Above the fold

Mis and Dis

George Washington once confessed, “I cannot tell a lie father, I chopped down the cherry tree.”  Or did he?

Multiple checks on Al Gore’s internet this AM seem to universally debunk the claim calling it a myth.  Apparently, someone fibbed telling you as a child about old wooden tooth slave-owning first prez George.  Except they called it a myth.

Fast forward two hundred years to the early 70s and another president took it a step further. “I am not a crook,” said crook Richard Milhouse Nixon.  That was no myth.  That was a big fib at a minimum, or a flat-out lie if you prefer.

Joe Biden’s first bid for the American presidency ended abruptly. In his closing remarks at a Democratic primary debate, he lifted passages from one of Brit Neil Kinnock’s most moving speeches without attribution. The resulting plagiarism “scandal” sank Biden’s campaign.  He wasn’t lying, he was just cheating.

Bill Clinton was cheating.  ” I did not have sex with that woman,” he shrilled with intense eyes.  He upped the entire game.  He lied about cheating.

All of those scoundrels and scandals paved the way for today’s “misinformation” and “disinformation.”  It’s hard to distinguish between the two and who is missing and dissing.

For the record, misinformation is false or inaccurate information, especially that which is deliberately intended to deceive.  Disinformation is false information that is intended to mislead, especially propaganda issued by a government organization to the media. 

Got that?  Sounds like it’s hard to tell a lie from a lie.  That’s because it is.

America is now being told myths, fibs, lies, misinformed, and disinformed daily.

Alejandro Nicholas Mayorkas, United States Secretary of Homeland Security, said under oath this week,  “Let me be clear.  Our border is not open!”

Mask on, mask off.  They work, they don’t.  Bill deBlasio liked them so much that he recommended two at a time.

Vaccines work.  Get more.  Get more than two boosters.

Karine Jean Claude Pepe Von Damme Pierre stood before the press yesterday and reminded us, “Kids have lost so much in the pandemic.  This is why when the president walked in, he made it a priority to open schools.”   She redefines the word falsehood every time she steps before the mike.

Then the President really did walk into a presser and said that his economic plan is working.  “We’re building an economy that works from the bottom up and the middle out.”  Whatever that means.  “Inflation is down.  Jobs are plentiful.”

At least those little white lies(not a big fat whopper) were his own words this time.

He forgot to mention that the stock market is down, interest rates are up, real wages are down, and a recession looms.

We call those ommissions, not lies nor plagiarism.





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  • At this point in time, aren’t we all more shocked when a politician tells the TRUTH?