An Eye for an Eye

Did it all start with God creating Adam and Eve?  Or, did humans naturally evolve over the course of millions of years?  Do you believe in a superior being or do you believe in the Big Bang Theory?

Regardless of your beliefs, do you believe that the beginning of mankind was(somehow) a singular event? You would be hard-pressed to explain it otherwise.

Therefore, weren’t the first and by extension aren’t all humans created equal?  The authors of this nation’s Declaration of Independence thought so.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”

There it is. It’s the preamble to the declaration.  By definition, it is the very basis for what follows.

Abraham Lincoln called it “a rebuke and a stumbling block to tyranny and oppression.”

If you’re on board so far, this leads to a fundamental question.  Who on this earth has any right whatsoever to take the life of another?

Isn’t the answer absolutely no one?  No.  It isn’t.  But, it’s close.

The right to defend yourself, your family, your home, or your country when there is a very real threat to your existence is justified.

Some say this is where it gets a bit grey.  Maybe it is an ever so tiny, tiny, bit grey.  But that is painting with a tiny, tiny brush.  The broad strokes are very clear.

al Qaeda flew planes into the Twin Towers, and the Pentagon, and wanted to hit the White House.  There is ISIS.  The Taliban.  Hamas was formed in 1987 and has been murdering ever since.  Terrorist groups all.

There are(were) many other groups, unfortunately as well.

Nazis.  Mafia.  KKK.  Street gangs.  Drug Cartels.

There are individuals.

Serial Killers.  Vigilanties.  Domestic abusers.  Armed robbers.  Rapists.  Road Ragers.  Jilted lovers.

Ending another’s life without justifiable provocation has gone on since life began.  The human mind can be a very dark and weak space.  You would think that mentally pulling the trigger would be far tougher than physically doing so.  You would hope.

There is a very fine line between civility and incivility.

But, you have no right to take another’s most basic right.  That’s the right to live.

If you believe in an eye for an eye, the punishment for crossing the line should be swift and severe.

If you don’t what is the solution?

We’ve been searching for it since the beginning of mankind.


The Next Act

The first bad actor in the latest play on the world stage was Russia.

Their yearlong and counting Act One has been expensive to watch (120 billion or so and counting as well).  You don’t even get to see it anymore, you just hear about it.

Enter Hamas(spelled I.r.a.n.).  Their brutal sneak attack on Israel reset the low bar.  Act Two now, and rightfully so, has Israelis participating by air and by land.

Is China far behind?  Aren’t they looking for an entry point?  There are others(North Korea notable among them), but mostly they have smaller roles.

The world theater seems conducive to more heinous misbehavior.   Is there a perceived weakness abroad about us at home?  Maybe.

But, while we watch from across one pond and maybe soon two ponds, should we be looking elsewhere?

Elsewhere as in-home and specifically to the south.

It was noisy and deadly with radicalized jihad-type folks after 9/11/01 till around 2015 in the United States.  Then it became quite quiet.

But with millions pouring in unabated from dozens of foreign lands through Mexico into the US, should we feel safe here at home?

Fear-mongering you say?  Maybe drop the mongering part as it’s just fear from learned experience.  Those who don’t learn from the past are doomed to repeat it someone once or twice has said.

Dozens of books chronicled our multiple government agencies’ inability to work together to connect the warning dots that enabled 9/11.

What’s changed?  What’s changed is nothing and plenty.

Does it feel like we are more cohesive today than we were back then?  Do we know what we don’t know?

The Department of Defense is ready. Or not.

“The planet’s changing climate has a significant effect on Defense Department missions, plans, and installations. DOD is elevating climate change as a national security priority, integrating climate considerations into policies, strategies, and partner engagements.”  That’s straight from their website.

The Department of Homeland Security is ready, too.

“Addressing the climate emergency is a priority for DHS as sea-level rise, extreme weather events, workforce health, and other direct and indirect impacts of climate change will affect the Nation’s preparedness and national security over the long term.”  Yep, that’s straight from their website.

Maybe we can bomb the next “weather bomb cyclone” before it strikes the mainland.  But can we unearth cells that may have taken root right in our own backyard?  Did they walk right in and sit right down?

When you pull back the curtains how can you like what you see on the big screen?

The US is watching.

And, now the world is acting.






If you want to see who should win the Darwin Award for long-term strategic planning, look south to the Texas Border.  Last evening United States Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas cited the “immediate need” to waive regulations and build a border wall in Texas as immigration surges.  What a forward-thinking planner he and the Biden administration is.

If they were able to count all of the illegal aliens that have entered since Biden and his two biting dogs entered the White House, they might think they’ve brought in enough to turn the voting in Texas from red to at least purple in coming elections.  That wasn’t part of the open border policy, was it?

If you have one dog in the White House that bites everybody that’s one thing.  Replace it.  If you have two, what does that say about you?

If liberal Chicago is miffed about the illegals getting preferential treatment over their own, you best take a look at the polls.

If Texas knew all it took was New York Mayor Eric Adams to fly down there 18 months after Kamala Harris was named Border Czar, they’d have paid for a first-class ticket long ago.

If Rodney Dangerfield were alive today he would take one look at Congress and heartily exclaim, “No respect, no respect at all!”

If the reason why Lauren Boebert voted to retain McCarthy is that he bought her off with 40k from his PAC to help her 2024 reelection she should get primaried.  It’s the first step to RINOism, and from that there is no turning back.

If Donald Trump were to become the next Speaker of the House, the world would be officially whacko.  Can you see it though?  It would be must-watch TV.  He has a few legal hurdles in front of him and a presidential campaign to run though.

If Steve Scalise or Jim Jordan were to ascend to the Speakership in the next week or so life would go on as if McCarthy’s ouster never happened.  What?  Think back to the 16 or so votes it took to put McCarthy in.  It seems like the hysterically trumped-up turmoil wasn’t that tumultuous after all was it?

If the word “chaos” is used just once more to describe the House, it’ll be an even 1000 times.  It’s not chaos.  It is change.  And, considering what took place, it was fairly orderly.

If you held a tech conference for women and a bunch of men showed up claiming to be non-binary is that a bad thing? The Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC) welcomes all genders but reported a massive inundation of men who took opportunities from them on the weekend.   An organizer said some unwelcome guests falsely claimed to be “non-binary” to make it in.  How would he/she know if he/she was lying?  What/who determines that?

If you held a tech conference for women only, is that inclusive? Diverse?

If there was one thing the organizer could do it would be to apologize.  “In the past, it has always felt safe and loving and embracing. And this year I must admit I didn’t feel this way,” Advisory President Young Lee said. Many of you are feeling unsafe physically and psychologically. I want you to know that we’re taking this so personally.”   Unsafe?  This isn’t a Walgreens at dark in downtown San Fran getting looted by a flash mob.

If we could only turn back time.

Real Change Has a Price

As former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy packs up his office belongings to move down the hall this AM, there is a lot to unpack about how and why he was sent on his not-so-merry way.

First and foremost, remember that it took the Republicans 17 different votes to give him the gavel to begin with. You can call that a lot of things, but “mandate” isn’t one of them.

McCarthy agreed to a single vote “motion to vacate” to ascend to the Speakership to begin with.  He got the carrot, but the handful of votes that came with it still carried the stick.  Yesterday they used it.

Why?  This is where it gets complicated.  The simple answer is that enough Republicans felt like he was acting like a uniparty swamp RINO even though he swore to be otherwise.

You can call them MAGA Republicans, ultra-conservatives, malcontents, or even ass@#%*$ as one of our more fervent readers did late last evening.

But, can you blame those further to the right if they truly believe what they are doing for the country is the right thing?

The Democrats agreed.   They voted unanimously to oust McCarthy.  Well, of course, they did.  This morning the words disarray, chaotic, and worse are hurled at the Republicans.  It’s always a great day to knock down a rook on the political chessboard.

They always vote unanimously.  But, they have their factions too.  Bernie is a socialist.  The Squad is, well, The Squad.  Sheila Jackson Lee and Maxine Waters are tubas in the wind section of the band Nancy and The Blowhards.

But, is always voting unanimously good for the country?  Or, is it always good for your party?  Or, is it always good for your political career?  Ah, yes.  Now we’re getting somewhere.  If you want that DNC or RNC money and support to help your reelection campaign, vote accordingly.

It wasn’t always this way.  A great example is back in 1991 when the full Senate voted 52–48 to confirm now Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.  In all, Thomas won with the support of 41 Republicans and 11 Democrats, while 46 Democrats and 2 Republicans voted to reject his nomination.

That’s when independent thinking was still in style, allowed, and even preferred.

Do you know that Matt Gaetz, the unflappable smug leader of the malcontents takes zero dollars in PAC money and less from lobbyists?  He sounds like an outsider that insiders would prefer stay outside of the Capitol.

You like sausage, but you want to pass on seeing how it’s made.  Yesterday, the meat grinder setting was on high.

If you want real change in DC you’re really up against it.  Ask Trump.

“We have no Speaker!” Egads!

One could argue that we have no minority leader in the Senate either.  Mitch McConnell, you say?  Please.

And, one could argue that we have no President.  Joe Biden, you say?  Ahem.

The House is in recess for a week.  We’ll get to another speaker.  And, the process might be as cantankerous as this last one was.

Sometimes real change is really hard.





The Pretend Fight

In 2018 Joe Biden announced he was running for president. When asked why, he emphatically said, “It’s a battle for our nation’s soul.” In other words, “embrace our vision.”

Last week, Nancy Pelosi announced that she was running for reelection as the representative from Cali District 11.  She said she has to as “we are in a fight for our democracy.”  She may have been the accelerant for J6, and she’ll use it to her advantage as long as her 83-year-old soul lives.

Always give the Dems credit.  They craft a catchy “cause” phrase, define it in their own self-interests, tell the media to run with it, and sell it way better than their friends from the other side of the aisle.

We assume our nation’s soul and our democracy would include open and fair elections.

Is the Democratic Party open to a fair process this go around? Does their democracy in the “fight for our democracy” include the opportunity for all voices to be heard, or just voices that see the nation’s soul the way they do?

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. wonders as well.  He hinted strongly last Friday that he would run for president on a third-party ticket instead of continuing his long-shot primary challenge to President Biden.  The DNC shut down the “democratic” election process months and months ago.

Free speech sometimes has a hard time finding its way onto an expensive stage.

No debate, no opposition.  It’s Biden 2024. Or, bust.

Or, is it?

Maybe RFK sees the country’s soul and democracy fight differently than the establishment does.  RFK’s move set off alarms among Democrats worried about its potential to cause chaos in November 2024.

The establishment has “established” folks like Biden and Pelosi.  They’ve been “doing the people’s work” in DC since 1972 and 1987 respectively.  If you’re counting, that’s 87 years of combined fine service.

Lieutenants Harris and Buttigieg fell directly in line when asked four years ago.  For that, they got high-profile jobs that they were immensely not qualified for.

What do we do with this RFK guy?   He seems like a rogue one that has little interest in being bought and paid for.  Worse yet, he thinks on his own.

Ah, how about we have Gavin Newsom at the ready, yet only emerging from the shadows enough to show his pearly whites now and again? He’s bought all in.

In the fight for our democracy, we need a promotable lieutenant in case our president were to take a nasty fall ascending a staircase or exiting a stage.

Or worse, he could pull a Dianne Feinstein.  She was well established too and a spry 90.

Too soon?





Have a Nice Trip

Yesterday President Joe Biden took an early fall trip.  Walking down the short stairs of Air Force One to visit the Michigan United Auto Workers Union picket line he almost took a fall himself.

Perhaps Karine Jean Claude Pepe Le Phew Pierre will characterize it as a misstep.

The twenty gas-guzzling SUVs convoyed off of the tarmac.

Jo-Slip Biden didn’t miss a step while joining the rally as he supported the UAW in their new contract asking for a 40% wage increase over four years and a 32-hour work week.  Every Michigan vote will count at least once next fall.

As a scrappy kid from Scranton (not Baltimore as he said late last week), he can relate to hard times.  He works about 32 hours a week himself these days.  And, a 10% pocket liner is right in line for the Big Guy.

Of course, the UAW better be building all-electric cars soon cause otherwise 40% of nothing is nothing.

It’s an assembly line of economics, or Bidenomics if you prefer.  You need big wage increases on the job these days to keep up with inflation at the grocery store and the pump.

But, big wage increases cause inflation.  And inflation causes the Fed to raise interest rates way faster than Biden can ascend a staircase.  And higher interest rates supposedly cause the economy to slow and mortgage rates to go through your new home’s roof.

Most of all higher long-term rates accelerate the nation’s debt.  You know the debt.  It’s a national disgrace that we don’t talk about.

Well, Joe does.  He’s told us that since he took office he’s cut it by 1 million, er, 1 billion, um 100 billion, er, 1.75 trillion dollars depending on the day he misspeaks.

On Monday the debt crossed over 33 trillion dollars.  It’ll balloon to nearly 36 trillion by the end of 2024.

Never mind all that, Joe spent 14 minutes with the hard hats in the key swing state and then headed west like the young man that he is.  Fire up the plane, and spew some fossil fuel emissions over the flyover states.  The next stop was a big Democratic Party fundraiser in California with the movers and shakers out there.

On the way out the Michigan dignitaries told Biden to ” have a good trip.”

He said, ‘I’ll see you next fall.”

Ten Piece Nuggets

The Texas drought (insert climate change sarcasm) caused a three-month nugget supply chain issue.  Then the rains came 72 hours ago.  Let’s get to them.

  1. Do you listen to #iheartradio?   They have more COVID scare commercials than J&J and Pfizer combined.  Last night they lit up the Empire State Building in blue to bring awareness to themselves and the coming next threat certainly in that order.  It should make you see red.
  2. Three years ago America was scared of COVID and mostly welcomed the “free” vaccination to vax the nation that wasn’t a vaccination nor free.  Three years later they’re going to cost about $100 a jab and we predict that the open arms with rolled-up sleeves will be few and far between.
  3. Speaking of commercials, surely and unfortunately you’ve seen the one touting the pharmaceutical prescription issued Jardiance?  It’s approved to lower blood sugar.  It has to be, we repeat has to be, the worst commercial ever.  It’s just an opinion, but it’s a strong one.
  4. The US Military is asking for the public’s help in locating a missing $80 million dollar F-35 stealth fighter in South Carolina.  Officials reported last evening that there was no concrete evidence of it crashing.  The pilot ejected along the way.  We should take better care of our toys.  Of course, $80 million isn’t what it used to be, just ask Ukraine.
  5. Speaking of lost, we can’t find any video of Epstein’s cell or from the White House that got a little whiter when some cocaine was left behind.  But, if you want to see Rep Lauren Boebert get chummy with her beau in a theater in the dark, we’ve got TMZ-level coverage.
  6. The Senate officially changed its rules so that Senators no longer have to dress decently to appear on the Senate floor.  Call it the Fetterman Rule.  How low can we go?  It’s yet another example of reducing standards or laws in the country.  Lower the bar low enough and everyone passes the test.  Thank you Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.
  7. Hunter Biden’s attorneys filed a lawsuit against the IRS on Monday, alleging that agents have “targeted and sought to embarrass” the president’s son. Biden’s lawsuit seeks for the court to declare that the IRS “willfully, knowingly, and/or by gross negligence, unlawfully disclosed Mr. Biden’s confidential tax information.”  Hasn’t he cost America enough already?  Rules for thee, but not for me.

  8. “Nancy Pelosi was in charge of security. She turned down 10,000 soldiers. If she didn’t turn down the soldiers, you wouldn’t have had Jan. 6,” former President Donald Trump told NBC’s “Meet the Press” host Kristen Welker during a recent sit-down interview aired yesterday.  He’s persistent.  But is he right?  If so, it sheds a different light on the dark day.  Will we ever know?
  9. Pelosi retorted yesterday as well. “There is a sickness here that has to be an intervention. That intervention has to be the election, which we have to win. That’s one of the reasons why I am running again, to fight for our democracy. Which is at stake, if he’s on the ballot.”  Seems like our democracy is always at stake.
  10. Deion Sanders and the transfer portal, not in that order, have changed the college football game.  It’s not that he’s 3-0.  It’s that he’s brought an incalculable amount of free press to a university that hasn’t been relevant in the sport for 20 years.  Last night it was 60 Minutes that cozied up.


Happy Monday!





The Last Shot

Novak Djokovic battled past Daniil Medvedev 6-3 7-6(5) 6-3 and into the tennis history books on Sunday, winning the U.S. Open and his record 24th major championship victory.

But the numbers don’t tell the entire story.  In fact, they tell very little of it.

When the last shot of Medvedev fell short, Djokovic fell to the ground in pure joy and reflection.

Also, when the last shot fell to the ground, the ESPN announcing duo of Fowler and McEnroe had to do their duty for a sponsor and pick the “Moderna Shot of the Day.”  They chose the last shot of the day.

The irony.

You see Djokovic was not allowed to participate in the last two US Opens, because he did not get a shot or two, or three from Moderna, nor Pfizer, nor J&J for that matter.  For him, the Open was closed.  His last shot will also be his first.

He looks fairly healthy without the jab don’t you think?  But, but, but he could spread it.

Progressive Disney owns progressive ESPN-at least for now.  It telecasts the progressive US Open.

The Open has signs everywhere boasting “50 years with equal pay.”  It’s nice work if you can make the same money playing at most three sets when the men play up to five.

It’s even nicer when the audience for the women’s finals is usually about 1/2 of the men’s.  It used to be called capitalism.

The women’s final was played on Saturday.  Coco Gauff beat Aryna Sabalenka.

Also, the country’s national anthem isn’t played there.  They only play a mixture of America the Beautiful and Lift Every Voice and Sing.

And there he stood accepting the trophy at Center Court without a mask nor a 6-foot social distance perimeter in sight.  That’s surprising because the last two weeks we’ve been told by the CDC and NIH experts that a new strain of the coronavirus is coming at us like a Djokovic ace.

It’s called Corona 24.b.a.firefauci.nbc.whocares.+ 2.#juststopit.enoughalready, or something close to that we heard.

The stiff in the suit who presented the trophy to the champ said, “Welcome back to New York Mr Djokovic, we’ve missed you.”

When Djokovic is pronounced the D is silent.  So it’s “joke o vic.”

Last night the joke was on them.

And, the smile was on Novak’s face.



Hot Ground, Man

It’s the back-to-school time of the year.  Pull up a chair and sit up straight at your desk as class is now starting.

Let’s start with defining tone deaf.

Al Gore’s internet defines tone deaf as having or showing an obtuse insensitivity or lack of perception particularly in matters of public sentiment, opinion, or taste. 

Sometimes examples work best to further one’s understanding.  So, let’s use President Biden’s trip to fire-ravaged Maui as a textbook example.

Mr. Prez went straight from one vacation to the next as another vacation destination, Maui, burned.  Over 100 are confirmed dead, and as of this writing over 850 are still missing.  Missing two weeks after a catastrophic event is never a good sign.

Biden shuffled off of the beach onto Air Force One and descended upon the 50th state yesterday.  Many local officials asked him to wait a bit as traffic snarls are so bad with the responders and citizens all trying to restore some sense of normalcy much less stopping it cold for his visit.  The photo op outweighed the request.

Biden stood before the assembled with charred everything in the background.  He proceeded to empathize with the devastated citizens.

He referred to an incident in 2004, when he was a senator for Delaware.   Biden described how lightning struck a pond by his Delaware home, hitting a wire, and coming up underneath his home into the heating and air conditioning ducts.

“To make a long story short, I almost lost my wife, my ’67 Corvette, and my cat,” Biden said. “But all kidding aside, I watched the firefighters, the way they responded.”

A small kitchen fire was extinguished in 10 minutes.  And, he nearly lost his Corvette.  The horrors, all kidding aside.

This reminds us when he reminds military families who suffer the loss of a family member that his son Beau “lost his life in Iraq.”   Except he didn’t.  Every great President can relate to the common folk, even the tone-deaf ones.

But Biden continued to step in it.

Prior to his speech, he met and shook hands with a group of officials, stopping in front of a search and rescue dog. While petting the dog, he joked about the boots the canine was wearing.

“You guys catch the boots out here?” Biden appeared to ask the press watching him. He smiled and said, “That’s some hot ground, man.”


Why pray tell might the ground be warm?  Summer maybe.  Summer probably.  But, the memory of the savage fire heating the earth is seared in people’s memory.

But, wait.  He wasn’t done just yet.

He appeared to fall asleep in a later meeting with more victims and officials.  His handlers likely will dismiss this.  Maybe he was being reflective.  Maybe he fell asleep.  Maybe even looking like you fell asleep while being reflective isn’t a good idea coming off of weeks of vacation time.

The reactions to all of this were swift, direct, and harsh.

Fox News Radio host Jimmy Failla joked, “Biden landed in Maui and made a joke about how hot the ground was. Up next he’ll head to Pearl Harbor and order a round of Kamikazes.”

Another tweet, “can’t take him anywhere.”

At least his sleeves were rolled up on his custom dress shirt and he donned the presidential seal ballcap.  The garb gives us a sense of his willingness to go to work for the people.

Of course, that occurs only when his vacation time does not interfere.

So far he’s advanced $700 per family affected.  In Hawaii that buys two pineapples and a large milkshake.

“Aloha” means hello.

But it also means goodbye.



Less Carbon, More Vax, Way More Money

“Follow the science,” we’ve been urged to do over and over.  We wonder if that should mean “follow the money,” though.

For example, yesterday, John Podesta, the senior adviser to the president for clean energy innovation and implementation, said with a straight face from the White House podium, “We have cut the carbon pollution that’s driving the climate crisis, and that’s what the Inflation Reduction Act is all about.”

One, global carbon emissions are up.  Two, how does a trillion-dollar spending bill reduce inflation?  Three, at least he admitted the reduction act is all about spending on his and Al Gore’s favorite pet projects.

Who pays for the above?  You.

As another example flash back to 2021.  Anthem/Blue Cross/Blue Shield had a COVID-19 Vaccine Provider Incentive program.  Dr. Robert Malone obtained a copy of it and dropped it on Twitter last week.  It provides documentation of what many have believed to be going on with physicians’ and hospitals’ obsession with administering unlicensed medical products which have proven neither safe nor effective.

Anthem/BlueCross/Blue Shield was offering docs and hospitals money per administered jab to its members. For example, if 30% of the participating office’s Anthem patients got one vaccine, the doc got a $20 bonus per member.  This increased rapidly all the way up to $125/patient if 75% rolled up their sleeve. This bonus opportunity ended on 9/1/21.

But if you got a new patient to get vaxxed(it wasn’t and still isn’t a vaccine) between 9/1 and 12/1/21 you got $100/patient for 30% and $250 per lemming for 75% participation.

Remember when you were told the vax was free?  The government paid pharma for each shot, and your indebtedness (the government) went up.  Meanwhile, insurance companies were incentivizing free injections.  Who pays for insurance inevitably?  You.

And you wonder why Ivermectin was labeled horse medicine only?  No incentive, no Ivermectin.

And for the piece de resistance, how about we bury CO2?

Louisiana will receive $603 million in Department of Energy grant funding to create a direct air capture hub in Calcasieu Parish.   Huh?  Dubbed Project Cypress the direct air capture hub will attempt to pull more than 1 million tons of carbon dioxide annually directly from the atmosphere and sequester it deep underground, according to the Department of Energy.

Talk about climate change.  What possibly could go wrong?

It’s not nice to fool with mother nature.  Hey, but at least it’s supposed to create  2300 jobs. Who pays for those jobs?  You.

Joe Biden has done all of this for us.  Yet, he claims to have reduced the debt by $1.7 billion, or trillion, or million, depending on his misspeak du jour, since he took office.  And, wait, there’s more. He’s done that, yet not raised taxes on anyone making under 400k annually per his campaign pledge, he says.

That’s damn near a Houdini act.  You wonder if he could make the CO2 go away all by himself.

What does, “You’ve blinded me with science,” mean?

Fall is near.  Have you been boosted recently?  It’s free.