more?  Haven’t they done enough?  That Inflation Reduction Act should have done the trick by now.
  2. In a quickly-reversed policy move, the web’s leading payments processor, PayPal, announced it would NOT deduct $2,500 from users who violate its acceptable use policy, which includes bans on spreading “misinformation,” “hate,” or anything else the company deemed “unfit for publication.”  Wall St. and Main St. took notice of the nonsense.   Apparently, free speech would have cost $2500 until smarter people got involved.
  3. Electric truck and SUV maker Rivian Automotive said on Friday that it is recalling nearly all of its vehicles because the company had improperly installed fasteners, which could cause the loss of steering control.  It is their third recall since launching in 2020.  Wall St and Main St took notice of the incompetence.  The start-up’s stock is off 67% year to date after soaring in 2021.
  4.  The Chicks who used to be called The Dixie Chicks endorsed Beto O’Rourke Saturday night at a concert north of Houston.  It didn’t go over too well.  O’Rourke. who trails incumbent Greg Abbott by nearly double digits. was audibly booed louder than a smattering of claps.  Isn’t “The Chicks” an offensive name as well?
  5. During an appearance on FNC’s “Fox News Sunday,” Georgia Democratic gubernatorial nominee Stacey Abrams said she opposed restrictions on abortion.  She stated that “arbitrary standards of timelines ignore the medical reality that it is a fallacy we know exactly when a pregnancy starts.”  If she fails again at running for office, maybe she can enter the field of medical research as she has a bit to learn.
  6. Sixty-two percent of voters say President Joe Biden’s economy is deteriorating just 29 days from the midterm elections, a Civiqs poll found Monday.  People, we are told over and over, vote with their wallets first and foremost.  Maybe Bernie is right.  But, he’s too far left to do what is right by the government to help the economy.  What is that?  Stay the hell out and stop printing money would be a great start.
  7. JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon agrees. He stated that he believes that the U.S. is “likely” to enter a recession “six, nine months from now” in a Monday CNBC interview.  Was the Fed too late getting started and will they be too late slowing down?  BBR has no economists on staff, but we’re guessing that the answers are yes and yes.
  8. Twitter didn’t want to be outdone by PayPal.  It took down a tweet posted by the Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo, “Today, we released an analysis on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines the public needs to be aware of. This analysis showed an increased risk of cardiac-related death among men 18-39. FL will not be silent on the truth.”  Twitter wanted the good doc to be silent.  But, then it reversed its course and reposted it later Monday.  Maybe Stacey Adams could go to work for Twitter if her medical research career doesn’t work out.
  9. Across the pond, The Telegraph, the country’s best-selling broadsheet(the largest newspaper format and is characterized by long vertical pages), published an article by Associate Editor Camilla Tominey suggesting that “Biden’s qualities for the Oval Office are almost non-existent.”  They called old Joe “useless and nasty.”  Ouch.  Deceased Rep. Jackie Walorski would have objected to such harsh words.  Where’s Jackie? Two words.
  10. Five years after women’s stories about him made the #MeToo movement explode, sexy Harvey Weinstein, the bad actor, is going on trial in the city where he once was a fixture at the Oscars.  Already serving a 23-year sentence for rape and sexual assault in New York, the 70-year-old former movie mogul faces four counts of rape and seven other sexual assault counts involving five women.  What a low-life guy he was, and always will be.


Ten Piece Nuggets

It’s been a while and you’ve likely got a hankering.  Ten Piece Nuggets are served below for the same low low pre-Putin Biden inflation prices.  As a bonus, we’re going to take it easy (somewhat) on Cali today.

  1.  One of our favorite government workers, Rep Eric Swalwell tweeted prior to a possible Texas rolling brownout on July 10th, “Texas.  Where Republicans provide plenty of energy to control your body, but no energy to control your thermostat.”  Yesterday he tweeted, “It’s time to rally, Cali.  We all need to do our part to help avoid power outages this week.  Before 4 pm pre-cool your home, after avoid using major appliances and turn your thermostat to 78 degrees or higher.”  Perhaps his own energy is misguided.
  2.  Two weeks after Liz Cheney took a victory tour on several networks after getting slaughtered by a 2-1 margin in the Wyoming primary she has vaporized into the background.  What do she and Swalwell have in common?  Too much.
  3.  After getting panned coast to coast for two weeks for the student loan forgiveness trillion dollar bailout, Biden went on offense. And, as Carrie Bradshaw would say, “just like that,” the narrative was changed.  “All Republicans are a serious threat to our democracy.”  “MAGA Republicans are a threat to our democracy.”  Some Republicans are a threat to our democracy.”  Well, at least all of them or either fascists or semi-fascists.
  4. Do Americans even know what fascism means?  It means “a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.”
  5. Did America get that vibe from Biden himself, all clench-fisted, podium pounding, and draped in red and Marines last week?  If we weren’t so dumb we might be insulted.  Maybe a poll can enlighten us.
  6. Meanwhile, a Rasmussen Poll released yesterday shows us that 60% of Americans feel like Joe Biden and his family have peddled influence and greatly profited by his positions over time in government.  Maybe it finally dawned on us after Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook restricting a story about Joe Biden’s son during the 2020 election was based on FBI misinformation warnings.
  7. How strong is it when 60% of America agrees on something?  In the most lopsided election victory since 1936, Ronald Reagan was re-elected to the presidency with 59% of the popular vote versus Walter Mondale in 1984. Reagan carried every state except Mondale’s home state of Minnesota and the District of Columbia.  That’s how strong it is.
  8. Nine illegal immigrants drowned in separate incidents over the Labor Day weekend in south Texas.  Chicago was worse.  Fifty-five people were shot and 11 killed in the three-day span.  Thankfully, none were shot with one of those terrible assault rifles in the city in the state of Illinois that has strict gun control laws.
  9. As Covid seems to be fading into the backdrop like Liz Cheney, the White House senses that America is vaccine weary.  So the Biden Administration put forth a new selling point Tuesday.  “View it as a first annual shot, akin to the annual flu shot,” they said.  It just took us two years to admit it.
  10. That record warmth in the Gulf of Mexico might yet get climate change advocates in their La-Z-Boy’s to remotely change channels to Jim Cacciatore and the Weather Channel before the season tuckers out.  Earl became just the second named hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic season late Tuesday.  It won’t swim in the gulf though.  A gradual turn to the northeast is predicted for Thursday sending the weak system to a tragic overwater death in the northern Atlantic.  Tic toc goes the no American landfall 2022 hurricane clock.

It’s already Hump Day.  Back to the salt mines.