Above the fold

Enough Is Too Much

They say that all good things must come to an end.  We aren’t sure of that.  As a matter of fact, if you’ve been along for the five-plus years of BBR.com, you’ve learned that we tend to question more than we answer.

But, one thing that we are sure of is that it is time to move on.

The website has served its time and at times has served it well.  In no particular order, the maintenance, upkeep, time, and energy have taken their toll.  We don’t have bigger fish to fry, just different fish.

Our philosophy isn’t moving on, just the vessel that transports it is.

Let us summarize.

America has a big problem on its hands.  Any student of history or any learned human can see it.  We’re divided.  We’re divided because philosophically we’ve morphed a long way from where we were in a short period of time.

Some folks think it’s good.  Some not.

Dems now support war v. protesting against it is but one example.

In years gone by liberals would have marched against a vaccine that wasn’t a vaccine.  This go around they hysterically supported it.  Some still walk around wearing masks.  We almost feel sorry for them.

We once referred to crime as blue-collar or white-collar.  But, we’ve been asked to not see color any longer.  Besides, nobody wears collars anymore either.

A growing number of prosecutors are now bought and paid for by people named Soros.  He owns them for the price of not prosecuting.  He either hates America or has a death wish for us all.

We have stores closing in major cities left and right.  Cops won’t answer a theft call out much less arrest the thieves.  Store management is telling its employees to stand aside and watch.  Crime does pay.

We have a President who has no philosophy.  He’s a bought-and-paid-for career politician.  He’s been schilling for 40 years and tells us that there is much work to be done.  Supposedly 81 million bought into what he was selling.  What he was selling was far-left vitriol that promised pre-election to fold into his flock for the election if he would fold on a few of their wishes post-election.

He actually thinks that the economy is good.  “We’re building an economy from the bottom up and the middle out!”  He has no idea what that means cause it means nothing.  “And our Bidenomics plan is working.”  There is no plan.

Somebody was snorting cocaine in the White House recently.  God bless the queen, man.

The government doesn’t build the economy, capitalism does.  The government gets in the way of free trade with regulations on what those in power don’t like(oil)

and gives handouts to those that they do like(green).

Would you vote for Biden again?  If it’s Trump v Biden many will.   America will lose again. Trump lost and might lose again.

The left hates him as does the establishment right.  He threatens them because he exposes them for what they are.  You might hate his hubris, his pettiness, and his ego. But, if you look past that and see what he does, it is good for long-term America.  And he’s only been impeached or indicted about a half dozen times.

At least he has a backbone.

Biden walks, talks, and acts like an amoeba.  Was that last sentence hateful?  Truthful?  Both?

Climate change.  Climate change.  Climate change.   Say it enough and most will believe it.

We don’t talk anymore, we text, Instagram, or TicTok.  Elon owns Twitter.  He said yesterday, “Put the phone down, and go outside.”

The war on drugs isn’t going too well.  You open the border wider than ever and drugs flow in quantities larger than ever before.  Demand is not half of the problem, it’s all of the problem.  Supply isn’t the problem.  It wasn’t the problem and is even less so now.  San Fran hands out needles.

On the Fourth, we celebrated our nation’s independence.  Yet, daily, those in power attempt to make us more dependent.  You’re a victim.

Some want more gun control.  Sensible gun control they call it.  Yet, yesterday we celebrated those CITIZENS that fought for us with guns against GOVERNMENT tyranny nearly 250 years ago.  How many people shot off a bottle rocket yesterday and have no idea?

Our government would never do that to us, right?

Immigration unfettered is good, right?  Ask France this morning how that’s working out.

We hope that some of our articles gave you pause, made you think, or perhaps even changed your mind.

If you’d like to continue to read some of our rants and musings, let us know in the comment section and I’ll put you on a good old-fashioned email list.  When the mood strikes the words will pour into your inbox.

Thank you for your time.


Comment section

Engage. Enrage. Enjoy.

    • Got it. I’m just waiting on Dale’s and the list will be complete.

  • Put me on the list. Joseph.Roy.Miller@Gmail.com

    I must commend the BBR staff for it’s consistency over time. That is a measure that goes unrecognized. To produce a well written product is not just a skill but a discipline.

    Onward BBR. Boom Boom is proud!

    • Thank you. The quality goes in before the name goes on one once said. The reach outs to BBR makes one wonder if it is new Coke all over again.

  • Please do put me on the BBR email. I have enjoyed your observations unfettered by PC handlers. Media remains a vast desert for those who finally reach a semblance of wisdom later in life, only to find out, our voice and opinions are cancelled, bc logic and reason no longer matters in this landscape. BBR is a beacon of light.

    • Thank you fine sir. It’s been an eye opening day. Will do and agree with your analysis of the media.

        • Excellent comment.

          For now BBR, likely like Mervyn is dead to me as well. Maybe next week we’ll reconsider.

          Need to reach more skulls full of mush.

  • Enjoyed every minute of it! The rants, the raves, the left, the right. Please keep me on the short list. I set you up there, one last time…. for public view anyway.

    • Thank you. It’s the weirdest coincidence, but Lil Julie wrote the exact same thing. I’ll get back to her shortly.

        • I think that you are the only one young enough or smart enough to put an emoji in your comments. bravo. Miss you as well.

  • ESPN and Boom Booms Room were the first two websites I checked every morning. Thank you for making my days a little bit better for the past 5 years. Please keep the articles coming and add me to your email list!!

    • Hopefully not in that order! ESPN long ago joined the dark side of life. You’re on it. The number of reach outs makes me pause.

  • I have really enjoyed your posts over the years and hope you will keep sharing your thoughts with me. You are a great writer Don’t give up the fight!!!

    • Thank you sir. The calls, emails, etc have been surprising and enjoyable. I learned a few things today.

  • Stop it ,Really Come on ,is that the best you have — Then I wasted 3 years reading your finally written essay’s regarding Sports – Politics – and Life in General and a little about Gambling {that you can stop as your Fair at Best} — Would Reagan quit, he started a new career after 60. Stop it —
    Suck it up Buttercup, your Loved — take the week off and get back to work …… Come On !!!!!!

    • I saved the best comment and commentor for last.
      Buttercup? I’ve been called a lot of derogatory names, but not Buttercup. I guess I’m getting soft. I’ll strongly consider continuing under this format.
      The dilemma is 1) trying to remain fresh and 2) attracting new people that I would like to break through to.
      I’m not sure about #1, and #2 has been flat out disappointing. Rush Limbaugh would call them “young minds full of mush.” Where are they?