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Age Is Just a Number

“They” say that age is just a number.

But, when you mumble your words, stumble on steps, and fumble policy decisions America takes notice.  And, make no mistake about it, last week was the worst of the Biden Presidency.

He confused a deceased leader of a country for another after another and another.

Then he got the good news that the DOJ investigation wasn’t going any further on the classified documents he had in his garage next to his much loved Corvette.  But the good news came because of bad news.  In the special report, the DOJ called Biden “an elderly man with a poor memory.”  In other words, dragging him further along would serve no useful purpose.

Enough already said proud Biden.  He rose to the podium Thursday evening taking a victory lap about the dismissal, defending his age and mental health.

Regrettably, he decided to take at least one too many questions from an eager press.  His answer “inadvertently” referred to Egyptian leader Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi as the “president of Mexico.”

James Carville, Dem political strategist, threw a bomb.  “They don’t accept the Super Bowl interview.  It’s 20-25 minutes of air to the largest audience in the world. And you don’t do it? That’s a kind of sign that the staff or yourself doesn’t have much confidence in you. There’s no other way to read this.”

Meanwhile, an ABC News Poll shows that 86% of adults and 73% of Democrats think old Joe is too old to run for a second term.

What to do?  What to do?

The collective heads of the Democratic Party put together a game plan for Super Bowl weekend.  The plan is tried and true for the party blue.  They play offense when on defense.  And a willing media covers every play.

Campaign Co-Chair Mitch Landrieu offered, “The one thing Joe Biden is never going to do is — count on this — he is never, ever going to quit. Because that’s not what he’s done his entire life.”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” that President Joe Biden was “very clear and very focused” in their recent conversations.  Of course, he did.  Financial aid is pending.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas offered a similar defense, calling Biden “sharp.”  “The most difficult part about a meeting with President Biden is preparing for it because he is sharp, intensely probing and detail-oriented and focused,” Mayorkas told “Meet the Press.”   He also tells us weekly that the border is secure.

Dr Jill, appealing to moms everywhere, said about using Joe’s inability to remember what year his son died in the report, “I don’t know what this Special Counsel was trying to achieve. We should give everyone grace, and I can’t imagine someone would try to use our son’s death to score political points.”  Suburban Karens agree.

So, it was another witch hunt.  However, when pressed, Biden’s attorney refused to commit to releasing the transcripts and recordings from the special counsel even though he said the report exonerates Biden over the mishandling.

Which one is it?  If he’s not senile then he should have been charged.  If he’s senile then he shouldn’t be president.

Will Joe be the Democratic nominee?  The convention is six months away.

The right-wing conspiracy zealots are watching Michelle Obama’s every move.

Who won the big game?

This weekend it wasn’t the big guy.





Comment section

Engage. Enrage. Enjoy.

  • I’m challenging all BBR readers to a $1 challenge. The bet is that Biden doesn’t make it past the Democratic Convention.


    • This staff writer says the handwriting is on the wall(of his garage). Still I don’t think it’s a slam dunk.

  • Let us hear the recordings from the special counsel. Mr. President Hello are you there it is a Monday Morning after the Big Game , that would end the discussion or start it up.
    How Bout those Chiefs — again

    • Three of the last five is impressive. That said, they don’t rank up very high on alltime great teams this year.

      We have a better chance of getting Hillary’s emails.

  • I often wonder why the political establishment known as the left, is trying to make this about competency. It’s becoming inhumane. So much so that I expect Sarah McGlaughlin to start her soundtrack at any moment. “In the eyes of an angel, look away”. For just 11 dollars a month, we can bring Joe out of the cold, unchain his 3 legged body and put him back at the resolute desk.

    Oh and we will send you this ugly blue polyester blanket just for watching this strip your bank account and caring deeply. If they really cared, they would buy him a collection of model corvettes to assemble at the memory care facility and do fictional podcasts daily. That’s right, he already does.

    The question remains, if Joe had to pick out Jill in a criminal style line up, could he do it? My guess is that he wouldn’t know the difference between her and Donna Kelce without glasses. Campbells Soup anyone?

    • So much to unpack here.

      Not knowing her from Donna Kelce is brutal and honest, but not too soon. Never too soon.

      “…….they would buy him a collection of model corvettes to assemble at the memory care facility” is hands down number one.

      The DunKings stole the Clio’s for best SB commercial, and like model corvette comments, second place isn’t close.

  • Obama would be a logical choice to keep the bad man out, except brand got damaged over the Hamas war. Lost some serious backers. May go to Newsome w / Whitmer as VP. Taylor Swift already working on announcement video.

    • Newsom has to be the betting favorite in Vegas if the 10% guy goes into the Delaware night.