That Close

It’s no secret that it’s a fine line in this country between civility and incivility.  Late Saturday afternoon it got as close to crossing over as the distance between former President Donald Trump’s ear and his head.

Luckily for him even more than us, it didn’t.

Who is to blame?  It starts with the deranged 20-year-old who pulled the trigger.  No gun has ever shot anyone.  It needs a human’s finger to pull the trigger.

But, it’s reached a point where that’s only the end result.

For the lone gunman to get to the high point on the roof a mere 130 yards away is a Secret Service failure plain and simple.  As a team, they looked balky(and that’s being kind) trying to surround Trump, move him to the safety of the limo, and whisk him away.

Three female agents looked like unsynchronized swimmers in dire need of floaties.  The relatively new leader of the USSS Kimberly Cheatle is the 27th Director of the U.S. Secret Service, sworn into office on September 17, 2022.  Her publicly stated goal of having 30% female agents ASAP might be ambitious.  How about having the very best candidates regardless of skin color, gender, and sexual orientation?

This was a DEI failure and an abject team job failure overall.  Ms. Cheatle should pay for it with her job.

But they were dealt this dangerous situation by an even deeper hand.

The animous that the left has for Donald Trump is unhinged.  Donald and the right have a hand in egging it on as well.

President Biden took to the airwaves yesterday.  “The political rhetoric in this country has gotten very heated. It’s time to cool it down.”

Just last week Biden was trying to rally the deflated Dem donors.  “I have one job, and that’s to beat Donald Trump. So, we’re done talking about the debate.  It’s time to put Donald Trump in a bullseye.”

You can almost hear him if asked today, “Oh, you know what I meant, come on man!”  Sir, we rarely know what you mean these days.

“Our very democracy is at stake.”  Trump will be a dictator from day one.”  “This is what Hitler did.”    Jeez, somebody better do something about this guy.

And, a very misguided 20-year-old who likely liked blue hair had a hair trigger because somehow he was triggered.  Go figure.

Social media is like watching a long rally in a ping-pong match.  “Gotch ya.”  “No, I got you.”  People only relent when their mom calls them to dinner or the phone battery needs recharging.

The mainstream media personalities are only cheerleaders for their chosen side while constantly castigating the other.

And then there is Hollywood for now.   It will mostly move to Canada if Trump gets reelected.

Kathy Griffin had his decapitated head in her hand.  Tiny Robert De Niro is going to slug him in the face.  Anthony Bourdain wants to poison him.  Madonna wants to blow him up.  Rosie O’Donnell ends it all by throwing him over a cliff even though she can’t see her shoelaces.

Some people believe that these actors are more than just that.

And, let’s be perfectly candid.  There are a lot of not-too-smart people.  And, it only takes one.

Where to from here?

For former President Trump luckily that answer is Milwaukee.  “Fight.”  Fight!”  “FIGHT!”

For America, we wonder.






To Fight Another Day

As the US heavyweight championship bout neared the challenger and the champ approached the ring.  The challenger strode confidently, never short on confidence.  The champ shuffled but it was not exactly like Ali did it.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, let’s get ready to rumble.”  Actually, only one lady and one gentleman were allowed to view the fight.

Ding! Ding!

Quickly it was apparent that the champ misunderstood the ring announcer.  Biden must have thought he said, “Let’s get ready to mumble.”

It would be kind to say it was a slow start for the champ.

The last few seconds of round three ticked away, and Biden was on the ropes.  His last sentence sounded like anything but one.

Challenger Trump sensed weakness and went for the haymaker.  “I don’t understand what he said at the end of that last sentence, and I don’t think he does either.”

Boom!  The fight was over.  It was more than a standing eight count.  It was a TKO.  It was prescient as it summarized the entire night.

As future rounds wore on Trump bragged, exaggerated, avoided, and lied.   He was far from perfect.  He always is.

But, the champ showed his age.  He was only fighting half a round at times.  “President Biden, you still have 83 seconds left, would you care to say anything else?”

“Yes, I would, Number one blah, blah, blah.  And number two, blah blah blah.”   Speaking of number two, we can only hope for his sake.

This performance came after he was sequestered for seven days at Camp David focused solely on debate prep.

At this point, interest in the showdown had waned.  Policy wasn’t on the card any longer.  The ability to hold office competently till you’re 86 is.  Or was.

Biden was asked about abortion-an issue that he leads on.  He attempted a comeback.  Then he uttered, “we need abortion because a lot of women are raped by their in-laws and sisters.”

Sisters?  It all depends on how you identify these days.

Mercifully, the bell rang.  Trump strode out just like he strode in.

Biden must have felt like Rocky at the end of Rocky.  He was helped down the stairs by Adrianne, er, Dr Jill.  It was a sad end to a bad night for him.

But was it his last fight?  Another is scheduled this fall.

Or was this fight scheduled perfectly by the Democrats?

If they can convince Irish Joe to step away it gives them time to rally behind another.  They have fifteen rounds of film to help him see the light.

They floated the timing and conditions of this one to the Trump Camp.  He latched on hook, line, and sinker.

What was the bait?  The bait was his ego.  He’s a street fighter from NY.  Anytime, anywhere suits him just fine.

Did he win the night but lose the election?

You have to pay off Kamala.  Her approval ratings are lower than Joe’s.

Gavin Newsom, an undercard fighter to this point, is champing




Why Not Ask?

We’re emptying the virtual notebook today.  It’s important to clean it out before our staff takes a research trip to the motherland of Scotland.  BBR will be dark next week.

Why do we drive on a parkway yet park on a driveway?  Nevermind.

Why did Al Gore invent the transfer portal?  Wait, we’re being told it was the NCAA.  It was created partially to offset decisions and timing thereof like the one Jim Schlossnagle made this week.  College Station is burning.

Why hasn’t anyone been arrested and sentenced for their conduct on Epsteins Island after he and his enabler Ghislaine Maxwell have been?  We suspect it is because somebody knows somebody who knows it’s not in their best interest.

Why don’t we decide as a country if we want illegal immigration or if we want borders?  If it is a problem, it isn’t hard to slow dramatically and quickly.  Put out the word that you’re going back to where you originated.

Why does Mexico make you show a passport to spend a lot of money there as a tourist, but allows millions from multiple countries to walk northward right across it?  Follow the dirty money.

Why has Biden been hiding at Camp David for the last seven days?  He’s debate prepping on your dime.  Part of the prep (supposedly) is some physical training to endure standing for 90 straight minutes.  Are they changing his sleep patterns too so he doesn’t “sundown” right on camera tomorrow PM?

Why would Trump agree to CNN hosting the debate?  Jake Tapper?  June 27th when no one is watching?  No back and forth?  Ego.  Trump wins in his mind even when he loses.

Why did Trump pick Vivek Ramaswamy as his VP running mate?  No, you didn’t miss anything.  It’s an updated prediction.  He should have picked Tulsi Gabbard, but he didn’t.  Vivek can sell.  Trump likes a mouthpiece that will spread the right words.  He learned from his Mike Pence choice.  Pence couldn’t sell snow cones to all of us suffering from global warming.

Why is Planned Parenthood contributing $40 million to Biden and Dem Congressional campaigns with your tax dollar donations?  Cause they can.  Ain’t America great?

Why is women’s wellness, aka abortion, such an important issue this fall?  It’s because half of the votes come from those who identify as females and they place it far and away as their number one issue.  If Trump wins it will be because he greatly clarifies his position on the hot potato topic.

Why won’t someone in Congress make it their sole goal to bring incredible pressure against our spending problem creating our 35 trillion dollar debt problem?  Is it because they’d rather have a job than represent what is best for the US?

We’re substituting “how for “why” for our grand finale.  How do you know if a politician is lying? If his lips are moving you know.





Whether you only watch CNN in airports while waiting for a DEI-piloted plane, or if you watch them daily, most can agree that the network leans left.

So, when they presented their latest polling data five months before the Nov 2024 elections you can understand the apoplexy.

What was already known is that Biden is fatigued.  But what was discovered is that the Black Community might be increasingly fatigued with Biden.

If we aren’t supposed to see color why do we still recognize communities by color of skin?  We digress.

The CNN poll shows Biden with a 70% to 21% lead over Trump in 2024 with “likely Black voters” currently.  Sounds pretty good for the Dems?

Not so fast.  At the same time in 2020, Biden held an 86% to 7% margin.

If the 70-21 margin held on the actual ballots cast this fall it would be a six-decade low of African Americans supporting the Democratic candidate.  CNN Senior Data Reporter Harry Enten called it “a historic performance in the making” that “leaves me speechless.”

But he went on talking anyway.

When you look at Blacks 50 and older Biden holds an 74 point advantage over Trump down from 83 points in 2020.

But the under-50-year-old lead in 2024 plummets.  The advantage for this age group shrivels from +80 to +37.  In other words, only one-half as many “young uns” favor Biden four years later.  That’s a yuge change as one would say.

Harry shrieked, “The Blacks are leaving Biden in droves.”

The age-old political line is, “Ask yourself if you are better off than you were four years ago.”

For blacks should it be, “Ask yourself if you are better off than 60 years ago?”  While the answer is likely yes, is that gap still far too wide in their minds?

Trump asked Blacks in 2016 to vote for him.  He even uttered, “You’ve been voting one way forever, what have you got to lose?”  Political pundits panned the pandering labeling it racist.  Don’t they always?

But, perhaps unlike the glove the shoe might fit.

Does Biden need to go to the black church of his choice more often?  Maybe student debt forgiveness isn’t enough to buy a vote.  Ten thousand to first-time homeowners isn’t either.

How about a half-black female VP?  Maybe a black female Supreme Court Justice isn’t.

Maybe the historic first black female lesbian Press Secretary won’t get it.  You’ve seen Karine Jean Claude Pepe Le Phew Van Dame Pierre wax eloquently from the podium, haven’t you?

Maybe if we stopped calling “them” the Black Community and realized that interest rates, crime, inflation, wild spending, and illegal immigration impact us all negatively we’d progress.

Maybe CNN is fair and balanced after all.


What have we got to lose?




The Sporting World

As the Father’s Day grill heated up poolside so did the action on four TVs.   Four TVs and a pool.   Is that white privilege?  We’re asking for a neighbor.

The WNBA’s Indiana Fever vs. the Chicago Sky occupied one, the USGA US Open a second, the FSU vs. Virginia elimination College World Series game a third, and the former cheaters and now mediocre hometown Houston Astros were hosting the Detroit Tigers on the last one.

Caitlin Clark felt the privilege of being white on the side of her noggin midway through the second half.  Angel Reese, aka the Bayou Barbie, knocked her upside her head on a trip to the bucket and was charged with a flagrant foul.

It wasn’t Clark’s first hard knocks lesson on her rookie journey and it won’t be her last.  The WNBA’s biggest problems were 1)no one watches, and 2) it’s a $50 million a year cash drain on the NBA, never coming close to turning a profit.

Now its biggest problem is people are interested in Clark and the league’s players are interested in keeping her down.  Do blacks and black lesbians sense white privilege from this new straight star?  The political atmosphere of dividing us to conquer might have the answer to that.

Some players said last week that they wanted profit-sharing like their big brothers have in the NBA.  With this increased attendance and viewership, the league is still expected to lose $25 million.

Be careful what you wish for.  “Nothing from nothing leaves nothing,” Billy Preston once sang.

Meanwhile, Bryson DeChambeau, of LIV fame, won the Open over PGA stalwart and player spokesperson Rory McIlroy and his two missed short putts.  The golf world is seriously fractured as very rich LIV golfers make more money playing far less than rich PGA players.  Privilege personified.

It’s so petty in that world that 2023 US Ryder Cup captain Zach Johnson chose his PGA buddy Justin Thomas over a LIVid DeChambeau last fall for the team.  The US was all but eliminated on day one last October.

Thomas was in and remains in the worst slump of his career.  The unconventional DeChambeau’s stock was and is soaring.   DeChambeau finished at -6 yesterday while Thomas missed the cut carding a two-round total of +11.

Meanwhile, the CWS has a bit of NIL and transfers to deal with nearly daily.   Still, its relative innocence, camaraderie, and imperfections make one yearn for simpler times and purer competition.   Watching 30 FSU dudes fly over the dugout railing to congratulate a teammate after a knock is refreshing.   Have a few Jell-o shots and enjoy the Omaha scene.

The once invincible Astros are now very ordinary.  The interest pales in comparison to the above.

Remember when the cheating scandal was front page news while the WNBA wasn’t, LIV wasn’t, and NIL wasn’t?

The sound of that trash can-turned drum is but a distant echo.

Maybe it wasn’t so bad way back when.




Lapdogs and Laptops

The sound caused by the gavel bang still resonating in the Delaware courtroom was just slightly louder than the words still ringing in the ears of those present after the jury foreperson spoke yesterday.

Guilty! Guilty!  Guilty!

Three felonious convictions were the verdicts for Hunter Biden on the illegal purchase and ownership of a handgun while addicted to drugs.

That’s impressive in a bad way but falls far short of 34 guilty verdicts for Donald Trump several days ago for what no one knows.

Hunter stood tall and took his medicine like a man the lapdog media said.  Trump, on the other hand, acted like a petulant child crying wee, wee, wee all the way back to Mar-a-Lago.

We’re in rarified air this election cycle.  If you’re scoring at home we have a convicted former president running for office against a sitting president whose son is now a convicted felon as well.

And, you have credible allegations that the sitting one and his family profited greatly by the son’s “job” of extracting foreign money for peddling the influence of one Joseph Biden, aka “the big guy.”

Many folks say there is plenty of evidence of that and other crimes on the infamous Hunter Biden laptop dropped off for repair but never picked up.  Others, 51 in all from various intel agencies that you pay for, signed an official US document that the Hunter laptop was Russian disinformation.

The wheels of justice grind slowly especially when the DOJ is in play.

Never mind that Joe Biden’s daughter, and Hunter’s sister, wrote in her diary that she remembers her father taking inappropriate showers with her when she was 10 years old.  “She must be believed!” went out of style when #metoo boomeranged.

If Trump wins the possibility that he goes scorched earth in DC and brings down the long arm of the law or “lawfare” on many hiding in the swamp is very real.  He’s playing with house money in term two.  And, he may utter, “You’re fired,” a time or 50.

If incumbent Biden wins the probability of him pardoning his son Hunter is great. He’s playing with house money in term two.  If Biden loses, he could issue the pardon on his way out of the White House door.

And maybe he should.  After all, in a 2019 interview with CNN, Biden said about his son, “He’s the most honorable and decent person I know.”

Joe, the black church-going Irishman must hang out with a tough crowd, though likely not as tough as the one that ate his uncle.

Can’t everyone grow up?  Well, that’s a problem too.

Biden is 81 and too often acts like he’s 95.

Trump is 77 and too often acts like he’s 5.

The choice is yours………………….. unless Fulton County gets involved again.




Five Months Out

Today the race for the White House hits the five-month out marker.  Both campaigns are revving up their political engines.  The tactics from the incumbent side seem to be evolving.

The fellow that many would like to see convicted seems more interested in attacking the “convicted felon” than he is running on his record.  Is that because he hasn’t accomplished enough, or because polling data suggests that the American people think he hasn’t?  Or, is it both?

About this time last year, the Biden campaign rolled out “Bidenomics” like a new car intro.  POTUS and VPOTUS touted job growth, wage expansion, GDP, and falling inflation.  America wasn’t buying it.  Even a lapdog media couldn’t sell this Edsel.

Undeterred, they pivoted to “it’s there,” but it takes time to “feel it,” they said.  The problem for them is that America does feel it and it’s a negative feeling.

The cumulative effect of three years of high inflation is felt at the grocery cash register, the gas pump, and the mortgage loan office.  Wages are up but aren’t keeping up.

Bidenomics is a buzzword that went south.

Speaking of going south, for three years we’ve heard that the border was under control as best as it could be because of the mess he inherited from Trump.

Then this past winter Biden wanted to forge ahead with a deal that he pulled out of the top drawer with Congress to “control” the border. That’s known as a flip-flop.  A bipartisan agreement is the only way to fix it he said.  The bill was a one-sided con to legalize illegal crossings.

Yesterday, he signed an executive action to do what he said he needed Republicans to come along to get done.  But it doesn’t get anything done except pave the road for 1.8 million illegals to continue to cross yearly.

The border is a sieve.

They tried but failed to pin the border mess on the Republicans.

What are the most important issues per polling for Americans this fall?  The economy is one and immigration is two.  Rut roh.

The list continues with crime, abortion, debt, medical care costs, etc.

Only on abortion does Biden’s position outpoll Trump’s. But make no mistake, it is an important one and one that Trump should tackle head-on for clarity of his position.  It only polls somewhat low because women place it way higher than men.  Women are half of the total votes cast.

Looks like it’s time to ramp up the “it’s a fight for our very democracy” battle cry.  This comes from an administration that has weaponized the DOJ to take down opposing views.

Then comes a good dose of racist claims.  The Dems can pander like no other.

Sprinkle in “convicted felon” at each mile marker.  Do you want a “convicted felon” in the White House?

The race to the bottom heats up faster than climate change this time of the year.

Oh, it’s summer?





The Show Goes On and On

In 1980 Robert De Niro starred in the box office hit and critically acclaimed Raging Bull.  In 1998 the film critic website Rotten Tomatoes reviewed the movie.

The review’s first sentence proclaims “The film is a complex portrait of a man consumed by his rage, jealousy, and paranoia.”

The film grossed 23.4 million box office bucks.  That’s roughly the same cost of taking a family to the cinema today, but we digress.

It’s odd that a movie is reviewed 18 years after it debuted.   It’s also odd that the now 80-year-old actor took his unfettered rage, perhaps jealousy, and certain paranoia to the streets of New York yesterday.

He arrived wearing an N95 mask, but quickly dispatched it as he must have sensed everyone within social distance guidelines was as healthy as he is.  We digress again.

With the cameras rolling across the street from the latest Trump trial, De Niro stuck to his script until he didn’t.

The Raging Bull Himself

After calling Trump a clown, he bellowed, “I love this city. I don’t want to destroy it. Donald Trump wants to destroy not only the city but the country, and eventually he can destroy the world.”

“I don’t mean to scare you. No, no, wait — maybe I do mean to scare you,” De Niro continued. “If Trump returns to the White House, you can kiss these freedoms goodbye that we all take for granted. And elections — forget about it. That’s over; that’s done. If he gets in, I can tell you right now, he will never leave.”

Sounds ominous.

This was a planned event by the Biden campaign who previously ensured that they were keeping their distance from Trump’s trials to avoid the appearance that they were in any way politically motivated.

This ended that.

A top Biden adviser said they weren’t there to talk about the trial but rather to exploit the large media focus on the legal proceedings.

Isn’t the omnipresent media available for any president to “exploit?”  All Biden needs to do is call for a presser anytime and anywhere and the exploitation can begin.

“We’re not here today because of what’s going on over there,” Biden campaign communication director Michael Tyler told reporters, gesturing toward the courthouse. “We’re here today because you all are here.”

Truer words were always spoken.

Trump may be a clown, but the Biden/De Niro move was a circus outside a court filled with jesters.

And the Trump campaign shot back.  Karoline Leavitt, the Trump campaign’s press secretary, called the Biden campaign “desperate and failing” and “pathetic” and said its event outside the trial was “a full-blown concession that this trial is a witch hunt that comes from the top.”

This “witch hunt” trial goes to the jury deliberation phase today.  Can Trump “the Clown” avert a verdict that will stop the show before the next three rings are placed under the tent? That one is the Mar A Lago classified documents case.  Or, will Fani and her lover boy try to get the tour to stop back in Atlanta?

A guilty verdict could put the man with orange hair in an orange jumpsuit.

It could also ensure his return to the White House.

If that happens De Niro said he was moving to Mars.

That’s better than Uranus.



Amtrak Conductor Cures COVID in Detroit in 2017

As Donald Trump tries to stay out of jail, Prez Biden is burning up the campaign trail.

Monday, the White House issued nine corrections to his speech to the NAACP delivered Sunday.  This was only a day after he lit up like Sherman and nearly burned down Atlanta while speaking at HBCU Morehouse College.

“When I was vice president, things were kind of bad during the pandemic and what happened was, Barack said to me, ‘Go to Detroit! Help fix it,’” Biden said in the first minute he was at the podium.

We have questions. Did someone write this for him?  Doubtful.  Did he decide to ad-lib this?  Probable.

We have more questions.  Does he believe what he said?  Does he know what he said?  If you asked him today, would he remember what he said?

There was no COVID until years after Biden left the VP position.  And, Barack didn’t ask him to go to Detroit to fix COVID, though the way Biden spit out the two consecutive sentences you could infer that.

In the middle of COVID Biden would have been teaching at the University of Pennsylvania.  Or, at least he would tell you that he was.

He was likely bragging about a trip there to address the struggling auto industry way back when.

Speaking of way back when, are you old enough to remember when the fair and balanced press referred to Biden’s consistent foot-in-the-mouth problems as an “occasional gaffe?”

These lies are now coming faster than the climate crisis.  So is everything else for that matter, but we digress.

Whether Joe is in charge or is a prop isn’t worth the debate.  And, with the way they’re watered down the Presidential Debate makes it not worth it either.  But, you can see why they will as this circus now performs daily.


Yesterday, Biden asked for bids on 100 million barrels of US strategic oil by May 28 to be released by June 15th.  It’s time to hold down the price of July 4th car travel.  Capitalism meets government manipulation.  Buying a few votes never hurts.

Also yesterday we learned that the US will spend 9k this year per illegal alien to house, transport, and feed him.  This is the same that the US spends per Medicare patient per year from your previously taxed income.  From your pocket to theirs, national debt be dammed.   Buying a few future votes never hurts.

Only Biden’s doctor knows how doctored up he will be to continue this farce.

Close your eyes and picture Biden’s mental and physical health in, say 2027.

Trump should be finished with his court cases by then.







Put Em Up!

Growing up in Scranton, PA Smokin’ Joe Biden was quite the pugilist.

He won the high school state title as a middleweight seven times while only able to train on Saturdays.  Why?  Well, speaking of trains, on Monday through Friday he conducted Amtrack trains after school when he wasn’t driving an eighteen-wheeler

Sundays were reserved for giving thanks to the other “big guy” at the black church of his choosing.

And, he’s still got plenty of fight left in him.

In the last few days, Harry Callahan Biden responded to Donald J Trump’s call for a debate by one-upping him and asking for two in a heavily edited social media post. “Well, make my day pal.  I’ll even do it twice.  Let’s pick the dates.”

But, before Joe climbs into the ring his corner has a few demands.

First, they want the debates in June and September before early voting begins.  Get the vote out early and often.

Second, RFK Jr. is not invited.  Polls show in a three-way race that Jr. takes away many more votes from boxer Biden than Trump.

Third, Trump’s microphone must be silenced when Biden is speaking.   In other words, they want no counterpunching that could throw him off of his rehearsed game plan.  Trump should ask the same for the moderators, who were anything but moderate four years ago.

And, finally, there can be no live audience in attendance.  Trump is a bit of a showman, like Muhammad Ali, in front of a crowd.

CNN gets the first heavyweight battle, while ABC hosts the second one.  It’s an uphill fight as both rings lean to the left.

Trump, his team, and his ego have agreed to all the above.  Why? Ego.

Trump thinks he wins even when he loses.  He’s still demanding a recount after taking a standing eight count in 2020.

Smokin’ Joe’s schedule these days isn’t nearly as busy as it was in his formative years.  His day job is only a four-day workweek.  He’ll train every Friday through Sunday at his boxing camp in Delaware and any day his team calls a lid when he is in the White House.

Hopefully, Joe watches his step on his way into the ring.

You can almost hear Howard Cosell.   “DOWN GOES BIDEN!  Down Goes Biden!”

Get your peanuts!