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The End

Shortly after POTUS Barack Obama became the former prez he uttered the infamous sentence, “Never underestimate Joe Biden’s ability to mess things up.”

Actually, he did not say “mess.”  What he did say was a four-letter word though.

In 2019 Barack didn’t give Joe what he asked for.  Biden came to the clear Democratic Party leader and asked for his endorsement to run for president in 2020.  Instead, he told Joe, “You know you don’t have to do this.”

But Biden soldiered on.  He told us that the soul of the country was at stake.  This was after his son sold his and Joe’s soul to Ukraine, but we digress.

Eighty-one million votes and one “insurrection” later, Biden started calling the White House home.  Is Arizona finished counting votes yet?  We digress again.

Fast forward to the first debate of 2024 on Joe’s way to reelection, and he hit a pothole.  And, it was one big, incoherent, babbling run-on sentence after another surely caused by jet lag and a cold.  Or, not.

This was the beginning of the end publicly.  For DNC brass it was the middle.

When one runs for the highest office in all of the land he or she must win two votes.  The first one is the coronation from the internal powers who control the donation kitty.  The second is the Electoral College.

A couple of weeks later facing sharp persistent criticism, Biden landed in Los Angeles for a heavy Hollywood-hitting fundraiser hosted by Obama’s tight buddy, George Clooney.  With 28 mil secured Biden boarded Air Force One to head east.

But, once the checks cleared Clooney did the switch art of the old bait and switch.  He said the obvious out loud.  Biden has(most would say had) deteriorated significantly and wondered if he was fit to serve four more years.  Clooney, by Obama’s proxy,  green-lit the lieutenants.

Adam Shiff became the 20th Dem Rep/Senator to ask Biden to reconsider.  Reports are that friend Chuck Schumer, in a one-on-one, told Biden directly that he should stop the campaign.

Joe pressed on.  His inner circle has no conscience.  Yesterday, he forgot his appointed Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin’s name in an interview.  He referred to him as “the black man.”  Oh, yes he did.

By nightfall, he did all he could to stay vertical climbing ever so slowly up the short steps of Air Force One.

Now it’s Covid for the thrice-boosted one.  Joy Reid said this could be a benefit to the campaign. “He can remind people of what hell we went through because of Donald Trump.”


“It ain’t over ’til it’s over,”  Yogi Berra wisely reasoned long ago.  Joy heartedly agrees today.

The DNC plans to push back their convention a month.  Hmmmm.

Barack Obama has spoken.  Therefore, the money has as well.

It’s over.

The end.



Comment section

Engage. Enrage. Enjoy.

  • By next week , Biden will NOT be the president , He will be too frail and give Camel Toe a 3 month head start as president ,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    • Camel Toe? Did you not listen to Biden’s request to tone down the reckless rhetoric?

      The Dems run around talking about threats to our democracy. How about having no primary and anointing Biden? How about now pushing out who they railroaded through? If he is unfit to run he is unfit to continue serving. Wait until they try to bend state rules to get plan B person to be able run for prez and to actually count in that state.

      Xfinity thanks you for your patience.

  • We now have Nasty Nan Pelosi call for him to stop the steal. Biden is cooked and all know it. Hunter is about to slide into the irrigation ditch and there’s no swimming out this time.

    Even the news commentators are shifting their focus and comments to save their careers. At least the few modestly intelligent are. Tapper and Van Jones need their jobs.

    And how many more days must we wait to see the Secret Service change hands? Incompetence is the least of their problems. A lie detector is on its way to the halls of congress. Subpoenas are right behind. Maybe Matt Gaetz(Donny Osmond) can do this right!

    • Thanks to Hurricane Beryl and Xfinity we are only just now able to reply. Connectivity here, like the Dem party is wanting. As soon as normalcy is restored Xfinity is gome much like Biden’s mental acumen. The fat lady has sung.

      Also, anyone who refuses to testify under oath before Congress next week on the assassination attempt should be fired immediately. That would of course need us to livfe in an honest society however.