Above the fold


After the last eight days labeling the US a banana republic might be insulting to banana republics.  In today’s world with Veep Kamala Harris poised(or not) to be the next nominee for the Democratic Party it might also be an insulting racist comment.

The Republican Party nominee and former President survived an attempted assassination.   His protectors were anything but when he needed them the most.

The Democratic Party nominee is(or was) the sitting President who didn’t survive a DNC power play.  His protectors were anything but when he needed them the most.

Eighty-one million popular votes in 2020 wasn’t enough to save Biden from himself in 2024.  As of Friday, he said he was still running.  Sunday the DNC money donors said he wasn’t.

“Unburdened by the past we look to tomorrow, for there is no tomorrow without today.  And, today was yesterday’s tomorrow.  Unburdened.”   –Kamala sort of.

On Sunday on a piece of plain white paper, he signed his name(maybe) to a letter he didn’t write saying he was no longer running for president in 2024 and posted it on X.  No photo of him signing.  No sighting of him.  His admin and aides had no idea.

If he’s not fit to run in 2024 is he fit to finish his term?   We digress.

Voila!  The coup is complete.  The Democratic Party, who reminds you that Trump is a threat to our democracy,  removed Joe in a very undemocratic way.  He couldn’t win.  So they quit on him.

You’re forced out because the elites know you can’t win.  You fold.  They pick your replacement.  Is this how democratic elections are supposed to unfold?

The system only cares about holding on to the power.  It gets you to the money.  “Democracy” is but a cover.

Minutes later scrappy-no-more Joe from Scranton endorsed Kamala Harris.  Quickly, Newsom, Buttigieg, Shapiro, Whitmer, and many others did too.  Notably Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, and Jeffries did not.

Will they all eventually coalesce around VP Harris?  If so, she’ll be the choice now who dropped out in 2016 before the Dems Iowa Primary with less than one percent of the projected vote.  She will do so without a primary this time.  And, she is the one who lied to the public repeatedly about Biden’s actual health until the last minute.

How convenient.

Legally there is the Biden/Harris $280 million PAC war chest that can only be used if she runs.  The power brokers have a month to use it and then decide.

She’s on trial.  As a former state attorney general, she knows how tricky verdicts can be.  Unburdened?  Or, do they have one burden left?  As VP her approval ratings rival Walter Mondale’s.

Meanwhile, a guy with a hole in his ear awaits.  He’s been impeached, impeached again, threatened with ballot removal, indicted, arrested, convicted, and shot.

He’s put a Bush, a Clinton, and a Biden out.  It’s four decades and counting since one of those establishment names wasn’t running for office.

He’s not a threat to democracy.  He’s a threat to “them.”

He’s a threat to the golden goose.  And, the Democratic Party just laid a very different egg.

At this point, an October Surprise will not surprise.

Comment section

Engage. Enrage. Enjoy.

  • All tricks, false flags, and psychological operations are on the table until Election Day (and after).

    They (global elites) know what’s at stake and the retribution that may rain down upon them.

    To misquote the great Rick James, “Power is one hell of a drug.”

    • Was Kamala Rick’s Super Freak?

      The Hunt for a peaceful October is on. Good luck.

      BBR apologizes to all faithful readers and especially frequent commenters on behalf of Hurricane Beryl and our close friends at Xfinity. Beryl and Xfinity are old Indian names meaning Joe B. and Kamala H. for they do no good and don’t work very often.

  • Absolute gold. This is a movie script if there ever was one. Is Aaron Sorkin on speed dial? Is the cast and crew from Rust ready to redo the rally in the Pennsylvania valley?

    Who plays Come Allah? Don’t think it’s easy to fill that role. So many women are too intellectually superior to fit that bill.

    This is going to be a lively few months. Get the popcorn and hard cider ready.

    • Come Allah—-very crafty.

      In a span of nine days both candidates…….wow.

      Thank goodness Director Cheatle is/was on the ball.

      BBR apologizes to all faithful readers and especially frequent commenters on behalf of Hurricane Beryl and our close friends at Xfinity. Beryl and Xfinity are old Indian names meaning Joseph and Kamala for they do no good and don’t work very often.

  • Once the $280 large is spent and the polls say Kamala is still at 1% and can’t win, will they dump her like not-so-scrappy Joe? Unburdened!

    • Yes. they will. That is assuming that she is the nominee. King Obama hasn’t yet ruled.

      BBR apologizes to all faithful readers and especially frequent commenters on behalf of Hurricane Beryl and our close friends at Xfinity. Beryl and Xfinity are old Indian names meaning Joseph and Kamala for they do no good and don’t work very often.