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Justice is Blind?

The reaction to the Supreme Court action striking down Affirmative Action was fast and mostly furious.

It’s been a tough 12 months for the left.  Last June the highest court in all of the land struck down Roe v. Wade.  Writing for the court majority, Justice Samuel Alito said that the 1973 Roe ruling and repeated subsequent high court decisions reaffirming Roe “must be overruled” because they were “egregiously wrong,” the arguments “exceptionally weak” and so “damaging” that they amounted to “an abuse of judicial authority.”

Yesterday, left-minded folks thought the repeal of Affirmative Action for college admissions should be “overruled” because it is “egregiously wrong” for minorities.  They went on and on basically saying that the action on the Action is “an abuse of judicial authority.”

It’s funny how that works when the system works but works against your belief.

President Joe Biden said, “This is not a normal court.”  Of course, twice on Tuesday, he said Putin was losing the war with Iraq.  That too isn’t normal, but we digress.   We wonder what a “normal court” is or looks like.

Speaking of looking like, Judge Kantanji Brown Jackson looks just like the person Joe Biden said he would appoint to the Supreme Court if he got a chance while in office.

“The person I will nominate will be someone with extraordinary qualifications, character, experience, and integrity. And that person will be the first Black woman ever nominated to the United States Supreme Court. It’s long overdue, in my view.”

Twitter handle The Babylon Bee pounced.  “Awkward: Supreme Court rules against Affirmative Action with Affirmative Action hire sitting right there.”

And Judge Jackson went all in.  The first Black woman to serve on the court wrote in a dissent: “With let-them-eat-cake obliviousness, today, the (court’s) majority pulls the ripcord and announces ‘colorblindness for all’ by legal fiat. But deeming race irrelevant in law does not make it so in life.”

Judge Clarence Thomas retorted, “Justice Jackson claims that this locks blacks into a seemingly perpetual inferior caste.  Such a view is irrational; it is an insult to individual achievement and cancerous to young minds seeking to push through the barriers, rather than consigning themselves to permanent victimhood.”

In 1991 then Deleware Senator Joe Biden chaired the Senate nomination committee that sent Thomas’ nomination to the full floor and confirmed him by a 52-48 vote to the bench.  The irony.

Harvard University admissions data revealed, amongst other things, that an Asian American in the 90-plus percentile range on entrance qualifications has less of a chance(12.7%) of gaining admission than an African American in the 40 percentile(12.8%).

“Affirmative” is defined as “supportive, hopeful, or encouraging.”  Do you think Asian Americans find the above supportive?  Hopeful?  Encouraging?  Discouraging?

The irony.  The very premise of Affirmative Action was to give everyone a fair chance by eliminating choosing one over another due to skin color.  It does exactly the opposite.

Playing the victim card just got harder.

And, we thought justice was blind.




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