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Is It True?

Now it’s time to play BBR readers’ favorite game, Is It True?

Is it true that in a classified briefing in the House yesterday Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said that if we don’t appropriate more money for Zelensky, “we’ll send your uncles, cousins, and sons to fight Russia?”

Is it true that Zelensky has eliminated 11 opposition parties, consolidated all media to one state-run one, and is asking us to believe that Ukraine is some bastion of democracy?

Is it true that if Donald Trump’s name was on the Epstein client list it would have already been released by now?

Is it true that Melania Trump is pushing for Tucker Carlson to be Donald’s VP pick for the 2024 election?

Is it true that Trump/Tucker has a nice ring to it?

Is it true that Karine Jean-Pierre Von Dame Pepe Le Stink said yesterday that “it’s stunning that Republicans are demanding a secure border in exchange for more funding for Ukraine?”

Is it true that she went on to say “that history will judge them harshly?”

Is it true that the number one recruited offensive tackle and Colorado verbal commitment Jordan Seaton said “You claim you a dog, why you not coming to Colorado?  Why you not helping somebody who looks like you?”

Is it true that if we are to “end racism” as the NFL stupidly stencils into the end zone back line weekly, we must not see people as somebody that looks like you?

Is it true that Penn, Cornell, Harvard, and other libtard colleges would embrace such nonsense?

Is it true that Jordan Seaton might need to begin his college academic pursuits with a helpful remedial English course or two?

Is it true that if a white kid said that his scholarship offer would be revoked in about three minutes?

Is it true that Hunter Biden’s long, sordid, and sad history is finally catching up to the big guy who cannot construct his own sentences?

Is it true that the big guy, aka Joe Biden, might be fibbing a tad about his business relationship with his son and multiple complicit, corrupt countries abroad?

Is it true that the answer to all of these questions is YES?

Yes, it is.




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Engage. Enrage. Enjoy.

    • I see what you did there Dale.
      Biden will tucker out and The Donald will waltz in.

  • Oh Yes! Absolutely true. And one step further will reveal that advice is not something that should be ignored! No, no, ignore at your peril!

    Like the time Tip O’Neill told Biden to give that kid up for adoption the minute he was dropped on his noggin.

    Like the time that Pepe Jean Pierre got a gift card to SUPERCUTS.

    And the time that Zelensky used 1-800-set up my accounts to hide the money. Should used the boys from Ernest and Young. After all they work with other actors don’t they?

    You see hints are everywhere and truth is told often.

    Thanks for reminding us!

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