Above the fold

$31,802, 940,127,334

Rule # 1.  Follow the Money.

Rule # 2.  See rule number 1.

A week from today America either defaults on its debt obligations, or it doesn’t.   It won’t.  The worst case is that both parties will agree to kick the can down the road as it has many times before.

Whether the Republican-controlled House and the Democratic-occupied (when not in Delaware) White House come to an agreement or not boils down to who gets what, as in who gets how much funding for what in the coming budget year(s).

Then that team can declare victory.  Usually, both teams declare victory even in defeat.

It’s a modified version of a previously modified version of The Golden Rule.  This version is he who makes the rules hands out the gold.

And, for the last three decades, we’ve been handing out a lot more gold than we’ve taken in.  Thirty-two trillion ($31,802,899,784,128 to be exact when we began writing) more and counting.

America doesn’t have a revenue problem, it has a spending problem.

Who’s fault is it?  It’s everyone’s fault.  Too few folks from all walks of life and the government demand action.

Money buys votes.  Money buys more money to campaign with when you give it to industries.

The House has already passed a bill to fund the debt.  With it comes freezes on spending in the coming years at the level we spent in 2022.

Democrats run out to the always-available mainstream media hacks microphones and scream that the elephants are going to starve children, kill the homeless, and give tax breaks to the rich.

Elizabeth Warren has no reservations(except where she should qualify to live) about asking for a wealth tax.  We need more gold.  That boils down to taxing what has been taxed.  It’s Robin Hood all over again.

Democrats call freezes “cuts.”  They aren’t.  They just aren’t increases.  And, they will still add to the burgeoning debt as the budget has more spending than revenue (which should always be called tax money received, not revenue).

Republicans, predictably, have no orator, no marketer, and few vessels to explain what they’ve done is indeed pass a bill to extend debt payments.  They can’t sell.

Karine Jean Claude Pepe de la Pierre said just yesterday, “This is something that the president has been saying for five months now, how it is important for Congress to act…”  They have acted.  What percent of America knows that?  Cares?

We don’t even want to keep what we haven’t spent.  Covid ended 18 months ago, but the nation’s Covid emergency status and funding didn’t end until this just past April.  “So, if COVID is now a thing of the past, why is it controversial for us to reclaim the billions of unobligated COVID funds?” asks Rep. Lauren Brobert.

That’s an easy one.  The money can be turned into pet projects which garner election-day votes.

Want to “save” 10k on your next car, buy electric.  More electricity means less gas.  Less gas means fewer Texans with big cowboy hats full of money.  Fewer hats means less money funding the heathens.

Want 10k of your college loan debt reduced?  Raise your hand.

Want more votes?  Reduce border security spending.  Open the border like a sieve and hand the new illegals 300 bucks a week and a hotel room.  Give them paperwork that states that they have a court date in 2027.  No rush.

Let them vote meanwhile if you can.  Maybe Texas will turn blue sooner than later.

It’s all working well.  Ask Joe himself.  “My agenda is bringing back good-paying jobs to communities that’ve been hollowed out and left behind for decades. We’re building an America we can take pride in.”

Meanwhile, Biden walks around telling assembled groups that he’s cut the deficit by 1.7 trillion.  Sometimes he says 1.7 billion.  Sometimes he says 1.7 million.  Big numbers can be confusing.

A pathological liar tells lies and stories that fall somewhere between conscious lying and delusion. They sometimes believe their own lies.

Take a look at any chart over time and see if you can see any year that we haven’t had an increase in the national debt since Clinton.  But don’t take long. You’re wasting your time.

Speaking of time, the national debt clock increased by 41 million dollars since word one above was typed.



Comment section

Engage. Enrage. Enjoy.

    • The check is in the mail except it isn’t addressed to you. It’s going to BLM. If you haven’t heard they have fallen on hard times.

  • That is okay. Super excited to announce today that we have added another letter to our Alphabet community. The letter “F” was added so we could be inclusive. We are now the Old, White, Angry, and Fat (OWAF+) community. I believe with that last group we have now surpassed the LGB+ community in population. T-Shirts to come soon!

  • GOP should have long ago created a list of the most crazy items in the budget that are unpopular with voters, and make sure it is constantly communicated. Instead, dysfunctional GOP leadership allows the Woke media to sweep all the crazy spending under the rug, with no light of the day . John McCain is missed.

    • McCain was polarizing for many on the right, but he did try to keep some worthless giveaways at bay.