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Why Not Ask?

We’re emptying the virtual notebook today.  It’s important to clean it out before our staff takes a research trip to the motherland of Scotland.  BBR will be dark next week.

Why do we drive on a parkway yet park on a driveway?  Nevermind.

Why did Al Gore invent the transfer portal?  Wait, we’re being told it was the NCAA.  It was created partially to offset decisions and timing thereof like the one Jim Schlossnagle made this week.  College Station is burning.

Why hasn’t anyone been arrested and sentenced for their conduct on Epsteins Island after he and his enabler Ghislaine Maxwell have been?  We suspect it is because somebody knows somebody who knows it’s not in their best interest.

Why don’t we decide as a country if we want illegal immigration or if we want borders?  If it is a problem, it isn’t hard to slow dramatically and quickly.  Put out the word that you’re going back to where you originated.

Why does Mexico make you show a passport to spend a lot of money there as a tourist, but allows millions from multiple countries to walk northward right across it?  Follow the dirty money.

Why has Biden been hiding at Camp David for the last seven days?  He’s debate prepping on your dime.  Part of the prep (supposedly) is some physical training to endure standing for 90 straight minutes.  Are they changing his sleep patterns too so he doesn’t “sundown” right on camera tomorrow PM?

Why would Trump agree to CNN hosting the debate?  Jake Tapper?  June 27th when no one is watching?  No back and forth?  Ego.  Trump wins in his mind even when he loses.

Why did Trump pick Vivek Ramaswamy as his VP running mate?  No, you didn’t miss anything.  It’s an updated prediction.  He should have picked Tulsi Gabbard, but he didn’t.  Vivek can sell.  Trump likes a mouthpiece that will spread the right words.  He learned from his Mike Pence choice.  Pence couldn’t sell snow cones to all of us suffering from global warming.

Why is Planned Parenthood contributing $40 million to Biden and Dem Congressional campaigns with your tax dollar donations?  Cause they can.  Ain’t America great?

Why is women’s wellness, aka abortion, such an important issue this fall?  It’s because half of the votes come from those who identify as females and they place it far and away as their number one issue.  If Trump wins it will be because he greatly clarifies his position on the hot potato topic.

Why won’t someone in Congress make it their sole goal to bring incredible pressure against our spending problem creating our 35 trillion dollar debt problem?  Is it because they’d rather have a job than represent what is best for the US?

We’re substituting “how for “why” for our grand finale.  How do you know if a politician is lying? If his lips are moving you know.




Comment section

Engage. Enrage. Enjoy.

  • I am not believing that Vivek will be the running mate. The guy doesn’t know when or how to shut up. Whatever Trump is, we know what he isn’t, a ventriliquist!

    If no one puts is arm up his arse, there’s simply no control. Can imagine anyone doing that! It’s far better for Vivek to have a show on FOX NEWS after he takes a short stint as commerce secretary.

    Can you even imagine him on the Fives? Those clowns will never get a word in edgewise. It will be like a cricket match with two balls!

    • I agree on his effervescent personality. I think Trump lies him, trusts him, and sees that he can get a lot of campaign mileage out of his energy. I’m still hoping for Tulsi. But, I’m also hoping that disco makes another run at the top of the Billboard hits chart.

  • Not sure How we get along without the BOOM BOOM news room for 7 days ,, leaving before the Debate that surprises me and other followers ,, maybe a long distance Telegraph from Old country to the USA!! will keep us updated. How will the Raptor play after Debate 1 ?? will there be #2 >>> and I agree with Boom Boom Tulsi is the best choice. Enjoy the Old country ,have some Pasta/vino on me ,,,,ohhhh That’s my country , My Bad

    • The plane leaves 18 hours after the debate. The commentary might be brief in the Friday AM to hit the worldwide web that Al Gore gave us. Time permitting. FORE!

  • We could ask Gavin New-slum to stand in for a week. I’d love to beat the avocados off that tree!
    Just like a piñata.

  • I wonder if BBR staff will have to present papers at the Scotland border? As far as the “presidential” debate, CNN will cover all of Joe’s miscues as he stands/squats wearing depends diapers and a shock collar to keep him from dosing off. CNN will be quick to cut to commercials before we see Joe leaving the podium to shake hands with the air then wander like a roomba.

    • Our staff leader is a landowner over there. Therefore he is referred to as Lord while on the hallowed grounds.

      The picture you paint of Prez Biden is unseemly. Accurate, but untidy.

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