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Thank You Sir! May I Have Another?

Once achieved a masterpiece is best left as the only one.  Those who signed up for Caddyshack II can readily attest to that.

But, the young are unimpressed.  They’re auditioning on college campuses across the land for roles in Animal House II.

The would-be actors are smart we assume, but too dumb to know any better.

Those at Columbia University, not Columbia Pictures, reached new theatrical lows yesterday.  Playing the role of persecuted Palestinians while studying for finals and paying 96k a year for the privelege requires balance.  They tried.

But, Dean Wormer was watching back in 1978.  He admonished the Delta House leadership, “Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way of going through life.”  Then he placed them on “double secret probation” threatening to kick them off campus altogether.

So, when the bad actors took over Hamilton Hall late Tuesday night Columbia’s leadership(a great example of an oxymoron) did a double take.

By midday out from the occupation of the hallowed hall emerged PhD student Johannah King-Slutzky(yes that’s her name) with an urgent request.  The oppressed within the structure needed food and water.  “Does Columbia want its students facing hunger and dehydration?” she postured.

Does that sound like a five-year-old screaming for more pizza rolls?

It’s a Hamas thing to attack something and then demand humanitarian aid while making zero concessions.

Slutzky is no Bluto Blutarsky.  Her biography states she is “working on her dissertation of fantasies of limitless energy of the transatlantic Romantic imagination from 1760-1860.  My goal is to write a prehistory of the metabolic rift, Marx’s term for the disruption of energy circuits caused by industrialization under capitalism.”

But they are similar.  Blutarsky, realizing the end was near bemoaned, “Christ. Seven years of college down the drain. Might as well join the f**king Peace Corps.”

You’ll be paying Slutzky’s student loan back soon.

By nightfall the occupied space became occupied by NY’s finest and then unoccupied.  The city of CHAZ in the summer of love lasted longer.

One student, seconds from being cuffed and stuffed screamed, “We have finals this week.  Can’t we go home?”  Hopefully, when booked into the jail he/she was not misgendered.

Otter uttered, “I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody’s part.”

Mission accomplished.

Before Columbia, Slutzky, in her own words, worked as a political strategist for leftist and progressive causes and remains active in the higher education labor movement.  Ah, now we’re getting somewhere.

Thomas Sowell opined, “We seem to be getting closer and closer to a situation where nobody is responsible for what they did but we are all responsible for what somebody else did.”

Bluto had sage words for us nearly 50 years ago.  “My advice to you is that we all start drinking heavily.”





Comment section

Engage. Enrage. Enjoy.

  • The elimination of SAT scores has made young people in colleges dumber! This is our future.

    • It’s made college administrators dumber for it as well.

  • Hall of Fame Read once again from the staff at Boom Boom — Can’t wait till they try and get a job and they say their college -COLUMBA –it would get a quick No Thank, Next in line.

    • University of Missouri went through the same with the dumbass safe spaces they created 8 years back.

  • What’s been missing in this movie is the presence of counter protesters. Oh, the great equalizer. If I do something offensive, are there consequences? If I’m acting like an ass, do I get mine kicked?

    Well at UCLA, ass kicking has shown up in the form of counter offensive citizens. The media who is no consequence like they used to be, called them counter protesters. They are not. These are young cooks feeding knuckle sandwiches.

    Speaking of knuckle sandwiches, the Columbia poetry student who had the hunger mic, needs to be fed too. She claims that the school doesn’t care if the don’t feed her and her felon friends. It’s clear that her parents gave her too many participation medals for last place swimming meets.

    What do we expect from these entitled young masterpieces of human dung. Nothing seems to work with these folks other than losing a tooth or two. Maybe we treat them for their injuries at a military base? Show them what the costs of freedom looks like.

    Maybe we send them to Israel so they can study what matters most. Survival.

    • You have to wonder what the end game is here. If Trump was in office I’d understand the stupidity a bit more to drive him out.

      Someone is buying all those lookalike tents.

      The protesters don’t get it. They don’t even know where the Gaza Strip is.

  • So glad I went to Kennesaw State University instead of Columbia.. Defund the Ivy’s and any other idiot school that allows this nonsense. These students are complete dunces who have no idea who they are “protesting” for. They are misguided puppets. Wake up kids! You are being used by pure evil imho.

    • Q. Glad to see you back in action on BBR!

      We stand corrected. Our government is giving money and big money to Ivy League schools.

      But, hopefully, someday common sense will rule again!

    • I don’t think my toga should be the colors of the Ukraine 🇺🇦 Flag.