Open Minded? Have Time?

Do you consider yourself to be open-minded?  Our guess is that 90% plus of our faithful readers just said “yes” to themselves.

That is a good thing.  Because for some it’s going to take an open mind to watch the embedded video and watch it to its conclusion.

It’s also going to take time, plenty of time.  It’s an hour and 23 minutes from start to finish to be exact.

Rare is the day that one of BBR’s staff members stands on his bald head and HIGHLY recommends a must-see video much less one that is as long as a movie.

Obviously, we think it is worth it.  Hell, dare we say that it might even save a life?

We hinted Monday in Ten Piece Nuggets that we would have more on the tide turning to sanity looking for better answers than we currently collectively have to fight the now nearly two-year-old battle with Covid-19 and its handful of identified variants.

If you find the first five minutes a bit boring, so did we.  Stick with it.  The good doctor eventually factually and scientifically identifies what he feels that we are doing wrong in our treatment and what we should be doing.  Along the way, he questions everything which is a breath of fresh air versus the medical community’s approach thus far.

Some of the facts presented are a combination of jaw-dropping and mind-blowing.  It’s a deep dive.  You could even stop and start it a few times if that helps to digest the presentation.

If you have time and you’re open-minded, you won’t regret watching and thinking along the way with Dr. Peter McCullough.


Ten Piece Nuggets-Random

Ten days removed from the Thanksgiving holiday, we offer the Ten Nuggets deep-fried.  They’re deep with thought and might fry your mind.

  1.  The Cuomo brothers hit the unemployment line within weeks of one another and deservedly so.  They have a right to unemployment benefits, and apparently, they’re taking the Grate (on you) State of New York up on the opportunity per CNN.  They’ll need 24 feet to socially distance while in line.  First one brother, then six feet back is his ego, then the other brother and six feet back is his ego.
  2. CNN did a two-segment, 15-minute dive into what went wrong with Chris Cuomo and his waning days at CNN on Sunday.  It’s a self-aggrandizing network covering its self-aggrandizing show host’s downfall. Serial lier.  And, now comes another sexual misconduct complaint claim against him.  You’ve heard of like father, like son?  This one is like brother, like brother.  Our staff member that covered it is out 15 minutes of his life that he can’t get back.
  3. Jussie Smollett and Ghislaine Maxwell are on trial for two very different crimes.  Both are quite guilty and will be found so.  Smollett’s fake attack/bungled plan is laughable.  It was his worst acting job and he’s had a few.   And, it’s quite sad that he attempted to further divide a city and country with fake race allegations.  He’ll probably get a couple of years probation.  He should be made to pay back the city of Chicago every dime that they spent investigating this trash.
  4. Maxwell’s case has nothing funny about it.  You have to feel sad for the numerous young victims.  Kudos to four of them for having the courage to testify.  Adults taking advantage of the young is the lowest of the low.  She’ll get to serve some hard time that Jeffery Epstein was too much of a coward to face.
  5. Speaking with the Washington Times last week, Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez dismissed the recent smash and grab allegations of “organized retail theft” as a hoax with not much evidence to back it up. “National retail groups last month estimated the annual losses to being in the tens of billions of dollars,” reported the AP.  “Respectfully, the Congresswoman has no idea what she is talking about. Both the data and stack of video evidence makes fairly clear that this is a growing problem in need of solutions,” said Jason Brewer, Retail Industry Leaders Association Senior VP.  In 2020 she was reelected with nearly 72% of the votes cast in the 14th district of the still Grate State of New York.  Let that sink in.
  6. You heard it here first.  Omicron will be the catalyst to turn the United States back into people who think rationally about the never-ending covid quagmire.  The hysteria has peaked and alternatives are beginning to emerge.  There’s way more to this than to line up like sheep and get a jab and think that’s the answer.  More coming this week.
  7. In the sports world, four is the number.  The NCAA playoff committee seeded Alabama, Michigan, Georgia, and Cincinnatti one through four, for a chance to win it all.  With all of the yearly fuss about who could and should get in, the results from the season and conference championship games usually work their way out.  Georgia is a surprisingly high eight-point favorite over Michigan, while Alabama opened as a 14 point choice over Cincinnati in the semi-finals.
  8. Since 2014 Nick Saban has led his Crimson Tide onto the playing field as an underdog a mere three times!  In each of these contests Bama won the game by 17 points or more.  Saban owns Kirby Smart too.  He’s 4- 0 vs. his former assistant.  Smart called Saturday’s 41-24 beatdown a “wake-up call.”
  9. Four is the number of losses that all four division leaders in the AFC have as the season reaches the 2/3rds mark.  This makes for some interesting games down the stretch starting tonight when Buffalo (7-4) tries to take the East Division lead back from New England(8-4).
  10. In the NFC North and South, the Packers and Bucs lead their divisions by a whopping four games already.  In the West, the Cardinals lead by two over the four-loss Rams who figure prominently in the wild card at a minimum.  In the East, the Cowboys have four losses and lead the division.  They play the suddenly hot Washington Football Team twice in the next three weeks.   A sweep would put the Pokes four games up.

Get back to work now.



Why Not Ask Why?

Why ask why?  Someone has to now more than ever.

Why is Biden imposing a travel ban from foreign countries today when the Omicron variant is already here and previous variants never left?

Why is Biden leaving the southern border open while closing down air travel to help prevent the spread?

Why aren’t we wearing two masks everywhere we go as some Einsteins (de Blasio) suggested many months ago?

Why can’t someone, anyone, in the medical community tell us how the body’s own immune system is fairing vs the jabs?

Why should we stop at a booster to a booster?  Why not five after four?

Why is Pfizer stock doing so well?

Why do we fire head coaches left and right when they have a losing record and  Anthony Fauci is still in a position of power?

Why is every government vaccine mandate getting turned down by courts of law at every level?

Why doesn’t Biden get the blame for all of these covid deaths under his watch as Trump did?

Why blame presidents for covid deaths in the first place when the virus is going to do the virus thing?

Why did the administration call the worst inflation “transitory,” for months on end, reappoint Fed Chairman Powell, and he tells Wall St that it’s time to remove the word “transitory” from our inflation discussions?

Why do most of the mainstream media describe the tragedy in Waukesha as “an SUV” that ran into the people at the parade and not a “deranged, murderous driver”?

Why do three different independent polls in the last week have Biden’s approval rating at 38, 41, and 43% just a year after 81 million voted for him?

Why would Jen Psaki have a lower job approval rating than Biden if such a poll was taken?

Why did it take so long for CNN to “indefinitely” suspend Chris Cuomo?  Why did they only suspend him?

Why did Jeffery Toobin only get indefinitely suspended?  Why did they bring him back?

Why do we need to spend a trillion to improve our roads and airports if we can’t drive or fly anywhere due to the previous or next covid wave?

Why is there an inheritance tax after the deceased has already paid income tax, capital gains tax, and sales tax on the money earned or spent?

Why did Nancy Pelosi buy a $25 million beachfront mansion in Florida if she fears that the ocean is about to swallow the land due to that pesky climate change problem?

Why will Beto O’Rourke run for Governor of Texas after losing to Ted Cruz for the Senate years ago and failing miserably in his Democratic nominee for President run?

Why will the press ask him if he’s running for President after he loses in the gubernatorial attempt?

Why are members of VP Kamala Harris’ administrative/support staff leaving in droves?

Why not ask why?  Someone needs to more than ever.





The Music Never Stops

In the game of musical chairs when the music stops there is always one chair too few.  In the college football coaching version where the music never stops there is always one chair too many.

When a school’s AD tosses a contestant out (coach) he opens his chair.

This year it started as it always does, with the first open chair.  That was USC.

Others followed.  Washington State.  LSU.  TCU.  Washington St.  Virginia Tech.  Washington.  Florida. Temple.  Connecticut.  Louisiana Tech.

A few filled quickly in season.  Many others remain open.

But a few things stand out to this year’s game within the game.  One, the team names on the chairs seem bigger and more plentiful than usual.  Two, the cost to throw a chair into the game got more expensive.  Three, some bigger coaching names suddenly have moved on from big-time, coveted programs to other big-time, coveted programs.

What’s driving all of this?  Remember the tried and true answer to most any question?  Money.

Conference realignment is here again, and the rich are getting richer.  It’s called capitalism even though some purists resist the conference changes that bring more pocket change.

Lincoln Riley got the keys to a Lincoln and then some so to speak.  USC is reported to be buying both his homes in Norman for $500,000 over asking, adding up to a $1 million bonus; buying a $6 million home for their new head coach in Los Angeles; and allowing unlimited use of the private jet 24/7 for him and his family.

Those are just the perks.  Toss in a roughly $10 million/year salary and it’s good work if you can get it.

We’ll soon know what LSU is going to pay Brian Kelly to leave the sacred grounds where Touchdown Jesus keeps his eyes on things.  Our guess is it more salary than Riley with fewer perks.

And the bands play on.  Now the Oklahoma and Notre Dame jobs are open.

Riley was sitting on the doorstep of the playoffs till Saturday came and went.  Kelly got closer because of the Saturday outcomes and might have gotten in depending on this Saturday’s outcomes.

Never mind that, mine gold.  You can’t spell team without me.

The purists also don’t like the recent NIL deal.  Your name, image, and likeness can pay you money while playing college sports these days if you “earn” it.  Coaches mentor kids don’t they?  What’s good for the goose……….

There seems to be no supply chain shortage of coaches.  The NCAA, like the Feds, is printing money.  And, wage inflation is rampant.  Do you think ticket prices might go up some?

In college coaching musical chairs, the music never stops.  And there seems to always be an open chair.

Who gets the last laugh all of the way to the bank? Nick Saban.  His Alabama contract calls for him to be perpetually the highest-paid coach in all the land.  He doesn’t have to leave to chase the gold, it chases him.

Besides, he’d never leave, would he?

“Coach, you’ve got the Notre Dame AD holding on line one.”



Ten Piece Nuggets-Random

The last thing you need after four days of overindulgence is more.  We’re air frying the nuggets again today to keep them light.

  1.  Black Friday really was.  The world learned of yet another unwelcomed foe.  Omicron.  It’s been said that it’s anywhere from 2x to 10x times more contagious. Maybe it has different symptoms.  And, supposedly it’s milder in its attack on the body.  The stock market didn’t react too mildly.
  2.  Joe Biden shut down travel to/from eight African nations due to this new variant.  This measure is 100% opposite of the position Biden had as a candidate when then President Trump did the exact same.  Biden said then, “this new ‘African Ban’ is designed to make it harder for black and brown people to immigrate to the US.  It’s a disgrace, and we cannot let him succeed.”
  3. Maybe we should just follow the science? The trouble with that is we can’t figure out exactly what the science is.  Dr. Anthony Fauci seems to know more than any skeptics.  He said Sunday, “But if they get up and really aim their bullets at Tony Fauci they’re really criticizing science because I represent science.”  When people talk about themselves in the third person they usually have a high opinion of themselves.  Tony “Science” Fauci.
  4.  Well, will the “vaccines” which maybe aren’t vaccines work against this latest round of virus mutation?  National Institute of Health (NIH) Director Francis Collins said Sunday that current coronavirus vaccines will “most likely” be effective against the newly-discovered omicron variant, but that it is too soon to tell for sure.  Sounds like a yes, a no, and a maybe if you follow the science.
  5. Down under in Australia where no one without a vaccine is allowed to enter nor leave the country, Omicron has been detected in multiple cases.  Either their border is leakier than they would like or the vaccine may not be all that they think it is.  If you follow the science it sounds like science fiction.
  6. Speaking of leaky borders, we assume that the Biden Administration feels like the variant can travel by air, hence the ban, but not by land, hence the continued policy of allowing illegal aliens (we’re pretty sure that you can’t use that term anymore, but we didn’t feel like looking it up in the new rulebook) into the US without a jab or two.   It’s hard to follow some of the science.
  7. Did you know that the White House and Congress have no vaccination mandates in place?  Working for the government must create some form of natural immunity.  At least all employees in companies of 100 or more have to get the poke. That includes the USPS, though the employee union is fighting it.
  8. Levi Strauss has well over 100 employees.  And, some might have concerns in addition to ole Omicron.  They are offering employees the opportunity to engage in a “fireside chat and Q&A” with a “racial trauma specialist” following the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse on November 19.  The email stated, “pain and trauma of race, identity, and belief-based tragedies is a reality that many of us are struggling with on an ongoing basis. It can feel physically, mentally, and emotionally draining to continue to relive these moments and I want you to know, it’s okay not to be okay.”
  9. Making matters worse, the jean maker is headquartered in San Francisco, home of the homeless, the addicted, and flash mobs that steal lots of Levi Strauss jeans.  Maybe a corporate name change to reset is needed?  How about Levi Stress?
  10. On an only slightly lighter note, did Lincoln Riley run from the SEC competition, or does he see a golden opportunity to do at USC what three coaches since Pete Carroll have failed to do?  Ole Petey got out of the City of Angels just ahead of the probation police crackdown on giveaways to parents.  In a dozen years since, coaches Kiffin, Sarkesian, and Helton led the once very proud program to three Holiday, one Cotton, and one Rose Bowl, and little else.

Post-holiday Mondays are always stressful.  We hope that our fireside chat helped.

Abby Picks, Year 4, Week 13

NCAA football, we hardly knew you.  Time flys.

This Saturday wraps up another college football regular season.  Abby might weigh in on a bowl or playoff game or two, but she makes her money in the regular season.

A breakeven week last week (one more won than lost, but Vegas collected the juice) puts her season longs at 47 wins and 34 losses and 67 bones won with 48 bones lost.  The hunch took its 3rd punch (Michigan St scored a whopping 7 so the total of 63 was under by 5) and stands at 8-3.

It’s always better to be a wary bettor during rivalry week.  The pickings look slim.

  1. Iowa at Nebraska + 1 1/2 — Frost’s team hasn’t quit.  They counterpunched Wisconsin to the wire last week.  This week they win at the wire.  Two bones.
  2. Cincinnati at East Carolina +14 1/2 —  Cincy and head coach Luke Fickell control their own playoff entry destiny. Can E Carolina ruin that?  No, but they can cover two touchdowns at home.  One bone.
  3. Kentucky at Louisville -3 — Like Nebraska, Louisville has played a handful of tough opponents close.  Saturday they get it done against a solid bunch of Wildcats.  One bone.
  4. Wisconsin at Minnesota +7 1/2 —  A straight-up win by the Golden Gophers would not shock Abby.  Wisconsin usually has a late-season “huh?” game.  If Whisky goes flat out for 60, this bet won’t hold up.  One bone.
  5. Oklahoma at Oklahoma St – 4 1/2  — Okie St has beaten their last five opponents by a 165-44 combined total and is peaking late.  Oklahoma has sputtered of late.  Vegas is begging John Q. Public to take Oklahoma.  Abby will take the zig on the zag.  One bone.

Vegas is fading Lincoln Riley as the next LSU coach.  He’s now +1000 in Vegas.  On a hunch, Abby will take Lincoln Riley announced Sunday as the next LSU head coach.    One bone to win ten bones.

Six bones, five home teams, three dogs, two chalks, and one longshot Lincoln.



Editor’s note:  BBR is taking a four-day holiday starting roughly right now.


Ten Piece Nuggets-Random

Start your shortened work week off with a Ten Piece Nuggets serving.    We air-fried them to save calories for Thursday.

Unfortunately, be forewarned, nuggets one and two don’t taste too well.

  1.  Waukesha, WI is a nice, easy-going, do for others, slice of America.  It’s a 75k citizen suburb due west of Milwaukee.  But unfortunately, this AM it’s a major crime scene and an international story.  We’ll spare the details as everyone with a TV is aware of “what” happened.  It seems like the “who” part of the event is already in custody.  The “why” part is unknown.  BBR hopes that all of the 40 or so injured make a full recovery.  Wisconsin is one of only 12 states that does not have the death penalty if you were wondering or hoping.
  2. Waukesha is about a 50-mile drive from Kenosha.  Does last night’s rage have anything at all to do with the Rittenhouse trial outcome/unrest?  Our guess at this moment is that they are unrelated based on the “person of interest’s” recent individual scrapes with the law.  But, for Wisconsin, a go-along to get along state, it’s far too much bad press in far too short of a time window.  One minute you’re watching a fun festive holiday parade, the next…………    Sometimes words fall far short in their ability to describe true feelings.
  3. Reece Witherspoon following the lead of other Hollywood folks expressed her outrage about the Rittenhouse verdict.  She tweeted yesterday, “No one should be able to purchase a semi-automatic weapon, cross state lines and kill 2 people, wound another, and go free. In what world is this safe … for any of us?”  He didn’t purchase it.  He didn’t cross state lines with it.  Kenosha is about 5 miles from Illinois, but we digress.  In this world a jury of his peers voted on it.  Facts matter, but never ever let that get in the way of a good narrative.
  4. You can like Tucker Carlson on Fox or not.  You can like the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict or not.  And, you can hear Kyle’s story in his own words this evening at 7 pm CST on Tucker Carlson Tonight on Fox.  The show regularly gets very high Nielsen Ratings.  Tonight, they’ll soar higher.  What a scoop!
  5.  Some fine folks in San Francisco decided to loot (pick clean) the Louis Vuitton store in Union Square in SF Saturday night.  Nordstroms and two other high-end stores were targeted as well.  What a fine city SF once was.  What a cesspool it now is.  We’d cite the very left, liberal thinking officials that run the place as the main reason for its downfall, but that would be too easy and too accurate.  The only job in America harder than selling neckties these days would be the head of tourism for SF.
  6. Turning to sports, Dan Mullen, the Florida Gators head football coach was sacked yesterday.  The Gators lost to Missouri 24-23 in OT a week after Samford (that’s Samford, not Stanford) scored 52 on his D.  He could have and should have been let go last week, but the loss made it all the more unbearable.  If you look up the word quirky in the dictionary Mullen’s picture will be next to the definition.
  7. Suddenly there are several big-time NCAA football coaching jobs open.  With new TV contracts and teams jumping to form super conferences, money is flush.  How else can you explain Mel Tucker getting 10 years and $95 million to coach Michigan State?  He hasn’t won his division within the conference, and won’t this year, much less won the conference.  Ohio St worked the Spartans over Saturday.  It was 49-0 at the half.  It finished 56-7.  It’s great work if you can get it.  Tucker got it.  Texas A&M was the first college to jump the shark with three loss Jimbo.  Others will follow shortly.
  8. With a week of the season left to play, Texas, LSU, Florida St., Florida, USC, Virginia Tech, TCU, and Nebraska all have losing records.  It’s been a while for all eight of those to have down seasons at the same time.  All have (or had-TCU) job openings in 2021 except Texas and Nebraska.  Texas wouldn’t pull the plug on Sarkesian in his first year, would they?  Frost is a coin flip to stay at Nebraska after the season ends Saturday.
  9. The very successful Seattle Seahawks coach Pete Carroll might be burning out after nearly 12 years with his team.  “I’m just not any good at this,” Carroll said of handling this level of losing. “I’m not prepared for this. I’m struggling to do a good job of coaching when you’re getting your butt kicked week in and week out.”  Minutes later he walked out of the news conference in mid-question.  He’s a young-looking 70 years old.  Time will tell.   It always does.
  10.  So, who is the best team in the NFL?  Wait a week and the answer will change.  It’s exactly what the brand wants-most everyone thinks they can get hot and get to the playoffs, and then to the biggest stage of all.  Don’t look now but the New England Patriots have won five in a row.

Baked, smoked, or deep-fried?

Abby Picks, Year 4, Week 12

It’s that time of the year.  Some great NCAA head coaching opportunities have opened making the coaching carousel go around faster and faster.

Website prognostication opportunities are much the same.  If you’re the top dog, you get paid the top dollar.

Accordingly, Abby released the following statement.

“Woof.  Woof.  It’s been a good year.  There is much work to do in the final two regular-season weeks as well as conference championships, bowls, and playoffs.  My focus is solely on the bones at hand.  BBR is not my doghouse, it’s my dog home.  We have games to analyze and pick.  I’m very happy here at BBR and intend on being here for a long time.  Thank you.  Bow wow!!”

Another winning week last week puts her squarely on top of the dogpile.  The won/loss is 42-30, and the bones are 61-42.  The hunch bombed, but the record is salty at 8-2.

  1.  Memphis at Houston -8 —  Houston is hammering the competition after a slower than expected start.  Memphis will keep it interesting for three quarters.  Lookout Cincy in the American Athletic Conference Championship game in two weeks.  One bone.
  2.  Florida -9 at Missouri —  The sky is falling.  Throw Mullen out like the bum that he is.  This looks like a good zig on a zag.  Two bones.
  3.  Texas +3 at West Virginia — The sky is falling part 2.  Throw Sarkesian out like the bum that he is.  This looks like a good zig on a zag part 2.  Two bones.
  4.  ULL +4 1/2 at Liberty —  Abby likes the Cajuns straight up but will take the points.  Will Billy Napier move 50 miles east soon?  One bone.
  5.  Nebraska + 9 1/2 at Wisconsin  — Whisky has been rolling for seven weeks after a slow start.    They are double tough at Camp Randall.  The under looks tempting as well.  Whisky wins, but it’s only by a shot glass or two.  Two bones.
  6.  UCLA -3 at USC —  UCLA has covered in four road games.  USC has not but in one home game.  The best team and the one that has anything to play for is the Bruins.  One bone.
  7. UAB +5 at UTSA — Name the only three undefeated teams left in college football.  Georgia, Cincinnatti, and UTSA.  Fear the Roadrunners.  It’s been a great run.  But.  One bone.
  8. Wyoming at Utah St – 5 1/2 —  Utah St has the Mountain West Championship Game in its sights.  Two speed bumps remain.  Wyoming is one of them.  One bone.
  9.  Baylor at Kansas St. -1 —  Wildcats are playing well.  Baylor is playing very well.  Are the Bears a bit hungover from the big win over Oklahoma?  It’s a classic letdown spot.  Abby points out that K St hasn’t beaten a ranked team all year.  Till now.  One bone.

In Columbus, THE Ohio St hosts Michigan St.  The total is 68 points.  That sounds very high.  Vegas is telling us something.  The hunch bet tries to bounce back and will take the over.

Six road teams, five chalks, four road dogs.



See What You Want

Justice is Blind!

You might say, “I’ll believe it when I see it.”

And, therein lies the crux of the problem.  We only can see what we choose to see.  And what some people are seeing these days they would choose not to if they could.

What they see is a well-oiled, well-funded, far-left-leaning operation that has permeated all walks of society with a media backing that is relentless.

Let’s take the People of Wisconsin v. Kyle Rittenhouse as an example.  Actually, let’s review what got us to this moment.

First, 911 gets a domestic situation call that devolves into a black convicted felon male wielding a knife.  He repeatedly refused to obey police commands, gets a knife from a car, and is shot and paralyzed.  It’s all on video if you look.

The media screams social injustice.  Many see it the same way.  Predictably bad characters riot, loot, wield weapons of their own, and burn down Kenosha, WI.  The police stood down and the mayor refused an offer from the feds to call out the national guard.

A 17 year old named Kyle Rittenhouse, who should have been nowhere near the nonsense, decided to “protect” private property (including his grandfathers) and brought a long gun to do so.  Rittenhouse killed two and wounded another.

Some see this as “racist.”  How?  Well, no matter the color of the deceased, they were having a “mostly peaceful” protest of yet another injustice by white cops on a black man.  Others see it as self-defense.

Then-candidate Joe Biden saw a white supremacist he said.  Others see it as his 2nd Amendment right to bear arms just like some of the armed protesters.

If we fast forward to the trial concluded last Friday, we saw witnesses after witness admit that Rittenhouse acted only after provocation.  It was so bad for the defense that the assistant prosecutor buried his face in his hands for several seconds, plenty long enough for the jury to see.

You could even see the confrontations unfold on a grainy video shot at the scenes.  Why grainy?  The prosecution had another much higher resolution video that they didn’t share with the defense attorneys.  Why let the world see clearly what happened?

The prosecution sees a mistrial for withheld evidence.  The judge saw red.  The ruling is pending.  And, so is the verdict.

While we wait, what do we see?  Outside of the courtroom growing crowds that only see it one way or the opposite have gathered.

BLM is there as well.  White kid shoots three white dudes, is prosecuted and defended by white attorneys, and the whole mess is presided over by a white judge.

Can you see the connection yet?  Maybe it’s right there and you can’t?  Maybe it’s not there at all?

Twelve jurors might be able to see out of the window from above. And, what they see is that their lives might be in danger or changed forever if the verdict is met with the same response that the initial police shooting had.

That original shooting, by the way, was investigated by the Department of Justice, the FBI, and the local police.  All of them called it a necessary use of force.  But, today’s media never ever let the facts get in the way of a good narrative.

And, speaking of necessary force, hundreds of national guard troops are at the ready for any post-verdict violence.  If they were there, as offered at the first hint of possible unrest, they would not need to be there now.

Even the Kenosha Mayor can see that now.  Can’t he?

Did you just say, “I’ll believe that when I see it?”






Ten Piece Nuggets-Random

Give a three-year-old a blank piece of paper and a box of crayons and off he/she (pronouns undecided) goes wild.  Give a staff writer the green light on the word “random” and they/us (pronouns known) go wild.

  1.  If you had Tampa Bay (v Saints and Football Team) and the LA Rams (v Titans and the 49ers) both losing two in a row, Peyton and Eli might invite you on the show next Monday night.
  2. The Bucs’ Bruce Arians pulls no punches.  He put a good bit of the blame right at Tom Brady’s feet.  The Rams added OBJ for a good reason.  They’ve only scored 26 points total in those last two losing efforts.  In the NFL you’re only as good as your next game.
  3. Kenosha is bracing for the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict.  Could widespread rioting occur?  The National Guard is at the ready.  Where were they the first time?
  4. How did the Kenosha DA’s office do in the eyes of America?  “The performance of Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger was especially pathetic,” wrote the NY Post.  The final low might have been the lowest.  He pointed an AR15 at the jury box with his finger on the trigger during closing arguments.  His case was shot well before that, however.  Yesterday the judge threw the weapons charges out.  In poker terms, it was a tell of how the bigger charges might play out.
  5. How is it in America that some think 18 is too young to possess a gun but 16 is old enough to vote?  And, a 14-year-old can get an abortion without parental consent, and a four-year-old is mature enough to decide their gender?  Regardless of party preference some critical thinking is strongly advised.
  6. While Elon Musk is dumping 10s of billions of dollars of Telsa stock, the American investor is buying 10s of billions of EV truck maker Rivian.  Rivian went public under the ticker “RIVN” on Nov. 10, 2021 at an initial offering price of $78.  It closed yesterday at $149 and is premarket trading this AM at $166.  Its market value yesterday was greater than General Motors.  Is it the next Tesla?  Maybe Elon is buying a share or three?
  7. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases head Dr. Anthony Faucisaid on “CBS Sunday Morning” that former President Donald Trump’s “misplaced perception” about people’s individual rights hurt public safety during the coronavirus pandemic.  Ted Koppel was the host.  Ole Ted missed a great opportunity.  He could have asked what Fauci would he would do differently from day one as well.  But, Ted stayed dutifully on the CBS script.
  8. Covid levels are spiking in countries abroad as well as in two handfuls of states here all over again.  Why did the US Government remove international to US travel restrictions two weeks ago?  And, does Fauci have an answer for this spike, or should he blame Trump?
  9. And, here comes Trump.  A very recent poll (the name escapes us, but its credibility does not) showed that of likely Republican voters in the first primary state of Iowa former President Donald J Trump leads all other Republican possible challengers by nearly 20 percentage points.  It says here that the only way the GOP loses the White House in 2024 is to nominate Trump.  There’s a very long road to 2024 of course, but the first fork is a wrong turn.
  10.  Trump used to love to say, “you’re fired” in a previous life.  In football head coaches are hired to be fired.  Justin Fuente, who had a 43-31 record in six seasons at Virginia Tech, is out as the Hokies’ football coach, athletic director Whit Babcock announced Tuesday.  Virginia Tech joins USC, Washington, Washington State, and LSU as Power 5 job openings. Who’s next?  The University of Miami, FL fired AD, Blake James yesterday.  That paves the way for a new AD to let Manny Diaz go.  A 6-4 record in year four isn’t good enough, and a loss to Florida St isn’t acceptable.  Steve Sarkesian anyone?  The Texas Longhorn faithful are an impatient group, a very impatient group.  Stranger things have happened.