Winners? Losers?

Our society always yearns for clarity.  There are always good guys and bad guys in movies.  In debates, we want to know who won or lost.  One debate does not an election season make.  Regardless, we’ll play along.  To the Nevada Democratic Debate scoreboard we go.

Winner– Donald J. Trump.   There were no “wow” moments from any Democrat that would cause anyone to look at this race for 2020 any differently.  When capitalism v. socialism is being debated you’ve got a problem with the narrative in the bigger picture.

Loser- Michael Bloomberg.  He paid to get on the stage and halfway through he likely wanted to pay to get off of the stage no matter the cost.  Elizabeth Warren stood next to him.  Mini Mike, as Trump calls him, looked small in stature and when Warren traded punches with him on his confidentially settled lawsuits brought by former female employees he looked even smaller.  He was attacked by everyone on stage and had few counter punches of note.  He looked like he could use a standing eight count at one point.

Winner– Mayor Pete.  It is obvious that the moderates (we use that term loosely with this crowd of Mayor Pete, Amy Klobuchar, and Bloomberg) will consolidate down to one at some point.  Mayor Pete has poise and stage presence.  He speaks eloquently but says little.  That actually works in this crowd.  His few but pointed attacks had a plan.  He had Klobuchar rattled more than once.  He has no national record so few attack him.  Others are falling around him.  Is his inexperience his biggest foe?

Loser- Joe Biden.  Joe stood in the middle of the ring and came out of the debate unscathed.  That sounds like a winner, but it’s not.  Why?  Its because no one even bothered to throw a punch at him.  This also makes him a loser as his competition has moved on to fight other fighters.  Long on experience and relationships around the globe, he constantly reminds us, is no longer the winning ticket to get on the nomination train.

Winner– NBC.  The moderators had control for the most part and the questions aimed at most candidates were pointed and debate worthy.  The bar for moderators is very low when CNN is your competition, however.  Bonus points to them for keeping the far-left MSNBC talking heads at home.

Loser– Elizabeth Warren.  Her demeanor was better than her norm.  Her aforementioned exchange with Bloomberg was strong.  Her fingernails on a chalkboard voice was an octave lower than usual.   Sounds like a winner doesn’t it?  The problem is Bernie Sanders is the front runner and he is in her lane taking up all of the oxygen.  It’s too late for her.

Winner– Bernie Sanders.  He admitted that he is a “Democratic Socialist.”  He was called out for a 25 trillion dollar gap in his health care plan costs.  Yet he lost no ground last evening and remains the front runner.  Now he should loudly focus on fixing the Democratic Super Delegate problem that is right in front of him.  Bloomberg has money to burn.  Bernie should burn down the crooked process.

Loser– The Democratic Party.  Having an avowed Socialist leading your process as the capitalistic driven economy rolls along in 2020 is no way to win an election.  For the party that prides itself on inclusiveness, last night was a divisive two hour attack on one another.

See you in South Carolina.


Will Hoffa Weigh In?

The court of public opinion continued to pour in yesterday on the crime and the punishment of the Houston Astros and their 2017 and 2018 cheating ways.  Even basketball superstar LeBron James, @KingJames, held court via a tweet.

He started with “Listen I know I don’t play baseball but I am in Sports and I know if someone cheated me out of winning the title and I found out about it I would be F*^king irate! I mean like uncontrollable about what I would/could do! Listen here baseball commissioner listen to your…..”

He continued with  “…..players speaking today about how disgusted, mad, hurt, broken, etc etc about this. Literally the ball(⚾️) is in your court(or should I say field) and you need to fix this for the sake of Sports! 

LeBron has every right to speak his mind.  It’s guaranteed in the first amendment.  Just ask Daryl Morey and all of the folks Daryl empathized with over in Hong Kong.  LeBron said as much back in October.  He also cautioned about speaking before thinking.

Maybe he should also caution about writing without spellcheck or a grammar check app.  Evidently King James is no fan of the King’s English.  But we digress.

Also yesterday Yankee Aaron Judge,

he of the same sport as the Astros, went judge and jury on his opponents.  He says the Astros should be stripped of their 2017 World Series title: “It doesn’t hold any value, it wasn’t earned.”

BBR wondered who hasn’t yet offered their two cents.  So, the staff comprised a list of the very few folks who have not weighed in yet on the circus and hit the phone lines, emails, and streets well into the evening.  Several eye-opening comments follow.

We caught up to Kanye West striding through LAX with his MAGA hat in place and daughter hand in hand.  “MAGA, Make (the) Astros Great Again,” he said.  “It looks like the organization is directionless to me.”  Daughter North West smiled in agreement.

Joe Biden campaigning in South Carolina for the upcoming Nevada primary frowned and commented, “I’ve been there.  I feel for the entire San Antonio Astros organization man!  They all need to support each other through difficult times.”  He concluded with, “Remember the Alamo!”

Elizabeth Warren, she of a campaign fading into the sunset, was asked what a team should do in such difficult times.  “Circle the wagons.”  We asked if she was referring to her campaign staff or the Astros.  “Both!” came the terse retort.

We asked Bernie Sanders if he thought it was crazy to ask the team to give the World Series trophy back.  “Of course it is.  Rather than give it back MLB should give one to every major, and minor league, and Little League team for 2017 and 2018.  Free trophies for all!” He shouted.

Prayerful Nancy Pelosi seemed torn on the subject.  But, she gritted her teeth and lamented, “Commissioner Manfred needs to get a (poly) grip on this 2017 stealing fiasco as we did with Russia in 2016.”

Adam Schiff declined our interview request saying “You just want to out the whistleblower, Mike Fiers.  But we are going to protect his identity at all costs.”

We reached out to Jeffery Epstein but got no answer.  We aren’t sure what the hang-up is there.

We spoke to big baseball fan Stormy Daniels as well.  Daniels has season tickets right behind the foul pole.  She thought that the Astros should be stripped of their crown just as Yankee Judge did.  Her lawyer Michael Avenatti is caught in some bad weather himself.  He thought “the punishment didn’t fit the crime.  Too harsh.  Everyone deserves a second chance, don’t they?” he queried.

He better hope that his judge agrees with him and not with Aaron Judge.

If Jimmy Hoffa weighs in today, BBR will dig up his quotes and dish the dirt tomorrow.







Take out the Trash

Let us dispell two myths this AM.  One, cheaters never win.  Two, any press is good press.  Both are false.

The Astros won the 2017 World Series and cheated using a player-driven electronic sign-stealing scheme throughout the regular season and straight through the World Series.  MLB warned all 30 clubs early that September that electronic sign stealing was against the rules and that GM’s and managers would be held responsible for any violations.

The press, after the MLB report finding the Astros guilty was released in early January, unleashed their vitriol towards the Astros organization and it has been anything but good for them.  The team has compounded the negative sentiment with one PR blunder after another.  Owner Jim Crane tripped all over himself attempting to set the record straight from the Florida spring training site last week.  Players from multiple teams have taken turns talking, complaining, and even whining about it as well.

But, let’s get some facts straight, offer some opinions, and even make some predictions about the circus that is the Astros organization right now.

  1.  They were guilty and are paying a steep price.  The GM and manager were held accountable, suspended by MLB, and fired by Crane.  MLB fined the team 5 million bucks, the most allowed by the franchise/league agreement.  Additionally, the team forfeits its first and second round amateur draft picks in 2020 and 2021.  If you want more blood you can scream that the team should “give back” its 2017 World Series trophy and renounce its title.  Good luck.  MLB declined to do so.  You can’t undo what is done.  Take the trophy back?  Sure.  It’s a symbol, not an outcome.
  2. A.J. Hinch was suspended for half a year and fired by Crane.  Hinch was against the scheme, busted two monitors to show his displeasure, but never stood up and said: “stop this.”  His reputation, sterling throughout the game otherwise, took a hard hit up the middle.  It says here that he’ll take the year away from the game, rehab his rep through another chance, perhaps as an assistant for another team for a year or two, and will be back managing before 2024.  He’s too good for all 30 owners to pass him by for too long.
  3. GM Jeff Luhnow might be done in MLB.  He’s ahead of the game analytically. He’s tough to work with.  He’s not too popular league-wide.  He might get another chance as a paid employee, but a better guess might be as a third-party consultant in personnel matters.
  4. The scheme stopped very early in 2018 and ceased to exist beyond that per the investigation.  The Astros success (lost 2018 playoffs and 2019 World Series) after 2017 is legit.  Players actually interviewed asked for the process to halt because they “found it to be a distraction while batting, not a help.”  Anyone can rail all they wish about 2017, but the team won over 100 games a year since.  It’s just such a bad look.
  5. Seven of the nine primary position players in the 2017 batting order had better-hitting stats on the road than at home.  The five best players’ regular season splits are below. Maybe they would have hit even worse at home if no one banged on a garbage can.  That we will never know.  It is true that the postseason splits favor the home Astros greatly over the road.  But, the sample size is so much smaller than the regular season.  Postseason pitching in a short series factors greatly in that as well.  Your ace and deuce might pitch all four home games in a seven-game series.
  6. The Yankees lost to the Astros in seven in the 2017 ALCS.  The home team won all seven games.  In Minute Maid the Yankees scored 1,1,1, and 0 in four losses.  In the Bronx they scored 8,6, and 5 in three wins.  The Yanks weren’t banging a trash can at home, they just hit a lot better.  They didn’t hit a lick at Minute Maid regardless of the Astros playing outside of the chalk lines.
  7.  The Boston Red Sox lost to the Astros in the 2017 ALDS.  They worked the Astros in the ALCS while on their way to the 2018 World Series championship.  They are under investigation themselves for the same reasons during their 2018 season.   Pot.  Kettle.  Not good.
  8.   The only thing worse than “did Jose Altuve wear a device to get signals about pitches?” is that Carlos Correa painstakingly defended him.  If Altuve did, is it worse than listening for the beat of the drum anyway?  Maybe he did, and maybe he didn’t.  Audio only uncovers 23 discernable trash can bangs all year for Altuve batting at home.  It’s been said by a few teammates that Altuve asked that it stop while he batted.  Maybe so, maybe not.  He hit .338 in 2016 with no accusations and .346 in 2017 with accusations.  He’s a lifetime .315 hitter and has nearly 1600 hits in 9 MLB seasons.
  9.  The popular theory for 2020 is that Astros batters will get plunked repeatedly for their wayward ways and arrogance since.  Maybe so.  Several sites have even put a betting over/under line on it.  It’s 83.5 four-seamers to the hip on the year.  Last year they were hit 66 times.  Take the under.  MLB has already warned teams that fines and suspensions are available for any intentional beanballs.
  10. The damage to the game and to the Astros organization is done and it’s significant.  They should have apologized profusely from the owner down to the bat boy and moved on.  They didn’t.  Now would be a great time to fire the whole PR team and hire a new one, and have the players shut up and play ball.

Is this scandal the worst in baseball history?  Maybe.  Shoeless Joe Jackson and his White Sox teammates supposedly threw WS games 100 years ago.  Pete Rose bet on baseball while actively managing the Reds.  A host of players took steroids and hit it further and threw it faster than ever before.  Time will sort it all out.

Right now the Astros organization smells bad.  At least they finally took the trash cans out.



Know When to Say When

Now ex Astros Manager A.J. Hinch took the ball in game 7 of the World Series last fall from his starting pitcher Zach Greinke with one out and a runner on in the top of the seventh.  The Astros were nursing a 2-1 lead.  Greinke had given up a mere two hits and one run to that point.

It seemed like a good idea to Hinch at the time, obviously.  You have to know when to say when and you have to do it in real-time.  Now was when.  His replacement, reliever Will Harris, surrendered a two-run homer, and the Washington Nationals never looked back. They won game seven 6 to 2, and the World Series 4 to 3.

That was only one game, but it was a huge one.   Organizations take educated guesses on when to say when all of the time.  When it involves a legend, perhaps the greatest to ever play the game, “when” gets very complicated.  Take Tom Brady and the New England Patriots.

The Patriots are owned by a very grey-headed Rober Kraft. They are coached by a getting very grey-headed Bill Belichick.  The are quarterbacked by the GOAT who has a bit more grey around the temples daily.  You can own and coach with grey hair, but can you still play at the highest level when you have some?

If you believe that great organizations are built first by great cultures then by great people who strive to get with one, then collectively thrive by being in one, you might favor cutting ties with Brady.  Bring in the reliever, Will Harris.  After all, weren’t the Patriots looking (as they always do) to improve their roster when they nabbed Tom Brady in the sixth round with the 199th pick overall from the U of Michigan?

If you believe that there is only one Tom Brady, ever, then he has earned the right to go out on his own terms.  Maybe you would have stayed with Greinke.  But this isn’t one game.  It’s a body of work stretched over 20 seasons, nine Super Bowls appearances, six rings, and 75k and counting passing yards.

The Astros culture, as it turns out, was severely lacking.  Their owner took the ball from Hinch a month ago.  Where do they go from here?  With a new team president, a new GM, a new manager, and no ace named Gerrit Cole the culture must be built all over again.  This time it must be built with a real foundation.  Great players will only take you so far.  Time will tell.

The culture in NE is firmly in place.  It’s a personnel decision and a huge one.

But time waits for no man.  The Patriots technically have until March 18 at 4 p.m.(one month from today) to ink a new contract with Brady before he hits free agency. You have to know when to say when.   And you have to do it in real-time.

Mr. Kraft and Mr. Belichick, it’s time.  Are you going to take the ball from the GOAT, or are you going to let him face one more batter?


Guns and No Roses.

Happy Valentine’s Day.

Ninety-one years ago today, St. Valentine’s Day as it was known then, wasn’t so happy in Chicago.  A mass murder, labeled the Valentine’s Day Massacre, was executed after significant planning.

The year was 1929 and prohibition laws ruled the land.  And, Al Capone ruled Chicago.  But George “Bugs” Moran and his northside Irish gang wanted more than what Capone thought was his fair share of the lucrative bootleg booze biz.

Capone escaped the winters of Chicago by living in Miami for the season.  While down there his right-hand man, Jack ” Machine Gun” McGurn, visited and together they crafted a plan to squash Bugs and his gang. Capone ordered the Detroit “Purple Gang” to handle this so that no one in Chicago could identify them.

The plan included a stolen police car and two stolen police uniforms, and two lookouts.  A planted bootlegger was expected to enter the premises at 10:30 AM to sell some stolen liquor to the eager Moran.  The lookouts thought they saw Bugs enter into the North Clark St. gang headquarters then and signaled so.

Two Detroit gang members entered posing as cops.  Two others entered in plain clothes.  Bugs’ gang believed that this was just another police shakedown and cooperated by lining up against a wall and surrendering their guns.  The four proceeded to riddle the seven inside with multiple gunshot wounds.  All of them died.

But, none of them were Bugs Moran.  He arrived a few minutes later and stayed a safe distance away also believing it to be just another police money shakedown.

After the massacre, the two posing as cops walked out, guns pointed at the two others who participated and now were posing as arrested gang members with their hands held high.  And, off they drove.

The massacre drew national headlines and is thought to be the catalyst to get the reluctant FBI involved in gang warfare.

Witnesses were interviewed.  Many mistakenly identified local policemen who were nowhere near at the time.  Suspects were interrogated.  No one was ever arrested.

Bugs Moran survived by being late for a meeting.  But the statement made was understood loud and clear.

Capone had the perfect alibi.  He was living large in sunny Miami.  And, from afar his legend grew even larger.

Will He Stay, or Will He Go?

Raise your hand if you’ve heard the following before, “The NFL is a quarterback-driven league.”  You can put your hand down now.   The NFL has put a premium on good qb play to the point where if you have a good one you win, and if you don’t, well, you won’t.

So, pray tell, what is going on this offseason?  An inordinate amount of QB’s could, have, or will change addresses this offseason.

Free agency is right around the corner.  Franchise tags must be placed on the keepers by March 10th.  Failing resigning or tagging, free agency begins on March 18th.  Let the wheeling and dealing begin.  But before that, let the speculation begin.

Tom Brady-  Obviously the biggest name that is a FA has nine Super Bowl appearances with six being victorious.  Much has been written on will he or won’t he go.  Reasons to stay are plentiful while reasons to go not so much so.  There are three big egos in the room here (four if you count Giselle) in owner Kraft, coach Belichick, and QB Brady.  Jimmy Garappolo can attest to that first hand.  BBR says he goes as this time his ego is bigger than Kraft’s will and wallet.  Where to?  Great question.

Drew Brees- At a young 41 years of age, Brees is a FA as well.  The year 2020 would be NFL year 20 if Brees returns.  The question here isn’t where.  It’s when.  Brees promised the NO organization an answer on whether he continues playing this coming year in the next few weeks.  He has publicly stated that he is a Saint until he retires.  BBR thinks that his competitive nature and good health will result in a “yay” over a “nay.”  But, we think it’s closer to a “nay” than many people think.

Cam Newton- Whew.  Isn’t it amazing how high Cam was riding and seemingly how far he has fallen?  Just a few years removed from a Super Bowl and a league MVP 2015 award, Cam’s tenure with the Panthers might be over and out.  A new owner, a new head coach, and a QB whisperer (for one year anyway) named Joe Brady are in town.  At 30, and with lingering injuries, BBR says that the Panthers want to rebuild and will say goodbye.

Philip Rivers- After 16 seasons with average to below-average pass protection, and average to below-average wide receivers, Rivers and the Chargers have already agreed to part ways.  Rivers moved his family (not an easy task as the Rivers have eight children and expect a ninth in March) to Florida this offseason.  BBR thinks Rivers will look pretty good in teal and white with a touch of orange on his uniform.

Andy Dalton- If ever there was an easier prediction it might have been the longevity status of the Titanic after the brush with the big ice cube.  Dalton is gone and looks like a serviceable backup somewhere with a shot at being the starter.  The Bengals enter the Joe Burrow era starting about 1 minute after Roger Goodell gets booed off of the draft day stage.

Nick Foles- The Jacksonville sometimes starter lost his job to a guy named Gardner Minshew II midseason.  The salary cap hit for dumping Foles would be huge, but his favorite OC has moved on.  Will Foles?  The cost to keep him is just as huge at $22 million next year.  This smells like a draft day trade to a team that wants a starter but doesn’t see one worth it when they are due to select.  Jacksonville will likely need to add cash and/or a lower pick to get a third with playing time clauses up to a second for him.

Marcus Mariotta-The second overall pick in 2015 has seen his last days as a Tenessee Titan.  His successor, Ryan Tannehill resurrected his career with the address change to Nashville.   Can Marcus do the same?  Maybe.  He stares at initial receivers too long and holds the ball too long.  From the west coast, on a hunch, BBR thinks he heads back that way as a well-paid backup, but no more than that.

Teddy Bridgewater-  After a disastrous leg injury nearly cost Bridgewater his career and his leg, he rehabbed both, went to the Jets, then joined the N.O. Saints in 2018.  In 2019 Brees suffered a thumb injury that kept him sidelined for five games.  Teddy stepped in and bridged the gap until Bress returned and then some.  Shaking off two years of rust he went 5-0 as a starter against some good teams that had some darn good defenses.  He stayed with Sean Payton and Drew Brees to continue to develop in 2019 for less money ($7.5 mil) that was offered to him as a starter elsewhere.  He loves NOLA and NOLA loves him.  But, it’s time to grab a starting position and QB starting money somewhere, isn’t it?  Can you hear the clink, clink, clink of the slot machines from the new Vegas stadium?

Which brings us to Derek Carr.  Ah, enough already.

Coaching careers can be made or finished by the choices made on the above.   The heck with the XFL, let the offseason NFL games begin.




Right from Wrong

It started innocently enough last evening.  Not too long after the New Hampshire Democratic Primary polls closed Andrew Yang closed shop on his campaign.  He meant well.  But his $1000/month giveaway to every adult idea never gained traction.  He thought it was the right thing to do, but voters never lined up for the “free” handout.

Former Mayor Mike Bloomberg, not in this primary (are the rules convoluted much?), had audio tapes leak yesterday.  On them, defending his stop and frisk initiative he stated “95% of your murders, murderers and murder victims fit one M.O. You can just take the description, Xerox it, pass it out to all the cops, They are male, minorities, 16-25. That’s true in New York, that’s true in virtually every city.”

Avowed Democrat and African American Juan Williams, Fox News contributor, was asked how he felt about the words heard on the tape.  Juan said “on one hand the statistics prove that Bloomberg is right.  But, it would be wrong for my son to have to fear getting stopped by the police each and every time he left the house.”

Bernie Sanders took a victory lap with just over 25% of the New Hampshire vote last evening.  It’s his right to run for President even though he makes no bones about his Socialism platform.  The United States is fast approaching its 250th birthday.  It seems to be doing quite well as a capitalistic society.  It’s poor are far richer than the global average.  That’s not to say that we can’t do better.  He finished his victory speech with “this victory is the beginning of the end for Donald Trump.”  Bernie may be right.  Trump’s presidency and his reelection message are diametrically opposed to Sanders.  Someone (James Carville, Democratic strategist extraordinaire) once said, “it’s the economy stupid!”  There is a lot to like in today’s US economy.  Bernie may be wrong.

The purported front runner just weeks ago, Joe Biden skipped his “victory” party last night in NH and flew straight to South Carolina, the next primary battleground. He made the right move given his single-digit performance and subsequent fifth-place NH finish.  He called the Iowa finish (though it’s not finished) a “gut punch.”  The New Hampshire support lacked support as it was a punch below the belt.  Greeted by South Carolina supporters he attempted to rally the troops.  He told them “It’s important that Iowa and Nevada have spoken.”  Wrong.  Nevada, New Hampshire.  Pre Med.  Pre Law.  Tomato.  Tomatoe.  It’s all the same.  Right?

The DNC tried to put a new saddle on an old horse in Biden.  The RNC tried to do the same four years ago in Jeb Bush.  Wrong and wrong.  Biden’s campaign should be taken behind the barn and put out of its mystery.  It’s the right thing to do.  Biden should be on a beach with crew socks on his sandal feet and zinc oxide on his nose, with his Aviator glasses in place.

“Hello America! I’m Amy Klobuchar and I will beat Donald Trump,” she told a cheering crowd. “My heart is full tonight. We have beaten the odds every step of the way.”  She’s right.  No one thought the Minnesota Senator would still be standing at this point in the long road to the nomination.  She finished a “strong third.”

Since when is a third-place finish a victory?  When a party is searching desperately for a warm body to be the nominee, she isn’t wrong.

Everyone is famous for 15 minutes.  Klobuchar has no organization on the ground in any Super Tuesday primary state.  No candidate has ever gained the nomination without a first or second-place finish in the first two primaries.  Never say never, however.

Speaking of a first or second-place finish, Mayor Pete Buttigieg has one of each.  It’s Pete’s right to accept big donor money from Wall St.  Sanders says it’s wrong.

Based on the above history says it’s right to assume Sanders or Buttigieg will wind up being the nominee.  In today’s political madness basing anything on history might be the wrong thing to do.

And, waiting in the wings is Donald Trump.  Whether you think that he is right or wrong, all he wants to do is “Keep America Great!”

Queue the Billy Joel.


And the Winner Is?

The 92nd Academy Awards presentation, more commonly known as The Oscars, was broadcasted live from Hollywood last evening.  The glamour and production looked alive and went quite well.  But, apparently, all is not well with the world according to a few woke people who had a chance to wake the rest of us up.

The very first award went to Brad Pitt for Best Supporting Actor for his role in Once Upon a Time…..In Hollywood.  Once upon a time in Hollywood actors thanked their friends, family, and all who had a role in making the movie.  Brad did that and more.  He told the crowd that the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences told him that he only had 45 seconds to address the assembled.  He commented that “45 seconds is 45 seconds more than the Senate allowed John Bolton to testify last week.”

BBR contacted Pitt’s agent last evening asking for comment on a persistent rumor.  Will Pitt and Mitch McConnell costar in the remake of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast?  “No comment,” came the terse reply.

Former President Barrack Obama and First Lady Michelle are celebrating the first Oscar win for their new production company, Higher Ground, which saw American Factory win Best Documentary Feature on Sunday evening.  By all accounts it’s a moving and well-made film.

It has one glaring omission, however.  The Obama administration bailout of troubled GM included a backroom deal that made the supportive United Auto Workers the exclusive union going forward in the deal.  The GM plant in Moraine, OH was unionized by the IUE-CWA. So despite being one of the top GM facilities for quality, efficiency, and production in the country, it was shuttered.  Its employees were put at the back of the line when requesting transfers to other GM plants.

The bailout actually forced the closure of the plant.  Chinese investments, state, and local officials actually got that plant started back up again with one caveat.  All hires needed to be with the UAW and were treated as new employees regarding benefits, wages, etc.

BBR would love to get a comment from the former president.   Given his net worth and security, he may be hard to track down.  He could be in any one of the 57 states that he said he visited.

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences took the unprecedented step on Sunday of recognizing that the Oscars ceremony is actually taking place on tribal lands.

“The Academy would like to acknowledge that tonight we have gathered on the ancestral lands of the Tongva, the Tataviam, and the Chumash,” Jojo Rabbit director and presenter Taika Waititi said. “We acknowledge them as the first peoples of this land on which the motion pictures community lives and works.”

Since 2002, the Oscars have taken place at the Dolby Theatre, formerly the Kodak Theatre.  This year, the Academy bestowed an honorary Oscar to actor Wes Studi, making him the first Native American actor to win an Oscar.

BBR left messages for Native American Elizabeth Warren and her President 2020 campaign seeking comment.  We think our chances of getting a return call are roughly 1 in 1024.

The international movie Parasite, the winner of four Oscars, stole the show but did not unfairly infiltrate the process.  The Oscar presentation was long, but the vote results were not in dispute.

Hollywood had a better night than Iowa had all last week.


Run Forrest Run!

If the four years of the Donald Trump presidency can be compared to four laps of a steeplechase race, Trump entered the first turn of the final lap this week.

He wants to run four more laps and has filed the necessary paperwork to do so.  He wants to win the next one. He always wants to win, win, win.  Don’t believe me, just ask him.  Or, don’t even ask, just listen.

So listening was just what America did yesterday.  Trump had a great burst into lap four and was free and clear of the field and its many detractors.  All previous investigations behind him, the biggest hurdles were two impeachment articles.  He jumped them both quite well.  The Democrats fell into the water.  Adam Schiff looks winded.  Nadler’s gassed.  The Iowa Primary went underwater and hasn’t surfaced.  Joe Biden said he took a gut punch.  The State of the Union address was lauded near and far as his best speech to date in office.

Out of the court and free and clear, Trump sprinted into Thursday morning and held his own court.  In the rearview mirror he could see them all getting smaller.  So what did he do?  In what should have been a well-earned victory lap, Trump decided to slow down and put all of his detractors right back into the thick of the chase.

He apparently cannot help himself.  In 49 or so minutes he reminded us that he won in 2016 when people thought that he couldn’t.  That’s so 2016 of him.

He bashed Comey.  Comey might have deserved bashing in 2017 and 2018.  What does Comey have to do with the Ukranian phone call, impeachment, and subsequent acquittal?  That’s so 2018 of him.

And, while thanking a female senator or rep (BBR could not identify her from the tv and Trump mumbled her name) for her help in defeating the uprising, Trump called her “nasty” and “mean” and said, “you did a great job.”  Take that as a compliment we guess.

Maybe, no probably, he only knows one way.  He prefers and excels at mixing it up.  He came from nowhere, he slugged it out with Hillary, and he has been fighting everyone for three-plus laps.

With no one in front of him he ran headlong into the next hurdle.  He brings the field back to him. He lowers the hurdles for the competition. Clearly he prefers tight quarters with elbows thrown over running unabated.

Just when the Democrats tied all of their shoelaces together Trump decided to go Forrest Gump.  Run Forrest Run!

The Grind

It actually started Monday.  Do you know what it is?  It’s the grind.  It’s the sports grind.  What is it?  It’s the time basically known as the month of February for sports fans.

Sure, there is the NBA and the NHL.  Both leagues are going full regular season throttle right now.  The NBA is already through 50 plus games per team in its schedule.  So is the NHL.  But, both leagues qualify so many teams for the playoffs that the regular season’s importance is significantly lessened.

Since October we’ve had MLB baseball playoffs, World Series, NCAA conference championships, bowls, CFP playoffs, the CFP Championship Game, NFL playoffs, and the grand finale-the Super Bowl.

Now what?  Did you watch the Toronto Maple Leafs skate against the Arizona Coyotes last night?  You didn’t for two reasons.  First, a midseason hockey game has nowhere near the interest of a Thursday Night NFL game as an example.  Second, the Coyotes and the Leafs didn’t drop the puck against each other last night.  Gotcha!  How about the Denver Nuggets v. Utah Jazz?  Well, at least they really did play last night.  NBA All-Star Game anyone?

But, for some cities this season is one that they cannot wait for.  Who are those cities?  What cities in North America have only the NBA as one of the four major sports?

  1. Orlando, of all places, is one.  It’s surprising given its population.  Though Tampa is a stone’s throw and a half away with the Bucs (if you call them major) and the Rays.
  2. Salt Lake City (Utah Jazz) is another.  New Orleans, you messed up.  Utah, change your damn nickname.
  3. Oklahoma City makes three.  How did they get a major sports franchise?
  4. Memphis sings the major sports blues save for the Grizzlies.  Formerly Vancouver, the nickname fits the midsouth city.
  5. Portland only has the Trailblazers, but they’ve strongly supported them since the franchise’s inaugural 1970 season.  It’s a woke town.
  6. San Antonio loves the multiple time NBA Champions Spurs.  But for all of the other months, it’s “remember the beautiful, beautiful Alamo.”
  7. And Sacramento only has the Kings.  And, that’s not much to brag about.

In the NHL nine cities have only a hockey team to call their own.  Though in fairness, there is the Canadian Football League.  That would reduce the list significantly.  Six of these NHL teams call Canada home.  They are Winnipeg, Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Montreal, and Ottawa.  The three US teams follow.

  1. Las Vegas is one, but that ends this year as the Raiders of Oakland make the move to Sin City.
  2. San Jose has the Sharks and a Greyhound Bus stop as far as we know.
  3. Columbus(OH) has only the Blue Jackets.  Some would argue that THE Ohio St. University is a professional football team given how well they play and how well they are paid.

February has 29 days this leap year, not 28.  So, there is a need to grind out an extra day before Spring pops, NBA and NHL playoffs begin, and other sports (the Masters, MLB, etc.) bloom all over again.

March 1st is 24 long days away.