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Borderline Answers

Yesterday we asked why.  Then, later yesterday we found out what.

That’s how DC works(if you call it that).  Remember Obamacare?  Old Nancy P. taught us that if you want to find out what’s in the bill you can read it after it’s passed.  Transparency be damned.

And the “what” or “whats” in the Senate bipartisan proposed Border Bill revealed throughout the day caused opposition to be loud and swift.

It was so swift that Mitch McConnell (or Benedict Arnold if you prefer), who sent Senator James Lankford(OK) to hammer it out from the Republican side, fed him to the lions by day’s end. Mitch stuck his finger in the DC breeze and felt political carnage was at his fingertip.  By late afternoon he was calling for an out loud “NO” vote in the Senate.

Matt Gaetz piled on tweeting “If Senator Lankford had negotiated the Louisiana Purchase House Speaker Mike Johnson’s home state would be in Mexico right now.”

Donald Trump sledgehammered, “This is a Democrat trap. It’s a trap for Republicans, it’s one of the dumbest bills I’ve ever seen.”

Senator Josh Hawley said, “McConnell is one of the most corrupt politicians to ever walk the face of the earth!!!”  By this AM he is said to be calling for a vote for McConnell’s removal.

Geez.  What’s everyone so up in arms about?  In short-everything.  Simply put, the bill legalizes illegal immigration.

There are provisions in place to stem the tide.  But a deeper dive into the details provides all of those dreaded loopholes (like cutting razor wire) for illegal migrants to continue to enter unabated.

One little detail states that the daily count of what would now be allowable illegal entry would exclude any person(s) from a noncontiguous country.  If they aren’t Mexicans, they don’t count against the 5k daily max that can be imposed.

Another states that the President would have the unilateral power to suspend the bill’s enforcement anytime should he deem to do so as necessary.

They snuck 10 billion in aid to the Palestinians and promised 400 million to Non-Governmental Organizations(NGOs) like the Red Cross to assist in this humanitarian (ahem) effort.  What’s a bill in DC without a full serving of pork?

The posturing from the Democrats was swift.  Chuck Schumer said that history was watching us today.   Biden said that a standalone Israel relief bill of $17.6 in aid will get vetoed if it reaches his desk.   If we get no border bill you’ll get no Ukraine or Israel money.

In 2021 the Dems said the border was under control.  Same with 2022 and 2023.  Now it’s a crisis that coincides with a political election in November.

Mitch McConnell is a Ukraine hawk.  Joe Biden is an open-border hawk.

Stated differently, you have a guy who cannot finish sentences at a podium attempting to scratch the back of a guy who can’t finish sentences at the biggest podium of all.

Other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the rest of the play?




Comment section

Engage. Enrage. Enjoy.

  • I thought the play was good , waiting for the sequel.

    These guys are all Bozo’s ,,,, Period

  • The title says it all. Borderline illegals getting free border-lines of credit from a borderline personality administration and a borderline conscious president. What could go wrong? The rest of the play was borderline, said Mrs. Lincoln.

  • Dizzy Mitch finally came out of his slumber and smelled the Folgers. Speaking of Juan Valdez, those nephews of his in New York seen beating a cop, were already arrested elsewhere.

    So much for a court appearance with Alvin the Chipmunk Bragg. I’m sure that wink, wink, justice will be served soon enough.

    Matty G, the alleged teen magazine proofreader actually started to fire some decent political bullets. Nice to see that a pedo can bounce back when needed.

    • Bragg is a paid for stooge. Turns out that so is Fani. The witch hunt maintains momentum with the court ruling yesterday though.

      Will credible evidence surface between now and summer that J6 had some help getting lit and staying lit?

      RNC Rino Ronna, please head to the HR department for a brief meeting.