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Lapdogs and Laptops

The sound caused by the gavel bang still resonating in the Delaware courtroom was just slightly louder than the words still ringing in the ears of those present after the jury foreperson spoke yesterday.

Guilty! Guilty!  Guilty!

Three felonious convictions were the verdicts for Hunter Biden on the illegal purchase and ownership of a handgun while addicted to drugs.

That’s impressive in a bad way but falls far short of 34 guilty verdicts for Donald Trump several days ago for what no one knows.

Hunter stood tall and took his medicine like a man the lapdog media said.  Trump, on the other hand, acted like a petulant child crying wee, wee, wee all the way back to Mar-a-Lago.

We’re in rarified air this election cycle.  If you’re scoring at home we have a convicted former president running for office against a sitting president whose son is now a convicted felon as well.

And, you have credible allegations that the sitting one and his family profited greatly by the son’s “job” of extracting foreign money for peddling the influence of one Joseph Biden, aka “the big guy.”

Many folks say there is plenty of evidence of that and other crimes on the infamous Hunter Biden laptop dropped off for repair but never picked up.  Others, 51 in all from various intel agencies that you pay for, signed an official US document that the Hunter laptop was Russian disinformation.

The wheels of justice grind slowly especially when the DOJ is in play.

Never mind that Joe Biden’s daughter, and Hunter’s sister, wrote in her diary that she remembers her father taking inappropriate showers with her when she was 10 years old.  “She must be believed!” went out of style when #metoo boomeranged.

If Trump wins the possibility that he goes scorched earth in DC and brings down the long arm of the law or “lawfare” on many hiding in the swamp is very real.  He’s playing with house money in term two.  And, he may utter, “You’re fired,” a time or 50.

If incumbent Biden wins the probability of him pardoning his son Hunter is great. He’s playing with house money in term two.  If Biden loses, he could issue the pardon on his way out of the White House door.

And maybe he should.  After all, in a 2019 interview with CNN, Biden said about his son, “He’s the most honorable and decent person I know.”

Joe, the black church-going Irishman must hang out with a tough crowd, though likely not as tough as the one that ate his uncle.

Can’t everyone grow up?  Well, that’s a problem too.

Biden is 81 and too often acts like he’s 95.

Trump is 77 and too often acts like he’s 5.

The choice is yours………………….. unless Fulton County gets involved again.




Comment section

Engage. Enrage. Enjoy.

  • Let’s make this about what it is. Addiction. We all know that Hunter is a crack addict, self proclaimed artist, nasty human being. Last time I checked he’s not an Alaskan Native American(customary), so he can also be called a scumbag for sleeping with his brother’s widow.

    We all understand that addiction is horrible and needs to be dealt with in a caring and swift manner. So let’s do it. Sentence the guy to two years in a state hospital and mix and match his daily Jello cubes.

    Joe is addicted too. Not to smelling women’s hair. Although there is an argument. He’s addicted to lying in front of the microphone. Any and all mic’s. Yesterday he told the world that he was a professor at Penn. Penn had to deny this claim politely.

    He’s been a truck driver, a quarterback, a pitcher, a factory floor employee, a chef, a military officer, and a president. And as far as I can tell, not a single one is true or verifiable.

    But you make the call on the latter, in my opinion the proper description is nuisance.

    • As long as the Jello cubes are not Jello shots. This time of the year, depending on your roots. they go down in mass quantity.

      Also, you got all of his occupations except two. One is Amtrak conductor. The other is a criminal posing as a statesman.