Welcome to Boom Boom’s Room.
Pull up a chair. However, it’s recommended that you sit on the edge of your seat. Why? It’s because today’s world is very polarized and driven by emotion and spin. Too often people are either for or against something and their minds are closed. Robust discussion and great debate, once deemed healthy, are now considered “offensive.”
It’s easy to say the obvious. Too many go along to get along. It’s harder to think beyond the surface, use logic, think critically, question conventional wisdom, and speak your mind. That is exactly what we do here. We have something to say, and say it we will. And, we hope that you will too.
So what’s with this name-boomboomsroom.com? Boom Boom was my father’s nickname bestowed upon him by my niece and oldest nephew long ago. Thankfully, it stuck. And his teachings (my life’s lessons) have stuck with me. So, if it’s news, sports, or learnings from life, it’s here and it’s unabashed. It’s is that spirit that drives me. It’s time to say and do what needs to be said and done.
Lefty and Shorty? Glad you asked. You’ll meet them soon enough.
Engage. Enrage. Enjoy.