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The Bar Is Low

A funny thing happened last night on the FOX News Channel.  After the Bret Baier interview with VP Kamala Harris aired the remainder of the nightly lineup took turns running excerpts of it and picking apart what Kamala said and didn’t say.

It’s as if they captured the villain queen and walked her about the town square showing the faithful that better days lie ahead.

The funny thing about the entire trial, conviction, and sentencing is that most people who watch FOX regularly and repeatedly greatly dislike Harris.  And most people who like Harris greatly dislike FOX.

Baier exposed many of Harris’ flaws, flip-flops, and falsehoods.  He insisted that her word salads only be served in small portions.  But did it move the needle 19 days out?

This brings us to the question, “Who is the worst US Presidential Candidate in our lifetime?”

George McGovern, Walter Mondale, Michael Dukakis, and John McCain come to mind.

If Madame VP loses will she join the list?  Maybe.  She had little time to prepare for this and her long suit isn’t preparation.  Her stance on most any issue is greatly determined by which way the wind is blowing.

If Donald J. Trump loses will he join the list?

For the record, William J. Bryan is the only three-time loser.  Who?  He lost in 1896, 1900, and 1904.  Trump would join a short list of other two-time losers.

But has anyone ever faced two weaker candidates than Biden and Harris?  Opinions vary, but they would be tough to beat, meaning they should be easy to defeat.

Ok, ok the media is biased, the DOJ is weaponized, and the ballot boxes are supposedly stuffed.

Trump has run a terrible campaign pure and simple.

First, women are mad.  And when women get angry they get even and then some.   His failure to clearly and loudly articulate his stance on abortion might be a fatal flaw.

Should he have picked Tulsi Gabbard as his VP nominee and women’s health czar?  A woman talking to headstrong women about women’s things usually goes better than any man on earth attempting the same.

Trump himself has had a few struggles with the female population along the way.

His deficit with white female voters offsets his lead or relatively good position in every other demographic.  Sure he’s losing with blacks and Hispanics, but his percentage of likely voters is enough for him to win when you combine it with old, white, angry men.

While that could be his biggest undoing, his inability to succinctly articulate why he’s the answer and her radical left positions aren’t is another.

Amazingly in this divided country, there are/were undecided voters.  Holding rallies and droning on about the past isn’t how you win them over.  He could have used a drone at one rally, but we digress.

Further, he habitually insults factions with name-calling and derogatory comments.

With Michigan very much in play, this week he called out car factory workers, “They just assemble parts “out of a box” and says children could do their jobs: “We could have our child do it.”

The UAW was unimpressed.

How childish.

Childish might describe his inability to let go of the 2020 election results.  Ego might describe it too.  That allows the “our democracy is at stake” nonsense to hit the airwaves.

But the biggest reason he might join the list of bad candidates is that he’s running against one who is worse.  The bar is low.

Even the Dems know that.


Comment section

Engage. Enrage. Enjoy.

  • I can’t trust government. I can’t trust politicians.
    I can’t trust Donald. I can’t trust Kamala. I can’t trust the media. I can’t trust Fox News. I can’t trust Brett Baier. Even trust in BBR.com, once strong, is starting to wane. What can I trust? Vegas. The betting favorite today for U.S. President is Donald Trump at -150 and Kamala at +130. This could change tomorrow, and the next 19 tomorrows.

    • Dear valued subscriber,

      We want no wane in BBR. But, no wane no gain some say. Many say. Most say.

      Give us Trump -150 for 100 on a hunch. But by the time 19 tomorrows pass 100 won’t be worth 90.

      Sincerely Yours in Christ,
      The Staff

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