Above the fold


As the world rapidly evolves so does the attempt to redefine already-defined words or expressions.  It’s infuriating to some.

Below we decided to redefine some 24 redefined words, phrases, and people previously defined.  The previous word salad sentence was brought to you by our revered VP Kamala Harris.

hate speech-  any spoken or written words that someone gets offended by based on their own beliefs, yours be damned, free speech be damned, nebulous

misinformation-  any spoken or written words that someone arbitrarily decides are not true regardless of whether or not it is  It’s a run at controlling the narrative.

disinformation-  a kissing cousin of misinformation.  Try separating the two, we won’t.

women’s wellness-  abortion.

the right to choose-  abortion.

abortion-  abortion.

newcomers- a way of currying favor and votes from illegal migrants by making nice

Eric Adams-  the worst NY Mayor ever eclipsing Bill de Blasio, his predecessor, who was the worst ever

Fani Willis- political hack of a DA that has no business in any public office.

Leticia James-  see Fani defined above, drop DA, and add AG

homeless- mentally ill or chemically addicted

underserved- what Democrats call homeless

hobos- what everyone over 50 today called the homeless until it wasn’t correct to do so anymore

SAT scores-  a measuring stick of overall intelligence entering college soon to be a thing of the past

debt-  how much you owe

deficit-  how much more you spent than you collected

US debt-  on a collision course with insolvency   We should all be ashamed.

US deficit- Biden’s ability to process information and communicate the same

Elon Musk-  a chess grandmaster of multiple boards simultaneously while others struggle at a single board of checkers

social justice-  the redistribution of wealth attained through capitalism

fair share-  never defined in measured terms,  a rallying cry for those who have less, nebulous as well

student loan debt cancelation- a transfer of burden from those who agreed to repay but don’t, to those who now must repay, also known as a vote-getter

wealth tax-  see social justice above, also banned in our Constitution

fair elections/ election integrity-  remember the Edsel?

DEI- the opposite of meritocracy,  a ruse that hopefully will DIE


Good day- It still means have a good day.










Comment section

Engage. Enrage. Enjoy.

  • Let’s have a go at the debate of Misinformation vs Disinformation, shall we? And why not? What’s holding us back or making us account for anything? Oh see what I just did? I unintentionally misinformed you about accountability. You see, that’s misinformation. Well sort of.

    In the Disinfo column, we have so much to explore. Those of us that believe that “stupid is as stupid does”, will make an argument to the contrary. They ask simple questions such as, How can he or she be that stupid? No finer example than Biden’s Press icon Pepe Le Pew. Or Whoopi Goldberg.

    On the side of Misinformation, we have many examples to choose from in our journey of enlightenment. It was hard to choose from such an array of options. But yesterday’s events give us more focus. Nobody believed that you Bob Kennedy would choose a credible running mate.

    Someone with character and integrity. Someone who could throw a 40 yard post pattern. A candidate whose work reflected in real change and progress. A person that had real life experience and political chops not Soros’ stooge or Gavin’s next honey pot($) conquest.

    But no, Intententional misleading is also called misinfo. It’s clearly a breach of public confidence and may lead to Sunday morning harassment on the national networks. And well deserved.

    • Ronna McDaniels would like a word with you. I’m not sure where you can find her though. Seems like NBC though her too full of misinformation to inform the misinformed viewers of NBC. Word.

  • Hobos and homeless are both hate speech. It’s “unhoused”. Let the unhoused and newcomers squat in the unoccupied white privileged houses. HOA dues for squatters will be paid by a wealth tax on Elon Musk and Donald Trump. This would be a good start for social justice. The debt, deficit and student loan crisis is erased when taxpayers fair share is 100%.

    • The good doctor has all of the answers this AM. I feel better already.