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Amtrak Conductor Cures COVID in Detroit in 2017

As Donald Trump tries to stay out of jail, Prez Biden is burning up the campaign trail.

Monday, the White House issued nine corrections to his speech to the NAACP delivered Sunday.  This was only a day after he lit up like Sherman and nearly burned down Atlanta while speaking at HBCU Morehouse College.

“When I was vice president, things were kind of bad during the pandemic and what happened was, Barack said to me, ‘Go to Detroit! Help fix it,’” Biden said in the first minute he was at the podium.

We have questions. Did someone write this for him?  Doubtful.  Did he decide to ad-lib this?  Probable.

We have more questions.  Does he believe what he said?  Does he know what he said?  If you asked him today, would he remember what he said?

There was no COVID until years after Biden left the VP position.  And, Barack didn’t ask him to go to Detroit to fix COVID, though the way Biden spit out the two consecutive sentences you could infer that.

In the middle of COVID Biden would have been teaching at the University of Pennsylvania.  Or, at least he would tell you that he was.

He was likely bragging about a trip there to address the struggling auto industry way back when.

Speaking of way back when, are you old enough to remember when the fair and balanced press referred to Biden’s consistent foot-in-the-mouth problems as an “occasional gaffe?”

These lies are now coming faster than the climate crisis.  So is everything else for that matter, but we digress.

Whether Joe is in charge or is a prop isn’t worth the debate.  And, with the way they’re watered down the Presidential Debate makes it not worth it either.  But, you can see why they will as this circus now performs daily.


Yesterday, Biden asked for bids on 100 million barrels of US strategic oil by May 28 to be released by June 15th.  It’s time to hold down the price of July 4th car travel.  Capitalism meets government manipulation.  Buying a few votes never hurts.

Also yesterday we learned that the US will spend 9k this year per illegal alien to house, transport, and feed him.  This is the same that the US spends per Medicare patient per year from your previously taxed income.  From your pocket to theirs, national debt be dammed.   Buying a few future votes never hurts.

Only Biden’s doctor knows how doctored up he will be to continue this farce.

Close your eyes and picture Biden’s mental and physical health in, say 2027.

Trump should be finished with his court cases by then.







Comment section

Engage. Enrage. Enjoy.

  • Let me just say dear writers of BBR, we were a once great country. Several of us are old enough to remember it. Cherish the memories.

    We brought it upon ourselves.

    • Hard to argue. At least our fond memories are better than Joe’s. His are feigned.

  • There is a major difference between a misleader and a blatant liar. The shark has been jumped and we are witnessing a new era of Ripley’s Believe It or Not! This guy writes into his brain more fairy tails and fantasy than anyone in the history of politics.

    He has absolutely no filter and it’s clear that they have removed all mirrors from his vision in the Whitehouse. He really doesn’t know who he is or who he was 5 days ago. Everything he says becomes a joke and an asterisk with moments.

    I don’t hate the guy, I hate his Family and his closest friends for not pulling the plug in a humane way. This is a really avoidable situation but the greedy bastards forged ahead anyway.
    They need to be held accountable when he collapses physically. He already has mentally.

    Like Lone Star, the band we all love says, We’re Already There.

    • If the WH read the above they’d knock over their king on the chess board. But the queen and all of the pawns have too much at stake.

      If this dude( and the DNC machine that it is) wins in November there is even a higher percentage of “low information voters” (Rush RIP) than previously counted. Of course that might be how the late votes came in 2020.

  • The accomplishments in Biden’s imaginary life are inversely proportionate to the accomplishments in his real life. Had COVID happened when Joe was VP, Obama would have told him to go to Detroit to get out of the way of “fixing” the problem.

    • Joe couldn’t fix a flat tire. He’s two standard deviations out on the wrong side of logic. He’s ventured far left of the apex of the parabolic curve.

  • Biden is a joke, everyone knows it, and the DNC is so corrupt they will do whatever it takes to prop him up. All they really want is to force Trump out of the election. Period. Old Joe will be so hopped up on drugs for the first debate I wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t have a heart attack on the stage. Maybe that’s the plan to get him out and bring in the golden boy from California

    • True words unfiltered from clear cool waters of Colorado. Reminds one of their teen years when they first slurped down a Coors or three.