Abby Picks, Year Five, Week Seven

Abby rebounded nicely after a two-week skid likely brought on by kennel cough-19.  She had no vaccines nor boosters, which by the day sounds like the better way to go.

Last week she got five games right and four wrong.  She won six bones and lost five.  Either you pay the man, or the man pays you.  The latter beats the former.

She paws forward to week seven.

Alabama at Tennessee under 66 and 1/2 –  Yes these are two fine offenses, but doggy has a hunch that Nick Saban wants to run the ball and play D.  Two bones.

Alabama at Tennessee ML–  Abby thinks Alabama wins the game, but cannot pass up a 2 to 1 money line when the ole blue tick hound runs across the checkerboard end zone.  One bone to win two bones.

Mississippi St at Kentucky +4 – This looks like two teams going in opposite directions.  Until this Saturday, that is.   Give Abby the home dog v the Bulldogs. One bone.

LSU at Florida -2 and 1/2 –  Abby says, “LSU is not a good football team, convince me otherwise.”  Two bones.

Clemson at FSU + 3 and 1/2–  The ML is tempting, but Abby wants the points if Clemson kicks a late FG to win it.  One bone.

USC at Utah -3– The Utes are make or break here.  Abby still thinks USC is overrated but a win in Utah will convince her otherwise.  One bone.

Kansas at Oklahoma -8 – How can the Sooners be favored over anyone by eight if you watched them the last three weeks.  Abby likes to zig when others zag as you know by now.  One bone.

Iowa St +16 at Texas- The Longhorns have a Qb and are moving in the right direction.  But 16 points is 16 points.  Two bones.

Washington St at Oregon St – 3 1/2 and under 52 1/2– It’s a Beaver parlay.  Build the dam.  One bone to win three bones.

Eight home, one road, one money line, one parlay, and two under.

One baseball note.  Yordon Alvarez is pretty good.







From Demo to Dino

There is the old adage, “the only thing constant is change.”  There is the new adage, “change is coming at you faster than ever.”

The old adage is proven correct daily.  The new adage remains debatable.

Tulsi Gabbard changed, at least she changed officially.  She formally announced Monday that given the mad shift to the far left in her party, she would no longer be a part of the Democratic Party.   Her beliefs aren’t contained in a neat box, but her core values seem mostly right of center.

She didn’t declare herself a Republican though. She did not yet, and maybe not ever.  For now, she’s independent.

This has been brewing for some time.  The announcement only formalized it.   The United States Army Reserve officer and political commentator served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii’s 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021.  She attempted to gain the Democratic nomination for President in 2020.

Why is she still news?  It says here that she would make one fine VP candidate to go along with Ron DeSantis in 2024.  Imagine a conservative Republican picking an Independent as his running mate.  Now that would be a vote for the new adage ringing true.

Hawaii is a vote for the old adage.  It’s been brewing for some time as well.

Approximately 40 to 70 million years ago, the 137 islands of Hawaii began to form. Every island originated from multiple underwater volcanic eruptions. Magma burst from underneath the seafloor until it reached the ocean’s surface.

And, guess what.  It’s still forming as active volcanos still shape and reshape some of the newer islands in the chain.

Around the same time, give or take a mere 10 million years, about 66 million years ago a massive solar system body now known as the Chicxulub asteroid collided with Earth, excavating a massive 110-mile-wide impact crater in what would later become the Yucatan Peninsula.

This collision triggered a chain of cataclysmic events which, when combined with the devastation caused by the initial strike, wiped out 75 percent of all life on Earth.

Research that analyzed geological records from this traumatic period in our planet’s history, has revealed that the devastating impact may have triggered a “mega-earthquake” that lasted for weeks, or even months before subsiding.

That’s what you would call real climate change.  If you don’t believe us ask the next dinosaur you see walking around the face of the earth.

The Republican party actually reminds us of the fossils a bit.  Merriam-Webster’s first synonym explanation of the word is “one that has passed the peak of effectiveness or popularity.”

Take off Mitch McConnell’s glasses and what do you see?  Maybe you see words related to dinosaurs?  Dodo, fogy, old-timer, fuddy-duddy, mossback, stick in the mud, and stodge comes to mind.

Maybe change needs to come to the Republican Party faster than ever.  A return to conservative principles is in order and the presentation needs a makeover.

Gabbard as a running mate would not be a mega earthquake nor a MAGA earthquake, but it would be a fine start.



Ten Piece Nuggets

You’ve waited far too long.  Nuggets, all ten, are spiced just right for your consumption below.

  1. During a portion of an interview with CBS News aired on Monday’s edition of “Red and Blue,” Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) warned that while abortion is an important issue, Democrats “have got to do more” on the economy.  How much more?  Haven’t they done enough?  That Inflation Reduction Act should have done the trick by now.
  2. In a quickly-reversed policy move, the web’s leading payments processor, PayPal, announced it would NOT deduct $2,500 from users who violate its acceptable use policy, which includes bans on spreading “misinformation,” “hate,” or anything else the company deemed “unfit for publication.”  Wall St. and Main St. took notice of the nonsense.   Apparently, free speech would have cost $2500 until smarter people got involved.
  3. Electric truck and SUV maker Rivian Automotive said on Friday that it is recalling nearly all of its vehicles because the company had improperly installed fasteners, which could cause the loss of steering control.  It is their third recall since launching in 2020.  Wall St and Main St took notice of the incompetence.  The start-up’s stock is off 67% year to date after soaring in 2021.
  4.  The Chicks who used to be called The Dixie Chicks endorsed Beto O’Rourke Saturday night at a concert north of Houston.  It didn’t go over too well.  O’Rourke. who trails incumbent Greg Abbott by nearly double digits. was audibly booed louder than a smattering of claps.  Isn’t “The Chicks” an offensive name as well?
  5. During an appearance on FNC’s “Fox News Sunday,” Georgia Democratic gubernatorial nominee Stacey Abrams said she opposed restrictions on abortion.  She stated that “arbitrary standards of timelines ignore the medical reality that it is a fallacy we know exactly when a pregnancy starts.”  If she fails again at running for office, maybe she can enter the field of medical research as she has a bit to learn.
  6. Sixty-two percent of voters say President Joe Biden’s economy is deteriorating just 29 days from the midterm elections, a Civiqs poll found Monday.  People, we are told over and over, vote with their wallets first and foremost.  Maybe Bernie is right.  But, he’s too far left to do what is right by the government to help the economy.  What is that?  Stay the hell out and stop printing money would be a great start.
  7. JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon agrees. He stated that he believes that the U.S. is “likely” to enter a recession “six, nine months from now” in a Monday CNBC interview.  Was the Fed too late getting started and will they be too late slowing down?  BBR has no economists on staff, but we’re guessing that the answers are yes and yes.
  8. Twitter didn’t want to be outdone by PayPal.  It took down a tweet posted by the Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo, “Today, we released an analysis on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines the public needs to be aware of. This analysis showed an increased risk of cardiac-related death among men 18-39. FL will not be silent on the truth.”  Twitter wanted the good doc to be silent.  But, then it reversed its course and reposted it later Monday.  Maybe Stacey Adams could go to work for Twitter if her medical research career doesn’t work out.
  9. Across the pond, The Telegraph, the country’s best-selling broadsheet(the largest newspaper format and is characterized by long vertical pages), published an article by Associate Editor Camilla Tominey suggesting that “Biden’s qualities for the Oval Office are almost non-existent.”  They called old Joe “useless and nasty.”  Ouch.  Deceased Rep. Jackie Walorski would have objected to such harsh words.  Where’s Jackie? Two words.
  10. Five years after women’s stories about him made the #MeToo movement explode, sexy Harvey Weinstein, the bad actor, is going on trial in the city where he once was a fixture at the Oscars.  Already serving a 23-year sentence for rape and sexual assault in New York, the 70-year-old former movie mogul faces four counts of rape and seven other sexual assault counts involving five women.  What a low-life guy he was, and always will be.


Abby Picks, Year Five, Week Six

Forgive Abby for last week’s poor picking.  She coughed up seven more bones than she won.   Hopefully, her bout with kennel cough has subsided this week.  She got a lot of rest, socially distanced herself, and wore a mask to help ensure a better outcome for her loyal betting patrons.

Week six features a lot of lines(pass) that could provide back door covers, so conservative is a word to the wise.

  1.  Nebraska -3 at Rutgers and Houston + 3 at Memphis –  Friday night lights usually favor the home team on a short week.  Road team Indy beating Denver last night in a real dog nap of a game gives us confidence in this parlay.  The Cornhuskers have pride and the Cougars are angry.   One bone to win three bones.
  2. Purdue +3 at Maryland and Louisville -3 at Virginia-  Two more roadies paired for multiple a multiple-bone payout.  Purdue is pretty good.  Virginia is bad. One bone to win three bones.
  3. South Carolina at Kentucky -6 – Kentucky played very well in Oxford but lost to a very good Rebel team.  South Carolina is on the road after hammering an instate directional school.  Abby likes the spot as much as the name Spot for a dog.  Two bones.
  4.  Florida St at NC State under 51 –  FSU and NC St both score plenty of points against lower-level competition.  When the going gets tough both tighten a bit.  One bone.
  5. Washington St + 13 1/2 at USC-  Can we pump the brakes on how great Lincoln Riley is?  The Oregon State game v USC is your tell for this one.  Expect USC to win but not cover.  One bone.
  6. Tennessee – 2 1/2 at LSU-  This is the surprise line of the week.  This is a lot of credit to LSU’s home stadium Death Valley and not near enough to Hendon Hooker.  Two bones.
  7. Arkansas +9 at Mississippi St- The Bulldogs bit the Aggies last week at home.  We expect another win but a close, perhaps overtime win vs. an angry Hog team.  One bone.

That’s seven out of eight road teams, nine bones wagered to win 13, and one under a total on the line this bounce-back weekend.



Dems Sell Well

“This is a direct threat to our very democracy.”

Have you heard that before and again and again?  How could you have not heard that over-hyperventilated accusation?

Our civil servant friends from the left have perfected its delivery with the tone, tenor, and repetitiveness that they are very skilled at doing in marketing their message.

Have you ever wondered aloud what exactly this vague and veiled threat to our democracy is?  Maybe it comes down to what your definition of “is” is.

Is it avowed socialists like Bernie Sanders wanting control? Is it three or five avowed socialists running for office this midterm? Is it China or Ukraine or both compromising the Biden family?  Is it America turning away from oil and gas to make us weaker and weaker before it’s time to do so?  Is it an open border that welcomes good people and bad people and fentanyl?  Is it spending trillions that we don’t have which turned into wicked inflation?

Is it none of the above?  Maybe it’s none of the above when it comes to the November 8th midterms.

For now, it’s the constant war on Trump, trumped-up charges or not(in our best Kamala voice).  After all, he would not allow for a peaceful transfer of power.  And it’s voting rights whether you’re a citizen or not and have a voter ID or not.

And, heaven forbid we forget, it’s also climate change which also doubles as the greatest existential threat as well.

It’s MAGA.  It’s more Trump.  Trump.  TRUMP.

Why is it the above?  It’s because the Dems said it so and the media trumpets (we had to) it over and again.  Dems sell, sell, sell.

But, don’t take our word for it.  The American Association of Retired People (AARP) just released the results of its new poll of America’s 50+ crowd.  And they honed it down further to 50 years and older women.

What’s on their minds?  The top three concerns for them with five weeks to decide who to vote for are 1) voting rights, 2) threats to democracy, and 3) inflation.

Voting rights?  This group has been voting freely for 32 years or more.

And, “threats to democracy” finished ahead of the worst “inflation” in 40 years.  Perception is reality.

They were also asked what would benefit them the most.  The number one answer, you ask.  They are looking for protection from Social Security cuts.  Social Security has been borrowed and stolen from repeatedly.  But, it hasn’t been cut, ever.  Ever.  This year’s cost of living increase to SS checks will be the biggest percentage-wise since 1978.  Worry not, or worry a lot apparently.

The AARP “She’s the Difference” poll finds that 51 percent of likely women voters age 50 and older have not made up their minds for whom they will cast their ballots in November.

How many voters is that altogether?  Americans over 50 represented 1/3rd of voters in 2018 and 2020.  Half or more are women.  So, it’s about 1/6th of all voters or 17% of the nation’s total.  That is Yuge as one used to say.

So, if you’re expecting a red wave this November, maybe not.  If you’re expecting to hold on to the House as Nancy Pelosi droned on about Sunday, maybe not.

But, if you’re over 50 and identify as a female one party sent you an invitation.

The other is a bunch of old fuddy-duddies.



That Little Clown Car is Full

The November midterm elections are barreling down on us faster than Ian went through Florida (too soon?).  And the circus has all three rings full of actions.

Send in the clowns.  Where are the clowns?  They’re all piling out of the little car at once.

In the hotly contested Georgia Senate race that has major national implications, Herschel Walker hopped out with a big red fake nose on.

He’s running as an anti-abortion candidate and he ran to Hannity for cover.  Asked if he indeed suggested that a woman whose unborn child he may have been a part of creating received money from him for an abortion he said no.

Asked if he sent her money he said he gives money away all of the time.  There is also the allegation that he sent her a signed get well soon card.  Coincidence?

He also recently admitted to having four children.  For a long time, he acknowledged but one.  It’s easy to forget about the other three with the way kids act these days.

The Dems fresh off of a 1/2 a trillion student loan debt forgiveness giveaway to buy the 20 to 30-year-old vote selectively struck again.

Kamala Harris told a reporter over the weekend when discussing the hurricanes that hit Puerto Rico and Florida, and we exactly quote, “On the point that you made about disparities: You know back when I was District Attorney of San Francisco  I started one of the first environmental justice units of any DA’s office in the country focused on this issue. And in particular on the disparities, as you have described rightly, which is that it is our lowest income communities and our communities of color that are most impacted by these extreme conditions and impacted by issues that are not of their own making.”

The word windbag comes to mind.  May we recommend a little environmental justice to top off your word salad?

Boil it down and she is saying we need to give more money to climate change needs and direct that money to the minority communities.  Those are daily double Dem talking points.

It was a busy week for the VP.  Earlier standing 50 yards from and looking through binoculars at North Korea from South Korea she took to the podium.  And, she exclaimed that the U.S. shares an alliance with North Korea that is strong and enduring.”

Does the border czar know the difference between North and South Korea?  She was looking down at her notes while talking.  It’s hard to read “north” when seeing the written word “south,” isn’t it?  Or, is it vice versa?

Does Joe Biden know that the late Rep. Jackie Walorski is dead?  Where’s Jackie?  Is she here?

Does a bear……….?

Maybe Czar Kamala was hoping for a few Koreans to cross a border, any border, and gain the right to vote this November via absentee ballot.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on Monday that she believes Democrats will keep control of the House after the November midterm elections as polls show the nation is relatively split on which political party it wants in the majority.  Or, maybe America wants neither party?

If she is right, the most experienced clowns of all, Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell, and McCarthy can keep driving the little funny car right over the cliff.

Send in the clowns.






Abby Picks, Year Five, Week Five

Abby watched Scott Van Pelt’s “Bad Beats” ESPN segment last Monday night with great disinterest.  She dropped two games in the final seconds v the spread to fall just below .500 for the week.  Stuff happens.

This was after a great week 3, so all is well for the hound.  Pound for pound she likes a lot of what she sees this week.

  1. Tulane at Houston -2 1/2 – Friday Night Lights in Texas.  Dana Holgersen ripped the Cougars up one side and down the other after their mistake-filled lethargic effort v Rice last week.  Expect Houston to come out like their hair is on fire.  One bone.
  2. Michigan St +7 1/2 at Maryland and Purdue + 12 1/2 at Minnesota- The Big 10 Parlay of the Day.  Michigan St cannot be as bad as they looked last week, can they?  Minnesota cannot be as good as they looked last week, can they?  One bone to win three bones.
  3.  Iowa St -3 at Kansas – Dorothy Special – Head Coach Lance Leipold is a wizard and might find the yellow brick road filled with gold later this year.  But, don’t mistake Matt Campbell for the Tin Man.  He’s turned down more offers than you can count on one hand. Two bones.
  4. Kentucky at Ole Miss -7 –  This line looks like Vegas is screaming for you to take Kentucky.  Abby likes to zig when others zag.  One bone.
  5. Texas A&M ML +155 at Mississippi St –  The Aggies stumbled to another victory last week after Arkansas fumbled away what would have been a 21-0 lead.  Abby expects more of the same out of the Aggies this week with Reveille’s help.  Two bones to win three bones.
  6. Oklahoma -6 at TCU-  Abby has licked her chops for this game all week.  She expects the Sooners to win comfortably to erase the bad memory of last Saturday.  Two bones.
  7. LSU at Auburn +8 1/2 –  This yearly rivalry game always brings the unexpected.  Always.  Who would have thought LSU would be a road favorite by nearly 9 after they shot themselves in the foot 9 times v FSU a month ago?  LSU is minus four starters and Auburn has a dead man walking for a head coach.  Always. One bone.
  8. Georgia -14 (first half) at Missouri- Kirby Smart was smarting after his Dawgs slept through their win over Kent St. last week.  Georgia won’t be held back by a leash this week, especially in the first two quarters.  One bone.



She Must Not be Here

As it has been told, Joe Biden sought former President Barrack Obama’s council prior to deciding to run for the Democratic nomination for President in 2020.  As has also been told, Obama reportedly said, “You don’t have to do this Joe, you know?”

Was that a polite way of saying “don’t run?”  If the response confused Biden in any way, it ultimately did not stop him from running and winning.

Speaking of confusion, President Biden was looking around at his WH announcement yesterday and uttered, “Jackie, are you here?  Where’s Jackie? She must not be here.”

The president wondered aloud if Jackie Walorski, who died last month, was present during a conference on hunger, nutrition, and health on Wednesday.  Walorski was killed in a car crash on Aug. 3. She had been a champion of a bill that established the White House Hunger Conference Biden was addressing on Wednesday.

Predictably, NBC News called the attempt to find Jackie a “gaffe.”  No matter where you stand politically, isn’t it time we called this and other cringeworthy moments what they are?  After all, we are talking about the highest office in the world.

What they are are old age and dementia at the barest of minimums.  Biden turns 80 in two months.  Yesterday, Dr. Jill had to tell him where to walk after he finished his remarks in another ceremony.

They hid him quite well in his basement during the covid 2020 campaign.  They’ve sent him to Delaware nearly every weekend while he has held the office and many of them have been three-day weekends.  They restrict the number of his appearances before the press, designate who calls on him when he has a rare one, and script his answers to the degree they can keep him on point.

But, the decline is on the rise.

If he runs in 2024 he’ll be doing this country, his party, his family, and himself a disservice.  If his family allows him to run, shame on them.  If the DNC allows him to run double shame on them.

The press demanded that Trump take a cognitive ability test. He passed and of course, he bragged about it.

Isn’t it time they do the same for old Joe?  It would be great if he passed and even if he bragged about it.

Meanwhile, isn’t it time for the Biden camp to admit that Father Time remains undefeated?  Wall St impatiently awaits.

Don’t bet against Gavin Newsom.  He knows where Jackie is.  He knows where Kamala stands.

And, he knows where Pennsylvania Ave is as well.



Lemon Aids The Cause

CNN’s evening lineup was doing so poorly when new ownership took over that they decided to revamp it in its entirety.  It’s been BBR’s belief for a good while now that a move to the center will pay dividends.

MSNBC reads directly from the DNC and WH playbooks like a dutiful second-grade child desperate for an A on their report card and a pat on the head.

FOX is anything but fair and balanced.  They would carry more water for the elephants to drink if only the lead RINOs had sense enough to tell them where it is.

The middle should have plenty of viewers and plenty of willing advertisers.  But, first, they have to get there.  And, the rebuild is on.

CNN”S carnage is everywhere.  John Harwood, Jeffery “Zoomin” Tobin, Brian Steltzer, and the lovely Chis Cuomo are a few of the more high-profile, on-camera ones to exit stage far left of the daily Democratic theater since new management entered the building.

But, there is one interesting survivor.  And he’s headed to a morning 6-9 AM EST co-host job and soon.  That’s Don Lemon.

And, until he turns from night to daytime you can count on him to continue to turn left-hanging lemons into lemonade. Last night was the latest example.  With Ian bearing down on southeastern Florida, it was time to take a climate change “Lemon aided” stand.

Not once, not twice, but three times did the Don turn the tide back to climate change as a scientist was attempting to inform the viewers of the particulars of this one. Finally, he lectured the expert himself saying “he grew up down there and the storms are intensifying.”

It was six months ago that the forecasts called for a dozen storms to hit mainland America. Ian makes it one.  One.

Intensifying?  Do you think Ian is the first cat four storm to hit Florida?  Since we have been able to measure, six of the seven most intense occurred between 1919 and 1960.

Most intense landfalling tropical cyclones in the U.S. state of Florida
Intensity is measured solely by central pressure
Rank System Season Landfall pressure
1 “Labor Day” 1935 892 mbar (hPa)
2 Michael 2018 919 mbar (hPa)
3 Andrew 1992 922 mbar (hPa)
4 “Florida Keys” 1919 927 mbar (hPa)
5 “Okeechobee” 1928 929 mbar (hPa)
6 “Great Miami” 1926 930 mbar (hPa)
Donna 1960
8 Irma 2017 931 mbar (hPa)
9 “Florida” 1948 940 mbar (hPa)
10 Charley 2004 941 mbar (hPa)
Source: HURDAT, Hurricane
Research Division

Such unfounded speculation by a rank amateur that happens to have a microphone should be squashed by any and all networks.  But, unfortunately, it often isn’t.

It was just a week ago after the Queen of England had passed that Don was asking a British royalty expert on air if her family’s wealth and colonialism should make her realize that reparations were in order.  Lemon was taken behind the school and spanked by her.

Agendas long ago replaced straight facts.  Lemon says what he wants when he wants and how he wants to say it.  Good for him.

And, speaking of straight, the openly gay black Lemon isn’t.  Of course, neither his skin color nor his sexual orientation should have anything to do with his perceived value as an anchor going forward for CNN.

Or, should it?  Ratings talk and all of this blabber about diversity, inclusion, and equality walks when you get down to it.

Harwood, Tobin, Steltzer, and others can attest to that.  Can’t they?

No, they can’t, especially if they aspire to another job inside the cesspool once known as journalism.

So as CNN moves to the center, Lemon’s anchor chair will remain on the far left.

It’s good work if you can get it.

Abby Picks, Year Five, Week Four

So much to say and no time to do so.  Abby is the guest ceremonial starter in a Florida golf tourney early this AM.  She got out strong last week winning seven bones, and now goes for more.

1. Baylor +3 at Iowa St- The Bears are built to travel well.  Expect a close one, but Baylor wins straight up.  One bone.

2.  Notre Dame +2 at North Carolina-  Abby likes the fight left in the Irish more than most.  One bone.

3.  Clemson at Wake Forest +7–  Abby thinks that Clemson is looking for a place to lie down.  She found it for them.  One bone.

4.  Florida at Tennessee – 10 1/2–  This line seems out of line.  Florida plus looks like easy money.  Abby will zig when others zag.  One bone.

5.  Texas A&M v Arkansas over 48–  A&M can’t score and Arkansas has a good D.  Zig #2.  Two bones.

On a hunch take the Ducks -6 and 1/2 at Wash St.

Time to yell fore!!!
