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Put Em Up!
Growing up in Scranton, PA Smokin’ Joe Biden was quite the pugilist.
He won the high school state title as a middleweight seven times while only able to train on Saturdays. Why? Well, speaking of trains, on Monday through Friday he conducted Amtrack trains after school when he wasn’t driving an eighteen-wheeler
Sundays were reserved for giving thanks to the other “big guy” at the black church of his choosing.
And, he’s still got plenty of fight left in him.
In the last few days, Harry Callahan Biden responded to Donald J Trump’s call for a debate by one-upping him and asking for two in a heavily edited social media post. “Well, make my day pal. I’ll even do it twice. Let’s pick the dates.”
But, before Joe climbs into the ring his corner has a few demands.
First, they want the debates in June and September before early voting begins. Get the vote out early and often.
Second, RFK Jr. is not invited. Polls show in a three-way race that Jr. takes away many more votes from boxer Biden than Trump.
Third, Trump’s microphone must be silenced when Biden is speaking. In other words, they want no counterpunching that could throw him off of his rehearsed game plan. Trump should ask the same for the moderators, who were anything but moderate four years ago.
And, finally, there can be no live audience in attendance. Trump is a bit of a showman, like Muhammad Ali, in front of a crowd.
CNN gets the first heavyweight battle, while ABC hosts the second one. It’s an uphill fight as both rings lean to the left.
Trump, his team, and his ego have agreed to all the above. Why? Ego.
Trump thinks he wins even when he loses. He’s still demanding a recount after taking a standing eight count in 2020.
Smokin’ Joe’s schedule these days isn’t nearly as busy as it was in his formative years. His day job is only a four-day workweek. He’ll train every Friday through Sunday at his boxing camp in Delaware and any day his team calls a lid when he is in the White House.
Hopefully, Joe watches his step on his way into the ring.
You can almost hear Howard Cosell. “DOWN GOES BIDEN! Down Goes Biden!”
Get your peanuts!
Comment section
Engage. Enrage. Enjoy.
Maybe it should just be on a zoom call and “enhanced” with AI.
Would be liked for Trump to debate the details of the debate a bit more.
Of that there is no debate.
Will Joe shake hands before the debate with Trump or just shake hands with the air? Can the big guy really stand there for 2 hours without soiling his boxer shorts? Is a teleprompter allowed for Joe? What is the over/under on days after the first debate debacle before the Biden campaign cancels the 2nd debate?
Valid questions for he and his staff to wrestle with.
Would love to see Angelo Dundee as Trump’s campaign manager. As a matter of the moment, Does Trump even have a campaign manager? After all, does he need one?
Not really. I know he has campaign people to organize trips and some details like where’s the nearest Chik FilA, or McDonalds. But this really goes to the heart of the GOP message. Don’t hire and staff what isn’t needed. Small government, less interference, reduced regulation and more innovation.
I really like what’s brewing here. Ordinary, pedo, imaginative, lying Joe will be on his last legs by the end of the second round. The ropes wont save him.
And instead of the cut man, he will need a trip to restroom to change the depends he soils hourly.
Sounds like you and Dr Feelgud below have some of the very same concerns. In fact, soiling was at the top of it, or should I say the bottom of it?
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